[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-deps-sort] branch master created (now be0da80)

Bastien Roucariès rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Wed Sep 6 09:41:50 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

rouca pushed a change to branch master
in repository node-deps-sort.

        at  be0da80   Fix last problems

This branch includes the following new commits:

       new  e73e5ed   working example using browserify --deps
       new  65b8d6b   bin script
       new  8db5046   docs
       new  8b1960e   take options
       new  2ae900f   include index and indexDeps when opts.index is true
       new  10a7881   document opts.index
       new  16d63f3   forgot to track package.json, whoops
       new  917cc0b   add one to the index to prevent falsy compares in browser-pack's require logic
       new  4275550   0.1.1
       new  e49216c   Deterministic sort for bundles with same id
       new  a14e05c   fuck whitespace diffs
       new  99b0273   0.1.2
       new  ecc1edc   using through2, a test
       new  4ac4c4c   sort test
       new  1a6f4ee   1.0.0
       new  3daaef6   badge
       new  d4e2811   tests for expose
       new  e70feea   expose implementation
       new  25bcc8c   expose string test
       new  0f6096b   expose string
       new  9178ee3   opts.expose
       new  f1e9fa0   1.1.0
       new  3509c84   dedupe test
       new  5dc0c3d   passing dedupe test
       new  7df253f   dedupe index test
       new  fd7adb9   reindent
       new  c50399c   indexed dedupe test
       new  38aabf7   dedupe/dedupeIndex
       new  a01c84f   remap dependency indexes
       new  66b03dd   put indexes back
       new  88902c4   document dedupe
       new  e5f8dac   1.2.0
       new  e5a9862   sameDeps
       new  3135582   document showDeps
       new  a9ff834   1.3.0
       new  7c3c3d8   fix ref
       new  b37e620   fix ref
       new  a1b1d2c   1.3.1
       new  477324f   only include fully-resolved deps
       new  cdbf4de   1.3.2
       new  ff71212   actually breaks things
       new  f7f4237   1.3.3
       new  93585f0   failing test for undef deps
       new  ac81e6a   Fix calling Object.keys on undefined
       new  eca2337   fixed test for dedupe undef test
       new  efc589b   1.3.4
       new  f8f484b   failing test for dedupe deps of deps
       new  eaefb3a   fix dedupe for deps of deps
       new  c61e515   1.3.5
       new  92653b2   Add node 0.12 and iojs to travis
       new  f49de0c   Update JSONStream to ~0.10.0
       new  d7fc257   Switch to subarg from minimist
       new  7d73baf   Update tape to ^4.0.0
       new  dcc478c   Merge pull request #4 from substack/update-deps
       new  9e0edc9   1.3.6
       new  275200e   Use jsonstream instead of JSONStream
       new  9632093   Merge pull request #5 from chadhietala/jsonstream
       new  e3b5ab3   Use jsonstream in sort example
       new  8ee2f66   1.3.7
       new  2258e66   replace jsonstream with JSONStream
       new  64c7339   Merge pull request #11 from substack/jsonstream-case-fix
       new  2b9e9a6   1.3.8
       new  62dfac8   Switch to tap
       new  5fabf5a   Update to through2@^1.0.0
       new  565009c   Remove isarray
       new  ffb457c   remove unused vars
       new  484d2ab   Merge pull request #12 from substack/switch-to-tap
       new  34043da   1.3.9
       new  4eb4def   remove node 0.8 and iojs from travis
       new  db79a29   add latest node to travis
       new  34f48a8   update deps (streams3)
       new  bc3e191   Merge pull request #14 from substack/streams3
       new  dfbda1a   2.0.0
       new  d26263b   Initialize git-dpm
       new  9ebe386   First debianization
       new  6a37759   Improve debianization
       new  f7b62c5   Add autopkgtestsuite
       new  cc8f815   Finalize
       new  be0da80   Fix last problems

The 79 revisions listed above as "new" are entirely new to this
repository and will be described in separate emails.  The revisions
listed as "adds" were already present in the repository and have only
been added to this reference.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-deps-sort.git

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