[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-parse-glob] 02/08: Import Upstream version 3.0.4
Sruthi Chandran
srud-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Tue Nov 1 10:31:49 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
srud-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-parse-glob.
commit a0910df135b68efac3915282d04746479f047d47
Author: Sruthi <srud at disroot.org>
Date: Tue Nov 1 15:17:21 2016 +0530
Import Upstream version 3.0.4
.editorconfig | 27 ++
.gitattributes | 10 +
.gitignore | 15 +
.jshintrc | 18 +
.travis.yml | 8 +
.verb.md | 96 ++++++
LICENSE | 21 ++
README.md | 115 +++++++
browser.js | 554 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
index.js | 156 +++++++++
package.json | 62 ++++
test.js | 1045 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
12 files changed, 2127 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32dd133
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+# http://editorconfig.org
+root = true
+indent_style = space
+end_of_line = lf
+charset = utf-8
+indent_size = 2
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+insert_final_newline = true
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+indent_style = space
+indent_size = 2
+trim_trailing_whitespace = false
+trim_trailing_whitespace = false
+insert_final_newline = false
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a3f1d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Enforce Unix newlines
+* text eol=lf
+# binaries
+*.ai binary
+*.psd binary
+*.jpg binary
+*.gif binary
+*.png binary
+*.jpeg binary
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c22270c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
diff --git a/.jshintrc b/.jshintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e5a84a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.jshintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "asi": false,
+ "boss": true,
+ "curly": true,
+ "eqeqeq": true,
+ "eqnull": true,
+ "esnext": true,
+ "immed": true,
+ "latedef": false,
+ "laxcomma": false,
+ "mocha": true,
+ "newcap": true,
+ "noarg": true,
+ "node": true,
+ "sub": true,
+ "undef": true,
+ "unused": true
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efe94c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+sudo: false
+language: node_js
+ - "0.10"
+ - "0.12"
+ - "iojs"
+ depth: 10
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/.verb.md b/.verb.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d16000e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.verb.md
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# {%= name %} {%= badge("fury") %} {%= badge("travis") %}
+> {%= description %}
+**Changes from v1.0.0 to v{%= version %}**
+- all path-related properties are now on the `path` object
+- all boolean properties are now on the `is` object
+- adds `base` property
+See the [properties](#properties) section for details.
+{%= include("install-npm", {save: true}) %}
+- parses 1,000+ glob patterns in 29ms (2.3 GHz Intel Core i7)
+- Extensive [unit tests](./test.js) (more than 1,000 lines), covering wildcards, globstars, character classes, brace patterns, extglobs, dotfiles and other complex patterns.
+See the tests for [hundreds of examples](./test.js).
+## Usage
+var parseGlob = require('{%= name %}');
+{ orig: 'a/b/c/**/*.{yml,json}',
+ is:
+ { glob: true,
+ negated: false,
+ extglob: false,
+ braces: true,
+ brackets: false,
+ globstar: true,
+ dotfile: false,
+ dotdir: false },
+ glob: '**/*.{yml,json}',
+ base: 'a/b/c',
+ path:
+ { dirname: 'a/b/c/**/',
+ basename: '*.{yml,json}',
+ filename: '*',
+ extname: '.{yml,json}',
+ ext: '{yml,json}' } }
+## Properties
+The object returned by parseGlob has the following properties:
+- `orig`: a copy of the original, unmodified glob pattern
+- `is`: an object with boolean information about the glob:
+ + `glob`: true if the pattern actually a glob pattern
+ + `negated`: true if it's a negation pattern (`!**/foo.js`)
+ + `extglob`: true if it has extglobs (`@(foo|bar)`)
+ + `braces`: true if it has braces (`{1..2}` or `.{txt,md}`)
+ + `brackets`: true if it has POSIX brackets (`[[:alpha:]]`)
+ + `globstar`: true if the pattern has a globstar (double star, `**`)
+ + `dotfile`: true if the pattern should match dotfiles
+ + `dotdir`: true if the pattern should match dot-directories (like `.git`)
+- `glob`: the glob pattern part of the string, if any
+- `base`: the non-glob part of the string, if any
+- `path`: file path segments
+ + `dirname`: directory
+ + `basename`: file name with extension
+ + `filename`: file name without extension
+ + `extname`: file extension with dot
+ + `ext`: file extension without dot
+## Related
+{%= related(['glob-base', 'glob-parent', 'is-glob', 'glob-path-regex', 'micromatch']) %}
+## Contributing
+{%= include("contributing") %}
+## Tests
+{%= include("tests") %}
+## Author
+{%= include("author") %}
+## License
+{%= copyright({year: 2014}) %}
+{%= license() %}
+{%= include("footer") %}
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f90ac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+The MIT License (MIT)
+Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
+of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
+in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
+to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
+copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
+furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
+all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..000ccd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# parse-glob [](http://badge.fury.io/js/parse-glob) [](https://travis-ci.org/jonschlinkert/parse-glob)
+> Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens.
+**Changes from v1.0.0 to v3.0.4**
+* all path-related properties are now on the `path` object
+* all boolean properties are now on the `is` object
+* adds `base` property
+See the [properties](#properties) section for details.
+Install with [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/)
+$ npm i parse-glob --save
+* parses 1,000+ glob patterns in 29ms (2.3 GHz Intel Core i7)
+* Extensive [unit tests](./test.js) (more than 1,000 lines), covering wildcards, globstars, character classes, brace patterns, extglobs, dotfiles and other complex patterns.
+See the tests for [hundreds of examples](./test.js).
+## Usage
+var parseGlob = require('parse-glob');
+{ orig: 'a/b/c/**/*.{yml,json}',
+ is:
+ { glob: true,
+ negated: false,
+ extglob: false,
+ braces: true,
+ brackets: false,
+ globstar: true,
+ dotfile: false,
+ dotdir: false },
+ glob: '**/*.{yml,json}',
+ base: 'a/b/c',
+ path:
+ { dirname: 'a/b/c/**/',
+ basename: '*.{yml,json}',
+ filename: '*',
+ extname: '.{yml,json}',
+ ext: '{yml,json}' } }
+## Properties
+The object returned by parseGlob has the following properties:
+* `orig`: a copy of the original, unmodified glob pattern
+* `is`: an object with boolean information about the glob:
+ - `glob`: true if the pattern actually a glob pattern
+ - `negated`: true if it's a negation pattern (`!**/foo.js`)
+ - `extglob`: true if it has extglobs (`@(foo|bar)`)
+ - `braces`: true if it has braces (`{1..2}` or `.{txt,md}`)
+ - `brackets`: true if it has POSIX brackets (`[[:alpha:]]`)
+ - `globstar`: true if the pattern has a globstar (double star, `**`)
+ - `dotfile`: true if the pattern should match dotfiles
+ - `dotdir`: true if the pattern should match dot-directories (like `.git`)
+* `glob`: the glob pattern part of the string, if any
+* `base`: the non-glob part of the string, if any
+* `path`: file path segments
+ - `dirname`: directory
+ - `basename`: file name with extension
+ - `filename`: file name without extension
+ - `extname`: file extension with dot
+ - `ext`: file extension without dot
+## Related
+* [glob-base](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob-base): Returns an object with the (non-glob) base path and the actual pattern. | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base)
+* [glob-parent](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob-parent): Strips glob magic from a string to provide the parent path | [homepage](https://github.com/es128/glob-parent)
+* [glob-path-regex](https://www.npmjs.com/package/glob-path-regex): Regular expression for matching the parts of glob pattern. | [homepage](https://github.com/regexps/glob-path-regex)
+* [is-glob](https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-glob): Returns `true` if the given string looks like a glob pattern. | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-glob)
+* [micromatch](https://www.npmjs.com/package/micromatch): Glob matching for javascript/node.js. A drop-in replacement and faster alternative to minimatch and multimatch. Just… [more](https://www.npmjs.com/package/micromatch) | [homepage](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/micromatch)
+## Contributing
+Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, [please create an issue](https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob/issues/new).
+## Tests
+Install dev dependencies:
+$ npm i -d && npm test
+## Author
+**Jon Schlinkert**
++ [github/jonschlinkert](https://github.com/jonschlinkert)
++ [twitter/jonschlinkert](http://twitter.com/jonschlinkert)
+## License
+Copyright © 2014-2015 Jon Schlinkert
+Released under the MIT license.
+_This file was generated by [verb-cli](https://github.com/assemble/verb-cli) on September 22, 2015._
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/browser.js b/browser.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d411f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser.js
@@ -0,0 +1,554 @@
+(function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o<r.length;o++)s(r[o]);return s})({1:[function(require,module,exports){
+ * parse-glob <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+'use strict';
+var isGlob = require('is-glob');
+var findBase = require('glob-base');
+var extglob = require('is-extglob');
+var dotfile = require('is-dotfile');
+ * Expose `cache`
+ */
+var cache = module.exports.cache = {};
+ * Parse a glob pattern into tokens.
+ *
+ * When no paths or '**' are in the glob, we use a
+ * different strategy for parsing the filename, since
+ * file names can contain braces and other difficult
+ * patterns. such as:
+ *
+ * - `*.{a,b}`
+ * - `(**|*.js)`
+ */
+module.exports = function parseGlob(glob) {
+ if (cache.hasOwnProperty(glob)) {
+ return cache[glob];
+ }
+ var tok = {};
+ tok.orig = glob;
+ tok.is = {};
+ // unescape dots and slashes in braces/brackets
+ glob = escape(glob);
+ var parsed = findBase(glob);
+ tok.is.glob = parsed.isGlob;
+ tok.glob = parsed.glob;
+ tok.base = parsed.base;
+ var segs = /([^\/]*)$/.exec(glob);
+ tok.path = {};
+ tok.path.dirname = '';
+ tok.path.basename = segs[1] || '';
+ tok.path.dirname = glob.split(tok.path.basename).join('') || '';
+ var basename = (tok.path.basename || '').split('.') || '';
+ tok.path.filename = basename[0] || '';
+ tok.path.extname = basename.slice(1).join('.') || '';
+ tok.path.ext = '';
+ if (isGlob(tok.path.dirname) && !tok.path.basename) {
+ if (!/\/$/.test(tok.glob)) {
+ tok.path.basename = tok.glob;
+ }
+ tok.path.dirname = tok.base;
+ }
+ if (glob.indexOf('/') === -1 && !tok.is.globstar) {
+ tok.path.dirname = '';
+ tok.path.basename = tok.orig;
+ }
+ var dot = tok.path.basename.indexOf('.');
+ if (dot !== -1) {
+ tok.path.filename = tok.path.basename.slice(0, dot);
+ tok.path.extname = tok.path.basename.slice(dot);
+ }
+ if (tok.path.extname.charAt(0) === '.') {
+ var exts = tok.path.extname.split('.');
+ tok.path.ext = exts[exts.length - 1];
+ }
+ // unescape dots and slashes in braces/brackets
+ tok.glob = unescape(tok.glob);
+ tok.path.dirname = unescape(tok.path.dirname);
+ tok.path.basename = unescape(tok.path.basename);
+ tok.path.filename = unescape(tok.path.filename);
+ tok.path.extname = unescape(tok.path.extname);
+ // Booleans
+ var is = (glob && tok.is.glob);
+ tok.is.negated = glob && glob.charAt(0) === '!';
+ tok.is.extglob = glob && extglob(glob);
+ tok.is.braces = has(is, glob, '{');
+ tok.is.brackets = has(is, glob, '[:');
+ tok.is.globstar = has(is, glob, '**');
+ tok.is.dotfile = dotfile(tok.path.basename) || dotfile(tok.path.filename);
+ tok.is.dotdir = dotdir(tok.path.dirname);
+ return (cache[glob] = tok);
+ * Returns true if the glob matches dot-directories.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} `tok` The tokens object
+ * @param {Object} `path` The path object
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+function dotdir(base) {
+ if (base.indexOf('/.') !== -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (base.charAt(0) === '.' && base.charAt(1) !== '/') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Returns true if the pattern has the given `ch`aracter(s)
+ *
+ * @param {Object} `glob` The glob pattern.
+ * @param {Object} `ch` The character to test for
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+function has(is, glob, ch) {
+ return is && glob.indexOf(ch) !== -1;
+ * Escape/unescape utils
+ */
+function escape(str) {
+ var re = /\{([^{}]*?)}|\(([^()]*?)\)|\[([^\[\]]*?)\]/g;
+ return str.replace(re, function (outter, braces, parens, brackets) {
+ var inner = braces || parens || brackets;
+ if (!inner) { return outter; }
+ return outter.split(inner).join(esc(inner));
+ });
+function esc(str) {
+ str = str.split('/').join('__SLASH__');
+ str = str.split('.').join('__DOT__');
+ return str;
+function unescape(str) {
+ str = str.split('__SLASH__').join('/');
+ str = str.split('__DOT__').join('.');
+ return str;
+(function (process){
+// Copyright Joyent, Inc. and other Node contributors.
+// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
+// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit
+// persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the
+// following conditions:
+// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included
+// in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+// resolves . and .. elements in a path array with directory names there
+// must be no slashes, empty elements, or device names (c:\) in the array
+// (so also no leading and trailing slashes - it does not distinguish
+// relative and absolute paths)
+function normalizeArray(parts, allowAboveRoot) {
+ // if the path tries to go above the root, `up` ends up > 0
+ var up = 0;
+ for (var i = parts.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ var last = parts[i];
+ if (last === '.') {
+ parts.splice(i, 1);
+ } else if (last === '..') {
+ parts.splice(i, 1);
+ up++;
+ } else if (up) {
+ parts.splice(i, 1);
+ up--;
+ }
+ }
+ // if the path is allowed to go above the root, restore leading ..s
+ if (allowAboveRoot) {
+ for (; up--; up) {
+ parts.unshift('..');
+ }
+ }
+ return parts;
+// Split a filename into [root, dir, basename, ext], unix version
+// 'root' is just a slash, or nothing.
+var splitPathRe =
+ /^(\/?|)([\s\S]*?)((?:\.{1,2}|[^\/]+?|)(\.[^.\/]*|))(?:[\/]*)$/;
+var splitPath = function(filename) {
+ return splitPathRe.exec(filename).slice(1);
+// path.resolve([from ...], to)
+// posix version
+exports.resolve = function() {
+ var resolvedPath = '',
+ resolvedAbsolute = false;
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
+ var path = (i >= 0) ? arguments[i] : process.cwd();
+ // Skip empty and invalid entries
+ if (typeof path !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.resolve must be strings');
+ } else if (!path) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = path + '/' + resolvedPath;
+ resolvedAbsolute = path.charAt(0) === '/';
+ }
+ // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
+ // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
+ // Normalize the path
+ resolvedPath = normalizeArray(filter(resolvedPath.split('/'), function(p) {
+ return !!p;
+ }), !resolvedAbsolute).join('/');
+ return ((resolvedAbsolute ? '/' : '') + resolvedPath) || '.';
+// path.normalize(path)
+// posix version
+exports.normalize = function(path) {
+ var isAbsolute = exports.isAbsolute(path),
+ trailingSlash = substr(path, -1) === '/';
+ // Normalize the path
+ path = normalizeArray(filter(path.split('/'), function(p) {
+ return !!p;
+ }), !isAbsolute).join('/');
+ if (!path && !isAbsolute) {
+ path = '.';
+ }
+ if (path && trailingSlash) {
+ path += '/';
+ }
+ return (isAbsolute ? '/' : '') + path;
+// posix version
+exports.isAbsolute = function(path) {
+ return path.charAt(0) === '/';
+// posix version
+exports.join = function() {
+ var paths = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0);
+ return exports.normalize(filter(paths, function(p, index) {
+ if (typeof p !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('Arguments to path.join must be strings');
+ }
+ return p;
+ }).join('/'));
+// path.relative(from, to)
+// posix version
+exports.relative = function(from, to) {
+ from = exports.resolve(from).substr(1);
+ to = exports.resolve(to).substr(1);
+ function trim(arr) {
+ var start = 0;
+ for (; start < arr.length; start++) {
+ if (arr[start] !== '') break;
+ }
+ var end = arr.length - 1;
+ for (; end >= 0; end--) {
+ if (arr[end] !== '') break;
+ }
+ if (start > end) return [];
+ return arr.slice(start, end - start + 1);
+ }
+ var fromParts = trim(from.split('/'));
+ var toParts = trim(to.split('/'));
+ var length = Math.min(fromParts.length, toParts.length);
+ var samePartsLength = length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (fromParts[i] !== toParts[i]) {
+ samePartsLength = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var outputParts = [];
+ for (var i = samePartsLength; i < fromParts.length; i++) {
+ outputParts.push('..');
+ }
+ outputParts = outputParts.concat(toParts.slice(samePartsLength));
+ return outputParts.join('/');
+exports.sep = '/';
+exports.delimiter = ':';
+exports.dirname = function(path) {
+ var result = splitPath(path),
+ root = result[0],
+ dir = result[1];
+ if (!root && !dir) {
+ // No dirname whatsoever
+ return '.';
+ }
+ if (dir) {
+ // It has a dirname, strip trailing slash
+ dir = dir.substr(0, dir.length - 1);
+ }
+ return root + dir;
+exports.basename = function(path, ext) {
+ var f = splitPath(path)[2];
+ // TODO: make this comparison case-insensitive on windows?
+ if (ext && f.substr(-1 * ext.length) === ext) {
+ f = f.substr(0, f.length - ext.length);
+ }
+ return f;
+exports.extname = function(path) {
+ return splitPath(path)[3];
+function filter (xs, f) {
+ if (xs.filter) return xs.filter(f);
+ var res = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) {
+ if (f(xs[i], i, xs)) res.push(xs[i]);
+ }
+ return res;
+// String.prototype.substr - negative index don't work in IE8
+var substr = 'ab'.substr(-1) === 'b'
+ ? function (str, start, len) { return str.substr(start, len) }
+ : function (str, start, len) {
+ if (start < 0) start = str.length + start;
+ return str.substr(start, len);
+ }
+// shim for using process in browser
+var process = module.exports = {};
+var queue = [];
+var draining = false;
+function drainQueue() {
+ if (draining) {
+ return;
+ }
+ draining = true;
+ var currentQueue;
+ var len = queue.length;
+ while(len) {
+ currentQueue = queue;
+ queue = [];
+ var i = -1;
+ while (++i < len) {
+ currentQueue[i]();
+ }
+ len = queue.length;
+ }
+ draining = false;
+process.nextTick = function (fun) {
+ queue.push(fun);
+ if (!draining) {
+ setTimeout(drainQueue, 0);
+ }
+process.title = 'browser';
+process.browser = true;
+process.env = {};
+process.argv = [];
+process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
+process.versions = {};
+function noop() {}
+process.on = noop;
+process.addListener = noop;
+process.once = noop;
+process.off = noop;
+process.removeListener = noop;
+process.removeAllListeners = noop;
+process.emit = noop;
+process.binding = function (name) {
+ throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
+// TODO(shtylman)
+process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
+process.chdir = function (dir) {
+ throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
+process.umask = function() { return 0; };
+ * glob-base <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/glob-base>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+'use strict';
+var path = require('path');
+var parent = require('glob-parent');
+var isGlob = require('is-glob');
+module.exports = function globBase(pattern) {
+ if (typeof pattern !== 'string') {
+ throw new TypeError('glob-base expects a string.');
+ }
+ var res = {};
+ res.base = parent(pattern);
+ res.isGlob = isGlob(pattern);
+ if (res.base !== '.') {
+ res.glob = pattern.substr(res.base.length);
+ if (res.glob.charAt(0) === '/') {
+ res.glob = res.glob.substr(1);
+ }
+ } else {
+ res.glob = pattern;
+ }
+ if (!res.isGlob) {
+ res.base = dirname(pattern);
+ res.glob = res.base !== '.'
+ ? pattern.substr(res.base.length)
+ : pattern;
+ }
+ if (res.glob.substr(0, 2) === './') {
+ res.glob = res.glob.substr(2);
+ }
+ if (res.glob.charAt(0) === '/') {
+ res.glob = res.glob.substr(1);
+ }
+ return res;
+function dirname(glob) {
+ if (glob.slice(-1) === '/') return glob;
+ return path.dirname(glob);
+'use strict';
+var path = require('path');
+var isglob = require('is-glob');
+module.exports = function globParent(str) {
+ str += 'a'; // preserves full path in case of trailing path separator
+ do {str = path.dirname(str)} while (isglob(str));
+ return str;
+ * is-dotfile <https://github.com/regexps/is-dotfile>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Jon Schlinkert, contributors.
+ * Licensed under the MIT license.
+ */
+module.exports = function(str) {
+ if (str.charCodeAt(0) === 46 /* . */ && str.indexOf('/', 1) === -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ var last = str.lastIndexOf('/');
+ return last !== -1 ? str.charCodeAt(last + 1) === 46 /* . */ : false;
+ * is-extglob <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-extglob>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+module.exports = function isExtglob(str) {
+ return typeof str === 'string'
+ && /[@?!+*]\(/.test(str);
+ * is-glob <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/is-glob>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+module.exports = function isGlob(str) {
+ return typeof str === 'string'
+ && /[@!*+{}?(|)[\]]/.test(str);
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ab691a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+ * parse-glob <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+'use strict';
+var isGlob = require('is-glob');
+var findBase = require('glob-base');
+var extglob = require('is-extglob');
+var dotfile = require('is-dotfile');
+ * Expose `cache`
+ */
+var cache = module.exports.cache = {};
+ * Parse a glob pattern into tokens.
+ *
+ * When no paths or '**' are in the glob, we use a
+ * different strategy for parsing the filename, since
+ * file names can contain braces and other difficult
+ * patterns. such as:
+ *
+ * - `*.{a,b}`
+ * - `(**|*.js)`
+ */
+module.exports = function parseGlob(glob) {
+ if (cache.hasOwnProperty(glob)) {
+ return cache[glob];
+ }
+ var tok = {};
+ tok.orig = glob;
+ tok.is = {};
+ // unescape dots and slashes in braces/brackets
+ glob = escape(glob);
+ var parsed = findBase(glob);
+ tok.is.glob = parsed.isGlob;
+ tok.glob = parsed.glob;
+ tok.base = parsed.base;
+ var segs = /([^\/]*)$/.exec(glob);
+ tok.path = {};
+ tok.path.dirname = '';
+ tok.path.basename = segs[1] || '';
+ tok.path.dirname = glob.split(tok.path.basename).join('') || '';
+ var basename = (tok.path.basename || '').split('.') || '';
+ tok.path.filename = basename[0] || '';
+ tok.path.extname = basename.slice(1).join('.') || '';
+ tok.path.ext = '';
+ if (isGlob(tok.path.dirname) && !tok.path.basename) {
+ if (!/\/$/.test(tok.glob)) {
+ tok.path.basename = tok.glob;
+ }
+ tok.path.dirname = tok.base;
+ }
+ if (glob.indexOf('/') === -1 && !tok.is.globstar) {
+ tok.path.dirname = '';
+ tok.path.basename = tok.orig;
+ }
+ var dot = tok.path.basename.indexOf('.');
+ if (dot !== -1) {
+ tok.path.filename = tok.path.basename.slice(0, dot);
+ tok.path.extname = tok.path.basename.slice(dot);
+ }
+ if (tok.path.extname.charAt(0) === '.') {
+ var exts = tok.path.extname.split('.');
+ tok.path.ext = exts[exts.length - 1];
+ }
+ // unescape dots and slashes in braces/brackets
+ tok.glob = unescape(tok.glob);
+ tok.path.dirname = unescape(tok.path.dirname);
+ tok.path.basename = unescape(tok.path.basename);
+ tok.path.filename = unescape(tok.path.filename);
+ tok.path.extname = unescape(tok.path.extname);
+ // Booleans
+ var is = (glob && tok.is.glob);
+ tok.is.negated = glob && glob.charAt(0) === '!';
+ tok.is.extglob = glob && extglob(glob);
+ tok.is.braces = has(is, glob, '{');
+ tok.is.brackets = has(is, glob, '[:');
+ tok.is.globstar = has(is, glob, '**');
+ tok.is.dotfile = dotfile(tok.path.basename) || dotfile(tok.path.filename);
+ tok.is.dotdir = dotdir(tok.path.dirname);
+ return (cache[glob] = tok);
+ * Returns true if the glob matches dot-directories.
+ *
+ * @param {Object} `tok` The tokens object
+ * @param {Object} `path` The path object
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+function dotdir(base) {
+ if (base.indexOf('/.') !== -1) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (base.charAt(0) === '.' && base.charAt(1) !== '/') {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ * Returns true if the pattern has the given `ch`aracter(s)
+ *
+ * @param {Object} `glob` The glob pattern.
+ * @param {Object} `ch` The character to test for
+ * @return {Object}
+ */
+function has(is, glob, ch) {
+ return is && glob.indexOf(ch) !== -1;
+ * Escape/unescape utils
+ */
+function escape(str) {
+ var re = /\{([^{}]*?)}|\(([^()]*?)\)|\[([^\[\]]*?)\]/g;
+ return str.replace(re, function (outter, braces, parens, brackets) {
+ var inner = braces || parens || brackets;
+ if (!inner) { return outter; }
+ return outter.split(inner).join(esc(inner));
+ });
+function esc(str) {
+ str = str.split('/').join('__SLASH__');
+ str = str.split('.').join('__DOT__');
+ return str;
+function unescape(str) {
+ str = str.split('__SLASH__').join('/');
+ str = str.split('__DOT__').join('.');
+ return str;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a4acb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ "name": "parse-glob",
+ "description": "Parse a glob pattern into an object of tokens.",
+ "version": "3.0.4",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob",
+ "author": "Jon Schlinkert (https://github.com/jonschlinkert)",
+ "repository": "jonschlinkert/parse-glob",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob/issues"
+ },
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "files": [
+ "index.js"
+ ],
+ "main": "index.js",
+ "engines": {
+ "node": ">=0.10.0"
+ },
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "mocha",
+ "prepublish": "browserify -o browser.js -e index.js"
+ },
+ "dependencies": {
+ "glob-base": "^0.3.0",
+ "is-dotfile": "^1.0.0",
+ "is-extglob": "^1.0.0",
+ "is-glob": "^2.0.0"
+ },
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "browserify": "^9.0.3",
+ "lodash": "^3.3.1",
+ "mocha": "*"
+ },
+ "keywords": [
+ "glob",
+ "match",
+ "bash",
+ "expand",
+ "expansion",
+ "expression",
+ "file",
+ "files",
+ "filter",
+ "find",
+ "glob",
+ "globbing",
+ "globs",
+ "globstar",
+ "match",
+ "matcher",
+ "matches",
+ "matching",
+ "path",
+ "pattern",
+ "patterns",
+ "regex",
+ "regexp",
+ "regular",
+ "shell",
+ "wildcard"
+ ]
diff --git a/test.js b/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f512768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1045 @@
+ * parse-glob <https://github.com/jonschlinkert/parse-glob>
+ *
+ * Copyright (c) 2015, Jon Schlinkert.
+ * Licensed under the MIT License.
+ */
+'use strict';
+var assert = require('assert');
+var parse = require('./');
+describe('`is` object:', function () {
+ it('should detect when special characters are in a pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('!**{}[:[@()').is.negated, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!**{}[:[@()').is.glob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!**{}[:[@()').is.extglob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!**{}[:[@()').is.brackets, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!**{}[:[@()').is.braces, true);
+ });
+ it('should detect when the pattern is a glob pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a.min.js').is.glob, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').is.glob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/{a,b}.min.js').is.glob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/(a|b).min.js').is.glob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/[a-b].min.js').is.glob, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo').is.glob, true);
+ });
+ it('should detect when a pattern is negated:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a.min.js').is.negated, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('!*.min.js').is.negated, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/{a,b}.min.js').is.negated, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/(a|b).min.js').is.negated, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/[a-b].min.js').is.negated, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('foo').is.negated, false);
+ });
+ it('should detect when a pattern has a globstar:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('**').is.globstar, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.min.js').is.globstar, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*foo.js').is.globstar, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*/**/a.js').is.globstar, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a.min.js').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('!*.min.js').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/{a,b}.min.js').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/(a|b).min.js').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/[a-b].min.js').is.globstar, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('foo').is.globstar, false);
+ });
+ it('should detect when a pattern has brace patterns:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').is.braces, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.{js,min.js}').is.braces, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*{bar,foo}.js').is.braces, true);
+ });
+describe('should get a base path:', function () {
+ it('should extract a base path from a glob pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('.*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.*').glob, '.*');
+ assert.equal(parse('./*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('./*').glob, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*').glob, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('**').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**').glob, '**');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.md').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.md').glob, '**/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*.min.js').glob, '**/*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*foo.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/*foo.js').glob, '**/*foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/.*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/.*').glob, '**/.*');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/d').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('**/d').glob, '**/d');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.*').glob, '*.*');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.js').glob, '*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.md').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.md').glob, '*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').glob, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*').glob, '*/*');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*/*/*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*/*/*').glob, '*/*/*/*');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*/*/e').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/*/*/e').glob, '*/*/*/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/b/*/e').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*/b/*/e').glob, '*/b/*/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('*b').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*b').glob, '*b');
+ assert.equal(parse('./a/**/j/**/z/*.md').base, './a');
+ assert.equal(parse('./a/**/j/**/z/*.md').glob, '**/j/**/z/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('./a/**/z/*.md').base, './a');
+ assert.equal(parse('./a/**/z/*.md').glob, '**/z/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('./{a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g}').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('./{a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g}').glob, '{a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g}');
+ assert.equal(parse('./node_modules/*-glob/**/*.js').base, './node_modules');
+ assert.equal(parse('./node_modules/*-glob/**/*.js').glob, '*-glob/**/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').glob, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '**/b/*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('.a*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.a*').glob, '.a*');
+ assert.equal(parse('.b*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.b*').glob, '.b*');
+ assert.equal(parse('/*').base, '/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/*').glob, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/***').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/***').glob, '***');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '**/b/*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/c/*').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/c/*').glob, '**/c/*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/c/*.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/c/*.md').glob, '**/c/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/e').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/e').glob, '**/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/j/**/z/*.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/j/**/z/*.md').glob, '**/j/**/z/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/z/*.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/z/*.md').glob, '**/z/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**c*').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**c*').glob, '**c*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**c/*').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**c/*').glob, '**c/*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/*/*/e').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/*/*/e').glob, '*/*/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/*/c/*.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/*/c/*.md').glob, '*/c/*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/**/c{d,e}/**/xyz.md').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/**/c{d,e}/**/xyz.md').glob, '**/c{d,e}/**/xyz.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/**/e').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/**/e').glob, '**/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*/e').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*/e').glob, '*/e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/*').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/*').glob, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/*.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/*.md').glob, '*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/.*.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/.*.md').glob, '.*.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('b/*/*/*').base, 'b');
+ assert.equal(parse('b/*/*/*').glob, '*/*/*');
+ });
+ it('file extensions:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('.md').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.md').glob, '.md');
+ });
+ it('negation pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('!*.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('!*.min.js').glob, '!*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo').glob, '!foo');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/!foo').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/!foo').glob, '!foo');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/(a|b).min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/(a|b).min.js').glob, '!foo/(a|b).min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/[a-b].min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/[a-b].min.js').glob, '!foo/[a-b].min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/{a,b}.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('!foo/{a,b}.min.js').glob, '!foo/{a,b}.min.js');
+ });
+ describe('braces:', function () {
+ it('should know when a base cannot be extracted:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/').glob, '{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('{a/b/c.js,/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/}').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('{a/b/c.js,/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/}').glob, '{a/b/c.js,/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/}');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').glob, '{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('{.,*}').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('{.,*}').glob, '{.,*}');
+ });
+ it('should work when the basename has braces:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').glob, '.{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '.{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').glob, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').glob, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').glob, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').glob, '{c,d}');
+ });
+ it('should work when the dirname has braces:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,./d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.min.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.min.g').glob, '{c,./d}/e/f.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,/d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.min.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.min.g').glob, '{c,/d}/e/f.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').glob, '{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.min.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.min.g').glob, '{c,d}/e/f.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/{a,b}.min.js').base, 'foo');
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/{a,b}.min.js').glob, '{a,b}.min.js');
+ });
+ });
+ it('character classes:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/[.]bashrc').base, '/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/[.]bashrc').glob, '[.]bashrc');
+ assert.equal(parse('/[.]bashrc').path.basename, '[.]bashrc');
+ assert.equal(parse('/[.]bashrc').path.filename, '[.]bashrc');
+ assert.equal(parse('/[.]bashrc').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').glob, '[a-c]b*');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]bc');
+ assert.equal(parse('[ab][ab]').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[ab][ab]').glob, '[ab][ab]');
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/[a-b].min.js').base, 'foo');
+ assert.equal(parse('foo/[a-b].min.js').glob, '[a-b].min.js');
+ });
+ it('qmarks:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('?').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('?').glob, '?');
+ assert.equal(parse('?/?').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('?/?').glob, '?/?');
+ assert.equal(parse('??').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('??').glob, '??');
+ assert.equal(parse('???').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('???').glob, '???');
+ assert.equal(parse('?a').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('?a').glob, '?a');
+ assert.equal(parse('?b').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('?b').glob, '?b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a?b').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a?b').glob, 'a?b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c.js').glob, '?/c.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c.md').glob, '?/c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/*/f.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/*/f.js').glob, '?/c/?/*/f.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/*/f.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/*/f.md').glob, '?/c/?/*/f.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/e.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/e.js').glob, '?/c/?/e.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/e.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/?/e.md').glob, '?/c/?/e.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/???/e.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/???/e.js').glob, '?/c/???/e.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/???/e.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/?/c/???/e.md').glob, '?/c/???/e.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/??/c.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/??/c.js').glob, '??/c.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/??/c.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/??/c.md').glob, '??/c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/???/c.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/???/c.js').glob, '???/c.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/???/c.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/???/c.md').glob, '???/c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/????/c.js').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/????/c.js').glob, '????/c.js');
+ });
+ it('non-glob pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('.').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.').glob, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').glob, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('.a').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('.a').glob, '.a');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a').base, '/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a').glob, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').glob, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').base, '/a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').base, 'a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a.min.js').glob, 'a.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/.x.md').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/.x.md').glob, '.x.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').glob, '.gitignore');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').glob, 'd.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').base, 'a/b/c/d.e.f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').glob, 'g.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git').glob, '.git');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git/').base, 'a/b/.git/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').glob, '.gitignore');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').glob, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').base, 'a/b/c.d');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').glob, 'e.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').glob, 'c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').glob, 'c.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').base, 'a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').base, 'a/b/c/d.e.f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').glob, 'g.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').glob, 'd.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/git/').base, 'a/b/git/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/git/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('aa').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('aa').glob, 'aa');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').glob, 'c.md');
+ });
+describe('path parts:', function () {
+ describe('complex patterns:', function () {
+ it('should get a dirname:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').base, '/a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('./{a/b/{c,/foo.js}/e.f.g}').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').base, 'a/b/c.d');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').base, 'a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').base, 'a/b/c/d.e.f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').base, '.');
+ });
+ it('should get a basename:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.basename, '*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').path.basename, '[a-j]*[^c]');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').path.basename, '[a-j]*[^c]bc');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.basename, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.basename, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').path.basename, '.{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').path.basename, '.{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').path.basename, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.basename, 'abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.basename, '*.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.basename, 'abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.basename, '{c,d}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.basename, '*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ });
+ it('should get a filename:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').path.filename, '[a-c]b*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').path.filename, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.filename, 'e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.filename, 'g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.filename, 'd');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.filename, 'abc');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.filename, 'abc');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.filename, '{c,d}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.filename, 'c');
+ });
+ it('should get an extname:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.extname, '.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.extname, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.extname, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').path.extname, '.gitignore');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').path.extname, '.{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').path.extname, '.{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').path.extname, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.extname, '.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ });
+ it('should match a path with an extension:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').glob, 'c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.basename, 'c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.md').path.ext, 'md');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').glob, 'c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.basename, 'c.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('c.md').path.ext, 'md');
+ });
+ it('should match a path with multiple extensions:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').glob, 'c.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.basename, 'c.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.min.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ });
+ it('should work with paths that have dots in the dirname:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').glob, 'g.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').base, 'a/b/c/d.e.f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.basename, 'g.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.filename, 'g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.e.f/g.min.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ });
+ it('should match a path without an extension:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a').glob, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').path.filename, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').path.basename, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('should match a file path ending with an extension:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').glob, 'd.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').base, 'a/b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.basename, 'd.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.filename, 'd');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/d.md').path.ext, 'md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').glob, 'e.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').base, 'a/b/c.d');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.basename, 'e.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.filename, 'e');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.extname, '.md');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c.d/e.md').path.ext, 'md');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('glob characters:', function () {
+ it('should match when the basename starts with a star:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.basename, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.extname, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.ext, '{foo,bar}');
+ });
+ it('should match with globstars:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').glob, '**/b/*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').base, 'a');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.basename, '*.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.extname, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/**/b/*.{foo,bar}').path.ext, '{foo,bar}');
+ });
+ it('should match complex patterns:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.basename, 'abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.filename, 'abc');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.basename, '*.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,b}}/{a,b}/*.foo.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').glob, '{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.basename, 'abc.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.filename, 'abc');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.extname, '.foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore,{a,./b}}/{a,b}/abc.foo.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('should parse a glob:', function () {
+ it('ending with a brace pattern:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').glob, '{c,d}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.basename, '{c,d}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.filename, '{c,d}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}').path.ext, '');
+ });
+ it('with a brace pattern in the dirname:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.basename, '*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.extname, '.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.ext, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').glob, '{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.ext, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').orig, '/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').glob, '{c,d}/e.f.g/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/e.f.g/').path.ext, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').orig, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').glob, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('*.min.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').path.dirname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').path.basename, '[a-j]*[^c]');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]bc');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').path.basename, '[a-j]*[^c]bc');
+ });
+ it('ending with a slash:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('beginning with a slash:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').orig, '/a/b/{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').glob, '{c,d}/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('with a brace pattern in the dirname:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').orig, 'a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,d}/e/f.g').path.ext, 'g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').orig, 'a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,./d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,./d}/e/f.g').path.ext, 'g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').orig, 'a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').glob, '{c,/d}/e/f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.basename, 'f.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.filename, 'f');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.extname, '.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.min.g').path.extname, '.min.g');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/d}/e/f.g').path.ext, 'g');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('when the glob pattern has braces:', function () {
+ it('should track the original pattern', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').orig, '/a/b/{c,d}/*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').orig, '/a/b/{c,d}/*.js');
+ });
+ it('should extract the dirname', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').glob, '{c,d}/*.min.js');
+ });
+ it('should extract the basename', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.basename, '*.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.basename, '*.min.js');
+ });
+ it('should extract the filename', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.filename, '*');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.filename, '*');
+ });
+ it('should extract extname', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.extname, '.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.min.js').path.extname, '.min.js');
+ });
+ it('should extract ext', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/{c,d}/*.js').path.ext, 'js');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('trailing and leading slashs:', function () {
+ it('should work without a trailing slash:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').glob, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').path.basename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('should work with a trailing slash:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').base, 'a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/c/').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('should work with a leading slash:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').glob, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').base, '/a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').path.filename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').path.basename, 'c');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ it('should work with both trailing and leading slashes:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').glob, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').base, '/a/b/c/');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').path.filename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').path.basename, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('/a/b/c/').path.extname, '');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('dotfile and dotdir:', function () {
+ describe('dotfiles:', function () {
+ it('should know when the file is a dotfile:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').is.dotfile, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').is.dotfile, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git').is.dotfile, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.gitignore').is.dotdir, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git').is.dotdir, false);
+ });
+ it('should work brace patterns:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').orig, 'a/b/.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').glob, '.{foo,bar}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '.{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/.{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').glob, '.{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ });
+ });
+ describe('dotdirs:', function () {
+ it('should know when the file is a dot-directory:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git/config').is.dotdir, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git/').is.dotdir, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/git/').is.dotdir, false);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.git/').is.dotfile, false);
+ });
+ it('should work with braces in the dirname:', function () {
+ // assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}/foo.js').is.dotdir, true);
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}/foo.js').orig, 'a/b/.{foo,bar}/foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}/foo.js').glob, '.{foo,bar}/foo.js');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/.{foo,bar}/foo.js').base, 'a/b');
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ it('should match character classes:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').glob, '[a-c]b*');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]b/c').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]b/c');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').glob, '[a-j]*[^c]bc');
+ });
+ it('should work when a character class has trailing word characters:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').glob, '[a-c]b*');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-c]b*').base, '.');
+ assert.equal(parse('[a-j]*[^c]bc').base, '.');
+ });
+describe('when the glob has brace patterns:', function () {
+ it('should extract the `base` from the glob:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').glob, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').glob, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ });
+ it('should work when the brace pattern has dots and slashes:', function () {
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').glob, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,/.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/.gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').glob, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,/gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,/gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').orig, 'a/b/{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').glob, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').base, 'a/b');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.basename, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.filename, '{c,.gitignore}');
+ assert.equal(parse('a/b/{c,.gitignore}').path.extname, '');
+ parse('a/b/c/**/*.{yml,json}')
+ });
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-parse-glob.git
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