[Pkg-javascript-commits] [leaflet-markercluster] 163/219: Added bounds expansion to Infinity

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Sat May 7 09:39:30 UTC 2016

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js pushed a commit to branch master
in repository leaflet-markercluster.

commit 95dbec9ece384a1e8df44a136d4b83df0b635be2
Author: ghybs <ghybs1 at gmail.com>
Date:   Sat Oct 24 17:46:51 2015 +0400

    Added bounds expansion to Infinity
    to avoid hiding markers above the Web Mercator projection maximum latitude (or below minimum latitude) whereas when the same markers are used outside MCG, Leaflet shows them at that limit.
 spec/suites/removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec.js | 195 ++++++++++++++------------
 src/MarkerClusterGroup.js                     |  31 +++-
 2 files changed, 134 insertions(+), 92 deletions(-)

diff --git a/spec/suites/removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec.js b/spec/suites/removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec.js
index e7a633a..1695add 100644
--- a/spec/suites/removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec.js
+++ b/spec/suites/removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec.js
@@ -1,75 +1,44 @@
 describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
-	 * Wrapper for Mocha's `it` function, to avoid using `beforeEach` and `afterEach`
-	 * which create problems with PhantomJS when total number of tests (across all suites)
-	 * increases. Might be due to use of promises for which PhantomJS performs badly?
-	 * @param testDescription string
-	 * @param testInstructions function
-	 * @param testFinally function to be executed just before afterEach2, in the `finally` block.
+	 * Avoid as much as possible creating and destroying objects for each test.
+	 * Instead, try re-using them, except for the ones under test of course.
+	 * PhantomJS does not perform garbage collection for the life of the page,
+	 * i.e. during the entire test process (Karma runs all tests in a single page).
+	 * http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27239708/how-to-get-around-memory-error-with-karma-phantomjs
+	 *
+	 * The `beforeEach` and `afterEach do not seem to cause much issue.
+	 * => they can still be used to initialize some setup between each test.
+	 * Using them keeps a readable spec/index.
+	 *
+	 * But refrain from re-creating div and map every time. Re-use those objects.
-	function it2(testDescription, testInstructions, testFinally) {
-		it(testDescription, function () {
-			// Before each test.
-			if (typeof beforeEach2 === "function") {
-				beforeEach2();
-			}
-			try {
-				// Perform the actual test instructions.
-				testInstructions();
-			} catch (e) {
-				// Re-throw the exception so that Mocha sees the failed test.
-				throw e;
-			} finally {
-				// If specific final instructions are provided.
-				if (typeof testFinally === "function") {
-					testFinally();
-				}
-				// After each test.
-				if (typeof afterEach2 === "function") {
-					afterEach2();
-				}
-			}
-		});
-	}
-	/**
-	 * Instructions to be executed before each test called with `it2`.
-	 */
-	function beforeEach2() {
+	beforeEach(function () {
 		// Nothing for this test suite.
-	}
+	});
-	/**
-	 * Instructions to be executed after each test called with `it2`.
-	 */
-	function afterEach2() {
+	afterEach(function () {
+		// Restore the previous setting, so that even in case of test failure, next tests are not affected.
+		L.Browser.mobile = previousMobileSetting;
 		if (group instanceof L.MarkerClusterGroup) {
-		// Throw away group as it can be assigned with different configurations between tests.
+		// group must be thrown away since we are testing it with a potentially
+		// different configuration at each test.
 		group = null;
-	}
+	});
@@ -81,7 +50,9 @@ describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
 	    marker3 = L.marker([1.5, 1.5]), // In view port.
 	    marker4 = L.marker([1.5, 2.4]), // 1 screen width away.
 	    marker5 = L.marker([1.5, 3.4]), // 2 screens width away.
-	    div, map, group, previousMobileSetting;
+	    markers = [marker1, marker2, marker3, marker4, marker5],
+	    previousMobileSetting = L.Browser.mobile,
+	    div, map, group, i;
 	div = document.createElement('div');
 	div.style.width = '200px';
@@ -97,24 +68,17 @@ describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
 	// Add all markers once to map then remove them immediately so that their icon is null (instead of undefined).
-	map.removeLayer(marker1.addTo(map));
-	map.removeLayer(marker2.addTo(map));
-	map.removeLayer(marker3.addTo(map));
-	map.removeLayer(marker4.addTo(map));
-	map.removeLayer(marker5.addTo(map));
+	for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
+		map.removeLayer(markers[i].addTo(map));
+	}
 	function prepareGroup() {
-		// Group should be assigned with a Marker Cluster Group before calling this function.
+		// "group" should be assigned with a Marker Cluster Group before calling this function.
-		// Add markers 1 by 1 to make sure we do not create an async process.
-		marker1.addTo(group);
-		marker2.addTo(group);
-		marker3.addTo(group);
-		marker4.addTo(group);
-		marker5.addTo(group);
+		group.addLayers(markers);
@@ -122,7 +86,7 @@ describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
 	// TESTS
-	it2('removes objects more than 1 screen away from view port by default', function () {
+	it('removes objects more than 1 screen away from view port by default', function () {
 		group = L.markerClusterGroup();
@@ -134,35 +98,24 @@ describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
-	it2(
-		'removes objects out of view port by default for mobile device',
+	it('removes objects out of view port by default for mobile device', function () {
-		function () {
+		// Fool Leaflet, make it thinks it runs on a mobile device.
+		L.Browser.mobile = true;
-			// Fool Leaflet, make it thinks it runs on a mobile device.
-			previousMobileSetting = L.Browser.mobile;
-			L.Browser.mobile = true;
-			group = L.markerClusterGroup();
-			prepareGroup();
+		group = L.markerClusterGroup();
-			expect(marker1._icon).to.be(null);
-			expect(marker2._icon).to.be(null);
-			expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length).to.be(1); // marker 3 only.
-			expect(marker4._icon).to.be(null);
-			expect(marker5._icon).to.be(null);
+		prepareGroup();
-		},
+		expect(marker1._icon).to.be(null);
+		expect(marker2._icon).to.be(null);
+		expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length).to.be(1); // marker 3 only.
+		expect(marker4._icon).to.be(null);
+		expect(marker5._icon).to.be(null);
-		// Extra final instruction to be called even on failure.
-		function () {
-			// Restore original setting, so that next tests are unaffected.
-			L.Browser.mobile = previousMobileSetting;
-		}
-	);
+	});
-	it2('leaves all objects on map when set to false', function () {
+	it('leaves all objects on map when set to false', function () {
 		group = L.markerClusterGroup({
 			removeOutsideVisibleBounds: false
@@ -174,6 +127,70 @@ describe('Option removeOutsideVisibleBounds', function () {
+	// Following tests need markers at very high latitude.
+	// They test the _checkBounds method against the default Web/Spherical Mercator projection maximum latitude (85.0511287798).
+	function moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat() {
+		var latLngs = [
+			[89, 0], // Impossible in real world, but nothing prevents the user from entering such latitude, and  Web/Spherical Mercator projection will still display it at 85.0511287798
+			[87.9, 0], // 2 "screen" heights away.
+			[85.0, 0], // In center of view.
+			[83.1, 0], // 1 "screen" height away.
+			[82.1, 0] // 2 "screens" height away.
+		];
+		for (i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) {
+			markers[i].setLatLng(latLngs[i]);
+			console.log(i + ": " + markers[i].getLatLng());
+		}
+		map.fitBounds([
+			[84, -1],
+			[86, 1] // The actual longitude span will be wider. '-8.7890625,83.64783722095373,8.7890625,85.3238789974019'
+		]);
+		// expanded visible bounds should then equal '-26.3671875,81.97179544450556,26.3671875,86.99992077385008'
+		// expanded visible bounds should then equal '-26.3671875,81.97179544450556,26.3671875,Infinity'
+	}
+	function checkProjection() {
+		expect(map.options.crs).to.equal(L.CRS.EPSG3857);
+		expect(L.CRS.EPSG3857.projection).to.equal(L.Projection.SphericalMercator);
+		expect(L.Projection.SphericalMercator.MAX_LATITUDE).to.be.a('number');
+	}
+	it('includes objects above the Web Mercator projection maximum limit by default', function () {
+		moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat();
+		group = L.markerClusterGroup();
+		prepareGroup();
+		checkProjection();
+		console.log("Bounds: " + group._getExpandedVisibleBounds().toBBoxString());
+		expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length).to.be(5); // all 5 markers.
+	});
+	it('includes objects above the Web Mercator projection maximum limit for mobile device', function () {
+		// Fool Leaflet, make it thinks it runs on a mobile device.
+		L.Browser.mobile = true;
+		moveMarkersAndMapToMaxLat();
+		group = L.markerClusterGroup();
+		prepareGroup();
+		checkProjection();
+		expect(map._panes.markerPane.childNodes.length).to.be(4); // markers 1, 2, 3 and 4.
+		expect(marker5._icon).to.be(null);
+	});
diff --git a/src/MarkerClusterGroup.js b/src/MarkerClusterGroup.js
index 099b451..492ac16 100644
--- a/src/MarkerClusterGroup.js
+++ b/src/MarkerClusterGroup.js
@@ -503,6 +503,8 @@ L.MarkerClusterGroup = L.FeatureGroup.extend({
+		this._maxLat = map.options.crs.projection.MAX_LATITUDE;
 		for (i = 0, l = this._needsRemoving.length; i < l; i++) {
 			layer = this._needsRemoving[i];
 			this._removeLayer(layer, true);
@@ -542,7 +544,7 @@ L.MarkerClusterGroup = L.FeatureGroup.extend({
+		delete this._maxLat;
 		//Clean up all the layers we added to the map
@@ -920,10 +922,33 @@ L.MarkerClusterGroup = L.FeatureGroup.extend({
 		if (!this.options.removeOutsideVisibleBounds) {
 			return this._mapBoundsInfinite;
 		} else if (L.Browser.mobile) {
-			return this._map.getBounds();
+			return this._checkBounds(this._map.getBounds());
-		return this._map.getBounds().pad(1); // Padding expands the bounds by its own dimensions but scaled with the given factor.
+		return this._checkBounds(this._map.getBounds().pad(1)); // Padding expands the bounds by its own dimensions but scaled with the given factor.
+	},
+	/**
+	 * Expands the latitude to Infinity (or -Infinity) if the input bounds reach the map projection maximum defined latitude (in the case of Web/Spherical Mercator, it is 85.0511287798).
+	 * Otherwise, the removeOutsideVisibleBounds option will remove markers beyond that limit, whereas the same markers without this option (or outside MCG) will have their position
+	 * floored (ceiled) by the projection and rendered at that limit, making the user think MCG "eats" them and never displays them again.
+	 * @param bounds L.LatLngBounds
+	 * @returns {L.LatLngBounds}
+	 * @private
+	 */
+	_checkBounds: function (bounds) {
+		var maxLat = this._maxLat;
+		if (maxLat !== undefined) {
+			if (bounds.getNorth() >= maxLat) {
+				bounds._northEast.lat = Infinity;
+			}
+			if (bounds.getSouth() <= -maxLat) {
+				bounds._southWest.lat = -Infinity;
+			}
+		}
+		return bounds;
 	//Shared animation code

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