[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-browserify-aes] annotated tag v1.0.8 created (now ea0e017)
Bastien Roucariès
rouca at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 7 14:42:09 UTC 2017
This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.
rouca pushed a change to annotated tag v1.0.8
in repository node-browserify-aes.
at ea0e017 (tag)
tagging 845b5d173bb5243cc0a79f5bdd9044a5c5de462c (commit)
replaces v1.0.6
tagged by Daniel Cousens
on Tue Sep 5 21:14:10 2017 +1000
- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
Daniel Cousens (36):
Merge pull request #35 from fanatid/feature/modes-as-json
Merge pull request #38 from tad88dev/master
aes: unnecessary comment
.travis: add node 7, drop node 10/11/iojs
README cleanup
LICENSE: update to 2017
package: bump dev-dependencies
tests: whitespace added and standard --fix
add benchsuite
browser: consistent module.exports
use safe-buffer
encrypter/decrypter: formatting, an no instanceof required
encrypter: compare to PADDING, not hex
mv modes to modes/index.js
aes: inline fixup_uint32, and simplify
aes: rename bufferToArray to asUInt32Array
aes: add doReset algorithm readability for INV_SUB_MIX
aes: isolate keySchedule copy for performance
aes: G does not need to be prototyped
aes: doReset SBOX breakout
aes: isolate cryptBlock from this
aes: inline SUB_MIX? lookups
ghash: inline fixup_uint32, and simplify
ghash: inline xor
no un-instanced new
tests: use safe-buffer
tests: !node10 is now implied
tests: re-order as DEFINITIONS->RUN, not interleaved
tests: move TEST_CASES for >Node10 to json
tests: consistent ciphers reference
tests: rename fixture to f
authCipher: fix Buffer.from using from rather than alloc
travis: add 8
package; bump evp
Dung Tran (1):
Cleanup bufferToArray()
Hrishikesh Barman (1):
fixes #39 (#40)
Kirill Fomichev (2):
modes as json file
add .json on require modes
dignifiedquire (1):
reduce buffer creation for ctr mode
No new revisions were added by this update.
Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/node-browserify-aes.git
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