[Pkg-javascript-commits] [leaflet-markercluster] 140/219: Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/ghybs/Leaflet.markercluster into patch-1
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Sat May 7 09:39:28 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository leaflet-markercluster.
commit 88233ae3687945d9de7f6eb8c1106c69f03242c3
Merge: 52d238a 739c6f1
Author: ghybs <ghybs1 at gmail.com>
Date: Mon Oct 19 09:52:48 2015 +0400
Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/ghybs/Leaflet.markercluster into patch-1
README.md | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++-------
1 file changed, 20 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --cc README.md
index 3743b14,4d76604..79336f1
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@@ -61,16 -66,23 +66,24 @@@ Enabled by default (boolean options)
* **zoomToBoundsOnClick**: When you click a cluster we zoom to its bounds.
* **spiderfyOnMaxZoom**: When you click a cluster at the bottom zoom level we spiderfy it so you can see all of its markers. (*Note: the spiderfy occurs at the current zoom level if all items within the cluster are physically located at the same latitude and longitude.*)
* **removeOutsideVisibleBounds**: Clusters and markers too far from the viewport are removed from the map for performance.
-* **chunkedLoading**: When using addLayers, split the processing in small intervals so that the page does not freeze. See also options chunkInterval, chunkDelay and chunkProgress below.
+* **animate**: Smoothly split / merge cluster children when zooming and spiderfying. If `L.DomUtil.TRANSITION` is false, this option has no effect (no animation is possible).
Other options
-* **animateAddingMarkers**: If set to true then adding individual markers to the MarkerClusterGroup after it has been added to the map will add the marker and animate it in to the cluster. Defaults to false as this gives better performance when bulk adding markers. addLayers does not support this, only addLayer with individual Markers.
-* **disableClusteringAtZoom**: If set, at this zoom level and below markers will not be clustered. This defaults to disabled. [See Example](http://leaflet.github.com/Leaflet.markercluster/example/marker-clustering-realworld-maxzoom.388.html).
+* **animateAddingMarkers**: If set to true (and `animate` option is also true) then adding individual markers to the MarkerClusterGroup after it has been added to the map will add the marker and animate it into the cluster. Defaults to false as this gives better performance when bulk adding markers. addLayers does not support this, only addLayer with individual Markers.
+* **disableClusteringAtZoom**: If set, at this zoom level and below markers will not be clustered. This defaults to disabled. [See Example](http://leaflet.github.com/Leaflet.markercluster/example/marker-clustering-realworld-maxzoom.388.html)
++* **chunkedLoading**: When using addLayers, split the processing in small intervals so that the page does not freeze. See also options chunkInterval, chunkDelay and chunkProgress below.
* **maxClusterRadius**: The maximum radius that a cluster will cover from the central marker (in pixels). Default 80. Decreasing will make more, smaller clusters. You can also use a function that accepts the current map zoom and returns the maximum cluster radius in pixels.
- * **polygonOptions**: Options to pass when creating the L.Polygon(points, options) to show the bounds of a cluster
- * **singleMarkerMode**: If set to true, overrides the icon for all added markers to make them appear as a 1 size cluster
- * **spiderfyDistanceMultiplier**: Increase from 1 to increase the distance away from the center that spiderfied markers are placed. Use if you are using big marker icons (Default:1)
+ * **polygonOptions**: Options to pass when creating the L.Polygon(points, options) to show the bounds of a cluster. Defaults to empty, which lets Leaflet use the [default Path options](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#path-options).
+ * **singleMarkerMode**: If set to true, overrides the icon for all added markers to make them appear as a 1 size cluster.
+ * **spiderLegPolylineOptions**: Allows you to specify [PolylineOptions](http://leafletjs.com/reference.html#polyline-options) to style spider legs. By default, they are `{ weight: 1.5, color: '#222' }`.
+ * **spiderfyDistanceMultiplier**: Increase from 1 to increase the distance away from the center that spiderfied markers are placed. Use if you are using big marker icons (Default: 1).
* **iconCreateFunction**: Function used to create the cluster icon [See default as example](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/blob/15ed12654acdc54a4521789c498e4603fe4bf781/src/MarkerClusterGroup.js#L542).
+ * **chunkInterval**: Time interval (in ms) during which addLayers works before pausing to let the rest of the page process. In particular, this prevents the page from freezing while adding a lot of markers. Defaults to 200ms.
+ * **chunkDelay**: Time delay (in ms) between consecutive periods of processing for addLayers. Default to 50ms.
+ * **chunkProgress**: Callback function that is called at the end of each chunkInterval. Typically used to implement a progress indicator, e.g. [code in RealWorld 50k](https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster/blob/master/example/marker-clustering-realworld.50000.html#L33-L49). Defaults to null. Arguments:
+ 1. Number of processed markers
+ 2. Total number of markers being added
+ 3. Elapsed time (in ms)
## Events
If you register for click, mouseover, etc events are just related to Markers in the cluster.
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