[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-everything.js] 01/02: Import Upstream version 1.0.3
Lucas Castro
lucascastro-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Oct 28 20:04:32 UTC 2016
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
lucascastro-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-everything.js.
commit 73da86d4ce5efd336ea42cb5776c984aaff25739
Author: root <root at debian>
Date: Fri Oct 28 16:05:15 2016 -0300
Import Upstream version 1.0.3
.editorconfig | 1 +
.gitignore | 1 +
.travis.yml | 9 ++
README.md | 27 ++++++
es2015-module.js | 290 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
es2015-script.js | 261 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
es5.js | 175 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
package.json | 29 ++++++
test/parsing.js | 13 +++
test/unit.js | 27 ++++++
10 files changed, 833 insertions(+)
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78b36ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+root = true
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c3629e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f847fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+language: node_js
+ - "0.10"
+ - "0.11"
+ - "0.12"
+ - "iojs"
+ - "npm install npm -g"
+ - "git submodule update --init"
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b4e987
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+A single javascript file that contains every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical production.
+### Usage Example
+test("exercise my program", function(done) {
+ fs.readFile(require.resolve("everything.js"), function(err, programText) {
+ var program = esprima.parse("" + programText);
+ assert.equal(runMyProgramOn(program), /* expected value */, "message");
+ done();
+ });
+### Further ECMAScript Version Support
+Support has been added for ECMAScript 2015. Version can be specified through
+`require.resolve("everything.js/<version>")`, where `<version>` is one of:
+* `es5`: ECMASCript 5.1
+* `es2015-module`: ECMAScript 2015 module
+* `es2015-script`: ECMAScript 2015 script
diff --git a/es2015-module.js b/es2015-module.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e28c6f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es2015-module.js
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+/* this file contains all grammatical productions in ECMA-262 edition 5.1 ** * **/
+import i0 from "module";
+import * as i1 from "module";
+import {} from "module";
+import { i2, a as i3, } from "module";
+import i4, * as i5 from "module";
+import i6, {} from "module";
+import i7, { i8, var as i9 } from "module";
+import "module";
+export * from "module";
+export {} from "module";
+export { i0, i1 as a, i2 as var, } from "module";
+export {};
+export { i3, i4 as in };
+export var e5, e6 = 0;
+export let e7, e8 = 0;
+export const e9 = 0, e10 = 0;
+export function e11(){}
+export function* e12(){}
+export class e13 {}
+export class e14 extends e15 {}
+export default function e16(){}
+// Unfortunately (for us), we can only have a single default export.
+export default function (){}
+export default function* i16(){}
+export default function* (){}
+export default class i17 {}
+export default class i18 extends i19 {}
+export default class {}
+export default x = 0;
+export default 0;
+export default (0, 1);
+// whitespace
+tab:for(;;)break tab;
+space:for(;;)break space;
+nbsp:for(;;)break nbsp;
+// line terminators
+// identifier names
+var $, _, \u0078, \u{2F9F9}, x$, x_, x\u0030, x\u{e01d5}, xa, x0, x0a,
+ x0123456789, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM;
+// a representative sample of ID_Start and ID_Continue
+var 䩶, x󠇕, œ一, ǻ둘, ɤ〩, φ, fiⅷ, ユニコード, x;
+let letx; let[x\u0078] = 0; const constx = 0;
+{ let x; let y = 0; const z = 0; }
+null; true; false;
+0; 1234567890;
+0.; 0.00; 10.00; .0; .00
+0e0; 0E0; 0.e0; 0.00e+0; .00e-0;
+0x0; 0X0; 0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF;
+0b0; 0B0; 0b01; 0b10; 0b10101010;
+0o0; 0O0; 0o01234567;
+""; "'"; "\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0";
+"\uD834\uDF06\u2603\u03C6 \u{0000001F4a9}\u{1D306}\u{2603}\u{3c6} 𝌆☃φ"; "\
+''; '"'; '\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0';
+'\uD834\uDF06\u2603\u03C6 \u{0000001F4a9} \u{1D306}\u{2603}\u{3c6} 𝌆☃φ'; '\
+/x/; /|/; /|||/;
+/^$\b\B/; /(?=(?!(?:(.))))/;
+/a.\f\n\r\t\v\0\[\-\/\\\x00\u0000\uD834\uDF06/; /\u{00000001d306}/u; /\d\D\s\S\w\W/;
+/[a-z-]/; /[^\b\-^]/; /[/\]\\]/;
+/./i; /./g; /./m; /./igm;
+/.*/; /.*?/; /.+/; /.+?/; /.?/; /.??/;
+/.{0}/; /.{0,}/; /.{0,0}/;
+`a`; `${0}`; `0${0,1}2`; `0${`1${2}3`}4`;
+`\``; `a\${b`; `\0\n\x0A\u000A\u{A}`;
+[]; [,]; [0]; [0,]; [,0]; [0,0]; [0,0,]; [0,,0]; [,,];
+({}); ({x}); ({x:0}); ({x:0,y:0}); ({x:0,}); ({'x':0,"y":0,in:0});
+ 0: 0, 0.: 0, 0.0: 0, .0: 0, 0e0: 0, 0x0: 0, [0]: 0,
+ get x(){}, set x(a){}, get 'y'(){}, set "y"(a){},
+ get 0(){}, set 0(a){}, get var(){}, set var(a){},
+ get [0](){}, set [0](a){}, [1](){},
+ a(){}, 'b'(){}, "c"(){}, 0(){}, .1(){}, 1.(){}, 1e1(){},
+ var(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){},
+ set in([a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k]){},
+ *d(){}, *'e'(){}, *"f"(){}, *2(){}, *.2(){}, *3.(){}, *2e2(){}, *in(){},
+({ __proto__: null, get __proto__(){}, set __proto__(a){}, });
+({ "__proto__": null, __proto__(){}, });
+0..a; 0 .a; (0).a;
+// this function makes the NewExpression and CallExpression tests not throw at runtime
+x = function f(){ return f; }; x[0] = x; x.a = x;
+new x(); new new x()();
+new x[0](); new x.a(); new x[0].a(); new x.a[0]();
+new x; new new x; new new x();
+new new x().a; new new x()[0];
+x(); x()(); x(x); x(x, x);
+x.a().a(); x[0]()[0](); x().a[0]();
+x(...[0,1,], ...[], ...function* f(){ return yield 2; });
+x`a`; x`0${1}2`;
+x++; x--;
+delete void typeof+-~!x; ++x; --x;
+0*0; 0/0; 0%0;
+0+0; 0-0;
+0<<0; 0>>0; 0>>>0;
+0<0; 0>0; 0<=0; 0>=0;
+0 instanceof function(){};
+0 in{};
+0==0; 0!=0; 0===0; 0!==0;
+0&0; 0^0; 0|0; 0&&0; 0||0;
+0?0:0; 0?0?0:0:0; 0||0?x=0:x=0;
+x=0; x*=0; x/=0; x%=0; x+=0; x-=0;
+x<<=0; x>>=0; x>>>=0; x&=0; x^=0; x|=0;
+0,0; 0,0,0; x=0,x=0;
+{} {;} {0} {0;} {0;0} {0;0;}
+var x0; var x1,y2; var x3,y4,z5;
+var x6=0; var x7=0,y8; var x9,y10=0; var x11=0,y12=0;
+if(0); if(0);else;
+do;while(0) 0;
+do;while(0) 0
+for(;;)break; for(0;0;0); for((0 in[]);0;);
+for(var a0;;)break; for(var a1,b2;0;0);
+for(var a3=0;;)break; for(var a4=(0 in[]);0;);
+for(x in{}); for(var x12 in{});
+for(x of[]); for(var x13 of[]);
+for(;0;)continue; x:for(;0;)continue x;
+for(;;)break; x:for(;;)break x;
+switch(0){case 0:break;}
+function f0(){ return; }
+function f1(){ return 0; }
+switch(0){} switch(0){case 0:} switch(0){case 0:case 0:}
+switch(0){default:} switch(0){case 0:default:case 0:}
+switch(0){case 0:;} switch(0){case 0:;;}
+switch(0){default:;} switch(0){default:;;}
+x:; x:y:;
+try { throw 0; }catch(x){}
+function f2(){}
+function f3(x){}
+function f4(x,y){}
+function f5(){ function f6(){} }
+{ function f7(){} };
+for (;0;) +function f8(){}; 0
+do +function f9(){}; while(0)
+function f10(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){}
+function f11(){ "use strict" }
+function f12(){ 'use strict' }
+function f13(){ "other directive" }
+function f14(){ 'other directive' }
+function f15(){ ("string") }
+function f16(){ ('string') }
+function f17(){
+ 'string'
+ +0
+function*g0(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){
+ return a = yield* b = yield c = yield yield;
+(function * g1(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){
+ return a = yield* b = yield c = yield yield;
+(function(){ function f(){} });
+(function f(){});
+(function f(x){});
+(function f(x,y){});
+(function f(){ function f(){} });
+() => 0;
+() => {;}
+x => x
+x => x = 0
+x => y => x
+x => {x}
+x => ({x});
+(x) => x;
+(x) => {return x};
+(x) => ({x});
+({x}) => ({x});
+(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) => {;};
+[a] = [...[0]];
+({a} = {});
+class A {}
+class B extends new A {
+ constructor(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) {
+ super(new.target);
+ super()`template`;
+ () => super(this);
+ }
+ m(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) {
+ super.m();
+ super.m`template`;
+ () => super.m(this);
+ }
+ ;
+ static a(){} static 'b'(){} static 0(){} static [0](){}
+ static *c(){ yield; } static *"d"() { yield; } static *1(){ yield; } static *[1](){ yield; }
+ static var(){} static *in(){}
+ static get e(){} static get 'f'(){} static get 2(){} static get [2](){}
+ static set g(a){} static set "h"(a){} static set 3(a){} static set [3](a){}
+ static get if(){} static set if(a){}
+ a(){} 'b'(){} 0(){} [0](){}
+ *c(){ yield; } *"d"(){ yield; } *1(){ yield; } *[1](){ yield; }
+ var(){} *in(){ yield; }
+ get e(){} get 'f'(){} get 2(){} get [2](){}
+ set g(a){} set "h"(a){} set 3(a){} set [3](a){}
+ get if() {} set if(f) {}
+class C extends B { "constructor"(){ super(); } }
diff --git a/es2015-script.js b/es2015-script.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..862bcbf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es2015-script.js
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+/* this file contains all grammatical productions in ECMA-262 edition 5.1 ** * **/
+<!-- HTML-style comments -->
+// whitespace
+tab:for(;;)break tab;
+space:for(;;)break space;
+nbsp:for(;;)break nbsp;
+// line terminators
+// identifier names
+var $, _, \u0078, \u{2F9F9}, x$, x_, x\u0030, x\u{e01d5}, xa, x0, x0a,
+ x0123456789, qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM;
+// a representative sample of ID_Start and ID_Continue
+var 䩶, x󠇕, œ一, ǻ둘, ɤ〩, φ, fiⅷ, ユニコード, x;
+var yield; let letx; let[x\u0078] = 0; const constx = 0;
+{ let x; let y = 0; const z = 0; }
+null; true; false;
+0; 00; 1234567890; 01234567;
+0.; 0.00; 10.00; .0; .00
+0e0; 0E0; 0.e0; 0.00e+0; .00e-0;
+0x0; 0X0; 0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF;
+0b0; 0B0; 0b01; 0b10; 0b10101010;
+0o0; 0O0; 0o01234567;
+""; "'"; "\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0";
+"\uD834\uDF06\u2603\u03C6 \u{0000001F4a9}\u{1D306}\u{2603}\u{3c6} 𝌆☃φ"; "\
+''; '"'; '\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0';
+'\uD834\uDF06\u2603\u03C6 \u{0000001F4a9} \u{1D306}\u{2603}\u{3c6} 𝌆☃φ'; '\
+/x/; /|/; /|||/;
+/^$\b\B/; /(?=(?!(?:(.))))/;
+/a.\f\n\r\t\v\0\[\-\/\\\x00\u0000\uD834\uDF06/; /\u{00000001d306}/u; /\d\D\s\S\w\W/;
+/[a-z-]/; /[^\b\-^]/; /[/\]\\]/;
+/./i; /./g; /./m; /./igm;
+/.*/; /.*?/; /.+/; /.+?/; /.?/; /.??/;
+/.{0}/; /.{0,}/; /.{0,0}/;
+`a`; `${0}`; `0${0,1}2`; `0${`1${2}3`}4`;
+`\``; `a\${b`; `\0\n\x0A\u000A\u{A}`;
+[]; [,]; [0]; [0,]; [,0]; [0,0]; [0,0,]; [0,,0]; [,,];
+({}); ({x}); ({x:0}); ({x:0,y:0}); ({x:0,}); ({'x':0,"y":0,in:0});
+ 0: 0, 0.: 0, 0.0: 0, .0: 0, 0e0: 0, 0x0: 0, [0]: 0,
+ get x(){}, set x(a){}, get 'y'(){}, set "y"(a){},
+ get 0(){}, set 0(a){}, get var(){}, set var(a){},
+ get [0](){}, set [0](a){}, [1](){},
+ a(){}, 'b'(){}, "c"(){}, 0(){}, .1(){}, 1.(){}, 1e1(){},
+ var(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){},
+ set in([a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k]){},
+ *d(){}, *'e'(){}, *"f"(){}, *2(){}, *.2(){}, *3.(){}, *2e2(){}, *in(){},
+({ __proto__: null, get __proto__(){}, set __proto__(a){}, });
+({ "__proto__": null, __proto__(){}, });
+0..a; 0 .a; (0).a;
+// this function makes the NewExpression and CallExpression tests not throw at runtime
+x = function f(){ return f; }; x[0] = x; x.a = x;
+new x(); new new x()();
+new x[0](); new x.a(); new x[0].a(); new x.a[0]();
+new x; new new x; new new x();
+new new x().a; new new x()[0];
+x(); x()(); x(x); x(x, x);
+x.a().a(); x[0]()[0](); x().a[0]();
+x(...[0,1,], ...[], ...function* f(){ return yield 2; });
+x`a`; x`0${1}2`;
+x++; x--;
+delete void typeof+-~!x; ++x; --x;
+0*0; 0/0; 0%0;
+0+0; 0-0;
+0<<0; 0>>0; 0>>>0;
+0<0; 0>0; 0<=0; 0>=0;
+0 instanceof function(){};
+0 in{};
+0==0; 0!=0; 0===0; 0!==0;
+0&0; 0^0; 0|0; 0&&0; 0||0;
+0?0:0; 0?0?0:0:0; 0||0?x=0:x=0;
+x=0; x*=0; x/=0; x%=0; x+=0; x-=0;
+x<<=0; x>>=0; x>>>=0; x&=0; x^=0; x|=0;
+0,0; 0,0,0; x=0,x=0;
+{} {;} {0} {0;} {0;0} {0;0;}
+var x; var x,y; var x,y,z;
+var x=0; var x=0,y; var x,y=0; var x=0,y=0;
+if(0); if(0);else;
+do;while(0) 0;
+do;while(0) 0
+for(;;)break; for(0;0;0); for((0 in[]);0;);
+for(var a;;)break; for(var a,b;0;0);
+for(var a=0;;)break; for(var a=(0 in[]);0;);
+for(x in{}); for(var x in{});
+for(x of[]); for(var x of[]);
+for(;0;)continue; x:for(;0;)continue x;
+for(;;)break; x:for(;;)break x;
+switch(0){case 0:break;}
+function f(){ return; }
+function f(){ return 0; }
+switch(0){} switch(0){case 0:} switch(0){case 0:case 0:}
+switch(0){default:} switch(0){case 0:default:case 0:}
+switch(0){case 0:;} switch(0){case 0:;;}
+switch(0){default:;} switch(0){default:;;}
+x:; x:y:;
+try { throw 0; }catch(x){}
+function f(){}
+function f(x){}
+function f(x,y){}
+function f(){ function f(){} }
+{ function f(){} };
+//for (;0;) label: function f(){} 0
+//do label: function f(){} while(0)
+function f(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){}
+function f(){ "use strict" }
+function f(){ 'use strict' }
+function f(){ "other directive" }
+function f(){ 'other directive' }
+function f(){ ("string") }
+function f(){ ('string') }
+function f(){
+ 'string'
+ +0
+function*g(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){
+ return a = yield* b = yield c = yield yield;
+(function * g(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k){
+ return a = yield* b = yield c = yield yield;
+yield +0;
+yield * 0;
+(function(){ function f(){} });
+(function f(){});
+(function f(x){});
+(function f(x,y){});
+(function f(){ function f(){} });
+() => 0;
+() => {;}
+x => x
+x => x = 0
+x => y => x
+x => {x}
+x => ({x});
+(x) => x;
+(x) => {return x};
+(x) => ({x});
+({x}) => ({x});
+(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) => {;};
+[a] = [...[0]];
+({a} = {});
+class A {}
+class B extends new A {
+ constructor(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) {
+ super(new.target);
+ super()`template`;
+ () => super(this);
+ }
+ m(a, b = 0, [c,, d = 0, ...e], {f, g: h, i = 0, i: j = 0}, ...k) {
+ super.m();
+ super.m`template`;
+ () => super.m(this);
+ }
+ ;
+ static a(){} static 'b'(){} static 0(){} static [0](){}
+ static *c(){ yield; } static *"d"() { yield; } static *1(){ yield; } static *[1](){ yield; }
+ static var(){} static *in(){}
+ static get e(){} static get 'f'(){} static get 2(){} static get [2](){}
+ static set g(a){} static set "h"(a){} static set 3(a){} static set [3](a){}
+ static get if(){} static set if(a){}
+ a(){} 'b'(){} 0(){} [0](){}
+ *c(){ yield; } *"d"(){ yield; } *1(){ yield; } *[1](){ yield; }
+ var(){} *in(){ yield; }
+ get e(){} get 'f'(){} get 2(){} get [2](){}
+ set g(a){} set "h"(a){} set 3(a){} set [3](a){}
+ get if() {} set if(f) {}
+class C extends B { "constructor"(){ super(); } }
diff --git a/es5.js b/es5.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bfc321
--- /dev/null
+++ b/es5.js
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+/* this file contains all grammatical productions in ECMA-262 edition 5.1 ** * **/
+// whitespace
+tab:for(;;)break tab;
+space:for(;;)break space;
+nbsp:for(;;)break nbsp;
+// line terminators
+// identifier names
+var $, _, \u0078, x$, x_, x\u0030, xa, x0, x0a, x0123456789,
+ qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm, QWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM;
+// a representative sample of unicode letters and numbers
+var œ一, ǻ둘, ɤ〩, φ, fiⅷ, ユニコード, x;
+null; true; false;
+0; 00; 1234567890; 01234567;
+0.; 0.00; 10.00; .0; .00
+0e0; 0E0; 0.e0; 0.00e+0; .00e-0;
+0x0; 0X0; 0x0123456789abcdefABCDEF;
+""; "'"; "\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0";
+"\u0123\u4567\u89AB\uCDEF"; "\
+''; '"'; '\'\"\\\b\f\n\r\t\v\0';
+'\u0123\u4567\u89AB\uCDEF'; '\
+/x/; /|/; /|||/;
+/^$\b\B/; /(?=(?!(?:(.))))/;
+/a.\f\n\r\t\v\0\[\-\/\\\x00\u0000/; /\d\D\s\S\w\W/;
+/[a-z-]/; /[^\b\-^]/; /[/\]\\]/;
+/./i; /./g; /./m; /./igm;
+/.*/; /.*?/; /.+/; /.+?/; /.?/; /.??/;
+/.{0}/; /.{0,}/; /.{0,0}/;
+[]; [,]; [0]; [0,]; [,0]; [0,0]; [0,0,]; [0,,0]; [,,];
+({}); ({x:0}); ({x:0,y:0}); ({x:0,}); ({'x':0,"y":0,var:0,});
+({0:0}); ({0.:0}); ({0.0:0}); ({.0:0}); ({0e0:0}); ({0x0:0});
+ get x(){}, set x(a){}, get 'y'(){}, set "y"(a){},
+ get 0(){}, set 0(a){}, get var(){}, set var(x){},
+// this function makes the NewExpression and CallExpression tests not throw at runtime
+x = function f(){ return f; }; x[0] = x; x.a = x;
+new x(); new new x()();
+new x[0](); new x.a(); new x[0].a(); new x.a[0]();
+new x; new new x; new new x();
+new new x().a; new new x()[0];
+x(); x()(); x(x); x(x, x);
+x.a().a(); x[0]()[0](); x().a[0]();
+x++; x--;
+delete void typeof+-~!x; ++x; --x;
+0*0; 0/0; 0%0;
+0+0; 0-0;
+0<<0; 0>>0; 0>>>0;
+0<0; 0>0; 0<=0; 0>=0;
+0 instanceof function(){};
+0 in{};
+0==0; 0!=0; 0===0; 0!==0;
+0&0; 0^0; 0|0; 0&&0; 0||0;
+0?0:0; 0?0?0:0:0; 0||0?x=0:x=0;
+x=0; x*=0; x/=0; x%=0; x+=0; x-=0;
+x<<=0; x>>=0; x>>>=0; x&=0; x^=0; x|=0;
+0,0; 0,0,0; x=0,x=0;
+{} {;} {0} {0;} {0;0} {0;0;}
+var x; var x,y; var x,y,z;
+var x=0; var x=0,y; var x,y=0; var x=0,y=0;
+if(0); if(0);else;
+for(;;)break; for(0;0;0); for((0 in[]);0;);
+for(var a;;)break; for(var a,b;0;0);
+for(var a=0;;)break; for(var a=(0 in[]);0;);
+for(x in{}); for(var x in{});
+for(var x=[]in{}); for(var x=(0 in[])in{});
+for(;0;)continue; x:for(;0;)continue x;
+for(;;)break; x:for(;;)break x;
+switch(0){case 0:break;}
+function f(){ return; }
+function f(){ return 0; }
+switch(0){} switch(0){case 0:} switch(0){case 0:case 0:}
+switch(0){default:} switch(0){case 0:default:case 0:}
+switch(0){case 0:;} switch(0){case 0:;;}
+switch(0){default:;} switch(0){default:;;}
+x:; x:y:;
+try { throw 0; }catch(x){}
+function f(){}
+function f(x){}
+function f(x,y){}
+function f(){ function f(){} }
+function f(){ "use strict" }
+function f(){ 'use strict' }
+function f(){ "other directive" }
+function f(){ 'other directive' }
+function f(){ ("string") }
+function f(){ ('string') }
+function f(){
+ 'string'
+ +0
+(function(){ function f(){} });
+(function f(){});
+(function f(x){});
+(function f(x,y){});
+(function f(){ function f(){} });
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c7b6be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "name": "everything.js",
+ "version": "1.0.3",
+ "description": "a single javascript file that contains every ECMA-262 edition 5.1 grammatical production",
+ "main": "es5.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "mocha --inline-diffs --check-leaks -u tdd -R dot test"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "git at github.com:michaelficarra/everything.js.git"
+ },
+ "keywords": [
+ "ECMA-262",
+ "grammar",
+ "example",
+ "javascript"
+ ],
+ "author": "Michael Ficarra",
+ "license": "BSD-3-Clause",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/michaelficarra/everything.js/issues"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/michaelficarra/everything.js",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "esprima": "^1.2.2",
+ "mocha": "^1.21.3"
+ }
diff --git a/test/parsing.js b/test/parsing.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a791823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/parsing.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+"use strict";
+var fs = require("fs");
+suite("parsing", function() {
+ test("can be parsed and evaluated without error by node", function() {
+ require("..");
+ });
+ test("can be parsed by esprima", function() {
+ var programText = "" + fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(".."));
+ require("esprima").parse(programText);
+ });
diff --git a/test/unit.js b/test/unit.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c7c1d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/unit.js
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+"use strict";
+var assert = require("assert");
+var fs = require("fs");
+var programText = "" + fs.readFileSync(require.resolve(".."));
+suite("unit", function() {
+ test("contains all whitespace characters", function() {
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u0009"), "tab");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u000B"), "vertical tab");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u000C"), "form feed");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u0020"), "space");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u00A0"), "non-breaking space");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\uFEFF"), "byte order mark (BOM)");
+ });
+ test("contains all newline characters", function() {
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u000A"), "line feed");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u000D"), "carriage return");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u2028"), "line separator");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u2029"), "paragraph separator");
+ });
+ test("contains identifier joining characters", function() {
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u200C"), "ZWNJ");
+ assert.notEqual(-1, programText.indexOf("\u200D"), "ZWJ");
+ });
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-everything.js.git
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