[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-fuzzaldrin-plus] 11/17: New upstream version 0.3.1+git.20161008.da2cb58+dfsg

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Nov 19 18:46:39 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-fuzzaldrin-plus.

commit 205d6bd5f58d996e5a0205c6b7f8b999a980e130
Author: Praveen Arimbrathodiyil <praveen at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Nov 19 23:57:03 2016 +0530

    New upstream version 0.3.1+git.20161008.da2cb58+dfsg
 dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.js     | 914 ------------------------------------
 dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.min.js |   2 -
 2 files changed, 916 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.js b/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 198ec16..0000000
--- a/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,914 +0,0 @@
-/* fuzzaldrin-plus - v0.3.1 - @license: MIT; @author: Jean Christophe Roy; @site: https://github.com/jeancroy/fuzzaldrin-plus */
-(function(f){if(typeof exports==="object"&&typeof module!=="undefined"){module.exports=f()}else if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define([],f)}else{var g;if(typeof window!=="undefined"){g=window}else if(typeof global!=="undefined"){g=global}else if(typeof self!=="undefined"){g=self}else{g=this}g.fuzzaldrin = f()}})(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);i [...]
-(function() {
-  var defaultPathSeparator, pluckCandidates, scorer, sortCandidates;
-  scorer = require('./scorer');
-  defaultPathSeparator = scorer.pathSeparator;
-  pluckCandidates = function(a) {
-    return a.candidate;
-  };
-  sortCandidates = function(a, b) {
-    return b.score - a.score;
-  };
-  module.exports = function(candidates, query, options) {
-    var allowErrors, bKey, candidate, isPath, key, maxInners, maxResults, optCharRegEx, pathSeparator, prepQuery, score, scoredCandidates, spotLeft, string, useExtensionBonus, _i, _len;
-    if (options == null) {
-      options = {};
-    }
-    scoredCandidates = [];
-    key = options.key, maxResults = options.maxResults, maxInners = options.maxInners, allowErrors = options.allowErrors, isPath = options.isPath, useExtensionBonus = options.useExtensionBonus, optCharRegEx = options.optCharRegEx, pathSeparator = options.pathSeparator;
-    spotLeft = (maxInners != null) && maxInners > 0 ? maxInners : candidates.length;
-    bKey = key != null;
-    prepQuery = scorer.prepQuery(query, options);
-    for (_i = 0, _len = candidates.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-      candidate = candidates[_i];
-      string = bKey ? candidate[key] : candidate;
-      if (!string) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      score = scorer.score(string, query, prepQuery, allowErrors, isPath, useExtensionBonus, pathSeparator);
-      if (score > 0) {
-        scoredCandidates.push({
-          candidate: candidate,
-          score: score
-        });
-        if (!--spotLeft) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    scoredCandidates.sort(sortCandidates);
-    candidates = scoredCandidates.map(pluckCandidates);
-    if (maxResults != null) {
-      candidates = candidates.slice(0, maxResults);
-    }
-    return candidates;
-  };
-(function() {
-  var filter, matcher, parseOptions, prepQueryCache, scorer;
-  scorer = require('./scorer');
-  filter = require('./filter');
-  matcher = require('./matcher');
-  prepQueryCache = null;
-  module.exports = {
-    filter: function(candidates, query, options) {
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      if (!((query != null ? query.length : void 0) && (candidates != null ? candidates.length : void 0))) {
-        return [];
-      }
-      options = parseOptions(options);
-      return filter(candidates, query, options);
-    },
-    prepQuery: function(query, options) {
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      options = parseOptions(options);
-      return scorer.prepQuery(query, options);
-    },
-    score: function(string, query, prepQuery, options) {
-      var allowErrors, isPath, optCharRegEx, pathSeparator, useExtensionBonus;
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      if (!((string != null ? string.length : void 0) && (query != null ? query.length : void 0))) {
-        return 0;
-      }
-      options = parseOptions(options);
-      allowErrors = options.allowErrors, isPath = options.isPath, useExtensionBonus = options.useExtensionBonus, optCharRegEx = options.optCharRegEx, pathSeparator = options.pathSeparator;
-      if (prepQuery == null) {
-        prepQuery = prepQueryCache && prepQueryCache.query === query ? prepQueryCache : (prepQueryCache = scorer.prepQuery(query, options));
-      }
-      return scorer.score(string, query, prepQuery, allowErrors, isPath, useExtensionBonus, pathSeparator);
-    },
-    match: function(string, query, prepQuery, options) {
-      var allowErrors, baseMatches, isPath, matches, optCharRegEx, pathSeparator, string_lw, useExtensionBonus, _i, _ref, _results;
-      if (options == null) {
-        options = {};
-      }
-      if (!string) {
-        return [];
-      }
-      if (!query) {
-        return [];
-      }
-      if (string === query) {
-        return (function() {
-          _results = [];
-          for (var _i = 0, _ref = string.length; 0 <= _ref ? _i < _ref : _i > _ref; 0 <= _ref ? _i++ : _i--){ _results.push(_i); }
-          return _results;
-        }).apply(this);
-      }
-      options = parseOptions(options);
-      allowErrors = options.allowErrors, isPath = options.isPath, useExtensionBonus = options.useExtensionBonus, optCharRegEx = options.optCharRegEx, pathSeparator = options.pathSeparator;
-      if (prepQuery == null) {
-        prepQuery = prepQueryCache && prepQueryCache.query === query ? prepQueryCache : (prepQueryCache = scorer.prepQuery(query, options));
-      }
-      if (!(allowErrors || scorer.isMatch(string, prepQuery.core_lw, prepQuery.core_up))) {
-        return [];
-      }
-      string_lw = string.toLowerCase();
-      matches = matcher.match(string, string_lw, prepQuery);
-      if (matches.length === 0) {
-        return matches;
-      }
-      if (string.indexOf(pathSeparator) > -1) {
-        baseMatches = matcher.basenameMatch(string, string_lw, prepQuery, pathSeparator);
-        matches = matcher.mergeMatches(matches, baseMatches);
-      }
-      return matches;
-    }
-  };
-  parseOptions = function(options) {
-    if (options.allowErrors == null) {
-      options.allowErrors = false;
-    }
-    if (options.isPath == null) {
-      options.isPath = true;
-    }
-    if (options.useExtensionBonus == null) {
-      options.useExtensionBonus = true;
-    }
-    if (options.pathSeparator == null) {
-      options.pathSeparator = scorer.pathSeparator;
-    }
-    if (options.optCharRegEx == null) {
-      options.optCharRegEx = null;
-    }
-    return options;
-  };
-(function() {
-  var scorer;
-  scorer = require('./scorer');
-  exports.basenameMatch = function(subject, subject_lw, prepQuery, pathSeparator) {
-    var basePos, depth, end;
-    end = subject.length - 1;
-    while (subject[end] === pathSeparator) {
-      end--;
-    }
-    basePos = subject.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator, end);
-    if (basePos === -1) {
-      return [];
-    }
-    depth = prepQuery.depth;
-    while (depth-- > 0) {
-      basePos = subject.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator, basePos - 1);
-      if (basePos === -1) {
-        return [];
-      }
-    }
-    basePos++;
-    end++;
-    return exports.match(subject.slice(basePos, end), subject_lw.slice(basePos, end), prepQuery, basePos);
-  };
-  exports.mergeMatches = function(a, b) {
-    var ai, bj, i, j, m, n, out;
-    m = a.length;
-    n = b.length;
-    if (n === 0) {
-      return a.slice();
-    }
-    if (m === 0) {
-      return b.slice();
-    }
-    i = -1;
-    j = 0;
-    bj = b[j];
-    out = [];
-    while (++i < m) {
-      ai = a[i];
-      while (bj <= ai && ++j < n) {
-        if (bj < ai) {
-          out.push(bj);
-        }
-        bj = b[j];
-      }
-      out.push(ai);
-    }
-    while (j < n) {
-      out.push(b[j++]);
-    }
-    return out;
-  };
-  exports.match = function(subject, subject_lw, prepQuery, offset) {
-    var DIAGONAL, LEFT, STOP, UP, acro_score, align, backtrack, csc_diag, csc_row, csc_score, i, j, m, matches, move, n, pos, query, query_lw, score, score_diag, score_row, score_up, si_lw, start, trace;
-    if (offset == null) {
-      offset = 0;
-    }
-    query = prepQuery.query;
-    query_lw = prepQuery.query_lw;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query.length;
-    acro_score = scorer.scoreAcronyms(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw).score;
-    score_row = new Array(n);
-    csc_row = new Array(n);
-    STOP = 0;
-    UP = 1;
-    LEFT = 2;
-    DIAGONAL = 3;
-    trace = new Array(m * n);
-    pos = -1;
-    j = -1;
-    while (++j < n) {
-      score_row[j] = 0;
-      csc_row[j] = 0;
-    }
-    i = -1;
-    while (++i < m) {
-      score = 0;
-      score_up = 0;
-      csc_diag = 0;
-      si_lw = subject_lw[i];
-      j = -1;
-      while (++j < n) {
-        csc_score = 0;
-        align = 0;
-        score_diag = score_up;
-        if (query_lw[j] === si_lw) {
-          start = scorer.isWordStart(i, subject, subject_lw);
-          csc_score = csc_diag > 0 ? csc_diag : scorer.scoreConsecutives(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw, i, j, start);
-          align = score_diag + scorer.scoreCharacter(i, j, start, acro_score, csc_score);
-        }
-        score_up = score_row[j];
-        csc_diag = csc_row[j];
-        if (score > score_up) {
-          move = LEFT;
-        } else {
-          score = score_up;
-          move = UP;
-        }
-        if (align > score) {
-          score = align;
-          move = DIAGONAL;
-        } else {
-          csc_score = 0;
-        }
-        score_row[j] = score;
-        csc_row[j] = csc_score;
-        trace[++pos] = score > 0 ? move : STOP;
-      }
-    }
-    i = m - 1;
-    j = n - 1;
-    pos = i * n + j;
-    backtrack = true;
-    matches = [];
-    while (backtrack && i >= 0 && j >= 0) {
-      switch (trace[pos]) {
-        case UP:
-          i--;
-          pos -= n;
-          break;
-        case LEFT:
-          j--;
-          pos--;
-          break;
-        case DIAGONAL:
-          matches.push(i + offset);
-          j--;
-          i--;
-          pos -= n + 1;
-          break;
-        default:
-          backtrack = false;
-      }
-    }
-    matches.reverse();
-    return matches;
-  };
-(function (process){
-(function() {
-  var AcronymResult, Query, coreChars, countDir, defaultPathSeparator, emptyAcronymResult, file_coeff, getCharCodes, getExtension, getExtensionScore, isAcronymFullWord, isMatch, isSeparator, isWordEnd, isWordStart, miss_coeff, opt_char_re, pos_bonus, scoreAcronyms, scoreCharacter, scoreConsecutives, scoreExact, scoreExactMatch, scoreMain, scorePath, scorePattern, scorePosition, scoreSize, tau_depth, tau_size, truncatedUpperCase, wm;
-  defaultPathSeparator = exports.pathSeparator = process && (process.platform === "win32") ? '\\' : '/';
-  wm = 150;
-  pos_bonus = 20;
-  tau_depth = 13;
-  tau_size = 85;
-  file_coeff = 1.2;
-  miss_coeff = 0.75;
-  opt_char_re = /[ _\-:\/\\]/g;
-  exports.coreChars = coreChars = function(query, optCharRegEx) {
-    if (optCharRegEx == null) {
-      optCharRegEx = opt_char_re;
-    }
-    return query.replace(optCharRegEx, '');
-  };
-  exports.score = function(string, query, prepQuery, allowErrors, isPath, useExtensionBonus, pathSeparator) {
-    var score, string_lw;
-    if (!(allowErrors || isMatch(string, prepQuery.core_lw, prepQuery.core_up))) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    string_lw = string.toLowerCase();
-    score = scoreMain(string, string_lw, prepQuery);
-    if (isPath) {
-      score = scorePath(string, string_lw, prepQuery, score, useExtensionBonus, pathSeparator);
-    }
-    return Math.ceil(score);
-  };
-  Query = (function() {
-    function Query(query, _arg) {
-      var optCharRegEx, pathSeparator, _ref;
-      _ref = _arg != null ? _arg : {}, optCharRegEx = _ref.optCharRegEx, pathSeparator = _ref.pathSeparator;
-      if (!(query && query.length)) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      this.query = query;
-      this.query_lw = query.toLowerCase();
-      this.core = coreChars(query, optCharRegEx);
-      this.core_lw = this.core.toLowerCase();
-      this.core_up = truncatedUpperCase(this.core);
-      this.depth = countDir(query, query.length, pathSeparator);
-      this.ext = getExtension(this.query_lw);
-      this.charCodes = getCharCodes(this.query_lw);
-    }
-    return Query;
-  })();
-  exports.prepQuery = function(query, options) {
-    return new Query(query, options);
-  };
-  exports.isMatch = isMatch = function(subject, query_lw, query_up) {
-    var i, j, m, n, qj_lw, qj_up, si;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query_lw.length;
-    if (!m || n > m) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    i = -1;
-    j = -1;
-    while (++j < n) {
-      qj_lw = query_lw.charCodeAt(j);
-      qj_up = query_up.charCodeAt(j);
-      while (++i < m) {
-        si = subject.charCodeAt(i);
-        if (si === qj_lw || si === qj_up) {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (i === m) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  };
-  scoreMain = function(subject, subject_lw, prepQuery) {
-    var acro, acro_score, align, csc_diag, csc_invalid, csc_row, csc_score, i, j, m, miss_budget, miss_left, mm, n, pos, query, query_lw, record_miss, score, score_diag, score_row, score_up, si_lw, start, sz;
-    query = prepQuery.query;
-    query_lw = prepQuery.query_lw;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query.length;
-    acro = scoreAcronyms(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw);
-    acro_score = acro.score;
-    if (acro.count === n) {
-      return scoreExact(n, m, acro_score, acro.pos);
-    }
-    pos = subject_lw.indexOf(query_lw);
-    if (pos > -1) {
-      return scoreExactMatch(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw, pos, n, m);
-    }
-    score_row = new Array(n);
-    csc_row = new Array(n);
-    sz = scoreSize(n, m);
-    miss_budget = Math.ceil(miss_coeff * n) + 5;
-    miss_left = miss_budget;
-    j = -1;
-    while (++j < n) {
-      score_row[j] = 0;
-      csc_row[j] = 0;
-    }
-    i = subject_lw.indexOf(query_lw[0]);
-    if (i > -1) {
-      i--;
-    }
-    mm = subject_lw.lastIndexOf(query_lw[n - 1], m);
-    if (mm > i) {
-      m = mm + 1;
-    }
-    csc_invalid = true;
-    while (++i < m) {
-      si_lw = subject_lw[i];
-      if (prepQuery.charCodes[si_lw.charCodeAt(0)] == null) {
-        if (csc_invalid !== true) {
-          j = -1;
-          while (++j < n) {
-            csc_row[j] = 0;
-          }
-          csc_invalid = true;
-        }
-        continue;
-      }
-      score = 0;
-      score_diag = 0;
-      csc_diag = 0;
-      record_miss = true;
-      csc_invalid = false;
-      j = -1;
-      while (++j < n) {
-        score_up = score_row[j];
-        if (score_up > score) {
-          score = score_up;
-        }
-        csc_score = 0;
-        if (query_lw[j] === si_lw) {
-          start = isWordStart(i, subject, subject_lw);
-          csc_score = csc_diag > 0 ? csc_diag : scoreConsecutives(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw, i, j, start);
-          align = score_diag + scoreCharacter(i, j, start, acro_score, csc_score);
-          if (align > score) {
-            score = align;
-            miss_left = miss_budget;
-          } else {
-            if (record_miss && --miss_left <= 0) {
-              return score_row[n - 1] * sz;
-            }
-            record_miss = false;
-          }
-        }
-        score_diag = score_up;
-        csc_diag = csc_row[j];
-        csc_row[j] = csc_score;
-        score_row[j] = score;
-      }
-    }
-    score = score_row[n - 1];
-    return score * sz;
-  };
-  exports.isWordStart = isWordStart = function(pos, subject, subject_lw) {
-    var curr_s, prev_s;
-    if (pos === 0) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    curr_s = subject[pos];
-    prev_s = subject[pos - 1];
-    return isSeparator(prev_s) || (curr_s !== subject_lw[pos] && prev_s === subject_lw[pos - 1]);
-  };
-  exports.isWordEnd = isWordEnd = function(pos, subject, subject_lw, len) {
-    var curr_s, next_s;
-    if (pos === len - 1) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    curr_s = subject[pos];
-    next_s = subject[pos + 1];
-    return isSeparator(next_s) || (curr_s === subject_lw[pos] && next_s !== subject_lw[pos + 1]);
-  };
-  isSeparator = function(c) {
-    return c === ' ' || c === '.' || c === '-' || c === '_' || c === '/' || c === '\\';
-  };
-  scorePosition = function(pos) {
-    var sc;
-    if (pos < pos_bonus) {
-      sc = pos_bonus - pos;
-      return 100 + sc * sc;
-    } else {
-      return Math.max(100 + pos_bonus - pos, 0);
-    }
-  };
-  scoreSize = function(n, m) {
-    return tau_size / (tau_size + Math.abs(m - n));
-  };
-  scoreExact = function(n, m, quality, pos) {
-    return 2 * n * (wm * quality + scorePosition(pos)) * scoreSize(n, m);
-  };
-  exports.scorePattern = scorePattern = function(count, len, sameCase, start, end) {
-    var bonus, sz;
-    sz = count;
-    bonus = 6;
-    if (sameCase === count) {
-      bonus += 2;
-    }
-    if (start) {
-      bonus += 3;
-    }
-    if (end) {
-      bonus += 1;
-    }
-    if (count === len) {
-      if (start) {
-        if (sameCase === len) {
-          sz += 2;
-        } else {
-          sz += 1;
-        }
-      }
-      if (end) {
-        bonus += 1;
-      }
-    }
-    return sameCase + sz * (sz + bonus);
-  };
-  exports.scoreCharacter = scoreCharacter = function(i, j, start, acro_score, csc_score) {
-    var posBonus;
-    posBonus = scorePosition(i);
-    if (start) {
-      return posBonus + wm * ((acro_score > csc_score ? acro_score : csc_score) + 10);
-    }
-    return posBonus + wm * csc_score;
-  };
-  exports.scoreConsecutives = scoreConsecutives = function(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw, i, j, startOfWord) {
-    var k, m, mi, n, nj, sameCase, sz;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query.length;
-    mi = m - i;
-    nj = n - j;
-    k = mi < nj ? mi : nj;
-    sameCase = 0;
-    sz = 0;
-    if (query[j] === subject[i]) {
-      sameCase++;
-    }
-    while (++sz < k && query_lw[++j] === subject_lw[++i]) {
-      if (query[j] === subject[i]) {
-        sameCase++;
-      }
-    }
-    if (sz === 1) {
-      return 1 + 2 * sameCase;
-    }
-    return scorePattern(sz, n, sameCase, startOfWord, isWordEnd(i, subject, subject_lw, m));
-  };
-  exports.scoreExactMatch = scoreExactMatch = function(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw, pos, n, m) {
-    var end, i, pos2, sameCase, start;
-    start = isWordStart(pos, subject, subject_lw);
-    if (!start) {
-      pos2 = subject_lw.indexOf(query_lw, pos + 1);
-      if (pos2 > -1) {
-        start = isWordStart(pos2, subject, subject_lw);
-        if (start) {
-          pos = pos2;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    i = -1;
-    sameCase = 0;
-    while (++i < n) {
-      if (query[pos + i] === subject[i]) {
-        sameCase++;
-      }
-    }
-    end = isWordEnd(pos + n - 1, subject, subject_lw, m);
-    return scoreExact(n, m, scorePattern(n, n, sameCase, start, end), pos);
-  };
-  AcronymResult = (function() {
-    function AcronymResult(score, pos, count) {
-      this.score = score;
-      this.pos = pos;
-      this.count = count;
-    }
-    return AcronymResult;
-  })();
-  emptyAcronymResult = new AcronymResult(0, 0.1, 0);
-  exports.scoreAcronyms = scoreAcronyms = function(subject, subject_lw, query, query_lw) {
-    var count, fullWord, i, j, m, n, qj_lw, sameCase, score, sepCount, sumPos;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query.length;
-    if (!(m > 1 && n > 1)) {
-      return emptyAcronymResult;
-    }
-    count = 0;
-    sepCount = 0;
-    sumPos = 0;
-    sameCase = 0;
-    i = -1;
-    j = -1;
-    while (++j < n) {
-      qj_lw = query_lw[j];
-      if (isSeparator(qj_lw)) {
-        i = subject_lw.indexOf(qj_lw, i + 1);
-        if (i > -1) {
-          sepCount++;
-          continue;
-        } else {
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      while (++i < m) {
-        if (qj_lw === subject_lw[i] && isWordStart(i, subject, subject_lw)) {
-          if (query[j] === subject[i]) {
-            sameCase++;
-          }
-          sumPos += i;
-          count++;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (i === m) {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (count < 2) {
-      return emptyAcronymResult;
-    }
-    fullWord = count === n ? isAcronymFullWord(subject, subject_lw, query, count) : false;
-    score = scorePattern(count, n, sameCase, true, fullWord);
-    return new AcronymResult(score, sumPos / count, count + sepCount);
-  };
-  isAcronymFullWord = function(subject, subject_lw, query, nbAcronymInQuery) {
-    var count, i, m, n;
-    m = subject.length;
-    n = query.length;
-    count = 0;
-    if (m > 12 * n) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    i = -1;
-    while (++i < m) {
-      if (isWordStart(i, subject, subject_lw) && ++count > nbAcronymInQuery) {
-        return false;
-      }
-    }
-    return true;
-  };
-  scorePath = function(subject, subject_lw, prepQuery, fullPathScore, useExtensionBonus, pathSeparator) {
-    var alpha, basePathScore, basePos, depth, end, extAdjust;
-    if (fullPathScore === 0) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    end = subject.length - 1;
-    while (subject[end] === pathSeparator) {
-      end--;
-    }
-    basePos = subject.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator, end);
-    extAdjust = 1.0;
-    if (useExtensionBonus) {
-      extAdjust += getExtensionScore(subject_lw, prepQuery.ext, basePos, end, 2);
-      fullPathScore *= extAdjust;
-    }
-    if (basePos === -1) {
-      return fullPathScore;
-    }
-    depth = prepQuery.depth;
-    while (basePos > -1 && depth-- > 0) {
-      basePos = subject.lastIndexOf(pathSeparator, basePos - 1);
-    }
-    basePathScore = basePos === -1 ? fullPathScore : extAdjust * scoreMain(subject.slice(basePos + 1, end + 1), subject_lw.slice(basePos + 1, end + 1), prepQuery);
-    alpha = 0.5 * tau_depth / (tau_depth + countDir(subject, end + 1, pathSeparator));
-    return alpha * basePathScore + (1 - alpha) * fullPathScore * scoreSize(0, file_coeff * (end - basePos));
-  };
-  exports.countDir = countDir = function(path, end, pathSeparator) {
-    var count, i;
-    if (end < 1) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    count = 0;
-    i = -1;
-    while (++i < end && path[i] === pathSeparator) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    while (++i < end) {
-      if (path[i] === pathSeparator) {
-        count++;
-        while (++i < end && path[i] === pathSeparator) {
-          continue;
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    return count;
-  };
-  getExtension = function(str) {
-    var pos;
-    pos = str.lastIndexOf(".");
-    if (pos < 0) {
-      return "";
-    } else {
-      return str.substr(pos + 1);
-    }
-  };
-  getExtensionScore = function(candidate, ext, startPos, endPos, maxDepth) {
-    var m, matched, n, pos;
-    if (!ext.length) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    pos = candidate.lastIndexOf(".", endPos);
-    if (!(pos > startPos)) {
-      return 0;
-    }
-    n = ext.length;
-    m = endPos - pos;
-    if (m < n) {
-      n = m;
-      m = ext.length;
-    }
-    pos++;
-    matched = -1;
-    while (++matched < n) {
-      if (candidate[pos + matched] !== ext[matched]) {
-        break;
-      }
-    }
-    if (matched === 0 && maxDepth > 0) {
-      return 0.9 * getExtensionScore(candidate, ext, startPos, pos - 2, maxDepth - 1);
-    }
-    return matched / m;
-  };
-  truncatedUpperCase = function(str) {
-    var char, upper, _i, _len;
-    upper = "";
-    for (_i = 0, _len = str.length; _i < _len; _i++) {
-      char = str[_i];
-      upper += char.toUpperCase()[0];
-    }
-    return upper;
-  };
-  getCharCodes = function(str) {
-    var charCodes, i, len;
-    len = str.length;
-    i = -1;
-    charCodes = [];
-    while (++i < len) {
-      charCodes[str.charCodeAt(i)] = true;
-    }
-    return charCodes;
-  };
-// shim for using process in browser
-var process = module.exports = {};
-// cached from whatever global is present so that test runners that stub it
-// don't break things.  But we need to wrap it in a try catch in case it is
-// wrapped in strict mode code which doesn't define any globals.  It's inside a
-// function because try/catches deoptimize in certain engines.
-var cachedSetTimeout;
-var cachedClearTimeout;
-(function () {
-  try {
-    cachedSetTimeout = setTimeout;
-  } catch (e) {
-    cachedSetTimeout = function () {
-      throw new Error('setTimeout is not defined');
-    }
-  }
-  try {
-    cachedClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
-  } catch (e) {
-    cachedClearTimeout = function () {
-      throw new Error('clearTimeout is not defined');
-    }
-  }
-} ())
-var queue = [];
-var draining = false;
-var currentQueue;
-var queueIndex = -1;
-function cleanUpNextTick() {
-    if (!draining || !currentQueue) {
-        return;
-    }
-    draining = false;
-    if (currentQueue.length) {
-        queue = currentQueue.concat(queue);
-    } else {
-        queueIndex = -1;
-    }
-    if (queue.length) {
-        drainQueue();
-    }
-function drainQueue() {
-    if (draining) {
-        return;
-    }
-    var timeout = cachedSetTimeout(cleanUpNextTick);
-    draining = true;
-    var len = queue.length;
-    while(len) {
-        currentQueue = queue;
-        queue = [];
-        while (++queueIndex < len) {
-            if (currentQueue) {
-                currentQueue[queueIndex].run();
-            }
-        }
-        queueIndex = -1;
-        len = queue.length;
-    }
-    currentQueue = null;
-    draining = false;
-    cachedClearTimeout(timeout);
-process.nextTick = function (fun) {
-    var args = new Array(arguments.length - 1);
-    if (arguments.length > 1) {
-        for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
-            args[i - 1] = arguments[i];
-        }
-    }
-    queue.push(new Item(fun, args));
-    if (queue.length === 1 && !draining) {
-        cachedSetTimeout(drainQueue, 0);
-    }
-// v8 likes predictible objects
-function Item(fun, array) {
-    this.fun = fun;
-    this.array = array;
-Item.prototype.run = function () {
-    this.fun.apply(null, this.array);
-process.title = 'browser';
-process.browser = true;
-process.env = {};
-process.argv = [];
-process.version = ''; // empty string to avoid regexp issues
-process.versions = {};
-function noop() {}
-process.on = noop;
-process.addListener = noop;
-process.once = noop;
-process.off = noop;
-process.removeListener = noop;
-process.removeAllListeners = noop;
-process.emit = noop;
-process.binding = function (name) {
-    throw new Error('process.binding is not supported');
-process.cwd = function () { return '/' };
-process.chdir = function (dir) {
-    throw new Error('process.chdir is not supported');
-process.umask = function() { return 0; };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.min.js b/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 38531d9..0000000
--- a/dist-browser/fuzzaldrin-plus.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* fuzzaldrin-plus - v0.3.1 - @license: MIT; @author: Jean Christophe Roy; @site: https://github.com/jeancroy/fuzzaldrin-plus */
-!function(a){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=a();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],a);else{var b;b="undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self?self:this,b.fuzzaldrin=a()}}(function(){return function a(b,c,d){function e(g,h){if(!c[g]){if(!b[g]){var i="function"==typeof require&&require;if(!h&&i)return i(g,!0);if(f)return f(g,!0);var j=new Error("Cannot find module '"+g+"'");throw  [...]
\ No newline at end of file

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-fuzzaldrin-plus.git

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