[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-acorn-jsx] 244/484: Replaced UglifyJS2 with Traceur for fair comparison of ES6-enabled parsers.

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 19 14:20:38 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-acorn-jsx.

commit 8b1924661590e9e8528369fcb5f345a20980acb7
Author: Ingvar Stepanyan <me at rreverser.com>
Date:   Sat Jul 26 20:49:29 2014 +0300

    Replaced UglifyJS2 with Traceur for fair comparison of ES6-enabled parsers.
 test/bench.html           |   28 +-
 test/compare/uglifyjs.js  | 1372 -------------------------
 test/compare/uglifyjs2.js | 2494 ---------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 3877 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/bench.html b/test/bench.html
index 31494f6..9b07d3b 100644
--- a/test/bench.html
+++ b/test/bench.html
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
   <title>Acorn benchmark</title>
   <script src="../acorn.js"></script>
   <script src="compare/esprima.js"></script>
-  <script src="compare/uglifyjs2.js"></script>
+  <script src="compare/traceur.js"></script>
   <script src="jquery-string.js"></script>
   <script src="codemirror-string.js"></script>
@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@
-<h1>Acorn/Esprima/UglifyJS2 speed comparison</h1>
+<h1>Acorn/Esprima/Traceur speed comparison</h1>
-<p>This will run each of the three parsers on the source code of
+<p>This will run each of the three ES6 parsers on the source code of
 jQuery 1.6.4 and CodeMirror 3.0b1 for two seconds, and show a table
-indicating the number of lines parsed per second. Note that UglifyJS
+indicating the number of lines parsed per second. Note that Traceur
 always stores location data, and is thus not fairly compared by the
 benchmark <em>without</em> location data.<p>
@@ -35,28 +35,34 @@ numbers.</p>
 <span id="running"></span>
+  var sourceFileName = 'source.js';
   function runAcorn(code, locations) {
-    acorn.parse(code, {ecmaVersion: 6, locations: locations});
+    acorn.parse(code, {ecmaVersion: 6, locations: locations, sourceFile: sourceFileName});
   function runEsprima(code, locations) {
-    esprima.parse(code, {loc: locations});
+    esprima.parse(code, {loc: locations, source: sourceFileName});
-  function runUglifyJS(code) {
-    uglifyjs.parse(code);
+  function runTraceur(code) {
+    var file = new traceur.syntax.SourceFile(sourceFileName, code);
+    var parser = new traceur.syntax.Parser(file);
+    parser.parseScript();
   var totalLines = codemirror30.split("\n").length + jquery164.split("\n").length;
+  var nowHost = (typeof performance === 'object' && 'now' in performance) ? performance : Date;
   function benchmark(runner, locations) {
     // Give it a chance to warm up (first runs are usually outliers)
     runner(jquery164, locations);
     runner(codemirror30, locations);
-    var t0 = +new Date, t1, lines = 0;
+    var t0 = nowHost.now(), t1, lines = 0;
     for (;;) {
       runner(jquery164, locations);
       runner(codemirror30, locations);
       lines += totalLines;
-      t1 = +new Date;
+      t1 = nowHost.now();
       if (t1 - t0 > 2000) break;
     return lines / ((t1 - t0) / 1000);
@@ -75,7 +81,7 @@ numbers.</p>
     running.innerHTML = "Running benchmark...";
     var data = [{name: "Acorn", runner: runAcorn},
                 {name: "Esprima", runner: runEsprima},
-                {name: "UglifyJS2", runner: runUglifyJS}];
+                {name: "Traceur", runner: runTraceur}];
     if (acornOnly) data.length = 1;
     var pos = 0;
     function next() {
diff --git a/test/compare/uglifyjs.js b/test/compare/uglifyjs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b22fdeb..0000000
--- a/test/compare/uglifyjs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1372 +0,0 @@
-  A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor.
-  This version is suitable for Node.js.  With minimal changes (the
-  exports stuff) it should work on any JS platform.
-  This file contains the tokenizer/parser.  It is a port to JavaScript
-  of parse-js [1], a JavaScript parser library written in Common Lisp
-  by Marijn Haverbeke.  Thank you Marijn!
-  [1] http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/
-  Exported functions:
-    - tokenizer(code) -- returns a function.  Call the returned
-      function to fetch the next token.
-    - parse(code) -- returns an AST of the given JavaScript code.
-  -------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
-                           Author: Mihai Bazon
-                         <mihai.bazon at gmail.com>
-                       http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
-  Distributed under the BSD license:
-    Copyright 2010 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon at gmail.com>
-    Based on parse-js (http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/).
-    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-    are met:
-        * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
-          copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-          disclaimer.
-        * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-          copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-          disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
-          provided with the distribution.
- ***********************************************************************/
-/* -----[ Tokenizer (constants) ]----- */
-(function(exports) {
-var KEYWORDS = array_to_hash([
-        "break",
-        "case",
-        "catch",
-        "const",
-        "continue",
-        "debugger",
-        "default",
-        "delete",
-        "do",
-        "else",
-        "finally",
-        "for",
-        "function",
-        "if",
-        "in",
-        "instanceof",
-        "new",
-        "return",
-        "switch",
-        "throw",
-        "try",
-        "typeof",
-        "var",
-        "void",
-        "while",
-        "with"
-var RESERVED_WORDS = array_to_hash([
-        "abstract",
-        "boolean",
-        "byte",
-        "char",
-        "class",
-        "double",
-        "enum",
-        "export",
-        "extends",
-        "final",
-        "float",
-        "goto",
-        "implements",
-        "import",
-        "int",
-        "interface",
-        "long",
-        "native",
-        "package",
-        "private",
-        "protected",
-        "public",
-        "short",
-        "static",
-        "super",
-        "synchronized",
-        "throws",
-        "transient",
-        "volatile"
-var KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = array_to_hash([
-        "return",
-        "new",
-        "delete",
-        "throw",
-        "else",
-        "case"
-var KEYWORDS_ATOM = array_to_hash([
-        "false",
-        "null",
-        "true",
-        "undefined"
-var OPERATOR_CHARS = array_to_hash(characters("+-*&%=<>!?|~^"));
-var RE_HEX_NUMBER = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
-var RE_OCT_NUMBER = /^0[0-7]+$/;
-var RE_DEC_NUMBER = /^\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d*(?:\d\.?|\.?\d)\d*)?$/i;
-var OPERATORS = array_to_hash([
-        "in",
-        "instanceof",
-        "typeof",
-        "new",
-        "void",
-        "delete",
-        "++",
-        "--",
-        "+",
-        "-",
-        "!",
-        "~",
-        "&",
-        "|",
-        "^",
-        "*",
-        "/",
-        "%",
-        ">>",
-        "<<",
-        ">>>",
-        "<",
-        ">",
-        "<=",
-        ">=",
-        "==",
-        "===",
-        "!=",
-        "!==",
-        "?",
-        "=",
-        "+=",
-        "-=",
-        "/=",
-        "*=",
-        "%=",
-        ">>=",
-        "<<=",
-        ">>>=",
-        "|=",
-        "^=",
-        "&=",
-        "&&",
-        "||"
-var WHITESPACE_CHARS = array_to_hash(characters(" \u00a0\n\r\t\f\u000b\u200b\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000"));
-var PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = array_to_hash(characters("[{(,.;:"));
-var PUNC_CHARS = array_to_hash(characters("[]{}(),;:"));
-var REGEXP_MODIFIERS = array_to_hash(characters("gmsiy"));
-/* -----[ Tokenizer ]----- */
-var UNICODE = {  // Unicode 6.1
-        letter: new RegExp("[\\u0041-\\u005A\\u0061-\\u007A\\u00AA\\u00B5\\u00BA\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02C1\\u02C6-\\u02D1\\u02E0-\\u02E4\\u02EC\\u02EE\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037A-\\u037D\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03F5\\u03F7-\\u0481\\u048A-\\u0527\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0620-\\u064A\\u066E\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u06FC\\u06FF\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F [...]
-        combining_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u05C5\\u05C7\\u0610-\\u061A\\u064B-\\u065F\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06DC\\u06DF-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0711\\u0730-\\u074A\\u07A6-\\u07B0\\u07EB-\\u07F3\\u0816-\\u0819\\u081B-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082D\\u0859-\\u085B\\u08E4-\\u08FE\\u0900-\\u0903\\u093A-\\u093C\\u093E-\\u094F\\u0951-\\u0957\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981-\\u0983\\u09BC\\u09BE-\\u09C4\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09 [...]
-        connector_punctuation: new RegExp("[\\u005F\\u203F\\u2040\\u2054\\uFE33\\uFE34\\uFE4D-\\uFE4F\\uFF3F]"),
-        digit: new RegExp("[\\u0030-\\u0039\\u0660-\\u0669\\u06F0-\\u06F9\\u07C0-\\u07C9\\u0966-\\u096F\\u09E6-\\u09EF\\u0A66-\\u0A6F\\u0AE6-\\u0AEF\\u0B66-\\u0B6F\\u0BE6-\\u0BEF\\u0C66-\\u0C6F\\u0CE6-\\u0CEF\\u0D66-\\u0D6F\\u0E50-\\u0E59\\u0ED0-\\u0ED9\\u0F20-\\u0F29\\u1040-\\u1049\\u1090-\\u1099\\u17E0-\\u17E9\\u1810-\\u1819\\u1946-\\u194F\\u19D0-\\u19D9\\u1A80-\\u1A89\\u1A90-\\u1A99\\u1B50-\\u1B59\\u1BB0-\\u1BB9\\u1C40-\\u1C49\\u1C50-\\u1C59\\uA620-\\uA629\\uA8D0-\\uA8D9\\uA900-\\uA90 [...]
-function is_letter(ch) {
-        return UNICODE.letter.test(ch);
-function is_digit(ch) {
-        ch = ch.charCodeAt(0);
-        return ch >= 48 && ch <= 57;
-function is_unicode_digit(ch) {
-        return UNICODE.digit.test(ch);
-function is_alphanumeric_char(ch) {
-        return is_digit(ch) || is_letter(ch);
-function is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) {
-        return UNICODE.combining_mark.test(ch);
-function is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) {
-        return UNICODE.connector_punctuation.test(ch);
-function is_identifier_start(ch) {
-        return ch == "$" || ch == "_" || is_letter(ch);
-function is_identifier_char(ch) {
-        return is_identifier_start(ch)
-                || is_unicode_combining_mark(ch)
-                || is_unicode_digit(ch)
-                || is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch)
-                || ch == "\u200c" // zero-width non-joiner <ZWNJ>
-                || ch == "\u200d" // zero-width joiner <ZWJ> (in my ECMA-262 PDF, this is also 200c)
-        ;
-function parse_js_number(num) {
-        if (RE_HEX_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-                return parseInt(num.substr(2), 16);
-        } else if (RE_OCT_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-                return parseInt(num.substr(1), 8);
-        } else if (RE_DEC_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-                return parseFloat(num);
-        }
-function JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos) {
-        this.message = message;
-        this.line = line + 1;
-        this.col = col + 1;
-        this.pos = pos + 1;
-        this.stack = new Error().stack;
-JS_Parse_Error.prototype.toString = function() {
-        return this.message + " (line: " + this.line + ", col: " + this.col + ", pos: " + this.pos + ")" + "\n\n" + this.stack;
-function js_error(message, line, col, pos) {
-        throw new JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos);
-function is_token(token, type, val) {
-        return token.type == type && (val == null || token.value == val);
-var EX_EOF = {};
-function tokenizer($TEXT) {
-        var S = {
-                text            : $TEXT.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]/g, "\n").replace(/^\uFEFF/, ''),
-                pos             : 0,
-                tokpos          : 0,
-                line            : 0,
-                tokline         : 0,
-                col             : 0,
-                tokcol          : 0,
-                newline_before  : false,
-                regex_allowed   : false,
-                comments_before : []
-        };
-        function peek() { return S.text.charAt(S.pos); };
-        function next(signal_eof, in_string) {
-                var ch = S.text.charAt(S.pos++);
-                if (signal_eof && !ch)
-                        throw EX_EOF;
-                if (ch == "\n") {
-                        S.newline_before = S.newline_before || !in_string;
-                        ++S.line;
-                        S.col = 0;
-                } else {
-                        ++S.col;
-                }
-                return ch;
-        };
-        function eof() {
-                return !S.peek();
-        };
-        function find(what, signal_eof) {
-                var pos = S.text.indexOf(what, S.pos);
-                if (signal_eof && pos == -1) throw EX_EOF;
-                return pos;
-        };
-        function start_token() {
-                S.tokline = S.line;
-                S.tokcol = S.col;
-                S.tokpos = S.pos;
-        };
-        function token(type, value, is_comment) {
-                S.regex_allowed = ((type == "operator" && !HOP(UNARY_POSTFIX, value)) ||
-                                   (type == "keyword" && HOP(KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION, value)) ||
-                                   (type == "punc" && HOP(PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION, value)));
-                var ret = {
-                        type   : type,
-                        value  : value,
-                        line   : S.tokline,
-                        col    : S.tokcol,
-                        pos    : S.tokpos,
-                        endpos : S.pos,
-                        nlb    : S.newline_before
-                };
-                if (!is_comment) {
-                        ret.comments_before = S.comments_before;
-                        S.comments_before = [];
-                        // make note of any newlines in the comments that came before
-                        for (var i = 0, len = ret.comments_before.length; i < len; i++) {
-                                ret.nlb = ret.nlb || ret.comments_before[i].nlb;
-                        }
-                }
-                S.newline_before = false;
-                return ret;
-        };
-        function skip_whitespace() {
-                while (HOP(WHITESPACE_CHARS, peek()))
-                        next();
-        };
-        function read_while(pred) {
-                var ret = "", ch = peek(), i = 0;
-                while (ch && pred(ch, i++)) {
-                        ret += next();
-                        ch = peek();
-                }
-                return ret;
-        };
-        function parse_error(err) {
-                js_error(err, S.tokline, S.tokcol, S.tokpos);
-        };
-        function read_num(prefix) {
-                var has_e = false, after_e = false, has_x = false, has_dot = prefix == ".";
-                var num = read_while(function(ch, i){
-                        if (ch == "x" || ch == "X") {
-                                if (has_x) return false;
-                                return has_x = true;
-                        }
-                        if (!has_x && (ch == "E" || ch == "e")) {
-                                if (has_e) return false;
-                                return has_e = after_e = true;
-                        }
-                        if (ch == "-") {
-                                if (after_e || (i == 0 && !prefix)) return true;
-                                return false;
-                        }
-                        if (ch == "+") return after_e;
-                        after_e = false;
-                        if (ch == ".") {
-                                if (!has_dot && !has_x && !has_e)
-                                        return has_dot = true;
-                                return false;
-                        }
-                        return is_alphanumeric_char(ch);
-                });
-                if (prefix)
-                        num = prefix + num;
-                var valid = parse_js_number(num);
-                if (!isNaN(valid)) {
-                        return token("num", valid);
-                } else {
-                        parse_error("Invalid syntax: " + num);
-                }
-        };
-        function read_escaped_char(in_string) {
-                var ch = next(true, in_string);
-                switch (ch) {
-                    case "n" : return "\n";
-                    case "r" : return "\r";
-                    case "t" : return "\t";
-                    case "b" : return "\b";
-                    case "v" : return "\u000b";
-                    case "f" : return "\f";
-                    case "0" : return "\0";
-                    case "x" : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(2));
-                    case "u" : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(4));
-                    case "\n": return "";
-                    default  : return ch;
-                }
-        };
-        function hex_bytes(n) {
-                var num = 0;
-                for (; n > 0; --n) {
-                        var digit = parseInt(next(true), 16);
-                        if (isNaN(digit))
-                                parse_error("Invalid hex-character pattern in string");
-                        num = (num << 4) | digit;
-                }
-                return num;
-        };
-        function read_string() {
-                return with_eof_error("Unterminated string constant", function(){
-                        var quote = next(), ret = "";
-                        for (;;) {
-                                var ch = next(true);
-                                if (ch == "\\") {
-                                        // read OctalEscapeSequence (XXX: deprecated if "strict mode")
-                                        // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/178
-                                        var octal_len = 0, first = null;
-                                        ch = read_while(function(ch){
-                                                if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "7") {
-                                                        if (!first) {
-                                                                first = ch;
-                                                                return ++octal_len;
-                                                        }
-                                                        else if (first <= "3" && octal_len <= 2) return ++octal_len;
-                                                        else if (first >= "4" && octal_len <= 1) return ++octal_len;
-                                                }
-                                                return false;
-                                        });
-                                        if (octal_len > 0) ch = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(ch, 8));
-                                        else ch = read_escaped_char(true);
-                                }
-                                else if (ch == quote) break;
-                                ret += ch;
-                        }
-                        return token("string", ret);
-                });
-        };
-        function read_line_comment() {
-                next();
-                var i = find("\n"), ret;
-                if (i == -1) {
-                        ret = S.text.substr(S.pos);
-                        S.pos = S.text.length;
-                } else {
-                        ret = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);
-                        S.pos = i;
-                }
-                return token("comment1", ret, true);
-        };
-        function read_multiline_comment() {
-                next();
-                return with_eof_error("Unterminated multiline comment", function(){
-                        var i = find("*/", true),
-                            text = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);
-                        S.pos = i + 2;
-                        S.line += text.split("\n").length - 1;
-                        S.newline_before = S.newline_before || text.indexOf("\n") >= 0;
-                        // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/#issue/100
-                        if (/^@cc_on/i.test(text)) {
-                                warn("WARNING: at line " + S.line);
-                                warn("*** Found \"conditional comment\": " + text);
-                                warn("*** UglifyJS DISCARDS ALL COMMENTS.  This means your code might no longer work properly in Internet Explorer.");
-                        }
-                        return token("comment2", text, true);
-                });
-        };
-        function read_name() {
-                var backslash = false, name = "", ch, escaped = false, hex;
-                while ((ch = peek()) != null) {
-                        if (!backslash) {
-                                if (ch == "\\") escaped = backslash = true, next();
-                                else if (is_identifier_char(ch)) name += next();
-                                else break;
-                        }
-                        else {
-                                if (ch != "u") parse_error("Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX");
-                                ch = read_escaped_char();
-                                if (!is_identifier_char(ch)) parse_error("Unicode char: " + ch.charCodeAt(0) + " is not valid in identifier");
-                                name += ch;
-                                backslash = false;
-                        }
-                }
-                if (HOP(KEYWORDS, name) && escaped) {
-                        hex = name.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
-                        name = "\\u" + "0000".substr(hex.length) + hex + name.slice(1);
-                }
-                return name;
-        };
-        function read_regexp(regexp) {
-                return with_eof_error("Unterminated regular expression", function(){
-                        var prev_backslash = false, ch, in_class = false;
-                        while ((ch = next(true))) if (prev_backslash) {
-                                regexp += "\\" + ch;
-                                prev_backslash = false;
-                        } else if (ch == "[") {
-                                in_class = true;
-                                regexp += ch;
-                        } else if (ch == "]" && in_class) {
-                                in_class = false;
-                                regexp += ch;
-                        } else if (ch == "/" && !in_class) {
-                                break;
-                        } else if (ch == "\\") {
-                                prev_backslash = true;
-                        } else {
-                                regexp += ch;
-                        }
-                        var mods = read_name();
-                        return token("regexp", [ regexp, mods ]);
-                });
-        };
-        function read_operator(prefix) {
-                function grow(op) {
-                        if (!peek()) return op;
-                        var bigger = op + peek();
-                        if (HOP(OPERATORS, bigger)) {
-                                next();
-                                return grow(bigger);
-                        } else {
-                                return op;
-                        }
-                };
-                return token("operator", grow(prefix || next()));
-        };
-        function handle_slash() {
-                next();
-                var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed;
-                switch (peek()) {
-                    case "/":
-                        S.comments_before.push(read_line_comment());
-                        S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;
-                        return next_token();
-                    case "*":
-                        S.comments_before.push(read_multiline_comment());
-                        S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;
-                        return next_token();
-                }
-                return S.regex_allowed ? read_regexp("") : read_operator("/");
-        };
-        function handle_dot() {
-                next();
-                return is_digit(peek())
-                        ? read_num(".")
-                        : token("punc", ".");
-        };
-        function read_word() {
-                var word = read_name();
-                return !HOP(KEYWORDS, word)
-                        ? token("name", word)
-                        : HOP(OPERATORS, word)
-                        ? token("operator", word)
-                        : HOP(KEYWORDS_ATOM, word)
-                        ? token("atom", word)
-                        : token("keyword", word);
-        };
-        function with_eof_error(eof_error, cont) {
-                try {
-                        return cont();
-                } catch(ex) {
-                        if (ex === EX_EOF) parse_error(eof_error);
-                        else throw ex;
-                }
-        };
-        function next_token(force_regexp) {
-                if (force_regexp != null)
-                        return read_regexp(force_regexp);
-                skip_whitespace();
-                start_token();
-                var ch = peek();
-                if (!ch) return token("eof");
-                if (is_digit(ch)) return read_num();
-                if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") return read_string();
-                if (HOP(PUNC_CHARS, ch)) return token("punc", next());
-                if (ch == ".") return handle_dot();
-                if (ch == "/") return handle_slash();
-                if (HOP(OPERATOR_CHARS, ch)) return read_operator();
-                if (ch == "\\" || is_identifier_start(ch)) return read_word();
-                parse_error("Unexpected character '" + ch + "'");
-        };
-        next_token.context = function(nc) {
-                if (nc) S = nc;
-                return S;
-        };
-        return next_token;
-/* -----[ Parser (constants) ]----- */
-var UNARY_PREFIX = array_to_hash([
-        "typeof",
-        "void",
-        "delete",
-        "--",
-        "++",
-        "!",
-        "~",
-        "-",
-        "+"
-var UNARY_POSTFIX = array_to_hash([ "--", "++" ]);
-var ASSIGNMENT = (function(a, ret, i){
-        while (i < a.length) {
-                ret[a[i]] = a[i].substr(0, a[i].length - 1);
-                i++;
-        }
-        return ret;
-        ["+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&="],
-        { "=": true },
-        0
-var PRECEDENCE = (function(a, ret){
-        for (var i = 0, n = 1; i < a.length; ++i, ++n) {
-                var b = a[i];
-                for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) {
-                        ret[b[j]] = n;
-                }
-        }
-        return ret;
-        [
-                ["||"],
-                ["&&"],
-                ["|"],
-                ["^"],
-                ["&"],
-                ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="],
-                ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"],
-                [">>", "<<", ">>>"],
-                ["+", "-"],
-                ["*", "/", "%"]
-        ],
-        {}
-var STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = array_to_hash([ "for", "do", "while", "switch" ]);
-var ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = array_to_hash([ "atom", "num", "string", "regexp", "name" ]);
-/* -----[ Parser ]----- */
-function NodeWithToken(str, start, end) {
-        this.name = str;
-        this.start = start;
-        this.end = end;
-NodeWithToken.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name; };
-function parse($TEXT, exigent_mode, embed_tokens) {
-        var S = {
-                input         : typeof $TEXT == "string" ? tokenizer($TEXT, true) : $TEXT,
-                token         : null,
-                prev          : null,
-                peeked        : null,
-                in_function   : 0,
-                in_directives : true,
-                in_loop       : 0,
-                labels        : []
-        };
-        S.token = next();
-        function is(type, value) {
-                return is_token(S.token, type, value);
-        };
-        function peek() { return S.peeked || (S.peeked = S.input()); };
-        function next() {
-                S.prev = S.token;
-                if (S.peeked) {
-                        S.token = S.peeked;
-                        S.peeked = null;
-                } else {
-                        S.token = S.input();
-                }
-                S.in_directives = S.in_directives && (
-                        S.token.type == "string" || is("punc", ";")
-                );
-                return S.token;
-        };
-        function prev() {
-                return S.prev;
-        };
-        function croak(msg, line, col, pos) {
-                var ctx = S.input.context();
-                js_error(msg,
-                         line != null ? line : ctx.tokline,
-                         col != null ? col : ctx.tokcol,
-                         pos != null ? pos : ctx.tokpos);
-        };
-        function token_error(token, msg) {
-                croak(msg, token.line, token.col);
-        };
-        function unexpected(token) {
-                if (token == null)
-                        token = S.token;
-                token_error(token, "Unexpected token: " + token.type + " (" + token.value + ")");
-        };
-        function expect_token(type, val) {
-                if (is(type, val)) {
-                        return next();
-                }
-                token_error(S.token, "Unexpected token " + S.token.type + ", expected " + type);
-        };
-        function expect(punc) { return expect_token("punc", punc); };
-        function can_insert_semicolon() {
-                return !exigent_mode && (
-                        S.token.nlb || is("eof") || is("punc", "}")
-                );
-        };
-        function semicolon() {
-                if (is("punc", ";")) next();
-                else if (!can_insert_semicolon()) unexpected();
-        };
-        function as() {
-                return slice(arguments);
-        };
-        function parenthesised() {
-                expect("(");
-                var ex = expression();
-                expect(")");
-                return ex;
-        };
-        function add_tokens(str, start, end) {
-                return str instanceof NodeWithToken ? str : new NodeWithToken(str, start, end);
-        };
-        function maybe_embed_tokens(parser) {
-                if (embed_tokens) return function() {
-                        var start = S.token;
-                        var ast = parser.apply(this, arguments);
-                        ast[0] = add_tokens(ast[0], start, prev());
-                        return ast;
-                };
-                else return parser;
-        };
-        var statement = maybe_embed_tokens(function() {
-                if (is("operator", "/") || is("operator", "/=")) {
-                        S.peeked = null;
-                        S.token = S.input(S.token.value.substr(1)); // force regexp
-                }
-                switch (S.token.type) {
-                    case "string":
-                        var dir = S.in_directives, stat = simple_statement();
-                        if (dir && stat[1][0] == "string" && !is("punc", ","))
-                            return as("directive", stat[1][1]);
-                        return stat;
-                    case "num":
-                    case "regexp":
-                    case "operator":
-                    case "atom":
-                        return simple_statement();
-                    case "name":
-                        return is_token(peek(), "punc", ":")
-                                ? labeled_statement(prog1(S.token.value, next, next))
-                                : simple_statement();
-                    case "punc":
-                        switch (S.token.value) {
-                            case "{":
-                                return as("block", block_());
-                            case "[":
-                            case "(":
-                                return simple_statement();
-                            case ";":
-                                next();
-                                return as("block");
-                            default:
-                                unexpected();
-                        }
-                    case "keyword":
-                        switch (prog1(S.token.value, next)) {
-                            case "break":
-                                return break_cont("break");
-                            case "continue":
-                                return break_cont("continue");
-                            case "debugger":
-                                semicolon();
-                                return as("debugger");
-                            case "do":
-                                return (function(body){
-                                        expect_token("keyword", "while");
-                                        return as("do", prog1(parenthesised, semicolon), body);
-                                })(in_loop(statement));
-                            case "for":
-                                return for_();
-                            case "function":
-                                return function_(true);
-                            case "if":
-                                return if_();
-                            case "return":
-                                if (S.in_function == 0)
-                                        croak("'return' outside of function");
-                                return as("return",
-                                          is("punc", ";")
-                                          ? (next(), null)
-                                          : can_insert_semicolon()
-                                          ? null
-                                          : prog1(expression, semicolon));
-                            case "switch":
-                                return as("switch", parenthesised(), switch_block_());
-                            case "throw":
-                                if (S.token.nlb)
-                                        croak("Illegal newline after 'throw'");
-                                return as("throw", prog1(expression, semicolon));
-                            case "try":
-                                return try_();
-                            case "var":
-                                return prog1(var_, semicolon);
-                            case "const":
-                                return prog1(const_, semicolon);
-                            case "while":
-                                return as("while", parenthesised(), in_loop(statement));
-                            case "with":
-                                return as("with", parenthesised(), statement());
-                            default:
-                                unexpected();
-                        }
-                }
-        });
-        function labeled_statement(label) {
-                S.labels.push(label);
-                var start = S.token, stat = statement();
-                if (exigent_mode && !HOP(STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS, stat[0]))
-                        unexpected(start);
-                S.labels.pop();
-                return as("label", label, stat);
-        };
-        function simple_statement() {
-                return as("stat", prog1(expression, semicolon));
-        };
-        function break_cont(type) {
-                var name;
-                if (!can_insert_semicolon()) {
-                        name = is("name") ? S.token.value : null;
-                }
-                if (name != null) {
-                        next();
-                        if (!member(name, S.labels))
-                                croak("Label " + name + " without matching loop or statement");
-                }
-                else if (S.in_loop == 0)
-                        croak(type + " not inside a loop or switch");
-                semicolon();
-                return as(type, name);
-        };
-        function for_() {
-                expect("(");
-                var init = null;
-                if (!is("punc", ";")) {
-                        init = is("keyword", "var")
-                                ? (next(), var_(true))
-                                : expression(true, true);
-                        if (is("operator", "in")) {
-                                if (init[0] == "var" && init[1].length > 1)
-                                        croak("Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop");
-                                return for_in(init);
-                        }
-                }
-                return regular_for(init);
-        };
-        function regular_for(init) {
-                expect(";");
-                var test = is("punc", ";") ? null : expression();
-                expect(";");
-                var step = is("punc", ")") ? null : expression();
-                expect(")");
-                return as("for", init, test, step, in_loop(statement));
-        };
-        function for_in(init) {
-                var lhs = init[0] == "var" ? as("name", init[1][0]) : init;
-                next();
-                var obj = expression();
-                expect(")");
-                return as("for-in", init, lhs, obj, in_loop(statement));
-        };
-        var function_ = function(in_statement) {
-                var name = is("name") ? prog1(S.token.value, next) : null;
-                if (in_statement && !name)
-                        unexpected();
-                expect("(");
-                return as(in_statement ? "defun" : "function",
-                          name,
-                          // arguments
-                          (function(first, a){
-                                  while (!is("punc", ")")) {
-                                          if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-                                          if (!is("name")) unexpected();
-                                          a.push(S.token.value);
-                                          next();
-                                  }
-                                  next();
-                                  return a;
-                          })(true, []),
-                          // body
-                          (function(){
-                                  ++S.in_function;
-                                  var loop = S.in_loop;
-                                  S.in_directives = true;
-                                  S.in_loop = 0;
-                                  var a = block_();
-                                  --S.in_function;
-                                  S.in_loop = loop;
-                                  return a;
-                          })());
-        };
-        function if_() {
-                var cond = parenthesised(), body = statement(), belse;
-                if (is("keyword", "else")) {
-                        next();
-                        belse = statement();
-                }
-                return as("if", cond, body, belse);
-        };
-        function block_() {
-                expect("{");
-                var a = [];
-                while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-                        if (is("eof")) unexpected();
-                        a.push(statement());
-                }
-                next();
-                return a;
-        };
-        var switch_block_ = curry(in_loop, function(){
-                expect("{");
-                var a = [], cur = null;
-                while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-                        if (is("eof")) unexpected();
-                        if (is("keyword", "case")) {
-                                next();
-                                cur = [];
-                                a.push([ expression(), cur ]);
-                                expect(":");
-                        }
-                        else if (is("keyword", "default")) {
-                                next();
-                                expect(":");
-                                cur = [];
-                                a.push([ null, cur ]);
-                        }
-                        else {
-                                if (!cur) unexpected();
-                                cur.push(statement());
-                        }
-                }
-                next();
-                return a;
-        });
-        function try_() {
-                var body = block_(), bcatch, bfinally;
-                if (is("keyword", "catch")) {
-                        next();
-                        expect("(");
-                        if (!is("name"))
-                                croak("Name expected");
-                        var name = S.token.value;
-                        next();
-                        expect(")");
-                        bcatch = [ name, block_() ];
-                }
-                if (is("keyword", "finally")) {
-                        next();
-                        bfinally = block_();
-                }
-                if (!bcatch && !bfinally)
-                        croak("Missing catch/finally blocks");
-                return as("try", body, bcatch, bfinally);
-        };
-        function vardefs(no_in) {
-                var a = [];
-                for (;;) {
-                        if (!is("name"))
-                                unexpected();
-                        var name = S.token.value;
-                        next();
-                        if (is("operator", "=")) {
-                                next();
-                                a.push([ name, expression(false, no_in) ]);
-                        } else {
-                                a.push([ name ]);
-                        }
-                        if (!is("punc", ","))
-                                break;
-                        next();
-                }
-                return a;
-        };
-        function var_(no_in) {
-                return as("var", vardefs(no_in));
-        };
-        function const_() {
-                return as("const", vardefs());
-        };
-        function new_() {
-                var newexp = expr_atom(false), args;
-                if (is("punc", "(")) {
-                        next();
-                        args = expr_list(")");
-                } else {
-                        args = [];
-                }
-                return subscripts(as("new", newexp, args), true);
-        };
-        var expr_atom = maybe_embed_tokens(function(allow_calls) {
-                if (is("operator", "new")) {
-                        next();
-                        return new_();
-                }
-                if (is("punc")) {
-                        switch (S.token.value) {
-                            case "(":
-                                next();
-                                return subscripts(prog1(expression, curry(expect, ")")), allow_calls);
-                            case "[":
-                                next();
-                                return subscripts(array_(), allow_calls);
-                            case "{":
-                                next();
-                                return subscripts(object_(), allow_calls);
-                        }
-                        unexpected();
-                }
-                if (is("keyword", "function")) {
-                        next();
-                        return subscripts(function_(false), allow_calls);
-                }
-                if (HOP(ATOMIC_START_TOKEN, S.token.type)) {
-                        var atom = S.token.type == "regexp"
-                                ? as("regexp", S.token.value[0], S.token.value[1])
-                                : as(S.token.type, S.token.value);
-                        return subscripts(prog1(atom, next), allow_calls);
-                }
-                unexpected();
-        });
-        function expr_list(closing, allow_trailing_comma, allow_empty) {
-                var first = true, a = [];
-                while (!is("punc", closing)) {
-                        if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-                        if (allow_trailing_comma && is("punc", closing)) break;
-                        if (is("punc", ",") && allow_empty) {
-                                a.push([ "atom", "undefined" ]);
-                        } else {
-                                a.push(expression(false));
-                        }
-                }
-                next();
-                return a;
-        };
-        function array_() {
-                return as("array", expr_list("]", !exigent_mode, true));
-        };
-        function object_() {
-                var first = true, a = [];
-                while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-                        if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-                        if (!exigent_mode && is("punc", "}"))
-                                // allow trailing comma
-                                break;
-                        var type = S.token.type;
-                        var name = as_property_name();
-                        if (type == "name" && (name == "get" || name == "set") && !is("punc", ":")) {
-                                a.push([ as_name(), function_(false), name ]);
-                        } else {
-                                expect(":");
-                                a.push([ name, expression(false) ]);
-                        }
-                        // FIXME [!!] Line not in original parse-js,
-                        // added to be able to warn about unquoted
-                        // keyword properties
-                        a[a.length - 1].type = type;
-                }
-                next();
-                return as("object", a);
-        };
-        function as_property_name() {
-                switch (S.token.type) {
-                    case "num":
-                    case "string":
-                        return prog1(S.token.value, next);
-                }
-                return as_name();
-        };
-        function as_name() {
-                switch (S.token.type) {
-                    case "name":
-                    case "operator":
-                    case "keyword":
-                    case "atom":
-                        return prog1(S.token.value, next);
-                    default:
-                        unexpected();
-                }
-        };
-        function subscripts(expr, allow_calls) {
-                if (is("punc", ".")) {
-                        next();
-                        return subscripts(as("dot", expr, as_name()), allow_calls);
-                }
-                if (is("punc", "[")) {
-                        next();
-                        return subscripts(as("sub", expr, prog1(expression, curry(expect, "]"))), allow_calls);
-                }
-                if (allow_calls && is("punc", "(")) {
-                        next();
-                        return subscripts(as("call", expr, expr_list(")")), true);
-                }
-                return expr;
-        };
-        function maybe_unary(allow_calls) {
-                if (is("operator") && HOP(UNARY_PREFIX, S.token.value)) {
-                        return make_unary("unary-prefix",
-                                          prog1(S.token.value, next),
-                                          maybe_unary(allow_calls));
-                }
-                var val = expr_atom(allow_calls);
-                while (is("operator") && HOP(UNARY_POSTFIX, S.token.value) && !S.token.nlb) {
-                        val = make_unary("unary-postfix", S.token.value, val);
-                        next();
-                }
-                return val;
-        };
-        function make_unary(tag, op, expr) {
-                if ((op == "++" || op == "--") && !is_assignable(expr))
-                        croak("Invalid use of " + op + " operator");
-                return as(tag, op, expr);
-        };
-        function expr_op(left, min_prec, no_in) {
-                var op = is("operator") ? S.token.value : null;
-                if (op && op == "in" && no_in) op = null;
-                var prec = op != null ? PRECEDENCE[op] : null;
-                if (prec != null && prec > min_prec) {
-                        next();
-                        var right = expr_op(maybe_unary(true), prec, no_in);
-                        return expr_op(as("binary", op, left, right), min_prec, no_in);
-                }
-                return left;
-        };
-        function expr_ops(no_in) {
-                return expr_op(maybe_unary(true), 0, no_in);
-        };
-        function maybe_conditional(no_in) {
-                var expr = expr_ops(no_in);
-                if (is("operator", "?")) {
-                        next();
-                        var yes = expression(false);
-                        expect(":");
-                        return as("conditional", expr, yes, expression(false, no_in));
-                }
-                return expr;
-        };
-        function is_assignable(expr) {
-                if (!exigent_mode) return true;
-                switch (expr[0]+"") {
-                    case "dot":
-                    case "sub":
-                    case "new":
-                    case "call":
-                        return true;
-                    case "name":
-                        return expr[1] != "this";
-                }
-        };
-        function maybe_assign(no_in) {
-                var left = maybe_conditional(no_in), val = S.token.value;
-                if (is("operator") && HOP(ASSIGNMENT, val)) {
-                        if (is_assignable(left)) {
-                                next();
-                                return as("assign", ASSIGNMENT[val], left, maybe_assign(no_in));
-                        }
-                        croak("Invalid assignment");
-                }
-                return left;
-        };
-        var expression = maybe_embed_tokens(function(commas, no_in) {
-                if (arguments.length == 0)
-                        commas = true;
-                var expr = maybe_assign(no_in);
-                if (commas && is("punc", ",")) {
-                        next();
-                        return as("seq", expr, expression(true, no_in));
-                }
-                return expr;
-        });
-        function in_loop(cont) {
-                try {
-                        ++S.in_loop;
-                        return cont();
-                } finally {
-                        --S.in_loop;
-                }
-        };
-        return as("toplevel", (function(a){
-                while (!is("eof"))
-                        a.push(statement());
-                return a;
-        })([]));
-/* -----[ Utilities ]----- */
-function curry(f) {
-        var args = slice(arguments, 1);
-        return function() { return f.apply(this, args.concat(slice(arguments))); };
-function prog1(ret) {
-        if (ret instanceof Function)
-                ret = ret();
-        for (var i = 1, n = arguments.length; --n > 0; ++i)
-                arguments[i]();
-        return ret;
-function array_to_hash(a) {
-        var ret = {};
-        for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
-                ret[a[i]] = true;
-        return ret;
-function slice(a, start) {
-        return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, start || 0);
-function characters(str) {
-        return str.split("");
-function member(name, array) {
-        for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;)
-                if (array[i] == name)
-                        return true;
-        return false;
-function HOP(obj, prop) {
-        return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, prop);
-var warn = function() {};
-/* -----[ Exports ]----- */
-exports.tokenizer = tokenizer;
-exports.parse = parse;
-exports.slice = slice;
-exports.curry = curry;
-exports.member = member;
-exports.array_to_hash = array_to_hash;
-exports.is_alphanumeric_char = is_alphanumeric_char;
-exports.is_identifier_start = is_identifier_start;
-exports.is_identifier_char = is_identifier_char;
-exports.set_logger = function(logger) {
-        warn = logger;
-})(typeof exports == "undefined" ? window.uglifyjs = {} : exports);
-// Local variables:
-// js-indent-level: 8
-// End:
diff --git a/test/compare/uglifyjs2.js b/test/compare/uglifyjs2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f02305e..0000000
--- a/test/compare/uglifyjs2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2494 +0,0 @@
-  A JavaScript tokenizer / parser / beautifier / compressor.
-  https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2
-  -------------------------------- (C) ---------------------------------
-                           Author: Mihai Bazon
-                         <mihai.bazon at gmail.com>
-                       http://mihai.bazon.net/blog
-  Distributed under the BSD license:
-    Copyright 2012 (c) Mihai Bazon <mihai.bazon at gmail.com>
-    Parser based on parse-js (http://marijn.haverbeke.nl/parse-js/).
-    Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-    modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
-    are met:
-        * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
-          copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-          disclaimer.
-        * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-          copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
-          disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
-          provided with the distribution.
- ***********************************************************************/
-"use strict";
-function array_to_hash(a) {
-    var ret = Object.create(null);
-    for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)
-        ret[a[i]] = true;
-    return ret;
-function slice(a, start) {
-    return Array.prototype.slice.call(a, start || 0);
-function characters(str) {
-    return str.split("");
-function member(name, array) {
-    for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;)
-        if (array[i] == name)
-            return true;
-    return false;
-function find_if(func, array) {
-    for (var i = 0, n = array.length; i < n; ++i) {
-        if (func(array[i]))
-            return array[i];
-    }
-function repeat_string(str, i) {
-    if (i <= 0) return "";
-    if (i == 1) return str;
-    var d = repeat_string(str, i >> 1);
-    d += d;
-    if (i & 1) d += str;
-    return d;
-function DefaultsError(msg, defs) {
-    this.msg = msg;
-    this.defs = defs;
-function defaults(args, defs, croak) {
-    if (args === true)
-        args = {};
-    var ret = args || {};
-    if (croak) for (var i in ret) if (ret.hasOwnProperty(i) && !defs.hasOwnProperty(i))
-        throw new DefaultsError("`" + i + "` is not a supported option", defs);
-    for (var i in defs) if (defs.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-        ret[i] = (args && args.hasOwnProperty(i)) ? args[i] : defs[i];
-    }
-    return ret;
-function merge(obj, ext) {
-    for (var i in ext) if (ext.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-        obj[i] = ext[i];
-    }
-    return obj;
-function noop() {};
-var MAP = (function(){
-    function MAP(a, f, backwards) {
-        var ret = [], top = [], i;
-        function doit() {
-            var val = f(a[i], i);
-            var is_last = val instanceof Last;
-            if (is_last) val = val.v;
-            if (val instanceof AtTop) {
-                val = val.v;
-                if (val instanceof Splice) {
-                    top.push.apply(top, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v);
-                } else {
-                    top.push(val);
-                }
-            }
-            else if (val !== skip) {
-                if (val instanceof Splice) {
-                    ret.push.apply(ret, backwards ? val.v.slice().reverse() : val.v);
-                } else {
-                    ret.push(val);
-                }
-            }
-            return is_last;
-        };
-        if (a instanceof Array) {
-            if (backwards) {
-                for (i = a.length; --i >= 0;) if (doit()) break;
-                ret.reverse();
-                top.reverse();
-            } else {
-                for (i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (doit()) break;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            for (i in a) if (a.hasOwnProperty(i)) if (doit()) break;
-        }
-        return top.concat(ret);
-    };
-    MAP.at_top = function(val) { return new AtTop(val) };
-    MAP.splice = function(val) { return new Splice(val) };
-    MAP.last = function(val) { return new Last(val) };
-    var skip = MAP.skip = {};
-    function AtTop(val) { this.v = val };
-    function Splice(val) { this.v = val };
-    function Last(val) { this.v = val };
-    return MAP;
-function push_uniq(array, el) {
-    if (array.indexOf(el) < 0)
-        array.push(el);
-function string_template(text, props) {
-    return text.replace(/\{(.+?)\}/g, function(str, p){
-        return props[p];
-    });
-function mergeSort(array, cmp) {
-    if (array.length < 2) return array.slice();
-    function merge(a, b) {
-        var r = [], ai = 0, bi = 0, i = 0;
-        while (ai < a.length && bi < b.length) {
-            cmp(a[ai], b[bi]) <= 0
-                ? r[i++] = a[ai++]
-                : r[i++] = b[bi++];
-        }
-        if (ai < a.length) r.push.apply(r, a.slice(ai));
-        if (bi < b.length) r.push.apply(r, b.slice(bi));
-        return r;
-    };
-    function _ms(a) {
-        if (a.length <= 1)
-            return a;
-        var m = Math.floor(a.length / 2), left = a.slice(0, m), right = a.slice(m);
-        left = _ms(left);
-        right = _ms(right);
-        return merge(left, right);
-    };
-    return _ms(array);
-function set_difference(a, b) {
-    return a.filter(function(el){
-        return b.indexOf(el) < 0;
-    });
-function set_intersection(a, b) {
-    return a.filter(function(el){
-        return b.indexOf(el) >= 0;
-    });
-// this function is taken from Acorn [1], written by Marijn Haverbeke
-// [1] https://github.com/marijnh/acorn
-function makePredicate(words) {
-    if (!(words instanceof Array)) words = words.split(" ");
-    var f = "", cats = [];
-    out: for (var i = 0; i < words.length; ++i) {
-        for (var j = 0; j < cats.length; ++j)
-            if (cats[j][0].length == words[i].length) {
-                cats[j].push(words[i]);
-                continue out;
-            }
-        cats.push([words[i]]);
-    }
-    function compareTo(arr) {
-        if (arr.length == 1) return f += "return str === " + JSON.stringify(arr[0]) + ";";
-        f += "switch(str){";
-        for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; ++i) f += "case " + JSON.stringify(arr[i]) + ":";
-        f += "return true}return false;";
-    }
-    // When there are more than three length categories, an outer
-    // switch first dispatches on the lengths, to save on comparisons.
-    if (cats.length > 3) {
-        cats.sort(function(a, b) {return b.length - a.length;});
-        f += "switch(str.length){";
-        for (var i = 0; i < cats.length; ++i) {
-            var cat = cats[i];
-            f += "case " + cat[0].length + ":";
-            compareTo(cat);
-        }
-        f += "}";
-        // Otherwise, simply generate a flat `switch` statement.
-    } else {
-        compareTo(words);
-    }
-    return new Function("str", f);
-function DEFNODE(type, props, methods, base) {
-    if (arguments.length < 4) base = AST_Node;
-    if (!props) props = [];
-    else props = props.split(/\s+/);
-    var self_props = props;
-    if (base && base.PROPS)
-        props = props.concat(base.PROPS);
-    var code = "return function AST_" + type + "(props){ if (props) { ";
-    for (var i = props.length; --i >= 0;) {
-        code += "this." + props[i] + " = props." + props[i] + ";";
-    }
-    var proto = base && new base;
-    if (proto && proto.initialize || (methods && methods.initialize))
-        code += "this.initialize();";
-    code += "}}";
-    var ctor = new Function(code)();
-    if (proto) {
-        ctor.prototype = proto;
-        ctor.BASE = base;
-    }
-    if (base) base.SUBCLASSES.push(ctor);
-    ctor.prototype.CTOR = ctor;
-    ctor.PROPS = props || null;
-    ctor.SELF_PROPS = self_props;
-    ctor.SUBCLASSES = [];
-    if (type) {
-        ctor.prototype.TYPE = ctor.TYPE = type;
-    }
-    if (methods) for (i in methods) if (methods.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
-        if (/^\$/.test(i)) {
-            ctor[i.substr(1)] = methods[i];
-        } else {
-            ctor.prototype[i] = methods[i];
-        }
-    }
-    ctor.DEFMETHOD = function(name, method) {
-        this.prototype[name] = method;
-    };
-    return ctor;
-var AST_Token = DEFNODE("Token", "type value line col pos endpos nlb comments_before file", {
-}, null);
-var AST_Node = DEFNODE("Node", "start end", {
-    clone: function() {
-        return new this.CTOR(this);
-    },
-    $documentation: "Base class of all AST nodes",
-    $propdoc: {
-        start: "[AST_Token] The first token of this node",
-        end: "[AST_Token] The last token of this node"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this);
-    },
-    walk: function(visitor) {
-        return this._walk(visitor); // not sure the indirection will be any help
-    }
-}, null);
-AST_Node.warn_function = null;
-AST_Node.warn = function(txt, props) {
-    if (AST_Node.warn_function)
-        AST_Node.warn_function(string_template(txt, props));
-/* -----[ statements ]----- */
-var AST_Statement = DEFNODE("Statement", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class of all statements",
-var AST_Debugger = DEFNODE("Debugger", null, {
-    $documentation: "Represents a debugger statement",
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_Directive = DEFNODE("Directive", "value scope", {
-    $documentation: "Represents a directive, like \"use strict\";",
-    $propdoc: {
-        value: "[string] The value of this directive as a plain string (it's not an AST_String!)",
-        scope: "[AST_Scope/S] The scope that this directive affects"
-    },
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_SimpleStatement = DEFNODE("SimpleStatement", "body", {
-    $documentation: "A statement consisting of an expression, i.e. a = 1 + 2",
-    $propdoc: {
-        body: "[AST_Node] an expression node (should not be instanceof AST_Statement)"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Statement);
-function walk_body(node, visitor) {
-    if (node.body instanceof AST_Statement) {
-        node.body._walk(visitor);
-    }
-    else node.body.forEach(function(stat){
-        stat._walk(visitor);
-    });
-var AST_Block = DEFNODE("Block", "body", {
-    $documentation: "A body of statements (usually bracketed)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        body: "[AST_Statement*] an array of statements"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_BlockStatement = DEFNODE("BlockStatement", null, {
-    $documentation: "A block statement",
-}, AST_Block);
-var AST_EmptyStatement = DEFNODE("EmptyStatement", null, {
-    $documentation: "The empty statement (empty block or simply a semicolon)",
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this);
-    }
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_StatementWithBody = DEFNODE("StatementWithBody", "body", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for all statements that contain one nested body: `For`, `ForIn`, `Do`, `While`, `With`",
-    $propdoc: {
-        body: "[AST_Statement] the body; this should always be present, even if it's an AST_EmptyStatement"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_LabeledStatement = DEFNODE("LabeledStatement", "label", {
-    $documentation: "Statement with a label",
-    $propdoc: {
-        label: "[AST_Label] a label definition"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.label._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-var AST_DWLoop = DEFNODE("DWLoop", "condition", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for do/while statements",
-    $propdoc: {
-        condition: "[AST_Node] the loop condition.  Should not be instanceof AST_Statement"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.condition._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-var AST_Do = DEFNODE("Do", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `do` statement",
-}, AST_DWLoop);
-var AST_While = DEFNODE("While", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `while` statement",
-}, AST_DWLoop);
-var AST_For = DEFNODE("For", "init condition step", {
-    $documentation: "A `for` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        init: "[AST_Node?] the `for` initialization code, or null if empty",
-        condition: "[AST_Node?] the `for` termination clause, or null if empty",
-        step: "[AST_Node?] the `for` update clause, or null if empty"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            if (this.init) this.init._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.condition) this.condition._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.step) this.step._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-var AST_ForIn = DEFNODE("ForIn", "init name object", {
-    $documentation: "A `for ... in` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        init: "[AST_Node] the `for/in` initialization code",
-        name: "[AST_SymbolRef?] the loop variable, only if `init` is AST_Var",
-        object: "[AST_Node] the object that we're looping through"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.init._walk(visitor);
-            this.object._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-var AST_With = DEFNODE("With", "expression", {
-    $documentation: "A `with` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        expression: "[AST_Node] the `with` expression"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-/* -----[ scope and functions ]----- */
-var AST_Scope = DEFNODE("Scope", "directives variables functions uses_with uses_eval parent_scope enclosed cname", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for all statements introducing a lexical scope",
-    $propdoc: {
-        directives: "[string*/S] an array of directives declared in this scope",
-        variables: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all variables/functions defined in this scope",
-        functions: "[Object/S] like `variables`, but only lists function declarations",
-        uses_with: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope uses the `with` statement",
-        uses_eval: "[boolean/S] tells whether this scope contains a direct call to the global `eval`",
-        parent_scope: "[AST_Scope?/S] link to the parent scope",
-        enclosed: "[SymbolDef*/S] a list of all symbol definitions that are accessed from this scope or any subscopes",
-        cname: "[integer/S] current index for mangling variables (used internally by the mangler)",
-    },
-}, AST_Block);
-var AST_Toplevel = DEFNODE("Toplevel", "globals", {
-    $documentation: "The toplevel scope",
-    $propdoc: {
-        globals: "[Object/S] a map of name -> SymbolDef for all undeclared names",
-    },
-    wrap_commonjs: function(name, export_all) {
-        var self = this;
-        if (export_all) {
-            self.figure_out_scope();
-            var to_export = [];
-            self.walk(new TreeWalker(function(node){
-                if (node instanceof AST_SymbolDeclaration && node.definition().global) {
-                    if (!find_if(function(n){ return n.name == node.name }, to_export))
-                        to_export.push(node);
-                }
-            }));
-        }
-        var wrapped_tl = "(function(exports, global){ global['" + name + "'] = exports; '$ORIG'; '$EXPORTS'; }({}, (function(){return this}())))";
-        wrapped_tl = parse(wrapped_tl);
-        wrapped_tl = wrapped_tl.transform(new TreeTransformer(function before(node){
-            if (node instanceof AST_SimpleStatement) {
-                node = node.body;
-                if (node instanceof AST_String) switch (node.getValue()) {
-                  case "$ORIG":
-                    return MAP.splice(self.body);
-                  case "$EXPORTS":
-                    var body = [];
-                    to_export.forEach(function(sym){
-                        body.push(new AST_SimpleStatement({
-                            body: new AST_Assign({
-                                left: new AST_Sub({
-                                    expression: new AST_SymbolRef({ name: "exports" }),
-                                    property: new AST_String({ value: sym.name }),
-                                }),
-                                operator: "=",
-                                right: new AST_SymbolRef(sym),
-                            }),
-                        }));
-                    });
-                    return MAP.splice(body);
-                }
-            }
-        }));
-        return wrapped_tl;
-    }
-}, AST_Scope);
-var AST_Lambda = DEFNODE("Lambda", "name argnames uses_arguments", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for functions",
-    $propdoc: {
-        name: "[AST_SymbolDeclaration?] the name of this function",
-        argnames: "[AST_SymbolFunarg*] array of function arguments",
-        uses_arguments: "[boolean/S] tells whether this function accesses the arguments array"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            if (this.name) this.name._walk(visitor);
-            this.argnames.forEach(function(arg){
-                arg._walk(visitor);
-            });
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Scope);
-var AST_Function = DEFNODE("Function", null, {
-    $documentation: "A function expression"
-}, AST_Lambda);
-var AST_Defun = DEFNODE("Defun", null, {
-    $documentation: "A function definition"
-}, AST_Lambda);
-/* -----[ JUMPS ]----- */
-var AST_Jump = DEFNODE("Jump", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class for “jumps” (for now that's `return`, `throw`, `break` and `continue`)"
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_Exit = DEFNODE("Exit", "value", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for “exits” (`return` and `throw`)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        value: "[AST_Node?] the value returned or thrown by this statement; could be null for AST_Return"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, this.value && function(){
-            this.value._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Jump);
-var AST_Return = DEFNODE("Return", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `return` statement"
-}, AST_Exit);
-var AST_Throw = DEFNODE("Throw", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `throw` statement"
-}, AST_Exit);
-var AST_LoopControl = DEFNODE("LoopControl", "label", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for loop control statements (`break` and `continue`)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        label: "[AST_LabelRef?] the label, or null if none",
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, this.label && function(){
-            this.label._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Jump);
-var AST_Break = DEFNODE("Break", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `break` statement"
-}, AST_LoopControl);
-var AST_Continue = DEFNODE("Continue", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `continue` statement"
-}, AST_LoopControl);
-/* -----[ IF ]----- */
-var AST_If = DEFNODE("If", "condition alternative", {
-    $documentation: "A `if` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        condition: "[AST_Node] the `if` condition",
-        alternative: "[AST_Statement?] the `else` part, or null if not present"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.condition._walk(visitor);
-            this.body._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.alternative) this.alternative._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_StatementWithBody);
-/* -----[ SWITCH ]----- */
-var AST_Switch = DEFNODE("Switch", "expression", {
-    $documentation: "A `switch` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        expression: "[AST_Node] the `switch` “discriminant”"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Block);
-var AST_SwitchBranch = DEFNODE("SwitchBranch", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class for `switch` branches",
-}, AST_Block);
-var AST_Default = DEFNODE("Default", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `default` switch branch",
-}, AST_SwitchBranch);
-var AST_Case = DEFNODE("Case", "expression", {
-    $documentation: "A `case` switch branch",
-    $propdoc: {
-        expression: "[AST_Node] the `case` expression"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_SwitchBranch);
-/* -----[ EXCEPTIONS ]----- */
-var AST_Try = DEFNODE("Try", "bcatch bfinally", {
-    $documentation: "A `try` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        bcatch: "[AST_Catch?] the catch block, or null if not present",
-        bfinally: "[AST_Finally?] the finally block, or null if not present"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-            if (this.bcatch) this.bcatch._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.bfinally) this.bfinally._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Block);
-// XXX: this is wrong according to ECMA-262 (12.4).  the catch block
-// should introduce another scope, as the argname should be visible
-// only inside the catch block.  However, doing it this way because of
-// IE which simply introduces the name in the surrounding scope.  If
-// we ever want to fix this then AST_Catch should inherit from
-// AST_Scope.
-var AST_Catch = DEFNODE("Catch", "argname", {
-    $documentation: "A `catch` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement",
-    $propdoc: {
-        argname: "[AST_SymbolCatch] symbol for the exception"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.argname._walk(visitor);
-            walk_body(this, visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Block);
-var AST_Finally = DEFNODE("Finally", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `finally` node; only makes sense as part of a `try` statement"
-}, AST_Block);
-/* -----[ VAR/CONST ]----- */
-var AST_Definitions = DEFNODE("Definitions", "definitions", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for `var` or `const` nodes (variable declarations/initializations)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        definitions: "[AST_VarDef*] array of variable definitions"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.definitions.forEach(function(def){
-                def._walk(visitor);
-            });
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_Statement);
-var AST_Var = DEFNODE("Var", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `var` statement"
-}, AST_Definitions);
-var AST_Const = DEFNODE("Const", null, {
-    $documentation: "A `const` statement"
-}, AST_Definitions);
-var AST_VarDef = DEFNODE("VarDef", "name value", {
-    $documentation: "A variable declaration; only appears in a AST_Definitions node",
-    $propdoc: {
-        name: "[AST_SymbolVar|AST_SymbolConst] name of the variable",
-        value: "[AST_Node?] initializer, or null of there's no initializer"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.name._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.value) this.value._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-/* -----[ OTHER ]----- */
-var AST_Call = DEFNODE("Call", "expression args", {
-    $documentation: "A function call expression",
-    $propdoc: {
-        expression: "[AST_Node] expression to invoke as function",
-        args: "[AST_Node*] array of arguments"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-            this.args.forEach(function(arg){
-                arg._walk(visitor);
-            });
-        });
-    }
-var AST_New = DEFNODE("New", null, {
-    $documentation: "An object instantiation.  Derives from a function call since it has exactly the same properties"
-}, AST_Call);
-var AST_Seq = DEFNODE("Seq", "car cdr", {
-    $documentation: "A sequence expression (two comma-separated expressions)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        car: "[AST_Node] first element in sequence",
-        cdr: "[AST_Node] second element in sequence"
-    },
-    $cons: function(x, y) {
-        var seq = new AST_Seq(x);
-        seq.car = x;
-        seq.cdr = y;
-        return seq;
-    },
-    $from_array: function(array) {
-        if (array.length == 0) return null;
-        if (array.length == 1) return array[0].clone();
-        var list = null;
-        for (var i = array.length; --i >= 0;) {
-            list = AST_Seq.cons(array[i], list);
-        }
-        var p = list;
-        while (p) {
-            if (p.cdr && !p.cdr.cdr) {
-                p.cdr = p.cdr.car;
-                break;
-            }
-            p = p.cdr;
-        }
-        return list;
-    },
-    add: function(node) {
-        var p = this;
-        while (p) {
-            if (!(p.cdr instanceof AST_Seq)) {
-                var cell = AST_Seq.cons(p.cdr, node);
-                return p.cdr = cell;
-            }
-            p = p.cdr;
-        }
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.car._walk(visitor);
-            if (this.cdr) this.cdr._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-var AST_PropAccess = DEFNODE("PropAccess", "expression property", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for property access expressions, i.e. `a.foo` or `a[\"foo\"]`",
-    $propdoc: {
-        expression: "[AST_Node] the “container” expression",
-        property: "[AST_Node|string] the property to access.  For AST_Dot this is always a plain string, while for AST_Sub it's an arbitrary AST_Node"
-    }
-var AST_Dot = DEFNODE("Dot", null, {
-    $documentation: "A dotted property access expression",
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_PropAccess);
-var AST_Sub = DEFNODE("Sub", null, {
-    $documentation: "Index-style property access, i.e. `a[\"foo\"]`",
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-            this.property._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-}, AST_PropAccess);
-var AST_Unary = DEFNODE("Unary", "operator expression", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for unary expressions",
-    $propdoc: {
-        operator: "[string] the operator",
-        expression: "[AST_Node] expression that this unary operator applies to"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.expression._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-var AST_UnaryPrefix = DEFNODE("UnaryPrefix", null, {
-    $documentation: "Unary prefix expression, i.e. `typeof i` or `++i`"
-}, AST_Unary);
-var AST_UnaryPostfix = DEFNODE("UnaryPostfix", null, {
-    $documentation: "Unary postfix expression, i.e. `i++`"
-}, AST_Unary);
-var AST_Binary = DEFNODE("Binary", "left operator right", {
-    $documentation: "Binary expression, i.e. `a + b`",
-    $propdoc: {
-        left: "[AST_Node] left-hand side expression",
-        operator: "[string] the operator",
-        right: "[AST_Node] right-hand side expression"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.left._walk(visitor);
-            this.right._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-var AST_Conditional = DEFNODE("Conditional", "condition consequent alternative", {
-    $documentation: "Conditional expression using the ternary operator, i.e. `a ? b : c`",
-    $propdoc: {
-        condition: "[AST_Node]",
-        consequent: "[AST_Node]",
-        alternative: "[AST_Node]"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.condition._walk(visitor);
-            this.consequent._walk(visitor);
-            this.alternative._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-var AST_Assign = DEFNODE("Assign", null, {
-    $documentation: "An assignment expression — `a = b + 5`",
-}, AST_Binary);
-/* -----[ LITERALS ]----- */
-var AST_Array = DEFNODE("Array", "elements", {
-    $documentation: "An array literal",
-    $propdoc: {
-        elements: "[AST_Node*] array of elements"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.elements.forEach(function(el){
-                el._walk(visitor);
-            });
-        });
-    }
-var AST_Object = DEFNODE("Object", "properties", {
-    $documentation: "An object literal",
-    $propdoc: {
-        properties: "[AST_ObjectProperty*] array of properties"
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.properties.forEach(function(prop){
-                prop._walk(visitor);
-            });
-        });
-    }
-var AST_ObjectProperty = DEFNODE("ObjectProperty", "key value", {
-    $documentation: "Base class for literal object properties",
-    $propdoc: {
-        key: "[string] the property name; it's always a plain string in our AST, no matter if it was a string, number or identifier in original code",
-        value: "[AST_Node] property value.  For setters and getters this is an AST_Function."
-    },
-    _walk: function(visitor) {
-        return visitor._visit(this, function(){
-            this.value._walk(visitor);
-        });
-    }
-var AST_ObjectKeyVal = DEFNODE("ObjectKeyVal", null, {
-    $documentation: "A key: value object property",
-}, AST_ObjectProperty);
-var AST_ObjectSetter = DEFNODE("ObjectSetter", null, {
-    $documentation: "An object setter property",
-}, AST_ObjectProperty);
-var AST_ObjectGetter = DEFNODE("ObjectGetter", null, {
-    $documentation: "An object getter property",
-}, AST_ObjectProperty);
-var AST_Symbol = DEFNODE("Symbol", "scope name thedef", {
-    $propdoc: {
-        name: "[string] name of this symbol",
-        scope: "[AST_Scope/S] the current scope (not necessarily the definition scope)",
-        thedef: "[SymbolDef/S] the definition of this symbol"
-    },
-    $documentation: "Base class for all symbols",
-var AST_SymbolDeclaration = DEFNODE("SymbolDeclaration", "init", {
-    $documentation: "A declaration symbol (symbol in var/const, function name or argument, symbol in catch)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        init: "[AST_Node*/S] array of initializers for this declaration."
-    }
-}, AST_Symbol);
-var AST_SymbolVar = DEFNODE("SymbolVar", null, {
-    $documentation: "Symbol defining a variable",
-}, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
-var AST_SymbolConst = DEFNODE("SymbolConst", null, {
-    $documentation: "A constant declaration"
-}, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
-var AST_SymbolFunarg = DEFNODE("SymbolFunarg", null, {
-    $documentation: "Symbol naming a function argument",
-}, AST_SymbolVar);
-var AST_SymbolDefun = DEFNODE("SymbolDefun", null, {
-    $documentation: "Symbol defining a function",
-}, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
-var AST_SymbolLambda = DEFNODE("SymbolLambda", null, {
-    $documentation: "Symbol naming a function expression",
-}, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
-var AST_SymbolCatch = DEFNODE("SymbolCatch", null, {
-    $documentation: "Symbol naming the exception in catch",
-}, AST_SymbolDeclaration);
-var AST_Label = DEFNODE("Label", "references", {
-    $documentation: "Symbol naming a label (declaration)",
-    $propdoc: {
-        references: "[AST_LabelRef*] a list of nodes referring to this label"
-    }
-}, AST_Symbol);
-var AST_SymbolRef = DEFNODE("SymbolRef", null, {
-    $documentation: "Reference to some symbol (not definition/declaration)",
-}, AST_Symbol);
-var AST_LabelRef = DEFNODE("LabelRef", null, {
-    $documentation: "Reference to a label symbol",
-}, AST_SymbolRef);
-var AST_This = DEFNODE("This", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `this` symbol",
-}, AST_Symbol);
-var AST_Constant = DEFNODE("Constant", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class for all constants",
-    getValue: function() {
-        return this.value;
-    }
-var AST_String = DEFNODE("String", "value", {
-    $documentation: "A string literal",
-    $propdoc: {
-        value: "[string] the contents of this string"
-    }
-}, AST_Constant);
-var AST_Number = DEFNODE("Number", "value", {
-    $documentation: "A number literal",
-    $propdoc: {
-        value: "[number] the numeric value"
-    }
-}, AST_Constant);
-var AST_RegExp = DEFNODE("RegExp", "value", {
-    $documentation: "A regexp literal",
-    $propdoc: {
-        value: "[RegExp] the actual regexp"
-    }
-}, AST_Constant);
-var AST_Atom = DEFNODE("Atom", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class for atoms",
-}, AST_Constant);
-var AST_Null = DEFNODE("Null", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `null` atom",
-    value: null
-}, AST_Atom);
-var AST_NaN = DEFNODE("NaN", null, {
-    $documentation: "The impossible value",
-    value: 0/0
-}, AST_Atom);
-var AST_Undefined = DEFNODE("Undefined", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `undefined` value",
-    value: (function(){}())
-}, AST_Atom);
-var AST_Infinity = DEFNODE("Infinity", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `Infinity` value",
-    value: 1/0
-}, AST_Atom);
-var AST_Boolean = DEFNODE("Boolean", null, {
-    $documentation: "Base class for booleans",
-}, AST_Atom);
-var AST_False = DEFNODE("False", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `false` atom",
-    value: false
-}, AST_Boolean);
-var AST_True = DEFNODE("True", null, {
-    $documentation: "The `true` atom",
-    value: true
-}, AST_Boolean);
-/* -----[ TreeWalker ]----- */
-function TreeWalker(callback) {
-    this.visit = callback;
-    this.stack = [];
-TreeWalker.prototype = {
-    _visit: function(node, descend) {
-        this.stack.push(node);
-        var ret = this.visit(node, descend ? function(){
-            descend.call(node);
-        } : noop);
-        if (!ret && descend) {
-            descend.call(node);
-        }
-        this.stack.pop();
-        return ret;
-    },
-    parent: function(n) {
-        return this.stack[this.stack.length - 2 - (n || 0)];
-    },
-    push: function (node) {
-        this.stack.push(node);
-    },
-    pop: function() {
-        return this.stack.pop();
-    },
-    self: function() {
-        return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1];
-    },
-    find_parent: function(type) {
-        var stack = this.stack;
-        for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) {
-            var x = stack[i];
-            if (x instanceof type) return x;
-        }
-    },
-    in_boolean_context: function() {
-        var stack = this.stack;
-        var i = stack.length, self = stack[--i];
-        while (i > 0) {
-            var p = stack[--i];
-            if ((p instanceof AST_If           && p.condition === self) ||
-                (p instanceof AST_Conditional  && p.condition === self) ||
-                (p instanceof AST_DWLoop       && p.condition === self) ||
-                (p instanceof AST_For          && p.condition === self) ||
-                (p instanceof AST_UnaryPrefix  && p.operator == "!" && p.expression === self))
-            {
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (!(p instanceof AST_Binary && (p.operator == "&&" || p.operator == "||")))
-                return false;
-            self = p;
-        }
-    },
-    loopcontrol_target: function(label) {
-        var stack = this.stack;
-        if (label) {
-            for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) {
-                var x = stack[i];
-                if (x instanceof AST_LabeledStatement && x.label.name == label.name) {
-                    return x.body;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            for (var i = stack.length; --i >= 0;) {
-                var x = stack[i];
-                if (x instanceof AST_Switch) return x;
-                if (x instanceof AST_For || x instanceof AST_ForIn || x instanceof AST_DWLoop) {
-                    return (x.body instanceof AST_BlockStatement ? x.body : x);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-var KEYWORDS = 'break case catch const continue debugger default delete do else finally for function if in instanceof new return switch throw try typeof var void while with';
-var KEYWORDS_ATOM = 'false null true';
-var RESERVED_WORDS = 'abstract boolean byte char class double enum export extends final float goto implements import int interface long native package private protected public short static super synchronized this throws transient volatile'
-    + " " + KEYWORDS_ATOM + " " + KEYWORDS;
-var KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = 'return new delete throw else case';
-KEYWORDS = makePredicate(KEYWORDS);
-var OPERATOR_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("+-*&%=<>!?|~^"));
-var RE_HEX_NUMBER = /^0x[0-9a-f]+$/i;
-var RE_OCT_NUMBER = /^0[0-7]+$/;
-var RE_DEC_NUMBER = /^\d*\.?\d*(?:e[+-]?\d*(?:\d\.?|\.?\d)\d*)?$/i;
-var OPERATORS = makePredicate([
-    "in",
-    "instanceof",
-    "typeof",
-    "new",
-    "void",
-    "delete",
-    "++",
-    "--",
-    "+",
-    "-",
-    "!",
-    "~",
-    "&",
-    "|",
-    "^",
-    "*",
-    "/",
-    "%",
-    ">>",
-    "<<",
-    ">>>",
-    "<",
-    ">",
-    "<=",
-    ">=",
-    "==",
-    "===",
-    "!=",
-    "!==",
-    "?",
-    "=",
-    "+=",
-    "-=",
-    "/=",
-    "*=",
-    "%=",
-    ">>=",
-    "<<=",
-    ">>>=",
-    "|=",
-    "^=",
-    "&=",
-    "&&",
-    "||"
-var WHITESPACE_CHARS = makePredicate(characters(" \u00a0\n\r\t\f\u000b\u200b\u180e\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200a\u202f\u205f\u3000"));
-var PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION = makePredicate(characters("[{(,.;:"));
-var PUNC_CHARS = makePredicate(characters("[]{}(),;:"));
-var REGEXP_MODIFIERS = makePredicate(characters("gmsiy"));
-/* -----[ Tokenizer ]----- */
-// regexps adapted from http://xregexp.com/plugins/#unicode
-var UNICODE = {
-    letter: new RegExp("[\\u0041-\\u005A\\u0061-\\u007A\\u00AA\\u00B5\\u00BA\\u00C0-\\u00D6\\u00D8-\\u00F6\\u00F8-\\u02C1\\u02C6-\\u02D1\\u02E0-\\u02E4\\u02EC\\u02EE\\u0370-\\u0374\\u0376\\u0377\\u037A-\\u037D\\u0386\\u0388-\\u038A\\u038C\\u038E-\\u03A1\\u03A3-\\u03F5\\u03F7-\\u0481\\u048A-\\u0523\\u0531-\\u0556\\u0559\\u0561-\\u0587\\u05D0-\\u05EA\\u05F0-\\u05F2\\u0621-\\u064A\\u066E\\u066F\\u0671-\\u06D3\\u06D5\\u06E5\\u06E6\\u06EE\\u06EF\\u06FA-\\u06FC\\u06FF\\u0710\\u0712-\\u072F\\u0 [...]
-    non_spacing_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0300-\\u036F\\u0483-\\u0487\\u0591-\\u05BD\\u05BF\\u05C1\\u05C2\\u05C4\\u05C5\\u05C7\\u0610-\\u061A\\u064B-\\u065E\\u0670\\u06D6-\\u06DC\\u06DF-\\u06E4\\u06E7\\u06E8\\u06EA-\\u06ED\\u0711\\u0730-\\u074A\\u07A6-\\u07B0\\u07EB-\\u07F3\\u0816-\\u0819\\u081B-\\u0823\\u0825-\\u0827\\u0829-\\u082D\\u0900-\\u0902\\u093C\\u0941-\\u0948\\u094D\\u0951-\\u0955\\u0962\\u0963\\u0981\\u09BC\\u09C1-\\u09C4\\u09CD\\u09E2\\u09E3\\u0A01\\u0A02\\u0A3C\\u0A41\\u0A42\\u0 [...]
-    space_combining_mark: new RegExp("[\\u0903\\u093E-\\u0940\\u0949-\\u094C\\u094E\\u0982\\u0983\\u09BE-\\u09C0\\u09C7\\u09C8\\u09CB\\u09CC\\u09D7\\u0A03\\u0A3E-\\u0A40\\u0A83\\u0ABE-\\u0AC0\\u0AC9\\u0ACB\\u0ACC\\u0B02\\u0B03\\u0B3E\\u0B40\\u0B47\\u0B48\\u0B4B\\u0B4C\\u0B57\\u0BBE\\u0BBF\\u0BC1\\u0BC2\\u0BC6-\\u0BC8\\u0BCA-\\u0BCC\\u0BD7\\u0C01-\\u0C03\\u0C41-\\u0C44\\u0C82\\u0C83\\u0CBE\\u0CC0-\\u0CC4\\u0CC7\\u0CC8\\u0CCA\\u0CCB\\u0CD5\\u0CD6\\u0D02\\u0D03\\u0D3E-\\u0D40\\u0D46-\\u0D48 [...]
-    connector_punctuation: new RegExp("[\\u005F\\u203F\\u2040\\u2054\\uFE33\\uFE34\\uFE4D-\\uFE4F\\uFF3F]")
-function is_letter(code) {
-    return (code >= 97 && code <= 122)
-        || (code >= 65 && code <= 90)
-        || (code >= 0xaa && UNICODE.letter.test(String.fromCharCode(code)));
-function is_digit(code) {
-    return code >= 48 && code <= 57; //XXX: find out if "UnicodeDigit" means something else than 0..9
-function is_alphanumeric_char(code) {
-    return is_digit(code) || is_letter(code);
-function is_unicode_combining_mark(ch) {
-    return UNICODE.non_spacing_mark.test(ch) || UNICODE.space_combining_mark.test(ch);
-function is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch) {
-    return UNICODE.connector_punctuation.test(ch);
-function is_identifier(name) {
-    return /^[a-z_$][a-z0-9_$]*$/i.test(name) && !RESERVED_WORDS(name);
-function is_identifier_start(code) {
-    return code == 36 || code == 95 || is_letter(code);
-function is_identifier_char(ch) {
-    var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
-    return is_identifier_start(code)
-        || is_digit(code)
-        || code == 8204 // \u200c: zero-width non-joiner <ZWNJ>
-        || code == 8205 // \u200d: zero-width joiner <ZWJ> (in my ECMA-262 PDF, this is also 200c)
-        || is_unicode_combining_mark(ch)
-        || is_unicode_connector_punctuation(ch)
-    ;
-function parse_js_number(num) {
-    if (RE_HEX_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-        return parseInt(num.substr(2), 16);
-    } else if (RE_OCT_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-        return parseInt(num.substr(1), 8);
-    } else if (RE_DEC_NUMBER.test(num)) {
-        return parseFloat(num);
-    }
-function JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos) {
-    this.message = message;
-    this.line = line;
-    this.col = col;
-    this.pos = pos;
-    this.stack = new Error().stack;
-JS_Parse_Error.prototype.toString = function() {
-    return this.message + " (line: " + this.line + ", col: " + this.col + ", pos: " + this.pos + ")" + "\n\n" + this.stack;
-function js_error(message, filename, line, col, pos) {
-    AST_Node.warn("ERROR: {message} [{file}:{line},{col}]", {
-        message: message,
-        file: filename,
-        line: line,
-        col: col
-    });
-    throw new JS_Parse_Error(message, line, col, pos);
-function is_token(token, type, val) {
-    return token.type == type && (val == null || token.value == val);
-var EX_EOF = {};
-function tokenizer($TEXT, filename) {
-    var S = {
-        text            : $TEXT.replace(/\r\n?|[\n\u2028\u2029]/g, "\n").replace(/\uFEFF/g, ''),
-        filename        : filename,
-        pos             : 0,
-        tokpos          : 0,
-        line            : 1,
-        tokline         : 0,
-        col             : 0,
-        tokcol          : 0,
-        newline_before  : false,
-        regex_allowed   : false,
-        comments_before : []
-    };
-    function peek() { return S.text.charAt(S.pos); };
-    function next(signal_eof, in_string) {
-        var ch = S.text.charAt(S.pos++);
-        if (signal_eof && !ch)
-            throw EX_EOF;
-        if (ch == "\n") {
-            S.newline_before = S.newline_before || !in_string;
-            ++S.line;
-            S.col = 0;
-        } else {
-            ++S.col;
-        }
-        return ch;
-    };
-    function find(what, signal_eof) {
-        var pos = S.text.indexOf(what, S.pos);
-        if (signal_eof && pos == -1) throw EX_EOF;
-        return pos;
-    };
-    function start_token() {
-        S.tokline = S.line;
-        S.tokcol = S.col;
-        S.tokpos = S.pos;
-    };
-    function token(type, value, is_comment) {
-        S.regex_allowed = ((type == "operator" && !UNARY_POSTFIX[value]) ||
-                           (type == "keyword" && KEYWORDS_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)) ||
-                           (type == "punc" && PUNC_BEFORE_EXPRESSION(value)));
-        var ret = {
-            type   : type,
-            value  : value,
-            line   : S.tokline,
-            col    : S.tokcol,
-            pos    : S.tokpos,
-            endpos : S.pos,
-            nlb    : S.newline_before,
-            file   : filename
-        };
-        if (!is_comment) {
-            ret.comments_before = S.comments_before;
-            S.comments_before = [];
-            // make note of any newlines in the comments that came before
-            for (var i = 0, len = ret.comments_before.length; i < len; i++) {
-                ret.nlb = ret.nlb || ret.comments_before[i].nlb;
-            }
-        }
-        S.newline_before = false;
-        return new AST_Token(ret);
-    };
-    function skip_whitespace() {
-        while (WHITESPACE_CHARS(peek()))
-            next();
-    };
-    function read_while(pred) {
-        var ret = "", ch, i = 0;
-        while ((ch = peek()) && pred(ch, i++))
-            ret += next();
-        return ret;
-    };
-    function parse_error(err) {
-        js_error(err, filename, S.tokline, S.tokcol, S.tokpos);
-    };
-    function read_num(prefix) {
-        var has_e = false, after_e = false, has_x = false, has_dot = prefix == ".";
-        var num = read_while(function(ch, i){
-            var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
-            switch (code) {
-              case 120: case 88: // xX
-                return has_x ? false : (has_x = true);
-              case 101: case 69: // eE
-                return has_x ? true : has_e ? false : (has_e = after_e = true);
-              case 45: // -
-                return after_e || (i == 0 && !prefix);
-              case 43: // +
-                return after_e;
-              case (after_e = false, 46): // .
-                return (!has_dot && !has_x && !has_e) ? (has_dot = true) : false;
-            }
-            return is_alphanumeric_char(code);
-        });
-        if (prefix) num = prefix + num;
-        var valid = parse_js_number(num);
-        if (!isNaN(valid)) {
-            return token("num", valid);
-        } else {
-            parse_error("Invalid syntax: " + num);
-        }
-    };
-    function read_escaped_char(in_string) {
-        var ch = next(true, in_string);
-        switch (ch.charCodeAt(0)) {
-          case 110 : return "\n";
-          case 114 : return "\r";
-          case 116 : return "\t";
-          case 98  : return "\b";
-          case 118 : return "\u000b"; // \v
-          case 102 : return "\f";
-          case 48  : return "\0";
-          case 120 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(2)); // \x
-          case 117 : return String.fromCharCode(hex_bytes(4)); // \u
-          case 10  : return ""; // newline
-          default  : return ch;
-        }
-    };
-    function hex_bytes(n) {
-        var num = 0;
-        for (; n > 0; --n) {
-            var digit = parseInt(next(true), 16);
-            if (isNaN(digit))
-                parse_error("Invalid hex-character pattern in string");
-            num = (num << 4) | digit;
-        }
-        return num;
-    };
-    var read_string = with_eof_error("Unterminated string constant", function(){
-        var quote = next(), ret = "";
-        for (;;) {
-            var ch = next(true);
-            if (ch == "\\") {
-                // read OctalEscapeSequence (XXX: deprecated if "strict mode")
-                // https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS/issues/178
-                var octal_len = 0, first = null;
-                ch = read_while(function(ch){
-                    if (ch >= "0" && ch <= "7") {
-                        if (!first) {
-                            first = ch;
-                            return ++octal_len;
-                        }
-                        else if (first <= "3" && octal_len <= 2) return ++octal_len;
-                        else if (first >= "4" && octal_len <= 1) return ++octal_len;
-                    }
-                    return false;
-                });
-                if (octal_len > 0) ch = String.fromCharCode(parseInt(ch, 8));
-                else ch = read_escaped_char(true);
-            }
-            else if (ch == quote) break;
-            ret += ch;
-        }
-        return token("string", ret);
-    });
-    function read_line_comment() {
-        next();
-        var i = find("\n"), ret;
-        if (i == -1) {
-            ret = S.text.substr(S.pos);
-            S.pos = S.text.length;
-        } else {
-            ret = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);
-            S.pos = i;
-        }
-        return token("comment1", ret, true);
-    };
-    var read_multiline_comment = with_eof_error("Unterminated multiline comment", function(){
-        next();
-        var i = find("*/", true);
-        var text = S.text.substring(S.pos, i);
-        var a = text.split("\n"), n = a.length;
-        // update stream position
-        S.pos = i + 2;
-        S.line += n - 1;
-        if (n > 1) S.col = a[n - 1].length;
-        else S.col += a[n - 1].length;
-        S.col += 2;
-        S.newline_before = S.newline_before || text.indexOf("\n") >= 0;
-        return token("comment2", text, true);
-    });
-    function read_name() {
-        var backslash = false, name = "", ch, escaped = false, hex;
-        while ((ch = peek()) != null) {
-            if (!backslash) {
-                if (ch == "\\") escaped = backslash = true, next();
-                else if (is_identifier_char(ch)) name += next();
-                else break;
-            }
-            else {
-                if (ch != "u") parse_error("Expecting UnicodeEscapeSequence -- uXXXX");
-                ch = read_escaped_char();
-                if (!is_identifier_char(ch)) parse_error("Unicode char: " + ch.charCodeAt(0) + " is not valid in identifier");
-                name += ch;
-                backslash = false;
-            }
-        }
-        if (KEYWORDS(name) && escaped) {
-            hex = name.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();
-            name = "\\u" + "0000".substr(hex.length) + hex + name.slice(1);
-        }
-        return name;
-    };
-    var read_regexp = with_eof_error("Unterminated regular expression", function(regexp){
-        var prev_backslash = false, ch, in_class = false;
-        while ((ch = next(true))) if (prev_backslash) {
-            regexp += "\\" + ch;
-            prev_backslash = false;
-        } else if (ch == "[") {
-            in_class = true;
-            regexp += ch;
-        } else if (ch == "]" && in_class) {
-            in_class = false;
-            regexp += ch;
-        } else if (ch == "/" && !in_class) {
-            break;
-        } else if (ch == "\\") {
-            prev_backslash = true;
-        } else {
-            regexp += ch;
-        }
-        var mods = read_name();
-        return token("regexp", new RegExp(regexp, mods));
-    });
-    function read_operator(prefix) {
-        function grow(op) {
-            if (!peek()) return op;
-            var bigger = op + peek();
-            if (OPERATORS(bigger)) {
-                next();
-                return grow(bigger);
-            } else {
-                return op;
-            }
-        };
-        return token("operator", grow(prefix || next()));
-    };
-    function handle_slash() {
-        next();
-        var regex_allowed = S.regex_allowed;
-        switch (peek()) {
-          case "/":
-            S.comments_before.push(read_line_comment());
-            S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;
-            return next_token();
-          case "*":
-            S.comments_before.push(read_multiline_comment());
-            S.regex_allowed = regex_allowed;
-            return next_token();
-        }
-        return S.regex_allowed ? read_regexp("") : read_operator("/");
-    };
-    function handle_dot() {
-        next();
-        return is_digit(peek().charCodeAt(0))
-            ? read_num(".")
-            : token("punc", ".");
-    };
-    function read_word() {
-        var word = read_name();
-        return KEYWORDS_ATOM(word) ? token("atom", word)
-            : !KEYWORDS(word) ? token("name", word)
-            : OPERATORS(word) ? token("operator", word)
-            : token("keyword", word);
-    };
-    function with_eof_error(eof_error, cont) {
-        return function(x) {
-            try {
-                return cont(x);
-            } catch(ex) {
-                if (ex === EX_EOF) parse_error(eof_error);
-                else throw ex;
-            }
-        };
-    };
-    function next_token(force_regexp) {
-        if (force_regexp != null)
-            return read_regexp(force_regexp);
-        skip_whitespace();
-        start_token();
-        var ch = peek();
-        if (!ch) return token("eof");
-        var code = ch.charCodeAt(0);
-        switch (code) {
-          case 34: case 39: return read_string();
-          case 46: return handle_dot();
-          case 47: return handle_slash();
-        }
-        if (is_digit(code)) return read_num();
-        if (PUNC_CHARS(ch)) return token("punc", next());
-        if (OPERATOR_CHARS(ch)) return read_operator();
-        if (code == 92 || is_identifier_start(code)) return read_word();
-        parse_error("Unexpected character '" + ch + "'");
-    };
-    next_token.context = function(nc) {
-        if (nc) S = nc;
-        return S;
-    };
-    return next_token;
-/* -----[ Parser (constants) ]----- */
-var UNARY_PREFIX = makePredicate([
-    "typeof",
-    "void",
-    "delete",
-    "--",
-    "++",
-    "!",
-    "~",
-    "-",
-    "+"
-var UNARY_POSTFIX = makePredicate([ "--", "++" ]);
-var ASSIGNMENT = makePredicate([ "=", "+=", "-=", "/=", "*=", "%=", ">>=", "<<=", ">>>=", "|=", "^=", "&=" ]);
-var PRECEDENCE = (function(a, ret){
-    for (var i = 0, n = 1; i < a.length; ++i, ++n) {
-        var b = a[i];
-        for (var j = 0; j < b.length; ++j) {
-            ret[b[j]] = n;
-        }
-    }
-    return ret;
-    [
-        ["||"],
-        ["&&"],
-        ["|"],
-        ["^"],
-        ["&"],
-        ["==", "===", "!=", "!=="],
-        ["<", ">", "<=", ">=", "in", "instanceof"],
-        [">>", "<<", ">>>"],
-        ["+", "-"],
-        ["*", "/", "%"]
-    ],
-    {}
-var STATEMENTS_WITH_LABELS = array_to_hash([ "for", "do", "while", "switch" ]);
-var ATOMIC_START_TOKEN = array_to_hash([ "atom", "num", "string", "regexp", "name" ]);
-/* -----[ Parser ]----- */
-function parse($TEXT, options) {
-    options = defaults(options, {
-        strict   : false,
-        filename : null,
-        toplevel : null
-    });
-    var S = {
-        input         : typeof $TEXT == "string" ? tokenizer($TEXT, options.filename) : $TEXT,
-        token         : null,
-        prev          : null,
-        peeked        : null,
-        in_function   : 0,
-        in_directives : true,
-        in_loop       : 0,
-        labels        : []
-    };
-    S.token = next();
-    function is(type, value) {
-        return is_token(S.token, type, value);
-    };
-    function peek() { return S.peeked || (S.peeked = S.input()); };
-    function next() {
-        S.prev = S.token;
-        if (S.peeked) {
-            S.token = S.peeked;
-            S.peeked = null;
-        } else {
-            S.token = S.input();
-        }
-        S.in_directives = S.in_directives && (
-            S.token.type == "string" || is("punc", ";")
-        );
-        return S.token;
-    };
-    function prev() {
-        return S.prev;
-    };
-    function croak(msg, line, col, pos) {
-        var ctx = S.input.context();
-        js_error(msg,
-                 ctx.filename,
-                 line != null ? line : ctx.tokline,
-                 col != null ? col : ctx.tokcol,
-                 pos != null ? pos : ctx.tokpos);
-    };
-    function token_error(token, msg) {
-        croak(msg, token.line, token.col);
-    };
-    function unexpected(token) {
-        if (token == null)
-            token = S.token;
-        token_error(token, "Unexpected token: " + token.type + " (" + token.value + ")");
-    };
-    function expect_token(type, val) {
-        if (is(type, val)) {
-            return next();
-        }
-        token_error(S.token, "Unexpected token " + S.token.type + " «" + S.token.value + "»" + ", expected " + type + " «" + val + "»");
-    };
-    function expect(punc) { return expect_token("punc", punc); };
-    function can_insert_semicolon() {
-        return !options.strict && (
-            S.token.nlb || is("eof") || is("punc", "}")
-        );
-    };
-    function semicolon() {
-        if (is("punc", ";")) next();
-        else if (!can_insert_semicolon()) unexpected();
-    };
-    function parenthesised() {
-        expect("(");
-        var exp = expression(true);
-        expect(")");
-        return exp;
-    };
-    function embed_tokens(parser) {
-        return function() {
-            var start = S.token;
-            var expr = parser();
-            var end = prev();
-            expr.start = start;
-            expr.end = end;
-            return expr;
-        };
-    };
-    var statement = embed_tokens(function() {
-        var tmp;
-        if (is("operator", "/") || is("operator", "/=")) {
-            S.peeked = null;
-            S.token = S.input(S.token.value.substr(1)); // force regexp
-        }
-        switch (S.token.type) {
-          case "string":
-            var dir = S.in_directives, stat = simple_statement();
-            // XXXv2: decide how to fix directives
-            if (dir && stat.body instanceof AST_String && !is("punc", ","))
-                return new AST_Directive({ value: stat.body.value });
-            return stat;
-          case "num":
-          case "regexp":
-          case "operator":
-          case "atom":
-            return simple_statement();
-          case "name":
-            return is_token(peek(), "punc", ":")
-                ? labeled_statement()
-                : simple_statement();
-          case "punc":
-            switch (S.token.value) {
-              case "{":
-                return new AST_BlockStatement({
-                    start : S.token,
-                    body  : block_(),
-                    end   : prev()
-                });
-              case "[":
-              case "(":
-                return simple_statement();
-              case ";":
-                next();
-                return new AST_EmptyStatement();
-              default:
-                unexpected();
-            }
-          case "keyword":
-            switch (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp) {
-              case "break":
-                return break_cont(AST_Break);
-              case "continue":
-                return break_cont(AST_Continue);
-              case "debugger":
-                semicolon();
-                return new AST_Debugger();
-              case "do":
-                return new AST_Do({
-                    body      : in_loop(statement),
-                    condition : (expect_token("keyword", "while"), tmp = parenthesised(), semicolon(), tmp)
-                });
-              case "while":
-                return new AST_While({
-                    condition : parenthesised(),
-                    body      : in_loop(statement)
-                });
-              case "for":
-                return for_();
-              case "function":
-                return function_(true);
-              case "if":
-                return if_();
-              case "return":
-                if (S.in_function == 0)
-                    croak("'return' outside of function");
-                return new AST_Return({
-                    value: ( is("punc", ";")
-                             ? (next(), null)
-                             : can_insert_semicolon()
-                             ? null
-                             : (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) )
-                });
-              case "switch":
-                return new AST_Switch({
-                    expression : parenthesised(),
-                    body       : in_loop(switch_body_)
-                });
-              case "throw":
-                if (S.token.nlb)
-                    croak("Illegal newline after 'throw'");
-                return new AST_Throw({
-                    value: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp)
-                });
-              case "try":
-                return try_();
-              case "var":
-                return tmp = var_(), semicolon(), tmp;
-              case "const":
-                return tmp = const_(), semicolon(), tmp;
-              case "with":
-                return new AST_With({
-                    expression : parenthesised(),
-                    body       : statement()
-                });
-              default:
-                unexpected();
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    function labeled_statement() {
-        var label = as_symbol(AST_Label);
-        if (find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels)) {
-            // ECMA-262, 12.12: An ECMAScript program is considered
-            // syntactically incorrect if it contains a
-            // LabelledStatement that is enclosed by a
-            // LabelledStatement with the same Identifier as label.
-            croak("Label " + label.name + " defined twice");
-        }
-        expect(":");
-        S.labels.push(label);
-        var stat = statement();
-        S.labels.pop();
-        return new AST_LabeledStatement({ body: stat, label: label });
-    };
-    function simple_statement(tmp) {
-        return new AST_SimpleStatement({ body: (tmp = expression(true), semicolon(), tmp) });
-    };
-    function break_cont(type) {
-        var label = null;
-        if (!can_insert_semicolon()) {
-            label = as_symbol(AST_LabelRef, true);
-        }
-        if (label != null) {
-            if (!find_if(function(l){ return l.name == label.name }, S.labels))
-                croak("Undefined label " + label.name);
-        }
-        else if (S.in_loop == 0)
-            croak(type.TYPE + " not inside a loop or switch");
-        semicolon();
-        return new type({ label: label });
-    };
-    function for_() {
-        expect("(");
-        var init = null;
-        if (!is("punc", ";")) {
-            init = is("keyword", "var")
-                ? (next(), var_(true))
-                : expression(true, true);
-            if (is("operator", "in")) {
-                if (init instanceof AST_Var && init.definitions.length > 1)
-                    croak("Only one variable declaration allowed in for..in loop");
-                next();
-                return for_in(init);
-            }
-        }
-        return regular_for(init);
-    };
-    function regular_for(init) {
-        expect(";");
-        var test = is("punc", ";") ? null : expression(true);
-        expect(";");
-        var step = is("punc", ")") ? null : expression(true);
-        expect(")");
-        return new AST_For({
-            init      : init,
-            condition : test,
-            step      : step,
-            body      : in_loop(statement)
-        });
-    };
-    function for_in(init) {
-        var lhs = init instanceof AST_Var ? init.definitions[0].name : null;
-        var obj = expression(true);
-        expect(")");
-        return new AST_ForIn({
-            init   : init,
-            name   : lhs,
-            object : obj,
-            body   : in_loop(statement)
-        });
-    };
-    var function_ = function(in_statement, ctor) {
-        var name = is("name") ? as_symbol(in_statement
-                                          ? AST_SymbolDefun
-                                          : AST_SymbolLambda) : null;
-        if (in_statement && !name)
-            unexpected();
-        expect("(");
-        if (!ctor) ctor = in_statement ? AST_Defun : AST_Function;
-        return new ctor({
-            name: name,
-            argnames: (function(first, a){
-                while (!is("punc", ")")) {
-                    if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-                    a.push(as_symbol(AST_SymbolFunarg));
-                }
-                next();
-                return a;
-            })(true, []),
-            body: (function(loop, labels){
-                ++S.in_function;
-                S.in_directives = true;
-                S.in_loop = 0;
-                S.labels = [];
-                var a = block_();
-                --S.in_function;
-                S.in_loop = loop;
-                S.labels = labels;
-                return a;
-            })(S.in_loop, S.labels)
-        });
-    };
-    function if_() {
-        var cond = parenthesised(), body = statement(), belse = null;
-        if (is("keyword", "else")) {
-            next();
-            belse = statement();
-        }
-        return new AST_If({
-            condition   : cond,
-            body        : body,
-            alternative : belse
-        });
-    };
-    function block_() {
-        expect("{");
-        var a = [];
-        while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-            if (is("eof")) unexpected();
-            a.push(statement());
-        }
-        next();
-        return a;
-    };
-    function switch_body_() {
-        expect("{");
-        var a = [], cur = null, branch = null, tmp;
-        while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-            if (is("eof")) unexpected();
-            if (is("keyword", "case")) {
-                if (branch) branch.end = prev();
-                cur = [];
-                branch = new AST_Case({
-                    start      : (tmp = S.token, next(), tmp),
-                    expression : expression(true),
-                    body       : cur
-                });
-                a.push(branch);
-                expect(":");
-            }
-            else if (is("keyword", "default")) {
-                if (branch) branch.end = prev();
-                cur = [];
-                branch = new AST_Default({
-                    start : (tmp = S.token, next(), expect(":"), tmp),
-                    body  : cur
-                });
-                a.push(branch);
-            }
-            else {
-                if (!cur) unexpected();
-                cur.push(statement());
-            }
-        }
-        if (branch) branch.end = prev();
-        next();
-        return a;
-    };
-    function try_() {
-        var body = block_(), bcatch = null, bfinally = null;
-        if (is("keyword", "catch")) {
-            var start = S.token;
-            next();
-            expect("(");
-            var name = as_symbol(AST_SymbolCatch);
-            expect(")");
-            bcatch = new AST_Catch({
-                start   : start,
-                argname : name,
-                body    : block_(),
-                end     : prev()
-            });
-        }
-        if (is("keyword", "finally")) {
-            var start = S.token;
-            next();
-            bfinally = new AST_Finally({
-                start : start,
-                body  : block_(),
-                end   : prev()
-            });
-        }
-        if (!bcatch && !bfinally)
-            croak("Missing catch/finally blocks");
-        return new AST_Try({
-            body     : body,
-            bcatch   : bcatch,
-            bfinally : bfinally
-        });
-    };
-    function vardefs(no_in, in_const) {
-        var a = [];
-        for (;;) {
-            a.push(new AST_VarDef({
-                start : S.token,
-                name  : as_symbol(in_const ? AST_SymbolConst : AST_SymbolVar),
-                value : is("operator", "=") ? (next(), expression(false, no_in)) : null,
-                end   : prev()
-            }));
-            if (!is("punc", ","))
-                break;
-            next();
-        }
-        return a;
-    };
-    var var_ = function(no_in) {
-        return new AST_Var({
-            start       : prev(),
-            definitions : vardefs(no_in, false),
-            end         : prev()
-        });
-    };
-    var const_ = function() {
-        return new AST_Const({
-            start       : prev(),
-            definitions : vardefs(false, true),
-            end         : prev()
-        });
-    };
-    var new_ = function() {
-        var start = S.token;
-        expect_token("operator", "new");
-        var newexp = expr_atom(false), args;
-        if (is("punc", "(")) {
-            next();
-            args = expr_list(")");
-        } else {
-            args = [];
-        }
-        return subscripts(new AST_New({
-            start      : start,
-            expression : newexp,
-            args       : args,
-            end        : prev()
-        }), true);
-    };
-    function as_atom_node() {
-        var tok = S.token, ret;
-        switch (tok.type) {
-          case "name":
-            return as_symbol(AST_SymbolRef);
-          case "num":
-            ret = new AST_Number({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });
-            break;
-          case "string":
-            ret = new AST_String({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });
-            break;
-          case "regexp":
-            ret = new AST_RegExp({ start: tok, end: tok, value: tok.value });
-            break;
-          case "atom":
-            switch (tok.value) {
-              case "false":
-                ret = new AST_False({ start: tok, end: tok });
-                break;
-              case "true":
-                ret = new AST_True({ start: tok, end: tok });
-                break;
-              case "null":
-                ret = new AST_Null({ start: tok, end: tok });
-                break;
-            }
-            break;
-        }
-        next();
-        return ret;
-    };
-    var expr_atom = function(allow_calls) {
-        if (is("operator", "new")) {
-            return new_();
-        }
-        var start = S.token;
-        if (is("punc")) {
-            switch (start.value) {
-              case "(":
-                next();
-                var ex = expression(true);
-                ex.start = start;
-                ex.end = S.token;
-                expect(")");
-                return subscripts(ex, allow_calls);
-              case "[":
-                return subscripts(array_(), allow_calls);
-              case "{":
-                return subscripts(object_(), allow_calls);
-            }
-            unexpected();
-        }
-        if (is("keyword", "function")) {
-            next();
-            var func = function_(false);
-            func.start = start;
-            func.end = prev();
-            return subscripts(func, allow_calls);
-        }
-        if (ATOMIC_START_TOKEN[S.token.type]) {
-            return subscripts(as_atom_node(), allow_calls);
-        }
-        unexpected();
-    };
-    function expr_list(closing, allow_trailing_comma, allow_empty) {
-        var first = true, a = [];
-        while (!is("punc", closing)) {
-            if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-            if (allow_trailing_comma && is("punc", closing)) break;
-            if (is("punc", ",") && allow_empty) {
-                a.push(new AST_Undefined({ start: S.token, end: S.token }));
-            } else {
-                a.push(expression(false));
-            }
-        }
-        next();
-        return a;
-    };
-    var array_ = embed_tokens(function() {
-        expect("[");
-        return new AST_Array({
-            elements: expr_list("]", !options.strict, true)
-        });
-    });
-    var object_ = embed_tokens(function() {
-        expect("{");
-        var first = true, a = [];
-        while (!is("punc", "}")) {
-            if (first) first = false; else expect(",");
-            if (!options.strict && is("punc", "}"))
-                // allow trailing comma
-                break;
-            var start = S.token;
-            var type = start.type;
-            var name = as_property_name();
-            if (type == "name" && !is("punc", ":")) {
-                if (name == "get") {
-                    a.push(new AST_ObjectGetter({
-                        start : start,
-                        key   : name,
-                        value : function_(false, AST_Lambda),
-                        end   : prev()
-                    }));
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (name == "set") {
-                    a.push(new AST_ObjectSetter({
-                        start : start,
-                        key   : name,
-                        value : function_(false, AST_Lambda),
-                        end   : prev()
-                    }));
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
-            expect(":");
-            a.push(new AST_ObjectKeyVal({
-                start : start,
-                key   : name,
-                value : expression(false),
-                end   : prev()
-            }));
-        }
-        next();
-        return new AST_Object({ properties: a });
-    });
-    function as_property_name() {
-        var tmp;
-        switch (S.token.type) {
-          case "num":
-          case "string":
-          case "name":
-          case "operator":
-          case "keyword":
-          case "atom":
-            return (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp);
-          default:
-            unexpected();
-        }
-    };
-    function as_name() {
-        var tmp;
-        switch (S.token.type) {
-          case "name":
-          case "operator":
-          case "keyword":
-          case "atom":
-            return (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp);
-          default:
-            unexpected();
-        }
-    };
-    function as_symbol(type, noerror) {
-        if (!is("name")) {
-            if (!noerror) croak("Name expected");
-            return null;
-        }
-        var name = S.token.value;
-        var sym = new (name == "this" ? AST_This : type)({
-            name  : String(S.token.value),
-            start : S.token,
-            end   : S.token
-        });
-        next();
-        return sym;
-    };
-    var subscripts = function(expr, allow_calls) {
-        var start = expr.start;
-        if (is("punc", ".")) {
-            next();
-            return subscripts(new AST_Dot({
-                start      : start,
-                expression : expr,
-                property   : as_name(),
-                end        : prev()
-            }), allow_calls);
-        }
-        if (is("punc", "[")) {
-            next();
-            var prop = expression(true);
-            expect("]");
-            return subscripts(new AST_Sub({
-                start      : start,
-                expression : expr,
-                property   : prop,
-                end        : prev()
-            }), allow_calls);
-        }
-        if (allow_calls && is("punc", "(")) {
-            next();
-            return subscripts(new AST_Call({
-                start      : start,
-                expression : expr,
-                args       : expr_list(")"),
-                end        : prev()
-            }), true);
-        }
-        return expr;
-    };
-    var maybe_unary = function(allow_calls) {
-        var start = S.token, tmp;
-        if (is("operator") && UNARY_PREFIX(S.token.value)) {
-            var ex = make_unary(AST_UnaryPrefix,
-                                (tmp = S.token.value, next(), tmp),
-                                maybe_unary(allow_calls));
-            ex.start = start;
-            ex.end = prev();
-            return ex;
-        }
-        var val = expr_atom(allow_calls);
-        while (is("operator") && UNARY_POSTFIX(S.token.value) && !S.token.nlb) {
-            val = make_unary(AST_UnaryPostfix, S.token.value, val);
-            val.start = start;
-            val.end = S.token;
-            next();
-        }
-        return val;
-    };
-    function make_unary(ctor, op, expr) {
-        if ((op == "++" || op == "--") && !is_assignable(expr))
-            croak("Invalid use of " + op + " operator");
-        return new ctor({ operator: op, expression: expr });
-    };
-    var expr_op = function(left, min_prec, no_in) {
-        var op = is("operator") ? S.token.value : null;
-        if (op == "in" && no_in) op = null;
-        var prec = op != null ? PRECEDENCE[op] : null;
-        if (prec != null && prec > min_prec) {
-            next();
-            var right = expr_op(maybe_unary(true), prec, no_in);
-            return expr_op(new AST_Binary({
-                start    : left.start,
-                left     : left,
-                operator : op,
-                right    : right,
-                end      : right.end
-            }), min_prec, no_in);
-        }
-        return left;
-    };
-    function expr_ops(no_in) {
-        return expr_op(maybe_unary(true), 0, no_in);
-    };
-    var maybe_conditional = function(no_in) {
-        var start = S.token;
-        var expr = expr_ops(no_in);
-        if (is("operator", "?")) {
-            next();
-            var yes = expression(false);
-            expect(":");
-            return new AST_Conditional({
-                start       : start,
-                condition   : expr,
-                consequent  : yes,
-                alternative : expression(false, no_in),
-                end         : peek()
-            });
-        }
-        return expr;
-    };
-    function is_assignable(expr) {
-        if (!options.strict) return true;
-        switch (expr[0]+"") {
-          case "dot":
-          case "sub":
-          case "new":
-          case "call":
-            return true;
-          case "name":
-            return expr[1] != "this";
-        }
-    };
-    var maybe_assign = function(no_in) {
-        var start = S.token;
-        var left = maybe_conditional(no_in), val = S.token.value;
-        if (is("operator") && ASSIGNMENT(val)) {
-            if (is_assignable(left)) {
-                next();
-                return new AST_Assign({
-                    start    : start,
-                    left     : left,
-                    operator : val,
-                    right    : maybe_assign(no_in),
-                    end      : peek()
-                });
-            }
-            croak("Invalid assignment");
-        }
-        return left;
-    };
-    var expression = function(commas, no_in) {
-        var start = S.token;
-        var expr = maybe_assign(no_in);
-        if (commas && is("punc", ",")) {
-            next();
-            return new AST_Seq({
-                start  : start,
-                car    : expr,
-                cdr    : expression(true, no_in),
-                end    : peek()
-            });
-        }
-        return expr;
-    };
-    function in_loop(cont) {
-        ++S.in_loop;
-        var ret = cont();
-        --S.in_loop;
-        return ret;
-    };
-    return (function(){
-        var start = S.token;
-        var body = [];
-        while (!is("eof"))
-            body.push(statement());
-        var end = prev();
-        var toplevel = options.toplevel;
-        if (toplevel) {
-            toplevel.body = toplevel.body.concat(body);
-            toplevel.end = end;
-        } else {
-            toplevel = new AST_Toplevel({ start: start, body: body, end: end });
-        }
-        return toplevel;
-    })();
-exports.parse = parse;
-})(typeof exports === "undefined" ? (window.uglifyjs = {}) : exports);

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-acorn-jsx.git

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