[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-ripemd160] branch master created (now 183e580)
Bastien Roucariès
rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu May 4 10:25:36 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rouca pushed a change to branch master
in repository node-ripemd160.
at 183e580 Fix copyright
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 83b99c1 initial commit
new 0dc7fae v0.0.1
new 6a998ab added ignore to npm and bower
new ab1c509 updated component file to be valid
new 153ec9b update main
new 48a42de v0.0.2
new 868fd6d changed name
new 1be7213 removed AMD
new 5e74801 0.1.0
new ed6fdae incorrect name of convert-string dependency in bower.json
new 085533d Merge pull request #1 from remiq/master
new 82805e1 removed bower and component
new 9922c55 changed 4 spacing to 2
new b2e0d90 returns `Buffer` type now, input must be Array, Uint8Array, or Buffer
new 31caa73 allow string input
new 5ac61e9 remove deps: and
new 16a7aa9 added browser tests
new b76eca1 0.2.0
new fb7f0ec Indicate byte array inputs are supported too
new 57ad7e1 Merge pull request #3 from shesek/patch-1
new 8059471 Add BSD license to package.json
new 9a0f6ba Merge pull request #4 from panuhorsmalahti/master
new 4537626 readme: update with new documentation link / license
new ecd73e1 .npmignore: added Makefile / .min-wd
new 964a91f package: upgraded mochify
new 1c21736 ripemd160: deleted Makefile
new 50bd612 ripemd160: removed terst for assert
new 891faf2 0.2.1
new 5a3f7cc Use SPDX-standard license naming
new 4ecd194 Merge pull request #6 from prescod/patch-1
new a257f45 test/ripemd160: removed unused terst require
new d710399 package: updated dev reps
new f96f4db lib/ripemd160: moved exports to bottom
new 7817c64 test/fixtures: created (added from http://homes.esat.kuleuven.be/~bosselae/ripemd160.html)
new 09f08d1 test/ripemd160: uses test fixtures now
new ce1b246 lib/ripemd160: small cleanup
new e695a59 package: updated repo url to crypto-browserify
new dbea352 test/ripemd160: verified array input would work
new 796cb40 readme: update with usage, convert to/from buffers for novices
new 9a959d4 readme: added blurb on testing
new 60345ba 1.0.0
new 606896c readme: typos
new 6a6f401 standard
new 42172c6 1.0.1
new 700c942 .travis.yml: created
new 9676318 removed leading spaces
new 287c524 readme: added travis badge
new 2c35d86 package: added standard to test script
new 2a98820 readme: fix travis badge
new 88ea810 add little optimizations
new cc6df2f tap instead mocha
new 9b46aca remove lib folder
new 33b1d91 update travis
new 3badae2 remove testing section from readme
new 2fcf435 Merge pull request #11 from fanatid/feature/perf
new 1b63952 add streams support, unroll loops
new b4f6d2a Merge pull request #13 from crypto-browserify/feature/stream
new b459a37 2.0.0
new 676475e code optimization (30%)
new 612b7fc add LICENSE
new d20c060 2.0.1
new 5216b5f Not a markdown file
new b9f18fa Merge pull request #18 from grant/patch-1
new 0cd03c4 Merge pull request #14 from crypto-browserify/feature/optimization
new 0ce09c7 Initialize git-dpm
new 9c0c879 First debianization
new e5bbfef Add autopkgtest
new d523e1e Finalize version
new 08d5c2e Fix a typo
new 2af0a29 Add dpkg-dev version
new 183e580 Fix copyright
The 71 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-ripemd160.git
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