[Pkg-javascript-commits] [acorn] 01/19: Import 0.12.0 by hand in upstream branch
Julien Puydt
julien.puydt at laposte.net
Fri Nov 25 08:13:24 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
jpuydt-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository acorn.
commit 937788adae044fa23a392f7ce49c1372625796d5
Author: Julien Puydt <julien.puydt at laposte.net>
Date: Tue Nov 15 17:49:47 2016 +0100
Import 0.12.0 by hand in upstream branch
.gitignore | 2 +
.npmignore | 3 +
README.md | 19 +-
acorn.js | 878 ++++++++-----
acorn_loose.js | 274 ++--
bin/acorn | 22 +-
package.json | 4 +-
test/driver.js | 5 +-
test/tests-harmony.js | 3387 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
test/tests.js | 176 ++-
util/walk.js | 20 +-
11 files changed, 2896 insertions(+), 1894 deletions(-)
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 7a9d2aa..66cc69a 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/.npmignore b/.npmignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecba291
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.npmignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 58627b0..0b0d841 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Acorn
+[Author funding status: ](https://marijnhaverbeke.nl/fund/)
A tiny, fast JavaScript parser, written completely in JavaScript.
@@ -72,6 +74,10 @@ object referring to that same position.
declarations can only appear at a program's top level. Setting this
option to `true` allows them anywhere where a statement is allowed.
+- **allowHashBang**: When this is enabled (off by default), if the
+ code starts with the characters `#!` (as in a shellscript), the
+ first line will be treated as a comment.
- **locations**: When `true`, each node has a `loc` object attached
with `start` and `end` subobjects, each of which contains the
one-based line and zero-based column numbers in `{line, column}`
@@ -158,6 +164,17 @@ token, and returns a `{start, end, type, value}` object (with added
`loc` property when the `locations` option is enabled and `range`
property when the `ranges` option is enabled).
+In ES6 environment, returned result can be used as any other protocol-compliant iterable:
+for (let token of acorn.tokenize(str)) {
+ // iterate over the tokens
+// transform code to array of tokens:
+var tokens = [...acorn.tokenize(str)];
**tokTypes** holds an object mapping names to the token type objects
that end up in the `type` properties of tokens.
@@ -215,7 +232,7 @@ but never raises an error, and will do its best to parse syntactically
invalid code in as meaningful a way as it can. It'll insert identifier
nodes with name `"✖"` as placeholders in places where it can't make
sense of the input. Depends on `acorn.js`, because it uses the same
-tokenizer. The loose parser does not support ECMAScript 6 syntax yet.
### util/walk.js ###
diff --git a/acorn.js b/acorn.js
index d8ae3cc..542844c 100644
--- a/acorn.js
+++ b/acorn.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
})(this, function(exports) {
"use strict";
- exports.version = "0.11.0";
+ exports.version = "0.12.0";
// The main exported interface (under `self.acorn` when in the
// browser) is a `parse` function that takes a code string and
@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@
// When enabled, import/export statements are not constrained to
// appearing at the top of the program.
allowImportExportEverywhere: false,
+ // When enabled, hashbang directive in the beginning of file
+ // is allowed and treated as a line comment.
+ allowHashBang: false,
// When `locations` is on, `loc` properties holding objects with
// `start` and `end` properties in `{line, column}` form (with
// line being 1-based and column 0-based) will be attached to the
@@ -197,9 +200,6 @@
if (options.locations) {
this.loc = new SourceLocation();
this.loc.end = tokEndLoc;
- // TODO: remove in next major release
- this.startLoc = tokStartLoc;
- this.endLoc = tokEndLoc;
if (options.ranges)
this.range = [tokStart, tokEnd];
@@ -220,12 +220,12 @@
- function getToken(forceRegexp) {
+ function getToken() {
lastEnd = tokEnd;
- readToken(forceRegexp);
+ readToken();
return new Token();
- getToken.jumpTo = function(pos, reAllowed) {
+ getToken.jumpTo = function(pos, exprAllowed) {
tokPos = pos;
if (options.locations) {
tokCurLine = 1;
@@ -236,12 +236,23 @@
tokLineStart = match.index + match[0].length;
- tokRegexpAllowed = reAllowed;
+ tokExprAllowed = !!exprAllowed;
- getToken.noRegexp = function() {
- tokRegexpAllowed = false;
- };
+ getToken.current = function() { return new Token(); };
+ if (typeof Symbol !== 'undefined') {
+ getToken[Symbol.iterator] = function () {
+ return {
+ next: function () {
+ var token = getToken();
+ return {
+ done: token.type === _eof,
+ value: token
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ }
getToken.options = options;
return getToken;
@@ -274,12 +285,13 @@
// Internal state for the tokenizer. To distinguish between division
// operators and regular expressions, it remembers whether the last
- // token was one that is allowed to be followed by an expression.
- // (If it is, a slash is probably a regexp, if it isn't it's a
- // division operator. See the `parseStatement` function for a
- // caveat.)
+ // token was one that is allowed to be followed by an expression. In
+ // some cases, notably after ')' or '}' tokens, the situation
+ // depends on the context before the matching opening bracket, so
+ // tokContext keeps a stack of information about current bracketed
+ // forms.
- var tokRegexpAllowed;
+ var tokContext, tokExprAllowed;
// When `options.locations` is true, these are used to keep
// track of the current line, and know when a new line has been
@@ -300,22 +312,10 @@
var inFunction, inGenerator, labels, strict;
- // This counter is used for checking that arrow expressions did
- // not contain nested parentheses in argument list.
- var metParenL;
- // This is used by the tokenizer to track the template strings it is
- // inside, and count the amount of open braces seen inside them, to
- // be able to switch back to a template token when the } to match ${
- // is encountered. It will hold an array of integers.
- var templates;
function initParserState() {
lastStart = lastEnd = tokPos;
if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = curPosition();
- inFunction = inGenerator = strict = false;
+ inFunction = inGenerator = false;
labels = [];
@@ -413,8 +413,9 @@
var _braceR = {type: "}"}, _parenL = {type: "(", beforeExpr: true}, _parenR = {type: ")"};
var _comma = {type: ",", beforeExpr: true}, _semi = {type: ";", beforeExpr: true};
var _colon = {type: ":", beforeExpr: true}, _dot = {type: "."}, _question = {type: "?", beforeExpr: true};
- var _arrow = {type: "=>", beforeExpr: true}, _template = {type: "template"}, _templateContinued = {type: "templateContinued"};
- var _ellipsis = {type: "...", prefix: true, beforeExpr: true};
+ var _arrow = {type: "=>", beforeExpr: true}, _template = {type: "template"};
+ var _ellipsis = {type: "...", beforeExpr: true};
+ var _backQuote = {type: "`"}, _dollarBraceL = {type: "${", beforeExpr: true};
// Operators. These carry several kinds of properties to help the
// parser use them properly (the presence of these properties is
@@ -456,8 +457,8 @@
parenL: _parenL, parenR: _parenR, comma: _comma, semi: _semi, colon: _colon,
dot: _dot, ellipsis: _ellipsis, question: _question, slash: _slash, eq: _eq,
name: _name, eof: _eof, num: _num, regexp: _regexp, string: _string,
- arrow: _arrow, template: _template, templateContinued: _templateContinued, star: _star,
- assign: _assign};
+ arrow: _arrow, template: _template, star: _star, assign: _assign,
+ backQuote: _backQuote, dollarBraceL: _dollarBraceL};
for (var kw in keywordTypes) exports.tokTypes["_" + kw] = keywordTypes[kw];
// This is a trick taken from Esprima. It turns out that, on
@@ -595,7 +596,7 @@
Position.prototype.offset = function(n) {
return new Position(this.line, this.column + n);
- }
+ };
function curPosition() {
return new Position(tokCurLine, tokPos - tokLineStart);
@@ -612,25 +613,95 @@
tokCurLine = 1;
tokPos = tokLineStart = 0;
- tokRegexpAllowed = true;
- metParenL = 0;
- templates = [];
+ tokType = _eof;
+ tokContext = [b_stat];
+ tokExprAllowed = true;
+ strict = false;
+ if (tokPos === 0 && options.allowHashBang && input.slice(0, 2) === '#!') {
+ skipLineComment(2);
+ }
+ }
+ // The algorithm used to determine whether a regexp can appear at a
+ // given point in the program is loosely based on sweet.js' approach.
+ // See https://github.com/mozilla/sweet.js/wiki/design
+ var b_stat = {token: "{", isExpr: false}, b_expr = {token: "{", isExpr: true}, b_tmpl = {token: "${", isExpr: true};
+ var p_stat = {token: "(", isExpr: false}, p_expr = {token: "(", isExpr: true};
+ var q_tmpl = {token: "`", isExpr: true}, f_expr = {token: "function", isExpr: true};
+ function curTokContext() {
+ return tokContext[tokContext.length - 1];
+ }
+ function braceIsBlock(prevType) {
+ var parent;
+ if (prevType === _colon && (parent = curTokContext()).token == "{")
+ return !parent.isExpr;
+ if (prevType === _return)
+ return newline.test(input.slice(lastEnd, tokStart));
+ if (prevType === _else || prevType === _semi || prevType === _eof)
+ return true;
+ if (prevType == _braceL)
+ return curTokContext() === b_stat;
+ return !tokExprAllowed;
// Called at the end of every token. Sets `tokEnd`, `tokVal`, and
- // `tokRegexpAllowed`, and skips the space after the token, so that
- // the next one's `tokStart` will point at the right position.
+ // maintains `tokContext` and `tokExprAllowed`, and skips the space
+ // after the token, so that the next one's `tokStart` will point at
+ // the right position.
- function finishToken(type, val, shouldSkipSpace) {
+ function finishToken(type, val) {
tokEnd = tokPos;
if (options.locations) tokEndLoc = curPosition();
+ var prevType = tokType, preserveSpace = false;
tokType = type;
- if (shouldSkipSpace !== false) skipSpace();
tokVal = val;
- tokRegexpAllowed = type.beforeExpr;
- if (options.onToken) {
- options.onToken(new Token());
+ // Update context info
+ if (type === _parenR || type === _braceR) {
+ var out = tokContext.pop();
+ if (out === b_tmpl) {
+ preserveSpace = true;
+ } else if (out === b_stat && curTokContext() === f_expr) {
+ tokContext.pop();
+ tokExprAllowed = false;
+ } else {
+ tokExprAllowed = !(out && out.isExpr);
+ }
+ } else if (type === _braceL) {
+ tokContext.push(braceIsBlock(prevType) ? b_stat : b_expr);
+ tokExprAllowed = true;
+ } else if (type === _dollarBraceL) {
+ tokContext.push(b_tmpl);
+ tokExprAllowed = true;
+ } else if (type == _parenL) {
+ var statementParens = prevType === _if || prevType === _for || prevType === _with || prevType === _while;
+ tokContext.push(statementParens ? p_stat : p_expr);
+ tokExprAllowed = true;
+ } else if (type == _incDec) {
+ // tokExprAllowed stays unchanged
+ } else if (type.keyword && prevType == _dot) {
+ tokExprAllowed = false;
+ } else if (type == _function) {
+ if (curTokContext() !== b_stat) {
+ tokContext.push(f_expr);
+ }
+ tokExprAllowed = false;
+ } else if (type === _backQuote) {
+ if (curTokContext() === q_tmpl) {
+ tokContext.pop();
+ } else {
+ tokContext.push(q_tmpl);
+ preserveSpace = true;
+ }
+ tokExprAllowed = false;
+ } else {
+ tokExprAllowed = type.beforeExpr;
+ if (!preserveSpace) skipSpace();
function skipBlockComment() {
@@ -716,9 +787,6 @@
// All in the name of speed.
- // The `forceRegexp` parameter is used in the one case where the
- // `tokRegexpAllowed` trick does not work. See `parseStatement`.
function readToken_dot() {
var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
if (next >= 48 && next <= 57) return readNumber(true);
@@ -734,7 +802,7 @@
function readToken_slash() { // '/'
var next = input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1);
- if (tokRegexpAllowed) {++tokPos; return readRegexp();}
+ if (tokExprAllowed) {++tokPos; return readRegexp();}
if (next === 61) return finishOp(_assign, 2);
return finishOp(_slash, 1);
@@ -818,23 +886,17 @@
case 44: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_comma);
case 91: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_bracketL);
case 93: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_bracketR);
- case 123:
- ++tokPos;
- if (templates.length) ++templates[templates.length - 1];
- return finishToken(_braceL);
- case 125:
- ++tokPos;
- if (templates.length && --templates[templates.length - 1] === 0)
- return readTemplateString(_templateContinued);
- else
- return finishToken(_braceR);
+ case 123: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_braceL);
+ case 125: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_braceR);
case 58: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_colon);
case 63: ++tokPos; return finishToken(_question);
case 96: // '`'
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- return readTemplateString(_template);
+ return finishToken(_backQuote);
+ } else {
+ return false;
case 48: // '0'
@@ -886,13 +948,15 @@
return false;
- function readToken(forceRegexp) {
- if (!forceRegexp) tokStart = tokPos;
- else tokPos = tokStart + 1;
+ function readToken() {
+ tokStart = tokPos;
if (options.locations) tokStartLoc = curPosition();
- if (forceRegexp) return readRegexp();
if (tokPos >= inputLen) return finishToken(_eof);
+ if (curTokContext() === q_tmpl) {
+ return readTmplToken();
+ }
var code = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
// Identifier or keyword. '\uXXXX' sequences are allowed in
@@ -1056,55 +1120,64 @@
function readString(quote) {
- ++tokPos;
- var out = "";
+ var out = "", chunkStart = ++tokPos;
for (;;) {
if (tokPos >= inputLen) raise(tokStart, "Unterminated string constant");
var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
- if (ch === quote) {
- ++tokPos;
- return finishToken(_string, out);
- }
+ if (ch === quote) break;
if (ch === 92) { // '\'
+ out += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
out += readEscapedChar();
+ chunkStart = tokPos;
} else {
+ if (isNewLine(ch)) raise(tokStart, "Unterminated string constant");
- if (newline.test(String.fromCharCode(ch))) {
- raise(tokStart, "Unterminated string constant");
- }
- out += String.fromCharCode(ch); // '\'
+ out += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos++);
+ return finishToken(_string, out);
- function readTemplateString(type) {
- if (type == _templateContinued) templates.pop();
- var out = "", start = tokPos;;
+ // Reads template string tokens.
+ function readTmplToken() {
+ var out = "", chunkStart = tokPos;
for (;;) {
if (tokPos >= inputLen) raise(tokStart, "Unterminated template");
- var ch = input.charAt(tokPos);
- if (ch === "`" || ch === "$" && input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1) === 123) { // '`', '${'
- var raw = input.slice(start, tokPos);
- ++tokPos;
- if (ch == "$") { ++tokPos; templates.push(1); }
- return finishToken(type, {cooked: out, raw: raw});
+ var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
+ if (ch === 96 || ch === 36 && input.charCodeAt(tokPos + 1) === 123) { // '`', '${'
+ if (tokPos === tokStart && tokType === _template) {
+ if (ch === 36) {
+ tokPos += 2;
+ return finishToken(_dollarBraceL);
+ } else {
+ ++tokPos;
+ return finishToken(_backQuote);
+ }
+ }
+ out += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
+ return finishToken(_template, out);
- if (ch === "\\") { // '\'
+ if (ch === 92) { // '\'
+ out += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
out += readEscapedChar();
- } else {
+ chunkStart = tokPos;
+ } else if (isNewLine(ch)) {
+ out += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
- if (newline.test(ch)) {
- if (ch === "\r" && input.charCodeAt(tokPos) === 10) {
- ++tokPos;
- ch = "\n";
- }
- if (options.locations) {
- ++tokCurLine;
- tokLineStart = tokPos;
- }
+ if (ch === 13 && input.charCodeAt(tokPos) === 10) {
+ ++tokPos;
+ out += "\n";
+ } else {
+ out += String.fromCharCode(ch);
- out += ch;
+ if (options.locations) {
+ ++tokCurLine;
+ tokLineStart = tokPos;
+ }
+ chunkStart = tokPos;
+ } else {
+ ++tokPos;
@@ -1159,20 +1232,19 @@
// Read an identifier, and return it as a string. Sets `containsEsc`
// to whether the word contained a '\u' escape.
- // Only builds up the word character-by-character when it actually
- // containeds an escape, as a micro-optimization.
+ // Incrementally adds only escaped chars, adding other chunks as-is
+ // as a micro-optimization.
function readWord1() {
containsEsc = false;
- var word, first = true, start = tokPos;
- for (;;) {
+ var word = "", first = true, chunkStart = tokPos;
+ while (tokPos < inputLen) {
var ch = input.charCodeAt(tokPos);
if (isIdentifierChar(ch)) {
- if (containsEsc) word += input.charAt(tokPos);
} else if (ch === 92) { // "\"
- if (!containsEsc) word = input.slice(start, tokPos);
containsEsc = true;
+ word += input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
if (input.charCodeAt(++tokPos) != 117) // "u"
raise(tokPos, "Expecting Unicode escape sequence \\uXXXX");
@@ -1182,12 +1254,13 @@
if (!(first ? isIdentifierStart(esc) : isIdentifierChar(esc)))
raise(tokPos - 4, "Invalid Unicode escape");
word += escStr;
+ chunkStart = tokPos;
} else {
first = false;
- return containsEsc ? word : input.slice(start, tokPos);
+ return word + input.slice(chunkStart, tokPos);
// Read an identifier or keyword token. Will check for reserved
@@ -1226,17 +1299,21 @@
// Continue to the next token.
function next() {
+ if (options.onToken)
+ options.onToken(new Token());
lastStart = tokStart;
lastEnd = tokEnd;
lastEndLoc = tokEndLoc;
- // Enter strict mode. Re-reads the next token to please pedantic
- // tests ("use strict"; 010; -- should fail).
+ // Enter strict mode. Re-reads the next number or string to
+ // please pedantic tests ("use strict"; 010; -- should fail).
function setStrict(strct) {
strict = strct;
+ if (tokType !== _num && tokType !== _string) return;
tokPos = tokStart;
if (options.locations) {
while (tokPos < tokLineStart) {
@@ -1311,6 +1388,8 @@
return node;
+ // Finish node at given position
function finishNodeAt(node, type, pos) {
if (options.locations) { node.loc.end = pos[1]; pos = pos[0]; }
node.type = type;
@@ -1339,6 +1418,24 @@
+ // Tests whether parsed token is a contextual keyword.
+ function isContextual(name) {
+ return tokType === _name && tokVal === name;
+ }
+ // Consumes contextual keyword if possible.
+ function eatContextual(name) {
+ return tokVal === name && eat(_name);
+ }
+ // Asserts that following token is given contextual keyword.
+ function expectContextual(name) {
+ if (!eatContextual(name)) unexpected();
+ }
// Test whether a semicolon can be inserted at the current position.
function canInsertSemicolon() {
@@ -1371,53 +1468,139 @@
function has(obj, propName) {
return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, propName);
// Convert existing expression atom to assignable pattern
// if possible.
- function toAssignable(node, allowSpread, checkType) {
+ function toAssignable(node, isBinding) {
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && node) {
switch (node.type) {
case "Identifier":
- case "MemberExpression":
+ case "ObjectPattern":
+ case "ArrayPattern":
+ case "AssignmentPattern":
case "ObjectExpression":
node.type = "ObjectPattern";
for (var i = 0; i < node.properties.length; i++) {
var prop = node.properties[i];
- if (prop.kind !== "init") unexpected(prop.key.start);
- toAssignable(prop.value, false, checkType);
+ if (prop.kind !== "init") raise(prop.key.start, "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter");
+ toAssignable(prop.value, isBinding);
case "ArrayExpression":
node.type = "ArrayPattern";
- for (var i = 0, lastI = node.elements.length - 1; i <= lastI; i++) {
- toAssignable(node.elements[i], i === lastI, checkType);
- }
+ toAssignableList(node.elements, isBinding);
- case "SpreadElement":
- if (allowSpread) {
- toAssignable(node.argument, false, checkType);
- checkSpreadAssign(node.argument);
+ case "AssignmentExpression":
+ if (node.operator === "=") {
+ node.type = "AssignmentPattern";
} else {
- unexpected(node.start);
+ raise(node.left.end, "Only '=' operator can be used for specifying default value.");
+ case "MemberExpression":
+ if (!isBinding) break;
- if (checkType) unexpected(node.start);
+ raise(node.start, "Assigning to rvalue");
return node;
- // Checks if node can be assignable spread argument.
+ // Convert list of expression atoms to binding list.
+ function toAssignableList(exprList, isBinding) {
+ if (exprList.length) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < exprList.length - 1; i++) {
+ toAssignable(exprList[i], isBinding);
+ }
+ var last = exprList[exprList.length - 1];
+ switch (last.type) {
+ case "RestElement":
+ break;
+ case "SpreadElement":
+ last.type = "RestElement";
+ var arg = last.argument;
+ toAssignable(arg, isBinding);
+ if (arg.type !== "Identifier" && arg.type !== "MemberExpression" && arg.type !== "ArrayPattern")
+ unexpected(arg.start);
+ break;
+ default:
+ toAssignable(last, isBinding);
+ }
+ }
+ return exprList;
+ }
+ // Parses spread element.
+ function parseSpread(refShorthandDefaultPos) {
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.argument = parseMaybeAssign(refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ return finishNode(node, "SpreadElement");
+ }
+ function parseRest() {
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.argument = tokType === _name || tokType === _bracketL ? parseBindingAtom() : unexpected();
+ return finishNode(node, "RestElement");
+ }
+ // Parses lvalue (assignable) atom.
+ function parseBindingAtom() {
+ if (options.ecmaVersion < 6) return parseIdent();
+ switch (tokType) {
+ case _name:
+ return parseIdent();
+ case _bracketL:
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.elements = parseBindingList(_bracketR, true);
+ return finishNode(node, "ArrayPattern");
+ case _braceL:
+ return parseObj(true);
+ default:
+ unexpected();
+ }
+ }
+ function parseBindingList(close, allowEmpty) {
+ var elts = [], first = true;
+ while (!eat(close)) {
+ first ? first = false : expect(_comma);
+ if (tokType === _ellipsis) {
+ elts.push(parseRest());
+ expect(close);
+ break;
+ }
+ elts.push(allowEmpty && tokType === _comma ? null : parseMaybeDefault());
+ }
+ return elts;
+ }
- function checkSpreadAssign(node) {
- if (node.type !== "Identifier" && node.type !== "ArrayPattern")
- unexpected(node.start);
+ // Parses assignment pattern around given atom if possible.
+ function parseMaybeDefault(startPos, left) {
+ startPos = startPos || storeCurrentPos();
+ left = left || parseBindingAtom();
+ if (!eat(_eq)) return left;
+ var node = startNodeAt(startPos);
+ node.operator = "=";
+ node.left = left;
+ node.right = parseMaybeAssign();
+ return finishNode(node, "AssignmentPattern");
// Verify that argument names are not repeated, and it does not
@@ -1444,6 +1627,9 @@
if (elem) checkFunctionParam(elem, nameHash);
+ case "RestElement":
+ return checkFunctionParam(param.argument, nameHash);
@@ -1483,14 +1669,12 @@
switch (expr.type) {
case "Identifier":
if (strict && (isStrictBadIdWord(expr.name) || isStrictReservedWord(expr.name)))
- raise(expr.start, isBinding
- ? "Binding " + expr.name + " in strict mode"
- : "Assigning to " + expr.name + " in strict mode"
- );
+ raise(expr.start, (isBinding ? "Binding " : "Assigning to ") + expr.name + " in strict mode");
case "MemberExpression":
- if (!isBinding) break;
+ if (isBinding) raise(expr.start, "Binding to member expression");
+ break;
case "ObjectPattern":
for (var i = 0; i < expr.properties.length; i++)
@@ -1504,7 +1688,12 @@
- case "SpreadElement":
+ case "AssignmentPattern":
+ checkLVal(expr.left);
+ break;
+ case "RestElement":
+ checkLVal(expr.argument);
@@ -1523,15 +1712,13 @@
var first = true;
if (!node.body) node.body = [];
while (tokType !== _eof) {
- var stmt = parseStatement(true);
+ var stmt = parseStatement(true, true);
if (first && isUseStrict(stmt)) setStrict(true);
first = false;
- lastStart = tokStart;
- lastEnd = tokEnd;
- lastEndLoc = tokEndLoc;
+ next();
return finishNode(node, "Program");
@@ -1544,10 +1731,7 @@
// `if (foo) /blah/.exec(foo);`, where looking at the previous token
// does not help.
- function parseStatement(topLevel) {
- if (tokType === _slash || tokType === _assign && tokVal == "/=")
- readToken(true);
+ function parseStatement(declaration, topLevel) {
var starttype = tokType, node = startNode();
// Most types of statements are recognized by the keyword they
@@ -1559,14 +1743,19 @@
case _debugger: return parseDebuggerStatement(node);
case _do: return parseDoStatement(node);
case _for: return parseForStatement(node);
- case _function: return parseFunctionStatement(node);
- case _class: return parseClass(node, true);
+ case _function:
+ if (!declaration && options.ecmaVersion >= 6) unexpected();
+ return parseFunctionStatement(node);
+ case _class:
+ if (!declaration) unexpected();
+ return parseClass(node, true);
case _if: return parseIfStatement(node);
case _return: return parseReturnStatement(node);
case _switch: return parseSwitchStatement(node);
case _throw: return parseThrowStatement(node);
case _try: return parseTryStatement(node);
- case _var: case _let: case _const: return parseVarStatement(node, starttype.keyword);
+ case _let: case _const: if (!declaration) unexpected(); // NOTE: falls through to _var
+ case _var: return parseVarStatement(node, starttype.keyword);
case _while: return parseWhileStatement(node);
case _with: return parseWithStatement(node);
case _braceL: return parseBlock(); // no point creating a function for this
@@ -1622,7 +1811,7 @@
function parseDoStatement(node) {
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(false);
node.test = parseParenExpression();
@@ -1651,15 +1840,19 @@
parseVar(init, true, varKind);
finishNode(init, "VariableDeclaration");
- if ((tokType === _in || (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && tokType === _name && tokVal === "of")) && init.declarations.length === 1 &&
+ if ((tokType === _in || (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && isContextual("of"))) && init.declarations.length === 1 &&
!(isLet && init.declarations[0].init))
return parseForIn(node, init);
return parseFor(node, init);
- var init = parseExpression(false, true);
- if (tokType === _in || (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && tokType === _name && tokVal === "of")) {
+ var refShorthandDefaultPos = {start: 0};
+ var init = parseExpression(true, refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (tokType === _in || (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && isContextual("of"))) {
+ toAssignable(init);
return parseForIn(node, init);
+ } else if (refShorthandDefaultPos.start) {
+ unexpected(refShorthandDefaultPos.start);
return parseFor(node, init);
@@ -1672,8 +1865,8 @@
function parseIfStatement(node) {
node.test = parseParenExpression();
- node.consequent = parseStatement();
- node.alternate = eat(_else) ? parseStatement() : null;
+ node.consequent = parseStatement(false);
+ node.alternate = eat(_else) ? parseStatement(false) : null;
return finishNode(node, "IfStatement");
@@ -1717,7 +1910,7 @@
} else {
if (!cur) unexpected();
- cur.consequent.push(parseStatement());
+ cur.consequent.push(parseStatement(true));
if (cur) finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase");
@@ -1743,9 +1936,8 @@
var clause = startNode();
- clause.param = parseIdent();
- if (strict && isStrictBadIdWord(clause.param.name))
- raise(clause.param.start, "Binding " + clause.param.name + " in strict mode");
+ clause.param = parseBindingAtom();
+ checkLVal(clause.param, true);
clause.guard = null;
clause.body = parseBlock();
@@ -1769,7 +1961,7 @@
node.test = parseParenExpression();
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(false);
return finishNode(node, "WhileStatement");
@@ -1778,7 +1970,7 @@
if (strict) raise(tokStart, "'with' in strict mode");
node.object = parseParenExpression();
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(false);
return finishNode(node, "WithStatement");
@@ -1792,7 +1984,7 @@
if (labels[i].name === maybeName) raise(expr.start, "Label '" + maybeName + "' is already declared");
var kind = tokType.isLoop ? "loop" : tokType === _switch ? "switch" : null;
labels.push({name: maybeName, kind: kind});
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(true);
node.label = expr;
return finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement");
@@ -1823,7 +2015,7 @@
node.body = [];
while (!eat(_braceR)) {
- var stmt = parseStatement();
+ var stmt = parseStatement(true);
if (first && allowStrict && isUseStrict(stmt)) {
oldStrict = strict;
@@ -1846,7 +2038,7 @@
node.update = tokType === _parenR ? null : parseExpression();
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(false);
return finishNode(node, "ForStatement");
@@ -1860,7 +2052,7 @@
node.left = init;
node.right = parseExpression();
- node.body = parseStatement();
+ node.body = parseStatement(false);
return finishNode(node, type);
@@ -1872,9 +2064,9 @@
node.kind = kind;
for (;;) {
var decl = startNode();
- decl.id = options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? toAssignable(parseExprAtom()) : parseIdent();
+ decl.id = parseBindingAtom();
checkLVal(decl.id, true);
- decl.init = eat(_eq) ? parseExpression(true, noIn) : (kind === _const.keyword ? unexpected() : null);
+ decl.init = eat(_eq) ? parseMaybeAssign(noIn) : (kind === _const.keyword ? unexpected() : null);
node.declarations.push(finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator"));
if (!eat(_comma)) break;
@@ -1889,17 +2081,20 @@
// and, *if* the syntactic construct they handle is present, wrap
// the AST node that the inner parser gave them in another node.
- // Parse a full expression. The arguments are used to forbid comma
- // sequences (in argument lists, array literals, or object literals)
- // or the `in` operator (in for loops initalization expressions).
+ // Parse a full expression. The optional arguments are used to
+ // forbid the `in` operator (in for loops initalization expressions)
+ // and provide reference for storing '=' operator inside shorthand
+ // property assignment in contexts where both object expression
+ // and object pattern might appear (so it's possible to raise
+ // delayed syntax error at correct position).
- function parseExpression(noComma, noIn) {
+ function parseExpression(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- var expr = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
- if (!noComma && tokType === _comma) {
+ var expr = parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (tokType === _comma) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.expressions = [expr];
- while (eat(_comma)) node.expressions.push(parseMaybeAssign(noIn));
+ while (eat(_comma)) node.expressions.push(parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos));
return finishNode(node, "SequenceExpression");
return expr;
@@ -1908,32 +2103,43 @@
// Parse an assignment expression. This includes applications of
// operators like `+=`.
- function parseMaybeAssign(noIn) {
+ function parseMaybeAssign(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
+ var failOnShorthandAssign;
+ if (!refShorthandDefaultPos) {
+ refShorthandDefaultPos = {start: 0};
+ failOnShorthandAssign = true;
+ } else {
+ failOnShorthandAssign = false;
+ }
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- var left = parseMaybeConditional(noIn);
+ var left = parseMaybeConditional(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos);
if (tokType.isAssign) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.operator = tokVal;
node.left = tokType === _eq ? toAssignable(left) : left;
+ refShorthandDefaultPos.start = 0; // reset because shorthand default was used correctly
node.right = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
return finishNode(node, "AssignmentExpression");
+ } else if (failOnShorthandAssign && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) {
+ unexpected(refShorthandDefaultPos.start);
return left;
// Parse a ternary conditional (`?:`) operator.
- function parseMaybeConditional(noIn) {
+ function parseMaybeConditional(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- var expr = parseExprOps(noIn);
+ var expr = parseExprOps(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) return expr;
if (eat(_question)) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.test = expr;
- node.consequent = parseExpression(true);
+ node.consequent = parseMaybeAssign();
- node.alternate = parseExpression(true, noIn);
+ node.alternate = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
return finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression");
return expr;
@@ -1941,9 +2147,11 @@
// Start the precedence parser.
- function parseExprOps(noIn) {
+ function parseExprOps(noIn, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- return parseExprOp(parseMaybeUnary(), start, -1, noIn);
+ var expr = parseMaybeUnary(refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) return expr;
+ return parseExprOp(expr, start, -1, noIn);
// Parse binary operators with the operator precedence parsing
@@ -1972,27 +2180,23 @@
// Parse unary operators, both prefix and postfix.
- function parseMaybeUnary() {
+ function parseMaybeUnary(refShorthandDefaultPos) {
if (tokType.prefix) {
- var node = startNode(), update = tokType.isUpdate, nodeType;
- if (tokType === _ellipsis) {
- nodeType = "SpreadElement";
- } else {
- nodeType = update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression";
- node.operator = tokVal;
- node.prefix = true;
- }
- tokRegexpAllowed = true;
+ var node = startNode(), update = tokType.isUpdate;
+ node.operator = tokVal;
+ node.prefix = true;
node.argument = parseMaybeUnary();
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) unexpected(refShorthandDefaultPos.start);
if (update) checkLVal(node.argument);
else if (strict && node.operator === "delete" &&
node.argument.type === "Identifier")
raise(node.start, "Deleting local variable in strict mode");
- return finishNode(node, nodeType);
+ return finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression");
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- var expr = parseExprSubscripts();
+ var expr = parseExprSubscripts(refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) return expr;
while (tokType.postfix && !canInsertSemicolon()) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.operator = tokVal;
@@ -2007,9 +2211,11 @@
// Parse call, dot, and `[]`-subscript expressions.
- function parseExprSubscripts() {
+ function parseExprSubscripts(refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var start = storeCurrentPos();
- return parseSubscripts(parseExprAtom(), start);
+ var expr = parseExprAtom(refShorthandDefaultPos);
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos && refShorthandDefaultPos.start) return expr;
+ return parseSubscripts(expr, start);
function parseSubscripts(base, start, noCalls) {
@@ -2031,7 +2237,7 @@
node.callee = base;
node.arguments = parseExprList(_parenR, false);
return parseSubscripts(finishNode(node, "CallExpression"), start, noCalls);
- } else if (tokType === _template) {
+ } else if (tokType === _backQuote) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.tag = base;
node.quasi = parseTemplate();
@@ -2044,7 +2250,7 @@
// `new`, or an expression wrapped in punctuation like `()`, `[]`,
// or `{}`.
- function parseExprAtom() {
+ function parseExprAtom(refShorthandDefaultPos) {
switch (tokType) {
case _this:
var node = startNode();
@@ -2057,7 +2263,7 @@
case _name:
var start = storeCurrentPos();
var id = parseIdent(tokType !== _name);
- if (eat(_arrow)) {
+ if (!canInsertSemicolon() && eat(_arrow)) {
return parseArrowExpression(startNodeAt(start), [id]);
return id;
@@ -2085,42 +2291,7 @@
return finishNode(node, "Literal");
case _parenL:
- var start = storeCurrentPos();
- var val, exprList;
- next();
- // check whether this is generator comprehension or regular expression
- if (options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && tokType === _for) {
- val = parseComprehension(startNodeAt(start), true);
- } else {
- var oldParenL = ++metParenL;
- if (tokType !== _parenR) {
- val = parseExpression();
- exprList = val.type === "SequenceExpression" ? val.expressions : [val];
- } else {
- exprList = [];
- }
- expect(_parenR);
- // if '=>' follows '(...)', convert contents to arguments
- if (metParenL === oldParenL && eat(_arrow)) {
- val = parseArrowExpression(startNodeAt(start), exprList);
- } else {
- // forbid '()' before everything but '=>'
- if (!val) unexpected(lastStart);
- // forbid '...' in sequence expressions
- if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- for (var i = 0; i < exprList.length; i++) {
- if (exprList[i].type === "SpreadElement") unexpected();
- }
- }
- if (options.preserveParens) {
- var par = startNodeAt(start);
- par.expression = val;
- val = finishNode(par, "ParenthesizedExpression");
- }
- }
- }
- return val;
+ return parseParenAndDistinguishExpression();
case _bracketL:
var node = startNode();
@@ -2129,11 +2300,11 @@
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && tokType === _for) {
return parseComprehension(node, false);
- node.elements = parseExprList(_bracketR, true, true);
+ node.elements = parseExprList(_bracketR, true, true, refShorthandDefaultPos);
return finishNode(node, "ArrayExpression");
case _braceL:
- return parseObj();
+ return parseObj(false, refShorthandDefaultPos);
case _function:
var node = startNode();
@@ -2146,7 +2317,7 @@
case _new:
return parseNew();
- case _template:
+ case _backQuote:
return parseTemplate();
@@ -2154,6 +2325,62 @@
+ function parseParenAndDistinguishExpression() {
+ var start = storeCurrentPos(), val;
+ if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
+ next();
+ if (options.ecmaVersion >= 7 && tokType === _for) {
+ return parseComprehension(startNodeAt(start), true);
+ }
+ var innerStart = storeCurrentPos(), exprList = [], first = true;
+ var refShorthandDefaultPos = {start: 0}, spreadStart, innerParenStart;
+ while (tokType !== _parenR) {
+ first ? first = false : expect(_comma);
+ if (tokType === _ellipsis) {
+ spreadStart = tokStart;
+ exprList.push(parseRest());
+ break;
+ } else {
+ if (tokType === _parenL && !innerParenStart) {
+ innerParenStart = tokStart;
+ }
+ exprList.push(parseMaybeAssign(false, refShorthandDefaultPos));
+ }
+ }
+ var innerEnd = storeCurrentPos();
+ expect(_parenR);
+ if (!canInsertSemicolon() && eat(_arrow)) {
+ if (innerParenStart) unexpected(innerParenStart);
+ return parseArrowExpression(startNodeAt(start), exprList);
+ }
+ if (!exprList.length) unexpected(lastStart);
+ if (spreadStart) unexpected(spreadStart);
+ if (refShorthandDefaultPos.start) unexpected(refShorthandDefaultPos.start);
+ if (exprList.length > 1) {
+ val = startNodeAt(innerStart);
+ val.expressions = exprList;
+ finishNodeAt(val, "SequenceExpression", innerEnd);
+ } else {
+ val = exprList[0];
+ }
+ } else {
+ val = parseParenExpression();
+ }
+ if (options.preserveParens) {
+ var par = startNodeAt(start);
+ par.expression = val;
+ return finishNode(par, "ParenthesizedExpression");
+ } else {
+ return val;
+ }
+ }
// New's precedence is slightly tricky. It must allow its argument
// to be a `[]` or dot subscript expression, but not a call — at
// least, not without wrapping it in parentheses. Thus, it uses the
@@ -2171,30 +2398,35 @@
// Parse template expression.
function parseTemplateElement() {
- var elem = startNodeAt(options.locations ? [tokStart + 1, tokStartLoc.offset(1)] : tokStart + 1);
- elem.value = tokVal;
- elem.tail = input.charCodeAt(tokEnd - 1) !== 123; // '{'
+ var elem = startNode();
+ elem.value = {
+ raw: input.slice(tokStart, tokEnd),
+ cooked: tokVal
+ };
- var endOff = elem.tail ? 1 : 2;
- return finishNodeAt(elem, "TemplateElement", options.locations ? [lastEnd - endOff, lastEndLoc.offset(-endOff)] : lastEnd - endOff);
+ elem.tail = tokType === _backQuote;
+ return finishNode(elem, "TemplateElement");
function parseTemplate() {
var node = startNode();
+ next();
node.expressions = [];
var curElt = parseTemplateElement();
node.quasis = [curElt];
while (!curElt.tail) {
+ expect(_dollarBraceL);
- if (tokType !== _templateContinued) unexpected();
+ expect(_braceR);
node.quasis.push(curElt = parseTemplateElement());
+ next();
return finishNode(node, "TemplateLiteral");
- // Parse an object literal.
+ // Parse an object literal or binding pattern.
- function parseObj() {
+ function parseObj(isPattern, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var node = startNode(), first = true, propHash = {};
node.properties = [];
@@ -2204,36 +2436,51 @@
if (options.allowTrailingCommas && eat(_braceR)) break;
} else first = false;
- var prop = startNode(), isGenerator;
+ var prop = startNode(), isGenerator, start;
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
prop.method = false;
prop.shorthand = false;
- isGenerator = eat(_star);
+ if (isPattern || refShorthandDefaultPos) {
+ start = storeCurrentPos();
+ }
+ if (!isPattern) {
+ isGenerator = eat(_star);
+ }
if (eat(_colon)) {
- prop.value = parseExpression(true);
+ prop.value = isPattern ? parseMaybeDefault() : parseMaybeAssign(false, refShorthandDefaultPos);
prop.kind = "init";
} else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && tokType === _parenL) {
+ if (isPattern) unexpected();
prop.kind = "init";
prop.method = true;
prop.value = parseMethod(isGenerator);
} else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier" &&
- (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set")) {
- if (isGenerator) unexpected();
+ (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set") &&
+ (tokType != _comma && tokType != _braceR)) {
+ if (isGenerator || isPattern) unexpected();
prop.kind = prop.key.name;
prop.value = parseMethod(false);
} else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && !prop.computed && prop.key.type === "Identifier") {
prop.kind = "init";
- prop.value = prop.key;
+ if (isPattern) {
+ prop.value = parseMaybeDefault(start, prop.key);
+ } else if (tokType === _eq && refShorthandDefaultPos) {
+ if (!refShorthandDefaultPos.start)
+ refShorthandDefaultPos.start = tokStart;
+ prop.value = parseMaybeDefault(start, prop.key);
+ } else {
+ prop.value = prop.key;
+ }
prop.shorthand = true;
} else unexpected();
checkPropClash(prop, propHash);
node.properties.push(finishNode(prop, "Property"));
- return finishNode(node, "ObjectExpression");
+ return finishNode(node, isPattern ? "ObjectPattern" : "ObjectExpression");
function parsePropertyName(prop) {
@@ -2254,11 +2501,9 @@
function initFunction(node) {
node.id = null;
- node.params = [];
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- node.defaults = [];
- node.rest = null;
node.generator = false;
+ node.expression = false;
@@ -2273,7 +2518,8 @@
if (isStatement || tokType === _name) {
node.id = parseIdent();
- parseFunctionParams(node);
+ expect(_parenL);
+ node.params = parseBindingList(_parenR, false);
parseFunctionBody(node, allowExpressionBody);
return finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression");
@@ -2283,7 +2529,8 @@
function parseMethod(isGenerator) {
var node = startNode();
- parseFunctionParams(node);
+ expect(_parenL);
+ node.params = parseBindingList(_parenR, false);
var allowExpressionBody;
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
node.generator = isGenerator;
@@ -2299,76 +2546,18 @@
function parseArrowExpression(node, params) {
- var defaults = node.defaults, hasDefaults = false;
- for (var i = 0, lastI = params.length - 1; i <= lastI; i++) {
- var param = params[i];
- if (param.type === "AssignmentExpression" && param.operator === "=") {
- hasDefaults = true;
- params[i] = param.left;
- defaults.push(param.right);
- } else {
- toAssignable(param, i === lastI, true);
- defaults.push(null);
- if (param.type === "SpreadElement") {
- params.length--;
- node.rest = param.argument;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- node.params = params;
- if (!hasDefaults) node.defaults = [];
+ node.params = toAssignableList(params, true);
parseFunctionBody(node, true);
return finishNode(node, "ArrowFunctionExpression");
- // Parse function parameters.
- function parseFunctionParams(node) {
- var defaults = [], hasDefaults = false;
- expect(_parenL);
- for (;;) {
- if (eat(_parenR)) {
- break;
- } else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && eat(_ellipsis)) {
- node.rest = toAssignable(parseExprAtom(), false, true);
- checkSpreadAssign(node.rest);
- expect(_parenR);
- defaults.push(null);
- break;
- } else {
- node.params.push(options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? toAssignable(parseExprAtom(), false, true) : parseIdent());
- if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- if (eat(_eq)) {
- hasDefaults = true;
- defaults.push(parseExpression(true));
- } else {
- defaults.push(null);
- }
- }
- if (!eat(_comma)) {
- expect(_parenR);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (hasDefaults) node.defaults = defaults;
- }
// Parse function body and check parameters.
function parseFunctionBody(node, allowExpression) {
var isExpression = allowExpression && tokType !== _braceL;
if (isExpression) {
- node.body = parseExpression(true);
+ node.body = parseMaybeAssign();
node.expression = true;
} else {
// Start a new scope with regard to labels and the `inFunction`
@@ -2389,8 +2578,6 @@
checkFunctionParam(node.id, {});
for (var i = 0; i < node.params.length; i++)
checkFunctionParam(node.params[i], nameHash);
- if (node.rest)
- checkFunctionParam(node.rest, nameHash);
@@ -2400,20 +2587,24 @@
function parseClass(node, isStatement) {
node.id = tokType === _name ? parseIdent() : isStatement ? unexpected() : null;
- node.superClass = eat(_extends) ? parseExpression() : null;
+ node.superClass = eat(_extends) ? parseExprSubscripts() : null;
var classBody = startNode();
classBody.body = [];
while (!eat(_braceR)) {
+ if (eat(_semi)) continue;
var method = startNode();
- if (tokType === _name && tokVal === "static") {
- next();
+ var isGenerator = eat(_star);
+ parsePropertyName(method);
+ if (tokType !== _parenL && !method.computed && method.key.type === "Identifier" &&
+ method.key.name === "static") {
+ if (isGenerator) unexpected();
method['static'] = true;
+ isGenerator = eat(_star);
+ parsePropertyName(method);
} else {
method['static'] = false;
- var isGenerator = eat(_star);
- parsePropertyName(method);
if (tokType !== _parenL && !method.computed && method.key.type === "Identifier" &&
(method.key.name === "get" || method.key.name === "set")) {
if (isGenerator) unexpected();
@@ -2424,7 +2615,6 @@
method.value = parseMethod(isGenerator);
classBody.body.push(finishNode(method, "MethodDefinition"));
- eat(_semi);
node.body = finishNode(classBody, "ClassBody");
return finishNode(node, isStatement ? "ClassDeclaration" : "ClassExpression");
@@ -2436,7 +2626,7 @@
// nothing in between them to be parsed as `null` (which is needed
// for array literals).
- function parseExprList(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty) {
+ function parseExprList(close, allowTrailingComma, allowEmpty, refShorthandDefaultPos) {
var elts = [], first = true;
while (!eat(close)) {
if (!first) {
@@ -2444,8 +2634,14 @@
if (allowTrailingComma && options.allowTrailingCommas && eat(close)) break;
} else first = false;
- if (allowEmpty && tokType === _comma) elts.push(null);
- else elts.push(parseExpression(true));
+ if (allowEmpty && tokType === _comma) {
+ elts.push(null);
+ } else {
+ if (tokType === _ellipsis)
+ elts.push(parseSpread(refShorthandDefaultPos));
+ else
+ elts.push(parseMaybeAssign(false, refShorthandDefaultPos));
+ }
return elts;
@@ -2470,7 +2666,6 @@
} else {
- tokRegexpAllowed = false;
return finishNode(node, "Identifier");
@@ -2481,14 +2676,21 @@
// export var|const|let|function|class ...;
if (tokType === _var || tokType === _const || tokType === _let || tokType === _function || tokType === _class) {
- node.declaration = parseStatement();
+ node.declaration = parseStatement(true);
node['default'] = false;
node.specifiers = null;
node.source = null;
} else
// export default ...;
if (eat(_default)) {
- node.declaration = parseExpression(true);
+ var expr = parseMaybeAssign();
+ if (expr.id) {
+ switch (expr.type) {
+ case "FunctionExpression": expr.type = "FunctionDeclaration"; break;
+ case "ClassExpression": expr.type = "ClassDeclaration"; break;
+ }
+ }
+ node.declaration = expr;
node['default'] = true;
node.specifiers = null;
node.source = null;
@@ -2500,8 +2702,7 @@
node.declaration = null;
node['default'] = false;
node.specifiers = parseExportSpecifiers();
- if (tokType === _name && tokVal === "from") {
- next();
+ if (eatContextual("from")) {
node.source = tokType === _string ? parseExprAtom() : unexpected();
} else {
if (isBatch) unexpected();
@@ -2532,12 +2733,7 @@
var node = startNode();
node.id = parseIdent(tokType === _default);
- if (tokType === _name && tokVal === "as") {
- next();
- node.name = parseIdent(true);
- } else {
- node.name = null;
- }
+ node.name = eatContextual("as") ? parseIdent(true) : null;
nodes.push(finishNode(node, "ExportSpecifier"));
@@ -2555,8 +2751,7 @@
node.kind = "";
} else {
node.specifiers = parseImportSpecifiers();
- if (tokType !== _name || tokVal !== "from") unexpected();
- next();
+ expectContextual("from");
node.source = tokType === _string ? parseExprAtom() : unexpected();
@@ -2580,8 +2775,7 @@
if (tokType === _star) {
var node = startNode();
- if (tokType !== _name || tokVal !== "as") unexpected();
- next();
+ expectContextual("as");
node.name = parseIdent();
checkLVal(node.name, true);
nodes.push(finishNode(node, "ImportBatchSpecifier"));
@@ -2596,12 +2790,7 @@
var node = startNode();
node.id = parseIdent(true);
- if (tokType === _name && tokVal === "as") {
- next();
- node.name = parseIdent();
- } else {
- node.name = null;
- }
+ node.name = eatContextual("as") ? parseIdent() : null;
checkLVal(node.name || node.id, true);
node['default'] = false;
nodes.push(finishNode(node, "ImportSpecifier"));
@@ -2619,7 +2808,7 @@
node.argument = null;
} else {
node.delegate = eat(_star);
- node.argument = parseExpression(true);
+ node.argument = parseMaybeAssign();
return finishNode(node, "YieldExpression");
@@ -2632,13 +2821,9 @@
var block = startNode();
- block.left = toAssignable(parseExprAtom());
+ block.left = parseBindingAtom();
checkLVal(block.left, true);
- if (tokType !== _name || tokVal !== "of") unexpected();
- next();
- // `of` property is here for compatibility with Esprima's AST
- // which also supports deprecated [for (... in ...) expr]
- block.of = true;
+ expectContextual("of");
block.right = parseExpression();
node.blocks.push(finishNode(block, "ComprehensionBlock"));
@@ -2649,5 +2834,4 @@
node.generator = isGenerator;
return finishNode(node, "ComprehensionExpression");
diff --git a/acorn_loose.js b/acorn_loose.js
index 97a3df6..5136c44 100644
--- a/acorn_loose.js
+++ b/acorn_loose.js
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@
exports.parse_dammit = function(inpt, opts) {
if (!opts) opts = {};
input = String(inpt);
- if (/^#!.*/.test(input)) input = "//" + input.slice(2);
fetchToken = acorn.tokenize(input, opts);
options = fetchToken.options;
sourceFile = options.sourceFile || null;
@@ -59,14 +58,14 @@
var lastEnd, token = {start: 0, end: 0}, ahead = [];
var curLineStart, nextLineStart, curIndent, lastEndLoc, sourceFile;
- function next(forceRegexp) {
+ function next() {
lastEnd = token.end;
if (options.locations)
- lastEndLoc = token.endLoc;
- if (forceRegexp)
- ahead.length = 0;
+ lastEndLoc = token.loc && token.loc.end;
- token = ahead.shift() || readToken(forceRegexp);
+ token = ahead.shift() || readToken();
+ if (options.onToken)
+ options.onToken(token);
if (token.start >= nextLineStart) {
while (token.start >= nextLineStart) {
@@ -77,11 +76,11 @@
- function readToken(forceRegexp) {
+ function readToken() {
for (;;) {
try {
- var tok = fetchToken(forceRegexp);
- if (tok.type === tt.dot && input.substr(tok.end, 1) === '.') {
+ var tok = fetchToken();
+ if (tok.type === tt.dot && input.substr(tok.end, 1) === '.' && options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
tok = fetchToken();
tok.type = tt.ellipsis;
@@ -102,8 +101,10 @@
replace = {start: e.pos, end: pos, type: tt.regexp, value: re};
} else if (/template/.test(msg)) {
replace = {start: e.pos, end: pos,
- type: input.charAt(e.pos) == "`" ? tt.template : tt.templateContinued,
- value: input.slice(e.pos + 1, pos)};
+ type: tt.template,
+ value: input.slice(e.pos, pos)};
+ } else if (/comment/.test(msg)) {
+ replace = fetchToken.current();
} else {
replace = false;
@@ -126,8 +127,8 @@
if (replace === true) replace = {start: pos, end: pos, type: tt.name, value: "✖"};
if (replace) {
if (options.locations) {
- replace.startLoc = acorn.getLineInfo(input, replace.start);
- replace.endLoc = acorn.getLineInfo(input, replace.end);
+ replace.loc = new SourceLocation(acorn.getLineInfo(input, replace.start));
+ replace.loc.end = acorn.getLineInfo(input, replace.end);
return replace;
@@ -209,7 +210,7 @@
Node.prototype = acorn.Node.prototype;
function SourceLocation(start) {
- this.start = start || token.startLoc || {line: 1, column: 0};
+ this.start = start || token.loc.start || {line: 1, column: 0};
this.end = null;
if (sourceFile !== null) this.source = sourceFile;
@@ -226,7 +227,7 @@
function storeCurrentPos() {
- return options.locations ? [token.start, token.startLoc] : token.start;
+ return options.locations ? [token.start, token.loc.start] : token.start;
function startNodeAt(pos) {
@@ -234,13 +235,14 @@
if (options.locations) {
node = new Node(pos[0]);
node.loc = new SourceLocation(pos[1]);
+ pos = pos[0];
} else {
node = new Node(pos);
if (options.directSourceFile)
node.sourceFile = options.directSourceFile;
if (options.ranges)
- node.range = [pos[0], 0];
+ node.range = [pos, 0];
return node;
@@ -254,14 +256,6 @@
return node;
- function finishNodeAt(node, type, pos) {
- if (options.locations) { node.loc.end = pos[1]; pos = pos[0]; }
- node.type = type;
- node.end = pos;
- if (options.ranges) node.range[1] = pos;
- return node;
- }
function dummyIdent() {
var dummy = startNode();
dummy.name = "✖";
@@ -278,9 +272,18 @@
+ function isContextual(name) {
+ return token.type === tt.name && token.value === name;
+ }
+ function eatContextual(name) {
+ return token.value === name && eat(tt.name);
+ }
function canInsertSemicolon() {
return (token.type === tt.eof || token.type === tt.braceR || newline.test(input.slice(lastEnd, token.start)));
function semicolon() {
return eat(tt.semi);
@@ -304,7 +307,8 @@
case "MemberExpression":
case "ObjectPattern":
case "ArrayPattern":
- case "SpreadElement":
+ case "RestElement":
+ case "AssignmentPattern":
return expr;
@@ -317,14 +321,11 @@
node.body = [];
while (token.type !== tt.eof) node.body.push(parseStatement());
lastEnd = token.end;
- lastEndLoc = token.endLoc;
+ lastEndLoc = token.loc && token.loc.end;
return finishNode(node, "Program");
function parseStatement() {
- if (token.type === tt.slash || token.type === tt.assign && token.value === "/=")
- next(true);
var starttype = token.type, node = startNode();
switch (starttype) {
@@ -358,14 +359,14 @@
if (token.type === tt.semi) return parseFor(node, null);
if (token.type === tt._var || token.type === tt._let) {
var init = parseVar(true);
- if (init.declarations.length === 1 && (token.type === tt._in || token.type === tt.name && token.value === "of")) {
+ if (init.declarations.length === 1 && (token.type === tt._in || isContextual("of"))) {
return parseForIn(node, init);
return parseFor(node, init);
- var init = parseExpression(false, true);
- if (token.type === tt._in || token.type === tt.name && token.value === "of") {
- return parseForIn(node, checkLVal(init));
+ var init = parseExpression(true);
+ if (token.type === tt._in || isContextual("of")) {
+ return parseForIn(node, toAssignable(init));
return parseFor(node, init);
@@ -432,7 +433,7 @@
var clause = startNode();
- clause.param = parseIdent();
+ clause.param = toAssignable(parseExprAtom());
clause.guard = null;
clause.body = parseBlock();
@@ -536,7 +537,7 @@
do {
var decl = startNode();
decl.id = options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? toAssignable(parseExprAtom()) : parseIdent();
- decl.init = eat(tt.eq) ? parseExpression(true, noIn) : null;
+ decl.init = eat(tt.eq) ? parseMaybeAssign(noIn) : null;
node.declarations.push(finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator"));
} while (eat(tt.comma));
if (!node.declarations.length) {
@@ -548,10 +549,10 @@
return finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration");
- function parseExpression(noComma, noIn) {
+ function parseExpression(noIn) {
var start = storeCurrentPos();
var expr = parseMaybeAssign(noIn);
- if (!noComma && token.type === tt.comma) {
+ if (token.type === tt.comma) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.expressions = [expr];
while (eat(tt.comma)) node.expressions.push(parseMaybeAssign(noIn));
@@ -589,8 +590,8 @@
if (eat(tt.question)) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.test = expr;
- node.consequent = parseExpression(true);
- node.alternate = expect(tt.colon) ? parseExpression(true, noIn) : dummyIdent();
+ node.consequent = parseMaybeAssign();
+ node.alternate = expect(tt.colon) ? parseMaybeAssign(noIn) : dummyIdent();
return finishNode(node, "ConditionalExpression");
return expr;
@@ -626,20 +627,18 @@
function parseMaybeUnary(noIn) {
if (token.type.prefix) {
- var node = startNode(), update = token.type.isUpdate, nodeType;
- if (token.type === tt.ellipsis) {
- nodeType = "SpreadElement";
- } else {
- nodeType = update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression";
- node.operator = token.value;
- node.prefix = true;
- }
+ var node = startNode(), update = token.type.isUpdate;
node.operator = token.value;
node.prefix = true;
node.argument = parseMaybeUnary(noIn);
if (update) node.argument = checkLVal(node.argument);
- return finishNode(node, nodeType);
+ return finishNode(node, update ? "UpdateExpression" : "UnaryExpression");
+ } else if (token.type === tt.ellipsis) {
+ var node = startNode();
+ next();
+ node.argument = parseMaybeUnary(noIn);
+ return finishNode(node, "SpreadElement");
var start = storeCurrentPos();
var expr = parseExprSubscripts();
@@ -693,7 +692,7 @@
node.callee = base;
node.arguments = parseExprList(tt.parenR);
base = finishNode(node, "CallExpression");
- } else if (token.type == tt.template) {
+ } else if (token.type == tt.backQuote) {
var node = startNodeAt(start);
node.tag = base;
node.quasi = parseTemplate();
@@ -782,11 +781,11 @@
node.argument = null;
} else {
node.delegate = eat(tt.star);
- node.argument = parseExpression(true);
+ node.argument = parseMaybeAssign();
return finishNode(node, "YieldExpression");
- case tt.template:
+ case tt.backQuote:
return parseTemplate();
@@ -809,36 +808,35 @@
function parseTemplateElement() {
- var elem = startNodeAt(options.locations ? [token.start + 1, token.startLoc.offset(1)] : token.start + 1);
- elem.value = token.value;
- elem.tail = input.charCodeAt(token.end - 1) !== 123; // '{'
- var endOff = elem.tail ? 1 : 2;
- var endPos = options.locations ? [token.end - endOff, token.endLoc.offset(-endOff)] : token.end - endOff;
+ var elem = startNode();
+ elem.value = {
+ raw: input.slice(token.start, token.end),
+ cooked: token.value
+ };
- return finishNodeAt(elem, "TemplateElement", endPos);
+ elem.tail = token.type === tt.backQuote;
+ return finishNode(elem, "TemplateElement");
function parseTemplate() {
var node = startNode();
+ next();
node.expressions = [];
var curElt = parseTemplateElement();
node.quasis = [curElt];
while (!curElt.tail) {
- var next = parseExpression();
- if (isDummy(next)) {
- node.quasis[node.quasis.length - 1].tail = true;
- break;
- }
- node.expressions.push(next);
- if (token.type === tt.templateContinued) {
- node.quasis.push(curElt = parseTemplateElement());
+ next();
+ node.expressions.push(parseExpression());
+ if (expect(tt.braceR)) {
+ curElt = parseTemplateElement();
} else {
curElt = startNode();
- curElt.value = {cooked: "", raw: ""};
+ curElt.value = {cooked: '', raw: ''};
curElt.tail = true;
- node.quasis.push(curElt);
+ node.quasis.push(curElt);
+ expect(tt.backQuote);
return finishNode(node, "TemplateLiteral");
@@ -848,6 +846,7 @@
if (token.type === tt.name) node.id = parseIdent();
else if (isStatement) node.id = dummyIdent();
+ else node.id = null;
node.superClass = eat(tt._extends) ? parseExpression() : null;
node.body = startNode();
node.body.body = [];
@@ -859,21 +858,33 @@
if (curIndent + 1 < indent) { indent = curIndent; line = curLineStart; }
while (!closes(tt.braceR, indent, line)) {
- var prop = startNode(), isGenerator;
+ if (isClass && semicolon()) continue;
+ var prop = startNode(), isGenerator, start;
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
if (isClass) {
- if (prop['static'] = (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "static")) next();
+ prop['static'] = false;
} else {
+ start = storeCurrentPos();
prop.method = false;
prop.shorthand = false;
isGenerator = eat(tt.star);
- if (isDummy(prop.key)) { if (isDummy(parseExpression(true))) next(); eat(tt.comma); continue; }
+ if (isDummy(prop.key)) { if (isDummy(parseMaybeAssign())) next(); eat(tt.comma); continue; }
+ if (isClass) {
+ if (prop.key.type === "Identifier" && !prop.computed && prop.key.name === "static" &&
+ (token.type != tt.parenL && token.type != tt.braceL)) {
+ prop['static'] = true;
+ isGenerator = eat(tt.star);
+ parsePropertyName(prop);
+ } else {
+ prop['static'] = false;
+ }
+ }
if (!isClass && eat(tt.colon)) {
prop.kind = "init";
- prop.value = parseExpression(true);
+ prop.value = parseMaybeAssign();
} else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && (token.type === tt.parenL || token.type === tt.braceL)) {
if (isClass) {
prop.kind = "";
@@ -883,7 +894,8 @@
prop.value = parseMethod(isGenerator);
} else if (options.ecmaVersion >= 5 && prop.key.type === "Identifier" &&
- (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set")) {
+ !prop.computed && (prop.key.name === "get" || prop.key.name === "set") &&
+ (token.type != tt.comma && token.type != tt.braceR)) {
prop.kind = prop.key.name;
prop.value = parseMethod(false);
@@ -892,13 +904,24 @@
prop.value = parseMethod(isGenerator);
} else {
prop.kind = "init";
- prop.value = options.ecmaVersion >= 6 ? prop.key : dummyIdent();
+ if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
+ if (eat(tt.eq)) {
+ var assign = startNodeAt(start);
+ assign.operator = "=";
+ assign.left = prop.key;
+ assign.right = parseMaybeAssign();
+ prop.value = finishNode(assign, "AssignmentExpression");
+ } else {
+ prop.value = prop.key;
+ }
+ } else {
+ prop.value = dummyIdent();
+ }
prop.shorthand = true;
if (isClass) {
node.body.body.push(finishNode(prop, "MethodDefinition"));
- semicolon();
} else {
node.properties.push(finishNode(prop, "Property"));
@@ -909,7 +932,7 @@
// If there is no closing brace, make the node span to the start
// of the next token (this is useful for Tern)
lastEnd = token.start;
- if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = token.startLoc;
+ if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = token.loc.start;
if (isClass) {
@@ -942,7 +965,6 @@
function parseIdent() {
var node = startNode();
node.name = token.type === tt.name ? token.value : token.type.keyword;
- fetchToken.noRegexp();
return finishNode(node, "Identifier");
@@ -951,8 +973,6 @@
node.id = null;
node.params = [];
if (options.ecmaVersion >= 6) {
- node.defaults = [];
- node.rest = null;
node.generator = false;
node.expression = false;
@@ -968,53 +988,39 @@
node.type = "ObjectPattern";
var props = node.properties;
for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
- props[i].value = toAssignable(props[i].value);
+ toAssignable(props[i].value);
case "ArrayExpression":
node.type = "ArrayPattern";
- var elms = node.elements;
- for (var i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) {
- elms[i] = toAssignable(elms[i]);
- }
+ toAssignableList(node.elements);
case "SpreadElement":
+ node.type = "RestElement";
node.argument = toAssignable(node.argument);
+ case "AssignmentExpression":
+ node.type = "AssignmentPattern";
+ break;
return checkLVal(node);
- function parseFunctionParams(node, params) {
- var defaults = [], hasDefaults = false;
- if (!params) {
- pushCx();
- params = parseExprList(tt.parenR);
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
- var param = params[i], defValue = null;
- if (param.type === "AssignmentExpression") {
- defValue = param.right;
- param = param.left;
- }
- param = toAssignable(param);
- if (param.type === "SpreadElement") {
- param = param.argument;
- if (i === params.length - 1) {
- node.rest = param;
- continue;
- }
- }
- node.params.push(param);
- defaults.push(defValue);
- if (defValue) hasDefaults = true;
+ function toAssignableList(exprList) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < exprList.length; i++) {
+ toAssignable(exprList[i]);
+ return exprList;
+ }
- if (hasDefaults) node.defaults = defaults;
+ function parseFunctionParams(params) {
+ pushCx();
+ params = parseExprList(tt.parenR);
+ return toAssignableList(params);
function parseFunction(node, isStatement) {
@@ -1024,7 +1030,7 @@
if (token.type === tt.name) node.id = parseIdent();
else if (isStatement) node.id = dummyIdent();
- parseFunctionParams(node);
+ node.params = parseFunctionParams();
node.body = parseBlock();
return finishNode(node, isStatement ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression");
@@ -1032,18 +1038,18 @@
function parseMethod(isGenerator) {
var node = startNode();
- parseFunctionParams(node);
+ node.params = parseFunctionParams();
node.generator = isGenerator || false;
node.expression = options.ecmaVersion >= 6 && token.type !== tt.braceL;
- node.body = node.expression ? parseExpression(true) : parseBlock();
+ node.body = node.expression ? parseMaybeAssign() : parseBlock();
return finishNode(node, "FunctionExpression");
function parseArrowExpression(node, params) {
- parseFunctionParams(node, params);
+ node.params = toAssignableList(params);
node.expression = token.type !== tt.braceL;
- node.body = node.expression ? parseExpression(true) : parseBlock();
+ node.body = node.expression ? parseMaybeAssign() : parseBlock();
return finishNode(node, "ArrowFunctionExpression");
@@ -1053,7 +1059,14 @@
node['default'] = eat(tt._default);
node.specifiers = node.source = null;
if (node['default']) {
- node.declaration = parseExpression();
+ var expr = parseMaybeAssign();
+ if (expr.id) {
+ switch (expr.type) {
+ case "FunctionExpression": expr.type = "FunctionDeclaration"; break;
+ case "ClassExpression": expr.type = "ClassDeclaration"; break;
+ }
+ }
+ node.declaration = expr;
} else if (token.type.keyword) {
node.declaration = parseStatement();
@@ -1095,10 +1108,7 @@
if (token.type === tt.star) {
var elt = startNode();
- if (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "as") {
- next();
- elt.name = parseIdent();
- }
+ if (eatContextual("as")) elt.name = parseIdent();
elts.push(finishNode(elt, prefix + "BatchSpecifier"));
} else {
var indent = curIndent, line = curLineStart, continuedLine = nextLineStart;
@@ -1107,22 +1117,13 @@
if (curLineStart > continuedLine) continuedLine = curLineStart;
while (!closes(tt.braceR, indent + (curLineStart <= continuedLine ? 1 : 0), line)) {
var elt = startNode();
- if (token.type === tt.star) {
- next();
- if (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "as") {
- next();
- elt.name = parseIdent();
- }
+ if (eat(tt.star)) {
+ if (eatContextual("as")) elt.name = parseIdent();
finishNode(elt, prefix + "BatchSpecifier");
} else {
- if (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "from") break;
+ if (isContextual("from")) break;
elt.id = parseIdent();
- if (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "as") {
- next();
- elt.name = parseIdent();
- } else {
- elt.name = null;
- }
+ elt.name = eatContextual("as") ? parseIdent() : null;
finishNode(elt, prefix + "Specifier");
@@ -1131,12 +1132,7 @@
- if (token.type === tt.name && token.value === "from") {
- next();
- node.source = parseExprAtom();
- } else {
- node.source = null;
- }
+ node.source = eatContextual("from") ? parseExprAtom() : null;
function parseExprList(close, allowEmpty) {
@@ -1147,7 +1143,7 @@
elts.push(allowEmpty ? null : dummyIdent());
- var elt = parseExpression(true);
+ var elt = parseMaybeAssign();
if (isDummy(elt)) {
if (closes(close, indent, line)) break;
@@ -1161,7 +1157,7 @@
// If there is no closing brace, make the node span to the start
// of the next token (this is useful for Tern)
lastEnd = token.start;
- if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = token.startLoc;
+ if (options.locations) lastEndLoc = token.loc.start;
return elts;
diff --git a/bin/acorn b/bin/acorn
index 2a226da..b80ad29 100755
--- a/bin/acorn
+++ b/bin/acorn
@@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ var path = require("path");
var fs = require("fs");
var acorn = require("../acorn.js");
-var infile, parsed, options = {}, silent = false, compact = false;
+var infile, parsed, tokens, options = {}, silent = false, compact = false, tokenize = false;
function help(status) {
var print = (status == 0) ? console.log : console.error;
print("usage: " + path.basename(process.argv[1]) + " [--ecma3|--ecma5|--ecma6] [--strictSemicolons]");
- print(" [--locations] [--compact] [--silent] [--help] [--] infile");
+ print(" [--tokenize] [--locations] [--compact] [--silent] [--help] [--] infile");
@@ -20,21 +20,35 @@ for (var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
else if (arg == "--ecma3") options.ecmaVersion = 3;
else if (arg == "--ecma5") options.ecmaVersion = 5;
else if (arg == "--ecma6") options.ecmaVersion = 6;
+ else if (arg == "--ecma7") options.ecmaVersion = 7;
else if (arg == "--strictSemicolons") options.strictSemicolons = true;
else if (arg == "--locations") options.locations = true;
else if (arg == "--silent") silent = true;
else if (arg == "--compact") compact = true;
else if (arg == "--help") help(0);
+ else if (arg == "--tokenize") tokenize = true;
else help(1);
try {
var code = fs.readFileSync(infile, "utf8");
- parsed = acorn.parse(code, options);
+ if (!tokenize)
+ parsed = acorn.parse(code, options);
+ else {
+ var get = acorn.tokenize(code, options);
+ tokens = [];
+ while (true) {
+ var token = get();
+ tokens.push(token);
+ if (token.type.type == "eof")
+ break;
+ }
+ }
} catch(e) {
if (!silent)
- console.log(JSON.stringify(parsed, null, compact ? null : 2));
+ console.log(JSON.stringify(tokenize ? tokens : parsed, null, compact ? null : 2));
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 71298fc..e92e8bf 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"description": "ECMAScript parser",
"homepage": "http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/acorn/",
"main": "acorn.js",
- "version": "0.11.0",
+ "version": "0.12.0",
"engines": {"node": ">=0.4.0"},
"maintainers": [{"name": "Marijn Haverbeke",
"email": "marijnh at gmail.com",
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"url": "http://marijnhaverbeke.nl/acorn/LICENSE"}],
"scripts": {
"test": "node test/run.js",
- "prepublish": "bin/without_eval > acorn_csp.js"
+ "prepublish": "node bin/without_eval > acorn_csp.js"
"bin": {"acorn": "./bin/acorn"},
"devDependencies": {"regenerate": "~0.6.2",
diff --git a/test/driver.js b/test/driver.js
index c76b8f9..7b7dee8 100644
--- a/test/driver.js
+++ b/test/driver.js
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
- function ppJSON(v) { return JSON.stringify(v, null, 2); }
+ function ppJSON(v) { return v instanceof RegExp ? v.toString() : JSON.stringify(v, null, 2); }
function addPath(str, pt) {
if (str.charAt(str.length-1) == ")")
return str.slice(0, str.length-1) + "/" + pt + ")";
@@ -76,6 +76,9 @@
var misMatch = exports.misMatch = function(exp, act) {
if (!exp || !act || (typeof exp != "object") || (typeof act != "object")) {
if (exp !== act) return ppJSON(exp) + " !== " + ppJSON(act);
+ } else if (exp instanceof RegExp || act instanceof RegExp) {
+ var left = ppJSON(exp), right = ppJSON(act);
+ if (left !== right) return left + " !== " + right;
} else if (exp.splice) {
if (!act.slice) return ppJSON(exp) + " != " + ppJSON(act);
if (act.length != exp.length) return "array length mismatch " + exp.length + " != " + act.length;
diff --git a/test/tests-harmony.js b/test/tests-harmony.js
index fbe33be..1b45b38 100644
--- a/test/tests-harmony.js
+++ b/test/tests-harmony.js
@@ -174,7 +174,6 @@ test("function test() {'use strict'; 0o0; }", {
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [
@@ -216,7 +215,6 @@ test("function test() {'use strict'; 0o0; }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 37}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -331,7 +329,6 @@ test("function test() {'use strict'; 0O0; }", {
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [
@@ -373,7 +370,6 @@ test("function test() {'use strict'; 0O0; }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 37}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -1028,8 +1024,6 @@ test("`outer${{x: {y: 10}}}bar${`nested${function(){return 1;}}endnest`}end`",{
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
- rest: null,
generator: false,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
@@ -1198,7 +1192,6 @@ test("() => \"test\"", {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: "test",
@@ -1208,7 +1201,6 @@ test("() => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1246,7 +1238,6 @@ test("e => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: "test",
@@ -1256,7 +1247,6 @@ test("e => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 11}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1294,7 +1284,6 @@ test("(e) => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 2}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: "test",
@@ -1304,7 +1293,6 @@ test("(e) => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1352,7 +1340,6 @@ test("(a, b) => \"test\"", {
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: "test",
@@ -1362,7 +1349,6 @@ test("(a, b) => \"test\"", {
end: {line: 1, column: 16}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1400,7 +1386,6 @@ test("e => { 42; }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -1424,7 +1409,6 @@ test("e => { 42; }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -1462,7 +1446,6 @@ test("e => ({ property: 42 })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "ObjectExpression",
properties: [{
@@ -1498,7 +1481,6 @@ test("e => ({ property: 42 })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 22}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1536,7 +1518,6 @@ test("e => { label: 42 }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -1575,7 +1556,6 @@ test("e => { label: 42 }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 18}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -1623,7 +1603,6 @@ test("(a, b) => { 42; }", {
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -1647,7 +1626,6 @@ test("(a, b) => { 42; }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -1703,7 +1681,6 @@ test("([a, , b]) => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 9}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -1713,7 +1690,6 @@ test("([a, , b]) => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 16}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1736,76 +1712,7 @@ test("([a, , b]) => 42", {
locations: true
-test("([a.a]) => 42", {
- type: "Program",
- body: [{
- type: "ExpressionStatement",
- expression: {
- type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
- id: null,
- params: [{
- type: "ArrayPattern",
- elements: [{
- type: "MemberExpression",
- computed: false,
- object: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 2},
- end: {line: 1, column: 3}
- }
- },
- property: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 4},
- end: {line: 1, column: 5}
- }
- },
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 2},
- end: {line: 1, column: 5}
- }
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 6}
- }
- }],
- defaults: [],
- body: {
- type: "Literal",
- value: 42,
- raw: "42",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- }
- },
- rest: null,
- generator: false,
- expression: true,
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 0},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- }
- },
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 0},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- }
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 0},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- }
-}, {
- ecmaVersion: 6,
- ranges: true,
- locations: true
+testFail("([a.a]) => 42", "Assigning to rvalue (1:2)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
test("(x=1) => x * x", {
type: "Program",
@@ -1815,19 +1722,26 @@ test("(x=1) => x * x", {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 2}
+ }
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 1,
+ raw: "1",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ }
+ },
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 2}
- }
- }],
- defaults: [{
- type: "Literal",
- value: 1,
- raw: "1",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
end: {line: 1, column: 4}
@@ -1855,7 +1769,6 @@ test("(x=1) => x * x", {
end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1893,7 +1806,6 @@ test("eval => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 4}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -1903,7 +1815,6 @@ test("eval => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 10}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1941,7 +1852,6 @@ test("arguments => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 9}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -1951,7 +1861,6 @@ test("arguments => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -1989,7 +1898,6 @@ test("(a) => 00", {
end: {line: 1, column: 2}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 0,
@@ -1999,7 +1907,6 @@ test("(a) => 00", {
end: {line: 1, column: 9}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2047,7 +1954,6 @@ test("(eval, a) => 42", {
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -2057,7 +1963,6 @@ test("(eval, a) => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2088,19 +1993,26 @@ test("(eval = 10) => 42", {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "eval",
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "eval",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 5}
+ }
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 10,
+ raw: "10",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 8},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 10}
+ }
+ },
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 5}
- }
- }],
- defaults: [{
- type: "Literal",
- value: 10,
- raw: "10",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 8},
end: {line: 1, column: 10}
@@ -2113,7 +2025,6 @@ test("(eval = 10) => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2153,22 +2064,26 @@ test("(eval, a = 10) => 42", {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 7},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 8}
+ }
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 10,
+ raw: "10",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ }
+ },
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 7},
- end: {line: 1, column: 8}
- }
- }
- ],
- defaults: [
- null,
- {
- type: "Literal",
- value: 10,
- raw: "10",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
end: {line: 1, column: 13}
@@ -2182,7 +2097,6 @@ test("(eval, a = 10) => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2220,7 +2134,6 @@ test("(x => x)", {
end: {line: 1, column: 2}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "x",
@@ -2229,7 +2142,6 @@ test("(x => x)", {
end: {line: 1, column: 7}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2267,7 +2179,6 @@ test("x => y => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
@@ -2279,7 +2190,6 @@ test("x => y => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 6}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -2289,7 +2199,6 @@ test("x => y => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2297,7 +2206,6 @@ test("x => y => 42", {
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2335,7 +2243,6 @@ test("(x) => ((y, z) => (x, y, z))", {
end: {line: 1, column: 2}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
@@ -2357,7 +2264,6 @@ test("(x) => ((y, z) => (x, y, z))", {
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "SequenceExpression",
expressions: [
@@ -2391,7 +2297,6 @@ test("(x) => ((y, z) => (x, y, z))", {
end: {line: 1, column: 26}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2399,7 +2304,6 @@ test("(x) => ((y, z) => (x, y, z))", {
end: {line: 1, column: 27}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -2440,7 +2344,6 @@ test("foo(() => {})", {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2449,7 +2352,6 @@ test("foo(() => {})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2512,7 +2414,6 @@ test("foo((x, y) => {})", {
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2521,7 +2422,6 @@ test("foo((x, y) => {})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 16}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2586,8 +2486,6 @@ test("(a, a) => 42", {
name: "a"
- defaults: [],
- rest: null,
generator: false,
body: {
type: "Literal",
@@ -2640,7 +2538,6 @@ test("x = { method() { } }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2649,7 +2546,6 @@ test("x = { method() { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 18}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2729,7 +2625,6 @@ test("x = { method(test) { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2738,7 +2633,6 @@ test("x = { method(test) { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 22}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2812,7 +2706,6 @@ test("x = { 'method'() { } }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2821,7 +2714,6 @@ test("x = { 'method'() { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2894,7 +2786,6 @@ test("x = { get() { } }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2903,7 +2794,6 @@ test("x = { get() { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -2976,7 +2866,6 @@ test("x = { set() { } }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -2985,7 +2874,6 @@ test("x = { set() { } }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -3058,7 +2946,6 @@ test("x = { method() 42 }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -3068,7 +2955,6 @@ test("x = { method() 42 }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -3141,7 +3027,6 @@ test("x = { get method() 42 }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "Literal",
value: 42,
@@ -3151,7 +3036,6 @@ test("x = { get method() 42 }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 21}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -3231,7 +3115,6 @@ test("x = { set method(val) v = val }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "AssignmentExpression",
operator: "=",
@@ -3256,7 +3139,6 @@ test("x = { set method(val) v = val }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 29}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -3328,8 +3210,7 @@ test("[for (x of array) x]", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- },
- of: true
+ }
body: {
type: "Identifier",
@@ -3412,8 +3293,7 @@ test("[for (x of array) for (y of array2) if (x === test) x]", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- },
- of: true
+ }
type: "ComprehensionBlock",
@@ -3436,8 +3316,7 @@ test("[for (x of array) for (y of array2) if (x === test) x]", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 18},
end: {line: 1, column: 35}
- },
- of: true
+ }
body: {
@@ -3521,8 +3400,7 @@ test("(for (x of array) for (y of array2) if (x === test) x)", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- },
- of: true
+ }
type: "ComprehensionBlock",
@@ -3545,8 +3423,7 @@ test("(for (x of array) for (y of array2) if (x === test) x)", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 18},
end: {line: 1, column: 35}
- },
- of: true
+ }
body: {
@@ -3617,8 +3494,7 @@ test("[for ([,x] of array) for ({[start.x]: x, [start.y]: y} of array2) x]", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- },
- of: true
+ }
type: "ComprehensionBlock",
@@ -3728,8 +3604,7 @@ test("[for ([,x] of array) for ({[start.x]: x, [start.y]: y} of array2) x]", {
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 21},
end: {line: 1, column: 65}
- },
- of: true
+ }
body: {
@@ -4841,7 +4716,6 @@ test("export function parse() { }", {
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -4850,7 +4724,6 @@ test("export function parse() { }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 27}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -4953,6 +4826,110 @@ test("export default 42", {
locations: true
+test("export default function () {}", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 29],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExportDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 29],
+ declaration: {
+ type: "FunctionExpression",
+ range: [15, 29],
+ id: null,
+ generator: false,
+ expression: false,
+ params: [],
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [27, 29],
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ default: true,
+ specifiers: null,
+ source: null
+ }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default function f() {}", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 30],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExportDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 30],
+ declaration: {
+ type: "FunctionDeclaration",
+ range: [15, 30],
+ id: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [24, 25],
+ name: "f"
+ },
+ generator: false,
+ expression: false,
+ params: [],
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [28, 30],
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ default: true,
+ specifiers: null,
+ source: null
+ }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default class {}", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExportDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ declaration: {
+ type: "ClassExpression",
+ range: [15, 23],
+ id: null,
+ superClass: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "ClassBody",
+ range: [21, 23],
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ default: true,
+ specifiers: null,
+ source: null
+ }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default class A {}", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 25],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExportDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 25],
+ declaration: {
+ type: "ClassDeclaration",
+ range: [15, 25],
+ id: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [21, 22],
+ name: "A"
+ },
+ superClass: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "ClassBody",
+ range: [23, 25],
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ default: true,
+ specifiers: null,
+ source: null
+ }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
testFail("export *", "Unexpected token (1:8)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
test("export * from \"crypto\"", {
@@ -5622,7 +5599,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield v })", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -5653,7 +5629,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield v })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 25}
- rest: null,
generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -5684,7 +5659,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield\nv })", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -5725,7 +5699,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield\nv })", {
end: {line: 2, column: 3}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -5756,7 +5729,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield *v })", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -5787,7 +5759,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield *v })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 26}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -5823,7 +5794,6 @@ test("function* test () { yield *v }", {
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -5854,7 +5824,6 @@ test("function* test () { yield *v }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 30}
- rest: null,
generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -5902,7 +5871,6 @@ test("var x = { *test () { yield *v } };", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -5933,7 +5901,6 @@ test("var x = { *test () { yield *v } };", {
end: {line: 1, column: 31}
- rest: null,
generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -5989,7 +5956,6 @@ test("function* t() {}", {
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -5998,7 +5964,6 @@ test("function* t() {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 16}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6024,7 +5989,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield yield 10 })", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -6064,7 +6028,6 @@ test("(function* () { yield yield 10 })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 32}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6561,7 +6524,6 @@ test("class A {get() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -6570,7 +6532,6 @@ test("class A {get() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6635,7 +6596,6 @@ test("class A { static get() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -6644,7 +6604,6 @@ test("class A { static get() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 25}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6716,7 +6675,6 @@ test("class A extends B {get foo() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -6725,7 +6683,6 @@ test("class A extends B {get foo() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 31}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -6797,7 +6754,6 @@ test("class A extends B { static get foo() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -6806,7 +6762,6 @@ test("class A extends B { static get foo() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 39}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6878,7 +6833,6 @@ test("class A {set a(v) {}}", {
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@@ -6887,7 +6841,6 @@ test("class A {set a(v) {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -6959,7 +6912,6 @@ test("class A { static set a(v) {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 24}
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -6968,7 +6920,6 @@ test("class A { static set a(v) {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 28}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7040,7 +6991,6 @@ test("class A {set(v) {};}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 14}
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@@ -7049,7 +6999,6 @@ test("class A {set(v) {};}", {
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expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7121,7 +7070,6 @@ test("class A { static set(v) {};}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 22}
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7130,7 +7078,6 @@ test("class A { static set(v) {};}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 26}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7202,7 +7149,6 @@ test("class A {*gen(v) { yield v; }}", {
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7233,7 +7179,6 @@ test("class A {*gen(v) { yield v; }}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 29}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7305,7 +7250,6 @@ test("class A { static *gen(v) { yield v; }}", {
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end: {line: 1, column: 37}
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generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7420,7 +7363,6 @@ test("\"use strict\"; (class A {constructor() { super() }})", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
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params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7451,7 +7393,6 @@ test("\"use strict\"; (class A {constructor() { super() }})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 49}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -7522,7 +7463,6 @@ test("class A {static foo() {}}", {
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params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -7531,7 +7471,6 @@ test("class A {static foo() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 24}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -7597,7 +7536,6 @@ test("class A {foo() {} static bar() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7606,7 +7544,6 @@ test("class A {foo() {} static bar() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7645,7 +7581,6 @@ test("class A {foo() {} static bar() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 33}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7730,7 +7665,6 @@ test("\"use strict\"; (class A { static constructor() { super() }})", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7761,7 +7695,6 @@ test("\"use strict\"; (class A { static constructor() { super() }})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 57}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -7833,7 +7766,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} bar() {}}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7842,7 +7774,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} bar() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 18}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -7872,7 +7803,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} bar() {}}", {
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7881,7 +7811,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} bar() {}}", {
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expression: false,
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@@ -7948,7 +7877,6 @@ test("class A { get foo() {} set foo(v) {}}", {
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -7957,7 +7885,6 @@ test("class A { get foo() {} set foo(v) {}}", {
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -7994,7 +7921,6 @@ test("class A { get foo() {} set foo(v) {}}", {
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end: {line: 1, column: 36}
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expression: false,
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id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8079,7 +8003,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} get foo() {}}", {
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8118,7 +8040,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} get foo() {}}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 42}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -8185,7 +8106,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static get bar() {} }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8194,7 +8114,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static get bar() {} }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 29}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8224,7 +8143,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static get bar() {} }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8233,7 +8151,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static get bar() {} }", {
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- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8300,7 +8217,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -8309,7 +8225,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 29}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8346,7 +8261,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 46}
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8355,7 +8269,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 50}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8385,7 +8298,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -8394,7 +8306,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 63}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8431,7 +8342,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 73}
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8440,7 +8350,6 @@ test("class A { static get foo() {} static set foo(v) {} get foo() {} set foo(v)
end: {line: 1, column: 77}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8529,8 +8438,6 @@ test("class A { static [foo]() {} }", {
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
@@ -8607,8 +8514,6 @@ test("class A { static get [foo]() {} }", {
id: null,
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@@ -8667,7 +8572,6 @@ test("class A { set foo(v) {} get foo() {} }", {
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -8676,7 +8580,6 @@ test("class A { set foo(v) {} get foo() {} }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 23}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -8706,7 +8609,6 @@ test("class A { set foo(v) {} get foo() {} }", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -8715,7 +8617,6 @@ test("class A { set foo(v) {} get foo() {} }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 36}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -8804,8 +8705,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} get foo() {} }",{
id: null,
params: [],
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generator: false,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
@@ -8843,8 +8742,6 @@ test("class A { foo() {} get foo() {} }",{
id: null,
params: [],
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- rest: null,
generator: false,
body: {
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@@ -8866,27 +8763,63 @@ test("class A { foo() {} get foo() {} }",{
locations: true
-// ES6: Computed Properties
-test("({[x]: 10})", {
+test("class Semicolon { ; }", {
type: "Program",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 0},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 21}
+ },
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- type: "ObjectExpression",
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- type: "Property",
- key: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
- end: {line: 1, column: 4}
- }
- },
- value: {
- type: "Literal",
- value: 10,
+ type: "ClassDeclaration",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 0},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 21}
+ },
+ id: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 6},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 15}
+ },
+ name: "Semicolon"
+ },
+ superClass: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "ClassBody",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 16},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 21}
+ },
+ body: []
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+// ES6: Computed Properties
+test("({[x]: 10})", {
+ type: "Program",
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ expression: {
+ type: "ObjectExpression",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 10,
raw: "10",
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 7},
@@ -9014,7 +8947,6 @@ test("({[x]: function() {}})", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -9023,7 +8955,6 @@ test("({[x]: function() {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9165,7 +9096,6 @@ test("({get [x]() {}, set [x](v) {}})", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -9174,7 +9104,6 @@ test("({get [x]() {}, set [x](v) {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 14}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9212,7 +9141,6 @@ test("({get [x]() {}, set [x](v) {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 25}
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -9221,7 +9149,6 @@ test("({get [x]() {}, set [x](v) {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 29}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9279,7 +9206,6 @@ test("({[x]() {}})", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -9288,7 +9214,6 @@ test("({[x]() {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 10}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9466,7 +9391,6 @@ test("function f({[x]: y}) {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 19}
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type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -9475,7 +9399,6 @@ test("function f({[x]: y}) {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 23}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9523,7 +9446,6 @@ test("var x = {*[test]() { yield *v; }}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
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body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -9554,7 +9476,6 @@ test("var x = {*[test]() { yield *v; }}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 32}
- rest: null,
generator: true,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9649,8 +9570,6 @@ test("class A {[x]() {}}", {
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
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generator: false,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
@@ -9688,33 +9607,40 @@ test("function f([x] = [1]) {}", {
params: [{
- type: "ArrayPattern",
- elements: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ elements: [{
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 12},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ }
+ }],
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 12},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
- end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- }
- }],
- defaults: [{
- type: "ArrayExpression",
- elements: [{
- type: "Literal",
- value: 1,
- raw: "1",
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "ArrayExpression",
+ elements: [{
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 1,
+ raw: "1",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 18},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 19}
+ }
+ }],
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 18},
- end: {line: 1, column: 19}
+ start: {line: 1, column: 17},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- }],
+ },
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 17},
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
@@ -9726,7 +9652,6 @@ test("function f([x] = [1]) {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 24}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -9757,71 +9682,78 @@ test("function f({x} = {x: 10}) {}", {
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- type: "Property",
- key: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 12},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- }
- },
- value: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 12},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 12},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ }
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 12},
end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- },
- kind: "init",
- method: false,
- shorthand: true,
- computed: false,
+ }],
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 12},
- end: {line: 1, column: 13}
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
- end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- }
- }],
- defaults: [{
- type: "ObjectExpression",
- properties: [{
- type: "Property",
- key: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "x",
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "ObjectExpression",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "x",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 18},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 19}
+ }
+ },
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+ type: "Literal",
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+ },
loc: {
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
end: {line: 1, column: 24}
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end: {line: 1, column: 28}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -9870,71 +9801,78 @@ test("f = function({x} = {x: 10}) {}", {
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+ },
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 13},
end: {line: 1, column: 26}
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expression: false,
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 14},
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+ },
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 10},
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@@ -10340,7 +10296,6 @@ test("(class {f({x} = {x: 10}) {}})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 27}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
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@@ -10388,71 +10343,78 @@ test("(({x} = {x: 10}) => {})", {
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+ end: {line: 1, column: 5}
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+ },
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 8},
+ start: {line: 1, column: 2},
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
@@ -10464,7 +10426,6 @@ test("(({x} = {x: 10}) => {})", {
end: {line: 1, column: 22}
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generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -10506,19 +10467,26 @@ test("x = function(y = 1) {}", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
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+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "y",
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 13},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 14}
+ }
+ },
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+ raw: "1",
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 17},
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+ }
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end: {line: 1, column: 22}
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expression: false,
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@@ -10571,19 +10538,26 @@ test("function f(a = 1) {}", {
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+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 12}
+ }
+ },
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 15},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 16}
+ }
+ },
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@@ -10595,7 +10569,6 @@ test("function f(a = 1) {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
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+ }
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 20},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 21}
+ }
+ },
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 18},
end: {line: 1, column: 21}
@@ -10668,7 +10648,6 @@ test("x = { f: function(a=1) {} }", {
end: {line: 1, column: 25}
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expression: false,
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 8},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 9}
+ }
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+ start: {line: 1, column: 10},
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end: {line: 1, column: 15}
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loc: {
@@ -10821,15 +10806,27 @@ test("function f(a, ...b) {}", {
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- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
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+ params: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 12}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
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+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "b",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 17},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 18}
+ }
+ }
- }],
- defaults: [],
+ ],
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type: "BlockStatement",
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@@ -10838,14 +10835,6 @@ test("function f(a, ...b) {}", {
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- start: {line: 1, column: 17},
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@@ -10902,7 +10891,6 @@ test("function x([ a, b ]){}", {
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@@ -11004,7 +10991,6 @@ test("function x({ a, b }){}", {
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@@ -11013,7 +10999,6 @@ test("function x({ a, b }){}", {
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@@ -11087,7 +11072,6 @@ test("function x(a, { a }){}", {
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+ }
+ }],
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 10},
end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 4},
- end: {line: 1, column: 5}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12314,15 +12307,27 @@ test("(a, ...b) => {}", {
expression: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 2}
+ params: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 2}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "b",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 7},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 8}
+ }
+ }
- }],
- defaults: [],
+ ],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12331,14 +12336,6 @@ test("(a, ...b) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 15}
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "b",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 7},
- end: {line: 1, column: 8}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12402,7 +12399,6 @@ test("({ a }) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 6}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12411,7 +12407,6 @@ test("({ a }) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 13}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12441,41 +12436,53 @@ test("({ a }, ...b) => {}", {
expression: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [{
- type: "ObjectPattern",
- properties: [{
- type: "Property",
- key: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
+ params: [
+ {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ }
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 3},
end: {line: 1, column: 4}
- },
- value: {
+ }],
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 6}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
+ name: "b",
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
- end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ start: {line: 1, column: 11},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- },
- kind: "init",
- method: false,
- shorthand: true,
- computed: false,
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
- end: {line: 1, column: 4}
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 6}
- }],
- defaults: [],
+ ],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12484,14 +12491,6 @@ test("({ a }, ...b) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 19}
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "b",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 11},
- end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12521,8 +12520,34 @@ test("(...[a, b]) => {}", {
expression: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [],
- defaults: [],
+ params: [{
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 5},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 6}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "b",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 8},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 9}
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 4},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 10}
+ }
+ }
+ }],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12531,31 +12556,6 @@ test("(...[a, b]) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- rest: {
- type: "ArrayPattern",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 5},
- end: {line: 1, column: 6}
- }
- },
- {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "b",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 8},
- end: {line: 1, column: 9}
- }
- }
- ],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 4},
- end: {line: 1, column: 10}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12585,15 +12585,34 @@ test("(a, ...[b]) => {}", {
expression: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 2}
+ params: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 2}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ elements: [{
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "b",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 8},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 9}
+ }
+ }],
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 7},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 10}
+ }
+ }
- }],
- defaults: [],
+ ],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12602,21 +12621,6 @@ test("(a, ...[b]) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 17}
- rest: {
- type: "ArrayPattern",
- elements: [{
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "b",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 8},
- end: {line: 1, column: 9}
- }
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 7},
- end: {line: 1, column: 10}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12646,58 +12650,70 @@ test("({ a: [a, b] }, ...c) => {}", {
expression: {
type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [{
- type: "ObjectPattern",
- properties: [{
- type: "Property",
- key: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
- end: {line: 1, column: 4}
- }
- },
- value: {
- type: "ArrayPattern",
- elements: [
- {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "a",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 7},
- end: {line: 1, column: 8}
- }
- },
- {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "b",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 10},
- end: {line: 1, column: 11}
- }
- }
- ],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 6},
- end: {line: 1, column: 12}
- }
- },
- kind: "init",
- method: false,
- shorthand: false,
- computed: false,
+ params: [
+ {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 4}
+ }
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "a",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 7},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 8}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "b",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 10},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 11}
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 6},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 12}
+ }
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: false,
+ computed: false,
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 3},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 12}
+ }
+ }],
loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 3},
- end: {line: 1, column: 12}
+ start: {line: 1, column: 1},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 14}
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "c",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 19},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 20}
+ }
- }],
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 1},
- end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- }],
- defaults: [],
+ ],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12706,14 +12722,6 @@ test("({ a: [a, b] }, ...c) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 27}
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "c",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 19},
- end: {line: 1, column: 20}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12831,9 +12839,19 @@ test("({ a: b, c }, [d, e], ...f) => {}", {
start: {line: 1, column: 14},
end: {line: 1, column: 20}
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "f",
+ loc: {
+ start: {line: 1, column: 25},
+ end: {line: 1, column: 26}
+ }
+ }
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -12842,14 +12860,6 @@ test("({ a: b, c }, [d, e], ...f) => {}", {
end: {line: 1, column: 33}
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "f",
- loc: {
- start: {line: 1, column: 25},
- end: {line: 1, column: 26}
- }
- },
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -12884,7 +12894,7 @@ test("[...a] = b", {
left: {
type: "ArrayPattern",
elements: [{
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "a",
@@ -12950,7 +12960,7 @@ test("[a, ...b] = c", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "b",
@@ -13072,7 +13082,7 @@ test("[{ a, b }, ...c] = d", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "c",
@@ -13139,7 +13149,7 @@ test("[a, ...[b, c]] = d", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "ArrayPattern",
elements: [
@@ -13213,7 +13223,7 @@ test("var [...a] = b", {
id: {
type: "ArrayPattern",
elements: [{
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "a",
@@ -13279,7 +13289,7 @@ test("var [a, ...b] = c", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "b",
@@ -13401,7 +13411,7 @@ test("var [{ a, b }, ...c] = d", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "c",
@@ -13468,7 +13478,7 @@ test("var [a, ...[b, c]] = d", {
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
argument: {
type: "ArrayPattern",
elements: [
@@ -13828,7 +13838,7 @@ testFail("[2] = 42", "Assigning to rvalue (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("({ obj:20 }) = 42", "Assigning to rvalue (1:7)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("( { get x() {} } ) = 0", "Unexpected token (1:8)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("( { get x() {} } ) = 0", "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter (1:8)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("x \n is y", "Unexpected token (2:4)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -13862,9 +13872,9 @@ testFail("import { foo, bar }", "Unexpected token (1:19)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("import foo from bar", "Unexpected token (1:16)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("((a)) => 42", "Unexpected token (1:6)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("((a)) => 42", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("(a, (b)) => 42", "Unexpected token (1:9)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("(a, (b)) => 42", "Unexpected token (1:4)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("\"use strict\"; (eval = 10) => 42", "Assigning to eval in strict mode (1:15)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -13884,9 +13894,9 @@ testFail("\"use strict\"; (a) => 00", "Invalid number (1:21)", {ecmaVersion: 6})
testFail("() <= 42", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("(10) => 00", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("(10) => 00", "Assigning to rvalue (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("(10, 20) => 00", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("(10, 20) => 00", "Assigning to rvalue (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("yield v", "Unexpected token (1:6)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -13952,7 +13962,6 @@ test("e => yield* 10", {
end: {line: 1, column: 1}
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BinaryExpression",
operator: "*",
@@ -13978,7 +13987,6 @@ test("e => yield* 10", {
end: {line: 1, column: 14}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: true,
loc: {
@@ -14012,7 +14020,6 @@ test("(function () { yield* 10 })", {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
params: [],
- defaults: [],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [{
@@ -14052,7 +14059,6 @@ test("(function () { yield* 10 })", {
end: {line: 1, column: 26}
- rest: null,
generator: false,
expression: false,
loc: {
@@ -14084,7 +14090,7 @@ testFail("class A extends yield B { }", "Unexpected token (1:22)", {ecmaVersion:
testFail("class default", "Unexpected token (1:6)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("`test", "Unterminated template (1:0)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("`test", "Unterminated template (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("switch `test`", "Unexpected token (1:7)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -14122,9 +14128,9 @@ testFail("\"use strict\"; function x({ b: { a } }, [{ b: { a } }]){}", "Argument
testFail("\"use strict\"; function x(a, ...[a]){}", "Argument name clash in strict mode (1:32)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("(...a, b) => {}", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("(...a, b) => {}", "Unexpected token (1:5)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("([ 5 ]) => {}", "Unexpected token (1:3)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("([ 5 ]) => {}", "Assigning to rvalue (1:3)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("({ 5 }) => {}", "Unexpected token (1:5)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -14132,7 +14138,7 @@ testFail("(...[ 5 ]) => {}", "Unexpected token (1:6)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("[...{ a }] = b", "Unexpected token (1:4)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("[...a, b] = c", "Unexpected token (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("[...a, b] = c", "Assigning to rvalue (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("({ t(eval) { \"use strict\"; } });", "Defining 'eval' in strict mode (1:5)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -14166,7 +14172,7 @@ test("[...a, ] = b", {
end: {line: 1, column: 8}
elements: [{
- type: "SpreadElement",
+ type: "RestElement",
loc: {
start: {line: 1, column: 1},
end: {line: 1, column: 5}
@@ -14197,9 +14203,9 @@ test("[...a, ] = b", {
locations: true
-testFail("if (b,...a, );", "Unexpected token (1:12)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("if (b,...a, );", "Unexpected token (1:6)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("(b, ...a)", "Unexpected token (1:9)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("(b, ...a)", "Unexpected token (1:4)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
testFail("switch (cond) { case 10: let a = 20; ", "Unexpected token (1:37)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
@@ -14207,7 +14213,7 @@ testFail("\"use strict\"; (eval) => 42", "Defining 'eval' in strict mode (1:15)"
testFail("(eval) => { \"use strict\"; 42 }", "Defining 'eval' in strict mode (1:1)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
-testFail("({ get test() { } }) => 42", "Unexpected token (1:7)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("({ get test() { } }) => 42", "Object pattern can't contain getter or setter (1:7)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
/* Regression tests */
@@ -14288,19 +14294,18 @@ test('function normal(x, y = 10) {}', {
name: "x"
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "y"
- }
- ],
- defaults: [
- null,
- {
- type: "Literal",
- value: 10,
- raw: "10"
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "y"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ value: 10,
+ raw: "10"
+ }
- rest: null,
generator: false,
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
@@ -14405,3 +14410,693 @@ test("`{${x}}`, `}`", {
}, {ecmaVersion: 6});
+// https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/186
+test('var {get} = obj;', {
+ type: "Program",
+ body: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclaration",
+ declarations: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclarator",
+ id: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "get"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "get"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ init: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "obj"
+ }
+ }],
+ kind: "var"
+ }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6});
+// Destructuring defaults (https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/181)
+test("var {propName: localVar = defaultValue} = obj", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 45],
+ body: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 45],
+ declarations: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclarator",
+ range: [4, 45],
+ id: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [4, 39],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [5, 38],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: false,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [5, 13],
+ name: "propName"
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [15, 38],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [15, 23],
+ name: "localVar"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [26, 38],
+ name: "defaultValue"
+ }
+ },
+ kind: "init"
+ }]
+ },
+ init: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [42, 45],
+ name: "obj"
+ }
+ }],
+ kind: "var"
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+test("var {propName = defaultValue} = obj", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 35],
+ body: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 35],
+ declarations: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclarator",
+ range: [4, 35],
+ id: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [4, 29],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [5, 28],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [5, 13],
+ name: "propName"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [5, 28],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [5, 13],
+ name: "propName"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [16, 28],
+ name: "defaultValue"
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ init: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [32, 35],
+ name: "obj"
+ }
+ }],
+ kind: "var"
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+test("var [localVar = defaultValue] = obj", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 35],
+ body: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 35],
+ declarations: [{
+ type: "VariableDeclarator",
+ range: [4, 35],
+ id: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ range: [4, 29],
+ elements: [{
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [5, 28],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [5, 13],
+ name: "localVar"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [16, 28],
+ name: "defaultValue"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ init: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [32, 35],
+ name: "obj"
+ }
+ }],
+ kind: "var"
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+test("({x = 0} = obj)", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 15],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ range: [0, 15],
+ expression: {
+ type: "AssignmentExpression",
+ range: [1, 14],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [1, 8],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [2, 7],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [2, 3],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [2, 7],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [2, 3],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [11, 14],
+ name: "obj"
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true
+test("({x = 0}) => x", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 14],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ range: [0, 14],
+ expression: {
+ type: "ArrowFunctionExpression",
+ range: [0, 14],
+ id: null,
+ generator: false,
+ expression: true,
+ params: [{
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [1, 8],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [2, 7],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [2, 3],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [2, 7],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [2, 3],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ }],
+ body: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [13, 14],
+ name: "x"
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true
+test("[a, {b: {c = 1}}] = arr", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ expression: {
+ type: "AssignmentExpression",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "ArrayPattern",
+ range: [0, 17],
+ elements: [
+ {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [1, 2],
+ name: "a"
+ },
+ {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [4, 16],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [5, 15],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: false,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [5, 6],
+ name: "b"
+ },
+ value: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [8, 15],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [9, 14],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [9, 10],
+ name: "c"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [9, 14],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [9, 10],
+ name: "c"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ range: [13, 14],
+ value: 1
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ kind: "init"
+ }]
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [20, 23],
+ name: "arr"
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true
+test("for ({x = 0} in arr);", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 21],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ForInStatement",
+ range: [0, 21],
+ left: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [5, 12],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [6, 11],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "AssignmentPattern",
+ range: [6, 11],
+ operator: "=",
+ left: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ name: "x"
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ range: [10, 11],
+ value: 0
+ }
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ right: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [16, 19],
+ name: "arr"
+ },
+ body: {
+ type: "EmptyStatement",
+ range: [20, 21]
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true
+testFail("obj = {x = 0}", "Unexpected token (1:9)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("f({x = 0})", "Unexpected token (1:5)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+// https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/191
+test("try {} catch ({message}) {}", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 27],
+ body: [{
+ type: "TryStatement",
+ range: [0, 27],
+ block: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [4, 6],
+ body: []
+ },
+ handler: {
+ type: "CatchClause",
+ range: [7, 27],
+ param: {
+ type: "ObjectPattern",
+ range: [14, 23],
+ properties: [{
+ type: "Property",
+ range: [15, 22],
+ method: false,
+ shorthand: true,
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [15, 22],
+ name: "message"
+ },
+ kind: "init",
+ value: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [15, 22],
+ name: "message"
+ }
+ }]
+ },
+ guard: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [25, 27],
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ finalizer: null
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+// https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/192
+test("class A { static() {} }", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ClassDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 23],
+ id: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ name: "A"
+ },
+ superClass: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "ClassBody",
+ range: [8, 23],
+ body: [{
+ type: "MethodDefinition",
+ range: [10, 21],
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [10, 16],
+ name: "static"
+ },
+ static: false,
+ kind: "",
+ value: {
+ type: "FunctionExpression",
+ range: [16, 21],
+ id: null,
+ params: [],
+ generator: false,
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [19, 21],
+ body: []
+ },
+ expression: false
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+test("class A { *static() {} }", {
+ type: "Program",
+ range: [0, 24],
+ body: [{
+ type: "ClassDeclaration",
+ range: [0, 24],
+ id: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [6, 7],
+ name: "A"
+ },
+ superClass: null,
+ body: {
+ type: "ClassBody",
+ range: [8, 24],
+ body: [{
+ type: "MethodDefinition",
+ range: [10, 22],
+ computed: false,
+ key: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ range: [11, 17],
+ name: "static"
+ },
+ static: false,
+ kind: "",
+ value: {
+ type: "FunctionExpression",
+ range: [17, 22],
+ id: null,
+ params: [],
+ generator: true,
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ range: [20, 22],
+ body: []
+ },
+ expression: false
+ }
+ }]
+ }
+ }]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6,
+ ranges: true,
+ locations: true
+test("`${/\\d/.exec('1')[0]}`", {
+ "type": "Program",
+ "start": 0,
+ "end": 22,
+ "body": [
+ {
+ "type": "ExpressionStatement",
+ "start": 0,
+ "end": 22,
+ "expression": {
+ "type": "TemplateLiteral",
+ "start": 0,
+ "end": 22,
+ "expressions": [
+ {
+ "type": "MemberExpression",
+ "start": 3,
+ "end": 20,
+ "object": {
+ "type": "CallExpression",
+ "start": 3,
+ "end": 17,
+ "callee": {
+ "type": "MemberExpression",
+ "start": 3,
+ "end": 12,
+ "object": {
+ "type": "Literal",
+ "start": 3,
+ "end": 7,
+ "regex": {
+ "pattern": "\\d",
+ "flags": ""
+ },
+ "value": /\d/,
+ "raw": "/\\d/"
+ },
+ "property": {
+ "type": "Identifier",
+ "start": 8,
+ "end": 12,
+ "name": "exec"
+ },
+ "computed": false
+ },
+ "arguments": [
+ {
+ "type": "Literal",
+ "start": 13,
+ "end": 16,
+ "value": "1",
+ "raw": "'1'"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "property": {
+ "type": "Literal",
+ "start": 18,
+ "end": 19,
+ "value": 0,
+ "raw": "0"
+ },
+ "computed": true
+ }
+ ],
+ "quasis": [
+ {
+ "type": "TemplateElement",
+ "start": 1,
+ "end": 1,
+ "value": {
+ "raw": "",
+ "cooked": ""
+ },
+ "tail": false
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "TemplateElement",
+ "start": 21,
+ "end": 21,
+ "value": {
+ "raw": "",
+ "cooked": ""
+ },
+ "tail": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+}, {
+ ecmaVersion: 6
+testFail("if (1) let x = 10;", "Unexpected token (1:7)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("for (;;) const x = 10;", "Unexpected token (1:9)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("while (1) function foo(){}", "Unexpected token (1:10)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("if (1) ; else class Cls {}", "Unexpected token (1:14)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("'use strict'; [...eval] = arr", "Assigning to eval in strict mode (1:18)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
+testFail("'use strict'; ({eval = defValue} = obj)", "Assigning to eval in strict mode (1:16)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
diff --git a/test/tests.js b/test/tests.js
index 72b9340..dfbfda0 100644
--- a/test/tests.js
+++ b/test/tests.js
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ test("/[a-z]/g", {
type: "ExpressionStatement",
expression: {
type: "Literal",
- value: /[a-z]/,
+ value: /[a-z]/g,
regex: {
pattern: "[a-z]",
flags: "g"
@@ -7331,7 +7331,7 @@ test("var x = /[a-z]/i", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /[a-z]/i,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7404,7 +7404,7 @@ test("var x = /[x-z]/i", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /[x-z]/i,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7477,7 +7477,7 @@ test("var x = /[a-c]/i", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /[a-c]/i,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7550,7 +7550,7 @@ test("var x = /[P QR]/i", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /[P QR]/i,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7623,7 +7623,7 @@ test("var x = /foo\\/bar/", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /foo\/bar/,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7696,7 +7696,7 @@ test("var x = /=([^=\\s])+/g", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /=([^=\s])+/g,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -7769,7 +7769,7 @@ test("var x = /[P QR]/\\u0067", {
init: {
type: "Literal",
- value: {},
+ value: /[P QR]/g,
loc: {
start: {
line: 1,
@@ -23788,21 +23788,23 @@ test("function hello(...rest) { }", {
- params: [],
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "rest",
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 18
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 22
+ params: [{
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "rest",
+ loc: {
+ start: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 18
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 22
+ }
- },
+ }],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -23877,22 +23879,25 @@ test("function hello(a, ...rest) { }", {
column: 16
- }
- ],
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "rest",
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 21
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 25
+ },
+ {
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "rest",
+ loc: {
+ start: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 21
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 25
+ }
+ }
- },
+ ],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [],
@@ -24089,21 +24094,23 @@ test("var hi = function (...r) { sayHi() };", {
init: {
type: "FunctionExpression",
id: null,
- params: [],
- rest: {
- type: "Identifier",
- name: "r",
- loc: {
- start: {
- line: 1,
- column: 22
- },
- end: {
- line: 1,
- column: 23
+ params: [{
+ type: "RestElement",
+ argument: {
+ type: "Identifier",
+ name: "r",
+ loc: {
+ start: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 22
+ },
+ end: {
+ line: 1,
+ column: 23
+ }
- },
+ }],
body: {
type: "BlockStatement",
body: [
@@ -26687,6 +26694,22 @@ test("a.in / b", {
+// A number of slash-disambiguation corner cases
+test("return {} / 2", {}, {allowReturnOutsideFunction: true});
+test("return\n{}\n/foo/", {}, {allowReturnOutsideFunction: true});
+test("+{} / 2", {});
+test("{}\n/foo/", {});
+test("x++\n{}\n/foo/", {});
+test("{{}\n/foo/}", {});
+test("while (1) /foo/", {});
+test("(1) / 2", {});
+test("({a: [1]}+[]) / 2", {});
+test("{[1]}\n/foo/", {});
+test("switch(a) { case 1: {}\n/foo/ }", {});
+test("({1: {} / 2})", {});
+test("+x++ / 2", {});
+test("foo.in\n{}\n/foo/", {});
test("{}/=/", {
type: "Program",
body: [
@@ -28757,6 +28780,7 @@ var tokTypes = acorn.tokTypes;
test('var x = (1 + 2)', {}, {
locations: true,
+ loose: false,
onToken: [
type: tokTypes._var,
@@ -28834,3 +28858,59 @@ test('var x = (1 + 2)', {}, {
test("function f(f) { 'use strict'; }", {});
+// https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/180
+test("#!/usr/bin/node\n;", {}, {
+ allowHashBang: true,
+ onComment: [{
+ type: "Line",
+ value: "/usr/bin/node",
+ start: 0,
+ end: 15
+ }]
+// https://github.com/marijnh/acorn/issues/204
+test("(function () {} / 1)", {
+ type: "Program",
+ body: [{
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ expression: {
+ type: "BinaryExpression",
+ left: {
+ type: "FunctionExpression",
+ id: null,
+ params: [],
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ operator: "/",
+ right: {type: "Literal", value: 1}
+ }
+ }]
+test("function f() {} / 1 /", {
+ type: "Program",
+ body: [
+ {
+ type: "FunctionDeclaration",
+ id: {type: "Identifier", name: "f"},
+ params: [],
+ body: {
+ type: "BlockStatement",
+ body: []
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ type: "ExpressionStatement",
+ expression: {
+ type: "Literal",
+ regex: {pattern: " 1 ", flags: ""},
+ value: / 1 /
+ }
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/util/walk.js b/util/walk.js
index 117f56f..9dcddaa 100644
--- a/util/walk.js
+++ b/util/walk.js
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
base.Statement = skipThrough;
base.EmptyStatement = ignore;
- base.ExpressionStatement = function(node, st, c) {
+ base.ExpressionStatement = base.ParenthesizedExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.expression, st, "Expression");
base.IfStatement = function(node, st, c) {
@@ -200,7 +200,7 @@
base.ReturnStatement = base.YieldExpression = function(node, st, c) {
if (node.argument) c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
- base.ThrowStatement = base.SpreadElement = function(node, st, c) {
+ base.ThrowStatement = base.SpreadElement = base.RestElement = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
base.TryStatement = function(node, st, c) {
@@ -249,13 +249,13 @@
base.Expression = skipThrough;
base.ThisExpression = ignore;
- base.ArrayExpression = function(node, st, c) {
+ base.ArrayExpression = base.ArrayPattern = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.elements.length; ++i) {
var elt = node.elements[i];
if (elt) c(elt, st, "Expression");
- base.ObjectExpression = function(node, st, c) {
+ base.ObjectExpression = base.ObjectPattern = function(node, st, c) {
for (var i = 0; i < node.properties.length; ++i)
c(node.properties[i], st);
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
base.UnaryExpression = base.UpdateExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.argument, st, "Expression");
- base.BinaryExpression = base.AssignmentExpression = base.LogicalExpression = function(node, st, c) {
+ base.BinaryExpression = base.AssignmentExpression = base.AssignmentPattern = base.LogicalExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.left, st, "Expression");
c(node.right, st, "Expression");
@@ -285,7 +285,15 @@
c(node.object, st, "Expression");
if (node.computed) c(node.property, st, "Expression");
- base.Identifier = base.Literal = base.ExportDeclaration = base.ImportDeclaration = ignore;
+ base.ExportDeclaration = function (node, st, c) {
+ c(node.declaration, st);
+ };
+ base.ImportDeclaration = function (node, st, c) {
+ node.specifiers.forEach(function (specifier) {
+ c(specifier, st);
+ });
+ };
+ base.ImportSpecifier = base.ImportBatchSpecifier = base.Identifier = base.Literal = ignore;
base.TaggedTemplateExpression = function(node, st, c) {
c(node.tag, st, "Expression");
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