[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-browser-pack] branch upstream created (now 9e44bee)
Bastien Roucariès
rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 4 10:23:36 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rouca pushed a change to branch upstream
in repository node-browser-pack.
at 9e44bee Remove prebuilt files
This branch includes the following new commits:
new d0df289 working example input and output
new 985b3e3 docs
new 89c1af8 package.json and license
new a0be86b bin script
new 410aefc document installing the bin script
new 16b2d2b passing test
new a25bb67 testling tests
new c71747b travis, badges
new 72f0ecd drop node 0.10
new 8016435 opts.raw
new c5625d7 return undefined when a module name doesn't resolve
new d84db62 failing test for trailing comments
new 7cf319f fixed trailing comments test
new 45bdeab failing test for new order feature
new db59e2a row.order test passes
new 113ce38 non-entry files are executing, failing test
new 4513103 passing the only-execute-entries test
new f6e5fd8 0.2.0, document row.order
new a6afbce use .queue() from through
new 029c98f load prelude from file use require and toString
new ee3124a client require should respect any parent require
new 162ae59 fix prelude name lookup for parent
new a39c73b minify prelude in-place so it gets out of your way. developers should be see their own code right away, not a bunch of prelude noise
new 3b71fd9 3 more bytes whatevs
new a5764ca 0.3.0
new 2d63159 adding sourceMappingURL support
new a899ad7 including source content
new ace7215 upgrading inline-sourcemap
new 74eadaa 0.4.0
new 28a395f missing `var`
new 4a85335 preserving existing sourcemaps with inlined sources
new 0da32f2 Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/thlorenz/browser-pack
new 99f9d23 80 cols
new 6406d63 0.5.0
new 2c68dcb Jump to root require if not found. With this it shouldn't matter in which order multiple bundles are added to the dom. If local require fails to find the module from its map it jumps the to current root require in the global scope and works its way back down from there.
new 764ad41 parent req no longer needed
new 7f25946 camels
new 94a7b13 0.6.0
new aacdf4b add 0.10 tests to travis
new fc7a904 Enable require chains again Reverts 764ad41739710f5292ef57e741c6ec786da6500e but with better comments and variable names.
new 2d6e295 0.7.0
new 9150a5a fix the order by setting the index exactly instead of splicing
new 332c6b5 Add test for `this` In node.js `this` on the module root is the same as `exports`. Browser-pack should act like it too.
new 22fe34b Bind `this` to `exports` Closes upstream Browserify issue https://github.com/substack/node-browserify/issues/372
new 52135bf 0.8.0
new 4fe173b allow an injectable prelude
new ccefc33 don't needlessly call .resume() to fix the bin script on 0.10
new 061b70e Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/dominictarr/browser-pack
new 5c70fab document opts.prelude
new 6ab606c 0.9.0
new 0691692 handle case with no deps
new ac402eb Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/dominictarr/browser-pack
new 23dace5 0.9.1
new 440bd3e update uglify to 1.3.5 since 1.3.4 is completely broken
new af12fe3 move uglify to a prepublish step, faster init time
new adefffc passing unicode test
new ef28542 fix the bin script
new 0e392ac stable stringify for the deps field
new d1461b3 0.9.3
new 35e3426 get rid of duplexer, issues with .pause()
new 919c198 0.9.4
new 0229735 expose the outer, modules, cache, and entry variables to expose enough reflection for web workers
new a80c9f6 0.10.0
new 45b153a Fixes source maps for --require'd modules
new 9d607df 0.10.1
new bace2d4 Fix prelude overriding
new ce16e24 0.10.2
new bf52297 upgrading combine-source-map
new fda2a0a 0.11.0
new 867b8d5 not using sourcemaps of deduped files
new 23a591e adding test to show that nomap flag is respected
new 11106e1 0.11.1
new 93c85b6 updated the tests for the latest //# source maps
new 2b5e140 1.0.0 for //# source maps
new 6ba8009 sourceMapPrefix test
new 31fed3c passing test for sourceMapPrefix
new 0fc2732 document sourceMapPrefix
new 3aefd2b 1.1.0
new d9af65f add prelude file into sourcemap
new cc21f97 2.0.0
new 9e0c033 actually add the prelude this time
new c1ad913 fixing source map tests to take maps for prelude into account
new d29fddc 2.0.1
new c44aeb5 handle standalone in browser-pack
new 7dd778d push ;\n
new e4ffe93 hasExports
new 8a80081 bufferize output
new 7b593f5 bufferize that keeps stream on the outside
new d4187ec newline after source map
new f2f4639 fix test
new 9004112 document new options
new fe5d29c 3.0.0
new d4f7d73 not found test
new e91264e set err.code to MODULE_NOT_FOUND
new 9d4039e 3.1.0
new 54c5b5f Typo on opts.standaloneModule
new 83c781a Merge pull request #39 from colingourlay/patch-1
new fb08960 duplexer2 not used
new 6ab4ed6 3.1.1
new 718fb97 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:substack/browser-pack
new 6faaf1e Relative default prelude path in source maps
new 15c9d1b 3.2.0
new 01d3989 Remove extra article
new 68c12f3 Update umd to 3.0.0
new 977dc08 4.0.0
new 0803908 Replace backslash with slash in path
new cb83c2f 4.0.1
new a9eb63f Guard against malformed standalone bundle.
new 94d2287 Update travis to match browserify
new 61f53c2 Merge pull request #55 from substack/fix-travis
new a8374e9 Merge pull request #52 from jmm/fix-empty-standalone
new d4d2632 Add test for valid empty module
new 5f20f2f Merge pull request #48 from vassilevsky/patch-1
new ad81fb9 Bump defined to ^1.0.0
new eb270d8 Bump JSONStream to ~0.10.0
new 6f4a50c Merge pull request #56 from substack/update-deps
new 39fc68d 4.0.2
new 2d5c17f Use jsonstream instead of JSONStream
new 07e791e Merge pull request #57 from chadhietala/jsonstream
new c394d4e 4.0.3
new 655bf4a replace jsonstream with JSONStream
new c8fe53b Merge pull request #58 from substack/jsonstream-case-fix
new fa120a6 4.0.4
new a3afd6d Update deps
new e499e75 Merge pull request #61 from substack/updates
new 7d33556 5.0.0
new 0b115f0 Switch to tap
new 58f5b67 move concat-stream to devDeps
new 5a12c89 Merge pull request #62 from substack/switch-to-tap
new aadeabe 5.0.1
new 0ea7cd1 update deps
new ea79f86 Merge pull request #69 from substack/streams3
new 29c34bf 6.0.0
new 18e4720 remove node 0.8 and iojs from travis
new 2c70a8c add latest node to travis
new 1f3a7d7 Merge pull request #70 from substack/travis-latest-node
new c96715e 6.0.1
new c91b816 use `new` to instantiate all buffers (#75)
new d46d450 6.0.2
new 9e44bee Remove prebuilt files
The 140 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-browser-pack.git
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