[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-micromatch] 02/05: Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.1.4'

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Fri Nov 24 16:31:25 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

jpuydt-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-micromatch.

commit 31a16846b5629cfcaf1dd11954e40a6555edaa26
Merge: 0747eb9 a8d96eb
Author: Julien Puydt <julien.puydt at laposte.net>
Date:   Fri Nov 24 17:24:01 2017 +0100

    Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.1.4'
    Update to upstream version '3.1.4'
    with Debian dir 5ac2938a086da5ae7dfd8c63df115d9aaf9a2350

 .editorconfig                                      |    18 +-
 .eslintrc.json                                     |     5 -
 .gitattributes                                     |     2 +-
 .github/contributing.md                            |    90 +
 .github/issue_template.md                          |    13 +
 .github/pull_request_template.md                   |   108 +
 .gitignore                                         |    31 +-
 .travis.yml                                        |    11 +-
 .verb.md                                           |   695 +-
 CHANGELOG.md                                       |    37 +
 LICENSE                                            |     2 +-
 README.md                                          |  1149 +-
 appveyor.yml                                       |    29 +
 benchmark/check.js                                 |    25 -
 benchmark/code/isMatch/micromatch.js               |     5 +
 benchmark/code/isMatch/minimatch.js                |     5 +
 benchmark/code/match/micromatch.js                 |     5 +
 benchmark/code/match/minimatch.js                  |     5 +
 benchmark/code/match/multimatch.js                 |     5 +
 benchmark/code/micromatch.js                       |     3 -
 benchmark/code/minimatch.js                        |    12 -
 benchmark/fixtures/immediate.js                    |   863 -
 benchmark/fixtures/isMatch/basename.js             |     1 +
 benchmark/fixtures/isMatch/star.js                 |     1 +
 .../braces-globstar-large-list.js}                 |     0
 benchmark/fixtures/match/braces-multiple.js        |   167 +
 .../fixtures/{range.js => match/braces-range.js}   |     0
 .../fixtures/{braces.js => match/braces-set.js}    |     0
 .../{large.js => match/globstar-large-list.js}     |     2 +-
 .../{long.js => match/globstar-long-list.js}       |     0
 benchmark/fixtures/match/globstar-short-list.js    |     2 +
 benchmark/fixtures/{ => match}/no-glob.js          |     0
 .../{basename.js => match/star-basename-long.js}   |     0
 benchmark/fixtures/match/star-basename-short.js    |    27 +
 benchmark/fixtures/match/star-folder-long.js       |   863 +
 benchmark/fixtures/match/star-folder-short.js      |    28 +
 benchmark/helper.js                                |    79 +
 benchmark/index.js                                 |    19 +-
 benchmark/last.md                                  |    51 -
 benchmark/package.json                             |    33 +
 benchmark/stats.json                               | 26747 +++++++++++++++++++
 benchmark/stats.md                                 |    83 +
 docs/comparison.md                                 |   130 -
 docs/minimatch.md                                  |   214 -
 docs/switching-from-minimatch.md                   |    28 -
 examples/all.js                                    |    13 +
 examples/any.js                                    |     8 +
 examples/braces.js                                 |    23 +-
 examples/create.js                                 |     5 +
 examples/dot.js                                    |     7 -
 examples/every.js                                  |    13 +
 examples/extglob.js                                |     9 +
 examples/extglobs.js                               |     5 +-
 examples/negation-character-classes.js             |    21 +
 examples/negation.js                               |     7 +
 examples/not.js                                    |    16 +
 examples/options.dot.js                            |    16 +
 examples/{basename.js => options.matchBase.js}     |     0
 examples/options.nodupes.js                        |    27 +
 examples/options.sourceMap.js                      |    14 +
 examples/parser.js                                 |    10 +
 examples/some.js                                   |    10 +
 examples/star.js                                   |    10 +
 gulpfile.js                                        |    13 +-
 index.js                                           |  1017 +-
 lib/cache.js                                       |     1 +
 lib/chars.js                                       |    67 -
 lib/compilers.js                                   |    77 +
 lib/expand.js                                      |   304 -
 lib/glob.js                                        |   193 -
 lib/parsers.js                                     |    83 +
 lib/utils.js                                       |   329 +-
 package.json                                       |   127 +-
 test/_fixtures.js                                  |    85 +
 test/{support/patterns.js => _patterns.js}         |    95 +-
 test/actual/micro-dot-matchBase.js                 |   305 -
 test/actual/micro-dot.js                           |   305 -
 test/actual/micro-matchBase.js                     |   305 -
 test/actual/micro-negate.js                        |   305 -
 test/actual/micro.js                               |   305 -
 test/actual/mini-dot-matchBase.js                  |   305 -
 test/actual/mini-dot.js                            |   305 -
 test/actual/mini-matchBase.js                      |   305 -
 test/actual/mini-negate.js                         |   305 -
 test/actual/mini.js                                |   305 -
 test/any.js                                        |   232 -
 test/api.all.js                                    |    26 +
 test/api.any.js                                    |   260 +
 test/api.braceExpand.js                            |    16 +
 test/api.braces.js                                 |    20 +
 test/api.compile.js                                |    46 +
 test/api.contains.js                               |   322 +
 test/api.every.js                                  |    20 +
 test/api.isMatch.js                                |   328 +
 test/api.js                                        |   218 +
 test/api.makeRe.js                                 |    20 +
 test/api.match.js                                  |   101 +
 test/api.matchKeys.js                              |    40 +
 test/api.matcher.js                                |   130 +
 test/api.not.js                                    |   111 +
 test/api.parse.js                                  |    46 +
 test/api.some.js                                   |    20 +
 test/bash-extglob.js                               |    96 -
 test/bash.js                                       |   311 +-
 test/bash.spec.js                                  |    36 +
 test/bash/dotglob.txt                              |    23 +
 test/bash/glob.txt                                 |    78 +
 test/bash/globstar.txt                             |    30 +
 test/braces.js                                     |   516 +-
 test/brackets.js                                   |   299 +
 test/capture.js                                    |    67 +
 test/character-classes.js                          |    27 -
 test/comparison.isMatch.js                         |    94 +
 test/comparison.makeRe.js                          |    92 +
 test/contains.js                                   |   200 -
 test/dotfiles.js                                   |   230 +-
 test/expand.js                                     |    59 -
 test/extglob-char-class.js                         |    38 -
 test/extglob.js                                    |    68 -
 test/extglob1a.js                                  |   161 -
 test/extglobs.js                                   |   377 +
 test/filter.js                                     |    64 -
 test/fixtures/a/b/c/d/e/z.js                       |     0
 test/fixtures/a/b/c/d/z.js                         |     0
 test/fixtures/a/b/c/z.js                           |     0
 test/fixtures/a/b/z.js                             |     0
 test/fixtures/a/z.js                               |     0
 test/fixtures/ax                                   |     0
 test/fixtures/b                                    |     0
 test/fixtures/dotglob.txt                          |    19 +
 test/fixtures/extglob                              |   327 +
 test/fixtures/glob.txt                             |    81 +
 test/fixtures/globstar.txt                         |    30 +
 test/fixtures/negation                             |    13 +
 test/fixtures/patterns.js                          |   272 +
 test/fixtures/z.js                                 |     0
 test/glob.js                                       |   120 -
 test/globstars.js                                  |   107 +
 test/integration.js                                |    15 +
 test/isMatch.js                                    |   272 -
 test/issue-related.js                              |    79 +
 test/makeRe.js                                     |   247 -
 test/malicious.js                                  |    28 +
 test/match.js                                      |   222 -
 test/matchKeys.js                                  |    45 -
 test/matcher.js                                    |    90 -
 test/micromatch.js                                 |   255 -
 test/minimatch.js                                  |   122 +
 test/minimatch/basic.js                            |   131 -
 test/minimatch/defaults.js                         |   125 -
 test/minimatch/temp.js                             |   132 -
 test/negation.js                                   |   139 +-
 test/options.js                                    |   476 +-
 test/pattern-string.js                             |   245 -
 test/posix-brackets.js                             |    55 -
 test/qmarks.js                                     |    98 +
 test/regex-ranges.js                               |    28 +
 test/regex.js                                      |    31 -
 test/special-chars.js                              |   134 +-
 test/stars.js                                      |    90 +
 test/support/compare.js                            |     5 +
 test/support/generate.js                           |    43 -
 test/support/match.js                              |    88 +
 test/support/matcher.js                            |    88 +
 test/support/parse.js                              |    51 +
 test/support/reference.js                          |     6 -
 test/support/utils.js                              |    16 +
 test/t3070-wildmatch.js                            |   181 -
 test/utils.js                                      |    73 -
 169 files changed, 36669 insertions(+), 9980 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-micromatch.git

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