[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-dargs] branch master created (now 6e3aaf5)

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 6 09:41:01 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a change to branch master
in repository node-dargs.

        at  6e3aaf5   Finalize package

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  bc5894b   init
       new  51c4be5   init
       new  55bf10b   Update readme.md
       new  6b00756   Update readme.md
       new  6e83f00   tweaks
       new  0d109d7   1.0.0
       new  ceb10d3   Use equal sign instead of space between option key and value
       new  6350412   Merge pull request #3 from radkodinev/equal-signs
       new  26bf5e9   2.0.0
       new  f352e39   Close GH-7: Wrap option value with strong quotes and escape it.
       new  c431ac9   readme - quote values in example
       new  ed1ac95   2.0.1
       new  aefc2d1   only quote multi word values
       new  a7786db   2.0.2
       new  bd3b29c   disable quoting for now
       new  fba72ba   2.0.3
       new  a29230e   various tweaks
       new  b870ff3   add param, allowing an 'includes' array
       new  2a62009   Merge pull request #13 from joebartels/master
       new  8088040   cleanup
       new  e1f3e8a   2.1.0
       new  02cb136   Add support for `--no-` arguments
       new  65f5161   Use `ava` for testing
       new  42dadd5   3.0.0
       new  88b8a58   improve discovery
       new  7044fed   3.0.1
       new  5483bc2   [breaking] change method signature and add `ignoreFalse` option
       new  32d3d9e   4.0.0
       new  f71e652   Update .travis.yml
       new  a842e94   use `Number.isNaN()` ponyfill
       new  2b70c92   4.0.1
       new  a906e21   Removed extra closing quote (') from --sad=:( in readme.md
       new  d1afb27   Merge pull request #22 from mshenfield/remove-extra-closing-quote-from-sad-in-readme
       new  53bf6e6   Close #26 PR: make `includes` and `exludes` accept regexes in addition to strings. Fixes #23
       new  0ed0c6f   Close #27 PR: tweaks.
       new  57ad0a6   Travis CI: Test on Node.js v4.x.x and v5.x.x
       new  c3a5ae6   Merge pull request #28 from ntwb/patch-2
       new  93df6de   Issue #16 optional mapping of keys to short arguments
       new  ea38154   Merge pull request #21 from mshenfield/issue-16-support-short-argument-mappings
       new  1832ae4   Close #30 PR: Add useEquals options to swap "=" for " ". Fixes #25
       new  77fddac   Close #31 PR: Add support for an "_" key which appends values to the end of the args list. Fixes #19
       new  11b811f   minor tweaks
       new  048f7ac   4.1.0
       new  ace6cca   upgrade to latest AVA
       new  4e16e99   make `useEquals: false` behave as expected
       new  c9ff677   [BREAKING] ES2015ify
       new  d04c36d   5.0.0
       new  964da88   5.0.1
       new  96fdf06   Add `allowCamelCase` option (#34)
       new  a9a061a   minor tweaks
       new  6f796ea   5.1.0
       new  57f48ce   Initialize git-dpm
       new  2f52aae   Add debian package
       new  6e3aaf5   Finalize package

The 54 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-dargs.git

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