[Pkg-javascript-commits] [list.js] 01/06: Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0_dfsg1'

Alexandre Viau aviau at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 19 17:01:56 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

aviau pushed a commit to branch master
in repository list.js.

commit 3267e37e9d7c0524605a1a07f49990a59fde2799
Merge: 8a324b6 9847d25
Author: aviau <alexandre at alexandreviau.net>
Date:   Thu May 19 12:54:48 2016 -0400

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.2.0_dfsg1'
    Upstream version 1.2.0~dfsg1

 .jshintignore               |    1 +
 Gruntfile.js                |  133 ++-
 History.md                  |  124 ++-
 LICENSE                     |   21 +
 README.md                   |   28 +-
 bower.json                  |    3 +-
 component.json              |   44 -
 dist/list.js                | 2072 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 index.js                    |  438 +++++----
 package.json                |   31 +-
 src/add-async.js            |   29 +-
 src/filter.js               |   46 +-
 src/item.js                 |  108 +--
 src/parse.js                |   78 +-
 src/search.js               |  210 +++--
 src/sort.js                 |  169 ++--
 src/templater.js            |  227 +++--
 src/utils/classes.js        |  185 ++++
 src/utils/events.js         |   38 +
 src/utils/extend.js         |   18 +
 src/utils/get-attribute.js  |   26 +
 src/utils/get-by-class.js   |   56 ++
 src/utils/index-of.js       |    9 +
 src/utils/natural-sort.js   |   48 +
 src/utils/to-array.js       |   33 +
 src/utils/to-string.js      |    6 +
 test/fixtures.js            |   98 +-
 test/index.html             |   84 +-
 test/test.add-get-remove.js |  188 ++--
 test/test.buttons.js        |  330 +++----
 test/test.create.js         |  230 +++--
 test/test.defaults.js       |  109 ++-
 test/test.filter.js         |  176 ++--
 test/test.item.js           |  252 +++---
 test/test.off.js            |   62 +-
 test/test.on.js             |  212 ++---
 test/test.parse.js          |  155 +++-
 test/test.re-index.js       |   34 +
 test/test.search-filter.js  |  114 +--
 test/test.search.js         |  228 +++--
 test/test.show.js           |  386 ++++----
 test/test.sort.js           |  608 ++++++-------
 test/test.trigger.js        |   28 +-
 test/usage/amd.html         |   34 +
 test/usage/boba.jpeg        |  Bin 0 -> 3271 bytes
 test/usage/classic.html     |   53 ++
 test/usage/darth.jpeg       |  Bin 0 -> 2109 bytes
 test/usage/leia.jpeg        |  Bin 0 -> 1707 bytes
 test/usage/luke.jpeg        |  Bin 0 -> 2009 bytes
 test/usage/main.js          |    6 +
 test/usage/require.js       | 2083 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/usage/rey.jpeg         |  Bin 0 -> 2281 bytes
 test/usage/style.css        |   87 ++
 53 files changed, 6312 insertions(+), 3426 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/list.js.git

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