[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-sha.js] branch temp created (now ca3f400)
Bastien Roucariès
rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Nov 30 11:23:28 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rouca pushed a change to branch temp
in repository node-sha.js.
at ca3f400 Merge branch 'upstream'
This branch includes the following new commits:
new 2d65484 README: remove typed array comments, re-format support algorithms
new 49a32f3 use buffer module
new e963695 Add test for large data
new aee24f1 Fix digesting of large data
new f10eaba Merge pull request #41 from astro/master
new 58ae289 Merge pull request #43 from artcom/fix-large-data
new 5d6baa3 Merge pull request #40 from crypto-browserify/readme
new 678c338 tests: formatting
new 5d5a8d8 tests: compare hex, not byte-by-byte (easier debugging)
new 03702a8 npmignore: ignore test/
new d308cb0 hash: update never returns anything
new 158bc83 hash: remove repeated remainder calculation
new 388d45e hash: rm unnecessary _s state
new e9ff865 hash: increase readability of block-by-block hashing
new 22adba6 use safe-buffer
new b3e2423 Merge pull request #45 from crypto-browserify/dcousens-patch-2
new 8551e53 package: bump standard
new 1ac913b tests: use safe-buffer constructors
new 27e649c drop Node <4
new 1c879cf Merge pull request #46 from crypto-browserify/no012
new 1244bd2 Change "new shajs.SHA256()" to lowercase to make it actually work.
new 271e39b Merge pull request #48 from JK0N/master
new 100edf9 Buffer: use alloc/allocUnsafe/from instead new
new 60e4f97 Merge pull request #50 from crypto-browserify/safe-buffer
new f5906a0 2.4.9
new 6b3d23c Import node-sha.js_2.4.9.orig.tar.gz
new b444e9d record new upstream branch created by importing node-sha.js_2.4.9.orig.tar.gz
new ca3f400 Merge branch 'upstream'
The 28 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails. The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-sha.js.git
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