[Pkg-javascript-commits] [libjs-handlebars] 03/07: Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.5'

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Mon Mar 7 08:41:32 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository libjs-handlebars.

commit b896e15fb1c9596ca53723b622fd24b5a8b27d88
Merge: fe11fe4 65f4de6
Author: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <praveen at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Mar 7 13:10:26 2016 +0530

    Merge tag 'upstream/4.0.5'
    Upstream version 4.0.5
    # gpg: Signature made Monday 07 March 2016 01:10:22 PM IST using RSA key ID 4512C22A
    # gpg: Good signature from "Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (piratepin) <praveen at debian.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (pirates.org.in) <praveen at onenetbeyond.org>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (piratesin) <me at j4v4m4n.in>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Pirate Praveen (PP) <praveen at privacyrequired.com>"
    # gpg:                 aka "Praveen Arimbrathodiyil (j4v4m4n) <pravi.a at gmail.com>"

 .eslintrc                                      |  200 ++
 .gitignore                                     |   12 +
 .gitmodules                                    |    3 +
 .istanbul.yml                                  |    2 +
 .npmignore                                     |   25 +
 .travis.yml                                    |   27 +
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                |   80 +
 FAQ.md                                         |   60 +
 Gruntfile.js                                   |  238 ++
 LICENSE                                        |   19 +
 README.markdown                                |  165 ++
 bench/.eslintrc                                |   14 +
 bench/dist-size.js                             |   38 +
 bench/index.js                                 |   14 +
 bench/precompile-size.js                       |   19 +
 bench/templates/arguments.js                   |   12 +
 bench/templates/array-each.js                  |    7 +
 bench/templates/array-mustache.js              |    4 +
 bench/templates/complex.dust                   |   14 +
 bench/templates/complex.eco                    |   14 +
 bench/templates/complex.handlebars             |   14 +
 bench/templates/complex.js                     |   20 +
 bench/templates/complex.mustache               |   13 +
 bench/templates/data.js                        |    4 +
 bench/templates/depth-1.js                     |    6 +
 bench/templates/depth-2.js                     |    6 +
 bench/templates/index.js                       |    9 +
 bench/templates/object-mustache.js             |    4 +
 bench/templates/object.js                      |    7 +
 bench/templates/partial-recursion.js           |   10 +
 bench/templates/partial.js                     |   11 +
 bench/templates/paths.js                       |    7 +
 bench/templates/string.js                      |    7 +
 bench/templates/subexpression.js               |   14 +
 bench/templates/variables.js                   |    8 +
 bench/throughput.js                            |  130 +
 bench/util/benchwarmer.js                      |  197 ++
 bench/util/template-runner.js                  |   29 +
 bin/handlebars                                 |  128 +
 components/bower.json                          |    7 +
 components/component.json                      |    9 +
 components/composer.json                       |   35 +
 components/handlebars-source.gemspec           |   22 +
 components/handlebars.js.nuspec                |   17 +
 components/lib/handlebars/source.rb            |   11 +
 docs/compiler-api.md                           |  316 +++
 docs/decorators-api.md                         |   19 +
 handlebars-v2.0.0.js                           | 3079 ------------------------
 lib/handlebars.js                              |   41 +
 lib/handlebars.runtime.js                      |   37 +
 lib/handlebars/base.js                         |   78 +
 lib/handlebars/compiler/ast.js                 |   28 +
 lib/handlebars/compiler/base.js                |   24 +
 lib/handlebars/compiler/code-gen.js            |  168 ++
 lib/handlebars/compiler/compiler.js            |  558 +++++
 lib/handlebars/compiler/helpers.js             |  212 ++
 lib/handlebars/compiler/javascript-compiler.js | 1135 +++++++++
 lib/handlebars/compiler/printer.js             |  171 ++
 lib/handlebars/compiler/visitor.js             |  129 +
 lib/handlebars/compiler/whitespace-control.js  |  216 ++
 lib/handlebars/decorators.js                   |    6 +
 lib/handlebars/decorators/inline.js            |   22 +
 lib/handlebars/exception.js                    |   35 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers.js                      |   17 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/block-helper-missing.js |   32 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/each.js                 |   79 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/helper-missing.js       |   13 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/if.js                   |   20 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/log.js                  |   19 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/lookup.js               |    5 +
 lib/handlebars/helpers/with.js                 |   24 +
 lib/handlebars/logger.js                       |   35 +
 lib/handlebars/no-conflict.js                  |   13 +
 lib/handlebars/runtime.js                      |  269 +++
 lib/handlebars/safe-string.js                  |   10 +
 lib/handlebars/utils.js                        |  108 +
 lib/index.js                                   |   25 +
 lib/precompiler.js                             |  276 +++
 package.json                                   |   77 +
 print-script                                   |   95 +
 release-notes.md                               |  462 ++++
 runtime.js                                     |    3 +
 spec/.eslintrc                                 |   36 +
 spec/amd-runtime.html                          |  105 +
 spec/amd.html                                  |  125 +
 spec/artifacts/bom.handlebars                  |    1 +
 spec/artifacts/empty.handlebars                |    0
 spec/artifacts/example_1.handlebars            |    1 +
 spec/artifacts/example_2.hbs                   |    1 +
 spec/ast.js                                    |  244 ++
 spec/basic.js                                  |  305 +++
 spec/blocks.js                                 |  347 +++
 spec/builtins.js                               |  435 ++++
 spec/compiler.js                               |   74 +
 spec/data.js                                   |  271 +++
 spec/env/browser.js                            |   35 +
 spec/env/common.js                             |   75 +
 spec/env/json2.js                              |  489 ++++
 spec/env/node.js                               |   24 +
 spec/env/require.js                            | 2054 ++++++++++++++++
 spec/env/runner.js                             |   59 +
 spec/env/runtime.js                            |   55 +
 spec/expected/empty.amd.js                     |    6 +
 spec/helpers.js                                |  740 ++++++
 spec/index.html                                |   96 +
 spec/javascript-compiler.js                    |   78 +
 spec/parser.js                                 |  293 +++
 spec/partials.js                               |  375 +++
 spec/precompiler.js                            |  253 ++
 spec/regressions.js                            |  250 ++
 spec/require.js                                |   23 +
 spec/runtime.js                                |   89 +
 spec/source-map.js                             |   50 +
 spec/spec.js                                   |   50 +
 spec/strict.js                                 |  140 ++
 spec/string-params.js                          |  176 ++
 spec/subexpressions.js                         |  238 ++
 spec/tokenizer.js                              |  444 ++++
 spec/track-ids.js                              |  237 ++
 spec/umd-runtime.html                          |   89 +
 spec/umd.html                                  |  109 +
 spec/utils.js                                  |   80 +
 spec/visitor.js                                |  142 ++
 spec/whitespace-control.js                     |   77 +
 src/handlebars.l                               |  126 +
 src/handlebars.yy                              |  166 ++
 src/parser-prefix.js                           |    1 +
 src/parser-suffix.js                           |    2 +
 tasks/.eslintrc                                |   16 +
 tasks/metrics.js                               |   23 +
 tasks/parser.js                                |   29 +
 tasks/publish.js                               |   83 +
 tasks/test.js                                  |   67 +
 tasks/util/git.js                              |  107 +
 tasks/version.js                               |   41 +
 135 files changed, 15901 insertions(+), 3079 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/libjs-handlebars.git

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