[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-acorn-jsx] 432/484: Fix export default declarations.

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Sat Aug 19 14:21:06 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-acorn-jsx.

commit 6eb177582d4c779f4d5f07ae7e14e0f4a8e0c8e1
Author: Ingvar Stepanyan <me at rreverser.com>
Date:   Tue Jan 27 16:21:41 2015 +0200

    Fix export default declarations.
    Closes #184.
 acorn.js              |   9 ++++-
 acorn_loose.js        |  10 ++++-
 test/tests-harmony.js | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 3 files changed, 121 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/acorn.js b/acorn.js
index 38a233b..9d11afe 100644
--- a/acorn.js
+++ b/acorn.js
@@ -2683,7 +2683,14 @@
     } else
     // export default ...;
     if (eat(_default)) {
-      node.declaration = parseMaybeAssign();
+      var expr = parseMaybeAssign();
+      if (expr.id) {
+        switch (expr.type) {
+          case "FunctionExpression": expr.type = "FunctionDeclaration"; break;
+          case "ClassExpression": expr.type = "ClassDeclaration"; break;
+        }
+      }
+      node.declaration = expr;
       node['default'] = true;
       node.specifiers = null;
       node.source = null;
diff --git a/acorn_loose.js b/acorn_loose.js
index 035f223..0f52fcc 100644
--- a/acorn_loose.js
+++ b/acorn_loose.js
@@ -846,6 +846,7 @@
       if (token.type === tt.name) node.id = parseIdent();
       else if (isStatement) node.id = dummyIdent();
+      else node.id = null;
       node.superClass = eat(tt._extends) ? parseExpression() : null;
       node.body = startNode();
       node.body.body = [];
@@ -1058,7 +1059,14 @@
     node['default'] = eat(tt._default);
     node.specifiers = node.source = null;
     if (node['default']) {
-      node.declaration = parseExpression();
+      var expr = parseMaybeAssign();
+      if (expr.id) {
+        switch (expr.type) {
+          case "FunctionExpression": expr.type = "FunctionDeclaration"; break;
+          case "ClassExpression": expr.type = "ClassDeclaration"; break;
+        }
+      }
+      node.declaration = expr;
     } else if (token.type.keyword) {
       node.declaration = parseStatement();
diff --git a/test/tests-harmony.js b/test/tests-harmony.js
index 7ccb49a..1b45b38 100644
--- a/test/tests-harmony.js
+++ b/test/tests-harmony.js
@@ -4826,6 +4826,110 @@ test("export default 42", {
   locations: true
+test("export default function () {}", {
+  type: "Program",
+  range: [0, 29],
+  body: [{
+    type: "ExportDeclaration",
+    range: [0, 29],
+    declaration: {
+      type: "FunctionExpression",
+      range: [15, 29],
+      id: null,
+      generator: false,
+      expression: false,
+      params: [],
+      body: {
+        type: "BlockStatement",
+        range: [27, 29],
+        body: []
+      }
+    },
+    default: true,
+    specifiers: null,
+    source: null
+  }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default function f() {}", {
+  type: "Program",
+  range: [0, 30],
+  body: [{
+    type: "ExportDeclaration",
+    range: [0, 30],
+    declaration: {
+      type: "FunctionDeclaration",
+      range: [15, 30],
+      id: {
+        type: "Identifier",
+        range: [24, 25],
+        name: "f"
+      },
+      generator: false,
+      expression: false,
+      params: [],
+      body: {
+        type: "BlockStatement",
+        range: [28, 30],
+        body: []
+      }
+    },
+    default: true,
+    specifiers: null,
+    source: null
+  }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default class {}", {
+  type: "Program",
+  range: [0, 23],
+  body: [{
+    type: "ExportDeclaration",
+    range: [0, 23],
+    declaration: {
+      type: "ClassExpression",
+      range: [15, 23],
+      id: null,
+      superClass: null,
+      body: {
+        type: "ClassBody",
+        range: [21, 23],
+        body: []
+      }
+    },
+    default: true,
+    specifiers: null,
+    source: null
+  }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
+test("export default class A {}", {
+  type: "Program",
+  range: [0, 25],
+  body: [{
+    type: "ExportDeclaration",
+    range: [0, 25],
+    declaration: {
+      type: "ClassDeclaration",
+      range: [15, 25],
+      id: {
+        type: "Identifier",
+        range: [21, 22],
+        name: "A"
+      },
+      superClass: null,
+      body: {
+        type: "ClassBody",
+        range: [23, 25],
+        body: []
+      }
+    },
+    default: true,
+    specifiers: null,
+    source: null
+  }]
+}, {ecmaVersion: 6, ranges: true});
 testFail("export *", "Unexpected token (1:8)", {ecmaVersion: 6});
 test("export * from \"crypto\"", {

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-acorn-jsx.git

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