[Pkg-javascript-commits] [grunt] 02/08: Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.1'

Sruthi Chandran srud-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Nov 11 08:50:00 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

srud-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository grunt.

commit 86a6edf7a34ead8946ae3e94d54e466d64e2d64c
Merge: bda4954 2002358
Author: Sruthi <srud at disroot.org>
Date:   Fri Nov 11 13:35:55 2016 +0530

    Merge tag 'upstream/1.0.1'
    Upstream version 1.0.1

 .gitattributes                                     |   2 +
 .jscsrc                                            |   5 +
 .jshintrc                                          |  14 +
 .travis.yml                                        |  15 +-
 AUTHORS                                            |   1 +
 CHANGELOG                                          | 100 +++++-
 Gruntfile.js                                       |  75 ++---
 LICENSE                                            |  35 ++
 LICENSE-MIT                                        |  22 --
 README.md                                          |  11 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |  29 ++
 bin/grunt                                          |   3 +
 internal-tasks/bump.js                             | 143 +++++++++
 internal-tasks/subgrunt.js                         |  25 ++
 lib/grunt.js                                       |  28 +-
 lib/grunt/cli.js                                   |  79 +----
 lib/grunt/config.js                                |  15 +-
 lib/grunt/event.js                                 |   9 -
 lib/grunt/fail.js                                  |  19 +-
 lib/grunt/file.js                                  |  82 +++--
 lib/grunt/help.js                                  |  10 -
 lib/grunt/log.js                                   | 352 ---------------------
 lib/grunt/option.js                                |   9 -
 lib/grunt/task.js                                  |  85 ++---
 lib/grunt/template.js                              |  13 +-
 lib/grunt/util.js                                  | 189 -----------
 lib/util/exit.js                                   |  26 --
 lib/util/namespace.js                              |  63 ----
 lib/util/task.js                                   |  46 ++-
 package.json                                       |  79 ++---
 test/fixtures/Gruntfile-cli.js                     |  16 +
 test/fixtures/Gruntfile-print-text.js              |   8 -
 test/fixtures/exec.cmd                             |   1 -
 test/fixtures/exec.sh                              |   2 -
 test/fixtures/expand/css/baz.css                   |   1 +
 test/fixtures/expand/css/qux.css                   |   1 +
 test/fixtures/expand/deep/deep.txt                 |   1 +
 test/fixtures/expand/deep/deeper/deeper.txt        |   1 +
 .../expand/deep/deeper/deepest/deepest.txt         |   1 +
 test/fixtures/expand/js/bar.js                     |   1 +
 test/fixtures/expand/js/foo.js                     |   1 +
 .../node_modules/grunt-foo-plugin/package.json     |   6 +
 .../node_modules/grunt-foo-plugin/tasks/foo.js     |   7 +
 test/fixtures/load-npm-tasks/package.json          |   7 +
 test/fixtures/spawn.js                             |   5 +-
 test/grunt/cli_test.js                             |  53 ++++
 test/grunt/config_test.js                          |  27 +-
 test/grunt/event_test.js                           |   2 +-
 test/grunt/file_test.js                            | 169 ++++++++--
 test/grunt/log_test.js                             | 224 -------------
 test/grunt/option_test.js                          |   8 +-
 test/grunt/template_test.js                        |   2 +-
 test/grunt/util_test.js                            | 301 ------------------
 test/gruntfile/load-npm-tasks.js                   |  42 +++
 test/gruntfile/multi-task-files.js                 | 118 ++++++-
 test/util/namespace_test.js                        |  51 ---
 test/util/task_test.js                             |  20 +-
 57 files changed, 1042 insertions(+), 1618 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/grunt.git

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