[Pkg-javascript-commits] [leaflet-markercluster] annotated tag debian/0.5.0_dfsg-1 created (now 6307b21)
Jonas Smedegaard
dr at jones.dk
Sat May 7 09:39:44 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
js pushed a change to annotated tag debian/0.5.0_dfsg-1
in repository leaflet-markercluster.
at 6307b21 (tag)
tagging 04889010c2cfd73f0983d7271f5597160521c701 (commit)
replaces upstream/0.5.0_dfsg
tagged by Jonas Smedegaard
on Sat May 7 11:42:15 2016 +0200
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
leaflet-markercluster Debian release 0.5.0~dfsg-1
Version: GnuPG v1
Andrew Harvey (16):
initial skeleton files to bootstrap the repository
Merge branch 'upstream'
add patch to skip jshint checks
update watch file to mangle version for dfsg tag
add ITP bug number to debian/changelog
dump debhelper compatability level
fix upstream readme and changelog installation
reorder licenses in debian/copyright and bump years
remove debian/control.in since it is all defined in debian/control
include examples in package
add patch for examples to use packaged libraries
set maintainer to Debian GIS Team
debian/rules cleanup
Adding extra copyright owner which isn't in MIT-LICENSE.txt, but is added to target files.
update debian/watch
update upstream location
Jonas Smedegaard (62):
Use collab-maint group for packaging git.
Change maintainer to Debian Javascript Maintainers.
Use default repackaging tag (~dfsg).
Update upstream URL in DEB_UPSTREAM_URL hint.
Add README.source, documenting use of CDBS and git-buildpackage.
Stop suppressing optional build-dependencies: Available even in oldstable.
Lower debhelper compatibility level to 8: Available in oldstable, and we use no features newer than that.
Bump standards-version to 3.9.5.
Relax to build-depend unversioned on cdbs and debhelper: Needed versions available even in oldstable. Build-depend on devscript: Needed for (not yet enabled) copyright-check.
Auto-resolve build-dependencies.
Tighten licensing of packaging to GPL-3+, with only patches using more liberal triple-licensing.
Simplify repackaging exlusions.
Suppress import of upstream shipped .gitignore file, instead of stripping it when repackaging.
Fix cover copyright/licensing info for more files.
Fix document repackaged source in copyright file.
Fix example file paths during install, and drop coresponding patch 2002.
Git-ignore quilt .pc dir.
Fix adjust watch file dversionmange option to match default repackaging suffix.
Tidy and shrink patch 2001: No need to strip unused function.
Declare binary package relations in rules file, and recommend unversioned on libjs-leaflet: No unsupported version available in Debian.
Add copyright hints, to enable tracking.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Move packaging to pkg-javascript team.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.4_dfsg'
Depend on (not recommend) leaflet, and tighten to recent versions.
Improve example files path fixing (i.e. Debian relative paths instead of CDN) to be version-agnostic.
Copyright file: Cover newly included convenience code copies.
Update patch 2001.
Add patch 2002 to adapt build script to support Uglifyjs 1.x.
Prepare for release: Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Fix use common install path for example files. Also fixes applying path adjustments to those example files.
Tidy rules file: Generalize js-destwebdir.
Install into same dir as Leaflet itself.
Fix cleanup uglified code in clean target.
Tidy rules file: merge perl calls.
Fix invoke jake only once.
drop examples needing DFSG-nonfree or raw source files.
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Use recent Uglifyjs: Drop patch 2002. Tighten to build-depend versioned on node-uglify.
Update Vcs-Browser URL to use cgit web frontend.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.6.
Add alternate git source URL.
Update upstream version numbering scheme in watch file and upstream-tarball hints in rules file.
Stop tracking md5sum of upstream tarball.
Update copyright info: Extend coverage for myself to include current year.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.4.0_dfsg'
Prepare for release: Update changelog.
Update watch file: Bump file format to version 4. Use github pattern from ducmentation. Set repacksuffix. Add usage comment.
Modernize git-buildpackage config: Avoid git- prefix. Filter any .gitignore file.
Use https protocol in Vcs-Git URL.
Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
Drop CDBS get-orig-source target: Use "gbp import-orig --uscan" instead.
Update copyright info: Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney.
Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450.
Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
Tidy rules file: Suppress versioned debhelper build-dependency.
Add lintian override regarding debhelper 9.
Update copyright info: Extend copyright of packaging to cover current year.
Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.0_dfsg'
Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.
This annotated tag includes the following new commits:
new a6628a6 correcting date of v0.4 changes in CHANGELOG.md
new a7b9136 Merge pull request #291 from migmruiz/patch-1
new 8b65285 Add chunkedLoading option. refs #292
new cf6f45e Use chunkedLoading for the 2 big examples
new e102ec0 Fix up a performance issue found, when adding markers we were doing a lot of unnecessary checks for duplicate markers.
new 289ae90 Remove console.log lines
new c1d4a88 Update build
new 8732cb4 instrument time elapsed and report progress
new 8d53c8a add a simple progress bar to the 50K sample
new 9381d3e Add ability to use a function for maxClusterRadius
new f7bd083 Update README.md
new 05f2131 fixed tabs and spacing
new f7de94b fixed other style issues
new 683bf4c Fix zoom out with a single circle marker. fixes #300
new 2b22452 Merge pull request #298 from Schwanksta/patch-1
new e78b61d Little bit of tidy up, refs #298
new caa138d Update build
new 3ad6e75 Added Bower configuration file
new ba53f30 Updated README to include instructions on installing via Bower
new 04a50ab Merge pull request #307 from Wildhoney/BOWER
new a718530 Revert "instrument time elapsed and report progress"
new cb5662e Merge pull request #294 from mindplay-dk/better-loading
new 85120c2 whitespace
new 78ccf98 More whitespace fixes :)
new fb4b6d3 Merge branch 'better-loading'
new 436caf0 Update build
new 55cbaa6 Fire animationend event even in non-animated versions of the zoom in/out animation. Makes oldie fire the same events as modern browsers. Fixes #310
new 4f19c14 Make chunked=false option work. woops.
new 6e9ffc4 Update build
new 34eb38f Fix getBounds when removeOutsideVisibleBounds: false is set. fixes #321
new 4a095f5 Update build
new 649c0ef Update all examples to use OSM tiles
new c0ffbc7 Add some removeLayers tests, everything seems to be working.
new 332c5f8 Test for new bug on #286
new 339ee4a Fix for new bug on #286
new f865dc1 Add a test page to reproduce #344
new 254198a Do an intersects test rather than a contains when testing for a zoom in. Fixes #344
new 057931f Added css and changed to non-minified js in bower spec
new 6dc3ce8 Add test case for a bug when calling removeLayers when spiderified
new 129cdf6 Bug fix + test for 6dc3
new fe3bbd3 Update build
new 383da28 Fix typo in README (recieve --> receive)
new 1c62494 Merge pull request #378 from fureigh/master
new ac0b77b Merge pull request #353 from wiggin/master
new ba0c214 Return the whole map bounds instead of our size for _getExpandedVisibleBounds so they are always valid
new c0b5778 Update build
new 232e4bf adds additional events to README
new e85282a Merge pull request #413 from maackle/master
new ab3cdd4 made a minor change to _zoomOrSpiderfy to Spiderfy without zooming if everything in the cluster is at the same lat long. This prevents zooming into max level if there is no real reason to do so, since all points will be at the same location. This minor change increased usability in a personal project.
new 50f0a55 fixed whitespace issues
new f79a3d0 fixed a newly created whitespace issue
new bdb00de updated readme to reflect new difference in behavior for spiderfyOnMaxZoom option
new 229eb9c changed a small formatting issue to include italic in the entire note
new 37cdfca Merge pull request #415 from rdenniston/master
new 90fbaca Provide more detailed context information on the spiderfied event
new ac8c706 Fix indention from spaces to tabs
new 5e2eda7 Merge pull request #358 from Grsmto/spiderified-removelayers
new c5864db Update README.md
new 9b923fb Added dependencies in bower.json
new e63f39e Merge pull request #440 from IvanSanchez/master
new 2099aef On becoming visible, markers retain their original opacity. Fixes Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster#312
new 477a0e4 Fix indentation to make Jake and TravisCI happy.
new 773d500 Have spiderifier use the opacity-retaining functionality.
new 53997cd Fire unspiderfied event
new 57f2c79 bower.json: ignore tests and examples. Solves #462, reduces the bower distribution size ~7 times.
new 7ab96ae Merge pull request #463 from ChALkeR/master
new c40768b Merge pull request #1 from Leaflet/master
new fa487f5 polyline styling options - attempt 2
new 3d3f002 Merge pull request #466 from weftio/polyline-options-attempt2
new a861842 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/Leaflet/Leaflet.markercluster
new 13c6aff Unit tests for the "remember opacity" functionality
new 1659237 Merge pull request #444 from MazeMap/master
new b66b9d7 Added "main" property to bower.json to make it compatible with wiredep
new 3c97c40 Merge pull request #484 from SamuelBolduc/master
new 5cd7b4b Update for README.md
new 9f975fa Merge pull request #487 from franckl/patch-1
new 732ad45 Adding repository field to package.json
new e96388d Merge pull request #506 from stevewillard/patch-1
new 59a9344 Update MarkerClusterGroup.js
new e988971 Update MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js
new 79e6556 Update MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js
new 0fe481d Update MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js
new a2f509c Update MarkerCluster.QuickHull.js
new 502d8ac Update MarkerClusterGroup.js
new e6aa0b2 Update MarkerClusterGroup.js
new 368076a Create showCoverageOnHover-vertically-aligned-markers.html
new 468241d Create showCoverageOnHover-horizontally-aligned-markers.html
new 8d2ae0b Create remove-geoJSON-when-spiderfied.html
new e2be356 Merge pull request #532 from olive380/patch-1
new 9a29fd0 Delete showCoverageOnHover-horizontally-aligned-markers.html
new 3fd3e0d Delete showCoverageOnHover-vertically-aligned-markers.html
new 84da57e Update QuickHullSpec.js
new 44bd117 Merge pull request #533 from olive380/patch-2
new cfb91e1 Revert "Added "main" property to bower.json to make it compatible with wiredep" (there was already a valid main section)
new a415818 Merge pull request #553 from cyrilchaponeverysens/master
new 801f644 fix removeLayers when cluster is not on the map
new a6a8976 remove duplicate _arraySplice
new da64e04 add spec for removing layers when the group is not on the map
new 2fe0388 first commit of gh-pages for leaflet marker cluster test of hierarchical tree
new 3c3a9aa Moved files to sub-folder and added explanation text and page formatting
new 879aa28 corrected explanation text
new 64a2d57 Merge pull request #556 from Intermaps/remove-layers-fix
new 10d440b Rough contributing file, stolen from leaflet version
new afc132d first commit
new b91a135 Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ghybs/Leaflet.markercluster-1
new 49c92f8 placed new file in src
new a067120 Additional methods to facilitate marker icons update and propagate to parent clusters in real-time. For issues #561, #555, #535 and #498.
new a12254c Corrected compatibility with MCG and added direct refresh of MCG when refreshing Marker
new fe89493 in section "Events" added "clustermouseout" event
new 3fb5565 Modified method names, added new file to build script, build dist files, added license to package.josn, created test spec suite and added it to spec index.
new d56061f Disabled animation in test suite and added new src file in spec index
new 306ef6b Re-built dist files to include Refresh methods
new be3cacc Added license in package.json, trying to revert dist files
new dea2217 Updated README
new 67fec60 Added Refresh src in spec/index, newline at end of spec/suites/refresh
new 61d24ff typo corrected
new d5c7c94 Replaced constructors by factories
new 60360b1 Improved zoomToShowLayer with callback check
new 50bb1a3 Merge pull request #571 from ghybs/patch-1
new 5b4dc71 Merge pull request #572 from ghybs/patch-2
new 63ed884 Merge pull request #564 from ghybs/master
new 43dda33 Don't need to keep track of the issues this was added for
new 603b857 Corrected typo
new cc8de42 Improved example for refreshIconOptions
new feb518c Corrected example for refreshIconOptions
new f8a1ff9 Corrected effect of removeOutsideVisibleBounds option
new e7efb8d Merge branch 'removeOutsideVisibleBounds' of https://github.com/ghybs/Leaflet.markercluster into removeOutsideVisibleBounds
new 9571513 Clean remote
new e5fabbe Improved reliability of RefreshSpec test suite
new 69e142d Converted removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec test suite
new 60746cc Merge pull request #577 from ghybs/refreshClusters
new 134d0a8 Merge pull request #574 from ghybs/patch-1
new 4aeb0df Merge pull request #575 from ghybs/removeOutsideVisibleBounds
new 52d238a Added animate option
new d6966aa Added description of chunk* options for addLayers
new 739c6f1 Added spiderLegPolylineOptions in section All options
new e97134b Merge pull request #578 from ghybs/animateOption
new 29d7c6e Merge pull request #565 from Cyrille37/patch-1
new c245551 Parse id to an int, fixes #531
new 88233ae Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/ghybs/Leaflet.markercluster into patch-1
new 0aaa590 Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master' into patch-1
new 4b3931f Corrected chunk* options description
new 7fd26ab Small punctuation improvements
new f56c4fa Typo and re-organized methods
new 3d08cb1 Typos
new 37e9237 Added getChildCount and getAllChildMarkers
new e6f36e0 Made refreshClusters to re-draw markers in singleMarkerMode
new 845f702 Separated code for singleMarkerMode refresh
new e098330 Refactored RefreshSpec to use before/afterEach
new 0df9532 Merge pull request #579 from ghybs/patch-1
new 7bbf70e Externalized bound and wLatLng computations
new d9441c7 Reset bounds rather than re-create
new 127d367 Converted singleMarkerMode and animateOption specs
new 54c642c Added hasLayer check for singleMarkerMode refresh
new 8a9f126 Added test for refresh singleMarkerMode reject alien markers
new d55e219 Merge pull request #583 from ghybs/refreshClusters
new 1c4a5f6 Replaced bounds reset method extension by cluster private method
new bf228d5 Removed class extension
new 984c632 Replaced spiderfy legs animation from SMIL to CSS transition
new d6d4e7f Corrected spiderfy leg anim and leg opacity option
new 71ce1a1 Corrected legOptions class assignment
new cd4f76d Merge pull request #584 from ghybs/addLayers-Optimization
new 95dbec9 Added bounds expansion to Infinity
new aa1ba52 Corrected test suite for max latitude check
new d76e9a4 Improved naming of _checkBoundsMaxLat
new 183cb46 Removed no longer needed code
new ab451fc Added reference to chunked addLayers explanation
new 3e21068 Merge pull request #585 from ghybs/animationSpiderfyNoSMIL
new eb71a8f Merge pull request #588 from ghybs/patch-1
new 050145c Merge pull request #587 from ghybs/maxLatitude
new e80c1e0 README added sub-plugins section
new d30f3ae README new sub-plugins section added links
new b348916 Merge pull request #599 from ghybs/master
new 6c7da05 Added TOC into README
new 1226ecb Corrected sub-levels indentation
new 5fcd073 Merge pull request #600 from ghybs/readmeToc
new 79abfe1 Formatting typo
new c69219f Merge pull request #602 from tomchadwin/master
new f1ec8c5 Correct unspiderfy L.Circle and removeOutsideVisibleBoundsSpec
new 088b6ae Replaced instanceof L.Marker by .setOpacity check
new c338c77 Removed useless comment
new 8e2e653 Improved _zoomOrSpiderfy
new 8bb5e64 Simplified spiderfy at current zoom trigger
new cf2f310 Added spiderfy test for current zoom
new 4bb81fd Correct smart tab issue
new f18b7f9 Improved methods existence checks
new 9a212d1 Merge pull request #606 from ghybs/spiderfyOnAllChildrenInBottomMostCluster
new a0ccbe0 Merge pull request #604 from ghybs/correctUnspiderfyVector
new c4bc575 Corrected _spiderfierOnRemove to use no animation
new 4360bf5 Added test in spiderfySpec for class add/remove
new e894b31 Added listener de-binding on remove
new fd59fa4 Added missing blank line end of file spiderfySpec
new ed9f02e Update MarkerClusterGroup.js
new c1b7934 Added sub-plugin MCG.Freezable
new ad78e3c Merge pull request #610 from ghybs/patch-1
new 5848031 Merge pull request #607 from ghybs/removeAnimClassOnMapRemovedButSpiderfied
new d9c1310 Merge pull request #609 from OriginalSin/OriginalSin-patch-1
new e5ab67d Merge commit 'ac8c7063af5ea8e9cce4ce595c7d8303dc595c17'
new 6a93ee3 Add and fix tests from #421
new e3017c5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'newmanw/master'
new de4d332 Test for unspiderfied event
new 8221318 Documentation for unspiderfied event
new e75f9c4 One 'final' build for this branch
new 232e93c Bump version to 0.5.0 since there are heaps of changes in here people want and no easy way to get them
new f8ea6fa Update watch file: Bump file format to version 4. Use github pattern from ducmentation. Set repacksuffix. Add usage comment.
new 947cbcf Modernize git-buildpackage config: Avoid git- prefix. Filter any .gitignore file.
new cb2cbae Use https protocol in Vcs-Git URL.
new bfb02d8 Declare compliance with Debian Policy 3.9.8.
new b4280d1 Drop CDBS get-orig-source target: Use "gbp import-orig --uscan" instead.
new 68f20c6 Update copyright info: Use License-Grant and License-Reference fields. Thanks to Ben Finney.
new 4a92889 Add lintian override regarding license in License-Reference field. See bug#786450.
new 5310779 Bump debhelper compatibility level to 9.
new 34bde98 Tidy rules file: Suppress versioned debhelper build-dependency.
new cf7f955 Add lintian override regarding debhelper 9.
new 8609ac3 Update copyright info: Extend copyright of packaging to cover current year.
new 3508aeb Update changelog, control file and copyright hints.
new cd11539 Imported Upstream version 0.5.0~dfsg
new 36d96f0 Merge tag 'upstream/0.5.0_dfsg'
new 0488901 Prepare for release: Update changelog and copyright hints.
The 219 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/leaflet-markercluster.git
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