[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-asn1.js] branch upstream created (now 33e8f17)

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 20 19:19:13 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository node-asn1.js.

        at  33e8f17   4.9.1

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  eb0009c   initial
       new  f76f9a3   der: support indefinite length
       new  e7c2bb1   der: encoder
       new  aaa8bde   lib: move rfcs to separate npm packages
       new  c49c692   0.1.0
       new  4861f81   rfc-3280: 0.1.0
       new  9c751d5   rfc2560: 0.1.0
       new  696f68a   base: fix .use() encoding
       new  87f305a   0.1.1
       new  57ece9d   readme: initial
       new  126b882   encoder: encode bitstr as it is for now
       new  01bc3c7   der: support utctime
       new  38ebb91   base: better error reporting in encoder
       new  1c0b0b2   0.1.2
       new  a93e79b   encoder: even better error reporting
       new  d05444b   0.1.3
       new  7562fe1   readme: example
       new  37cea8f   0.1.4
       new  b974d06   readme: fix Neo's age
       new  b639428   readme: another fix
       new  ef2390a   der: proper encoding of bitstr
       new  4c520fb   0.1.5
       new  700d2b5   lib: refactor error reporting
       new  726e22c   api: partial decode
       new  043069f   0.2.0
       new  78639ca   readme: partial decode
       new  5018594   rfc2560: update deps
       new  f4cf96e   rfc3280: 0.2.0
       new  86f7518   decoder: fix .any() support
       new  bf244a8   0.2.1
       new  bb04e2f   der: bignum support
       new  6b71a8c   0.3.0
       new  a74edce   package: bump asn1.js version
       new  2a762bc   package: bump asn1.js version
       new  ae92352   rfc: update 3280 version
       new  9380a7b   node: use context-specific class for explicit
       new  89d6958   0.3.1
       new  edbc42f   node: propagate implicit tag to uses
       new  6a85fa0   0.3.2
       new  caf9e22   node: don't set missing keys to null
       new  716350c   0.3.3
       new  8323998   deps: use bn.js
       new  d71663a   0.4.0
       new  c01834f   rfc3280: 0.4.0
       new  369a323   rfc2560: 0.4.0
       new  27b28f4   Properly encode IMPLICIT tag
       new  1c30d58   Fix both explicit and implicit tags for submodel
       new  31da4da   rfc-3280: fix Certificate encoding
       new  a69a61f   rfc3280: 0.4.1
       new  0533126   node: fix encoding of CHOICE
       new  2a83070   0.4.1
       new  abf0daf   base: plug submodels with function call
       new  f2f14e7   0.5.0
       new  18255a5   rfc: update peer deps
       new  715bd4e   rfc: bump versions
       new  ff24a85   lib: better error reporting
       new  8cf60e9   0.5.1
       new  49e203f   der: support `ia5str`
       new  29dab51   0.6.0
       new  2dd0f69   rfc: update peer dependencies
       new  1ce15a1   deps: bump versions
       new  e287c19   der: do not edit input arrays in-place
       new  756b4f2   0.6.1
       new  23ad9f6   package: bump bn.js dependency
       new  5f85a24   0.6.2
       new  376d399   der: fix error reporting in encoder
       new  0325b4f   0.6.3
       new  afab944   node: do not require key at `.null_()`
       new  2f38995   0.6.4
       new  3451e32   lib: fix implicit seqof encoding
       new  0bccdb4   der: fix nonegative integers with 80 bit set
       new  fa3bd95   der: fix default values encoding
       new  188b8fe   base: don't cache submodels
       new  8fd924f   0.6.5
       new  e7f9abc   rfc: ensure test case isn't statically traced
       new  6af6a5e   rfc: bump versions
       new  2b84ee2   package: update bn.js
       new  aa9b7e0   0.6.6
       new  683d09f   Revert "package: update bn.js"
       new  f3d1a34   0.6.7
       new  10531db   package: update bn.js
       new  0cb9362   0.7.0
       new  c86b19f   package: update deps
       new  6f04b47   1.0.0
       new  fecc24b   rfc: update deps
       new  885b2e5   rfc: release 1.0.0
       new  125c5bb   lib: use minimalistic-assert
       new  28bea82   1.0.1
       new  a66e9c0   api: remove one last util.inherits
       new  33b88ec   1.0.2
       new  c75d861   node: fix strict mode error in Node.prototype.keys
       new  447fced   1.0.3
       new  c5d8439   api: fallback to anonymous function
       new  e93bdc4   1.0.4
       new  44585f0   der: fix ASN.1 utctime padding regression
       new  c864796   1.0.5
       new  311e8af   package: update bn.js
       new  fa15f2c   1.0.6
       new  77e1117   der: always return bn.js integers
       new  7469375   2.0.0
       new  8957977   node: fix optional+any
       new  b8eb6cd   2.0.1
       new  3a40fe1   node, der: fix the case of no tag in optional+any
       new  8be74b9   2.0.2
       new  9fcbb3f   rfc: update deps, bump versions
       new  91f6379   lib: fix choice save/restore bug
       new  a4075f6   2.0.3
       new  f076f8e   rfc: bump versions and release
       new  6142edd   buffer: fix regression in EncoderBuffer
       new  fa16e14   2.0.4
       new  2ac0a3a   lib: introduce PEM encoding support
       new  23b0274   2.1.0
       new  8fdd78f   package: bn.js no longer optional
       new  211d525   2.1.1
       new  a631704   test: 'optional' and 'use'.
       new  dc0bc4b   node: fix `optional` and `use`
       new  cd76dbd   2.1.2
       new  47d95e9   der: support more objid inputs
       new  418cbb3   2.1.3
       new  4ac7d8d   lib: `utf8str`
       new  339af54   2.2.0
       new  ea2c900   der: fix indefinite length decoding
       new  93ca61d   2.2.1
       new  b4492f1   rfc-3280: directoryName is explicit
       new  626abc7   3280: test for directoryName
       new  dfad3f7   3280: bump to 2.1.1
       new  a18d614   package: bump bn.js
       new  ed50f75   3.0.0
       new  f487672   rfc: bump both modules
       new  75383ba   npm: bump everything to bn.js at 4.0.0
       new  4abc567   lib: `bmpstr`
       new  0958802   4.1.0
       new  3e1c3d6   lib: `numstr` and `printstr`
       new  372de8b   package: bump `mocha`
       new  214c437   4.2.0
       new  fc98800   lib: `numstr` validation fix
       new  9f1797a   4.2.1
       new  82301c8   der: define `result` in decodeObjid
       new  7f8a964   der: support `dot` values in decoder
       new  255ab1a   4.3.0
       new  d81601b   Fix issue #56 again
       new  983e080   4.3.1
       new  a2d711e   node: introduce `.contains()` method
       new  7d5a011   4.4.0
       new  4d52f53   lib: lots of ...str methods
       new  8fd080d   rfc: 3280 => 5280
       new  0fa965c   4.5.0
       new  90c52f9   rfc: remove 3280
       new  10577d0   5280: bump version, bump deps
       new  20069c7   der: fix peekTag's check for seqof and setof
       new  27b55f6   package: fix tests
       new  e99b1e9   4.5.1
       new  31e3538   node: remove unused code
       new  803f3df   4.5.2
       new  f926439   lib: remove unused variables and dead code
       new  82e83b9   api: default to DER
       new  69dd64d   4.6.0
       new  ae90349   rfc5380: fix call to def()
       new  e61e3e4   rfc: bump 5280 to 1.0.1
       new  180508f   repoter: check for captureStackTrace before
       new  f7cd227   4.6.1
       new  01293bc   5280: fix IssuingDistributionPoint
       new  2b32476   5280: fix typo in PolicyQualifierInfo
       new  2ac48a0   5280: 1.0.2
       new  93663f1   5280: implicit/explicit fixes
       new  ff890f7   5280: 1.0.3
       new  858d3ca   reporter: add .stack manually in IE
       new  832cf33   4.6.2
       new  b3b4300   node: add `contains` to `stateProps` for cloning
       new  a94f938   node: stub out `track` APIs
       new  4e5e55c   4.6.3
       new  8e3018c   Revert "4.6.3"
       new  3f99adc   4.7.0
       new  8fde1b3   index: export x509Extensions
       new  4461334   5280: 1.1.0
       new  164f08b   Revert "index: export x509Extensions"
       new  ae34186   5280: export `id-pe-authorityInfoAccess`
       new  39df52b   5280: 1.2.0
       new  94a5a24   5280: someone is having a bad day
       new  b7a3bd0   node: improve tracking
       new  be1c261   4.8.0
       new  c5babea   lib: add .npmignore files to everything
       new  c59d73d   4.8.1
       new  b6c8779   rfc: bump versions
       new  e05424f   2560: match current version of 5280 in package.json
       new  86000e9   2560: update package version
       new  06f3f08   2560: fix undefined references
       new  80be9fc   2560: bump version
       new  f3ba22f   node: add ObjectDescriptor primitive
       new  b1d3dc3   4.9.0
       new  099b36a   der: increase limit for long form definite len
       new  33e8f17   4.9.1

The 192 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-asn1.js.git

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