[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-tap] 24/186: base class unit test

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Dec 1 16:40:40 UTC 2017

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rouca pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-tap.

commit da72d0d049e05203c2f23aedad685b9c4ad9170f
Author: isaacs <i at izs.me>
Date:   Tue Sep 5 21:16:10 2017 -0700

    base class unit test
 unit/base.js | 229 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 229 insertions(+)

diff --git a/unit/base.js b/unit/base.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78be6c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unit/base.js
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+'use strict'
+const t = require('../')
+const Base = require('../lib/base.js')
+t.test('basic base', t => {
+  const b = new Base()
+  t.ok(b.passing())
+  b.parser.end('TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  b.setEncoding('utf8')
+  t.equal(b.read(), 'TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  t.end()
+t.test('skip + debug', t => {
+  const b = new Base({ skip: true, debug: true })
+  t.equal(b.main, Base.prototype.main)
+  t.notEqual(b.debug, Base.prototype.debug)
+  t.test('call main', t => b.main(t.end))
+  t.end()
+t.test('name with carriage return', t => {
+  const b = new Base({ name: 'foo\nbar', buffered: true })
+  t.equal(b.name, 'foo bar')
+  b.parser.write('TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  b.setEncoding('utf8')
+  t.equal(b.read(), null)
+  t.equal(b.output, 'TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  t.end()
+t.test('timeouts', t => {
+  const b = new Base()
+  t.equal(b.timer, null)
+  t.equal(b.time, null)
+  t.equal(b.hrtime, null)
+  t.equal(b.start, 0)
+  b.setTimeout(1)
+  const hr = b.hrtime
+  t.ok(b.timer)
+  b.setTimeout(2)
+  t.equal(b.hrtime, hr, 'do not reset hrtime on subsequent timeout call')
+  b.setTimeout(0)
+  t.equal(b.timer, null)
+  b.setTimeout(1)
+  // process will end otherwise, because timer is unrefed
+  setTimeout(_ => _, 10)
+  return new Promise(resolve => {
+    b.on('timeout', _ => {
+      t.notOk(b.parser.ok)
+      resolve()
+    })
+  })
+t.test('bailout', t => {
+  t.plan(4)
+  const b1 = new Base()
+  b1.on('bailout', reason => t.equal(reason, 'fire'))
+  const b2 = new Base()
+  b2.on('bailout', reason => t.equal(reason, ''))
+  b1.parser.write('TAP version 13\nBail out! fire\n')
+  b2.parser.write('TAP version 13\nBail out!\n')
+  t.equal(b1.bailedOut, 'fire')
+  t.equal(b2.bailedOut, true)
+t.test('throwing stuff', t => {
+  const util = require('util')
+  const b = new Base({ name: 'ace' })
+  const pattern = {
+    name: 'ace',
+    at: {
+      line: Number,
+      column: Number,
+      file: 'unit/base.js'
+    },
+    stack: String,
+    test: 'ace'
+  }
+  const result = b.threw(new Error('this is fine'))
+  t.match(result, pattern)
+  t.notOk(b.parser.ok)
+  const c = new Base()
+  c.parser.end('TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  t.match(c.results, {
+    ok: true,
+    count: 1,
+    pass: 1,
+    fail: 0,
+    bailout: false,
+    todo: 0,
+    skip: 0,
+    plan: {
+      start: 1,
+      end: 1,
+      skipAll: false,
+      skipReason: '',
+      comment: ''
+    },
+    failures: []
+  })
+  const ce = console.error
+  const logs = []
+  const expect = []
+  console.error = function () {
+    const message = util.format.apply(util, arguments)
+    logs.push(message)
+  }
+  expect.push(
+    'Error: ok c',
+    /^    at /,
+    '{}'
+  )
+  c.threw(new Error('ok c'))
+  expect.push('{ not: \'really an error\' }')
+  c.threw({ not: 'really an error' })
+  expect.push(
+    'RangeError:',
+    /^    at /,
+    '{ type: \'RangeError\' }'
+  )
+  c.threw(new RangeError())
+  expect.push(
+    'Error: ',
+    /^    at /,
+    '{ foo: \'bar\' }'
+  )
+  const namelessOne = new TypeError()
+  Object.defineProperty(namelessOne, 'name', { value: undefined })
+  namelessOne.foo = 'bar'
+  c.threw(namelessOne)
+  const d = new Base({ name: 'duh' })
+  d.parent = c
+  d.parser.end('TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n')
+  expect.push(
+    'ReferenceError: get it?',
+    /^    at /,
+    '{ name: \'duh\', type: \'ReferenceError\', test: \'duh\' }'
+  )
+  d.threw(new ReferenceError('get it?'))
+  console.error = ce
+  t.match(logs, expect)
+  t.end()
+t.test('inspect', t => {
+  const util = require('util')
+  const b = new Base({ name: 'ace', exitCode: 999 })
+  const ins = util.inspect(b)
+  t.match(ins, /^Base ./)
+  t.match(ins, 'exitCode: 999')
+  t.match(ins, 'buffered: false')
+  t.match(ins, 'todo: false')
+  t.match(ins, 'skip: false')
+  t.match(ins, 'only: false')
+  t.match(ins, 'buffered: false')
+  t.end()
+t.test('oncomplete', t => {
+  const cases = [
+    ['TAP version 13\nok\n1..1\n', {}, {
+      ok: true,
+      count: 1,
+      pass: 1,
+      fail: 0,
+      bailout: false,
+      todo: 0,
+      skip: 0,
+      plan: {
+        start: 1,
+        end: 1
+      }
+    }],
+    ['TAP version 13\npragma +strict\nwitaf\nok\n1..1\n', {}, {
+      ok: false,
+      count: 1,
+      pass: 1,
+      fail: 1,
+      bailout: false,
+      todo: 0,
+      skip: 0,
+      plan: {
+        start: 1,
+        end: 1
+      },
+      failures: [
+        { tapError: 'Non-TAP data encountered in strict mode',
+          data: 'witaf\n' }
+      ]
+    }],
+    ['TAP version 13\n1..0\n', { results: { foo: 'bar' }}, {
+      foo: 'bar',
+      plan: {
+        start: 1,
+        end: 0
+      }
+    }],
+    ['TAP version 13\n1..1\nok\n', { timeout: 999 }, {
+      time: Number
+    }]
+  ]
+  return Promise.all(cases.map(c => t.resolveMatch(new Promise(done => {
+    const b = new Base(c[1])
+    b.on('complete', results => results.time = b.time)
+    b.on('end', _ => done(b.results))
+    if (c[1].results)
+      b.results = c[1].results
+    if (c[1].timeout)
+      b.setTimeout(c[1].timeout)
+    b.parser.end(c[0])
+  }), c[2])))

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