[Pkg-javascript-commits] [node-jquery] 02/05: Updated version 2.2.4 from 'upstream/2.2.4'

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Sep 14 13:48:19 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a commit to branch master
in repository node-jquery.

commit 1455382e1bf17293a5f3c673c83bface3ff5f11e
Merge: c25f634 000f0b4
Author: Pirate Praveen <praveen at debian.org>
Date:   Thu Sep 14 19:05:18 2017 +0530

    Updated version 2.2.4 from 'upstream/2.2.4'
    with Debian dir 1c484d773d8011704dc78716e9e4a33f6705521c

 .editorconfig                                      |   16 +
 .gitattributes                                     |    5 +
 .gitignore                                         |   16 +
 .jscsrc                                            |   10 +
 .jshintignore                                      |   12 +
 .jshintrc                                          |   14 +
 .mailmap                                           |  104 +
 .npmignore                                         |   17 +
 .travis.yml                                        |    8 +
 AUTHORS.txt                                        |  278 +
 CONTRIBUTING.md                                    |  132 +
 Gruntfile.js                                       |  212 +
 LICENSE.txt                                        |   36 +
 README.md                                          |  375 +
 build/release.js                                   |   60 +
 build/release/cdn.js                               |  116 +
 build/release/dist.js                              |  134 +
 build/release/ensure-sizzle.js                     |   51 +
 build/tasks/build.js                               |  312 +
 build/tasks/dist.js                                |   71 +
 build/tasks/install_old_jsdom.js                   |   20 +
 build/tasks/lib/spawn_test.js                      |   16 +
 build/tasks/node_smoke_tests.js                    |   32 +
 build/tasks/promises_aplus_tests.js                |   13 +
 build/tasks/sourcemap.js                           |   14 +
 build/tasks/testswarm.js                           |   63 +
 dist/jquery.js                                     | 9814 +++++++++++++++++++
 dist/jquery.min.js                                 |    4 +
 dist/jquery.min.map                                |    1 +
 external/npo/npo.js                                |    5 +
 external/qunit-assert-step/MIT-LICENSE.txt         |   21 +
 external/qunit-assert-step/qunit-assert-step.js    |   26 +
 external/qunit/LICENSE.txt                         |   36 +
 external/qunit/MIT-LICENSE.txt                     |   21 +
 external/qunit/qunit.css                           |  280 +
 external/qunit/qunit.js                            | 2875 ++++++
 external/requirejs/require.js                      | 2076 ++++
 external/sinon/sinon-1.14.1.js                     | 5931 ++++++++++++
 external/sizzle/LICENSE.txt                        |   36 +
 external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.js                     | 2143 +++++
 external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.min.js                 |    3 +
 external/sizzle/dist/sizzle.min.map                |    1 +
 node-jquery.js                                     | 9068 ------------------
 package.json                                       |   95 +-
 src/.jshintrc                                      |   29 +
 src/ajax.js                                        |  845 ++
 src/ajax/jsonp.js                                  |  100 +
 src/ajax/load.js                                   |   83 +
 src/ajax/parseJSON.js                              |   13 +
 src/ajax/parseXML.js                               |   27 +
 src/ajax/script.js                                 |   68 +
 src/ajax/var/location.js                           |    3 +
 src/ajax/var/nonce.js                              |    5 +
 src/ajax/var/rquery.js                             |    3 +
 src/ajax/xhr.js                                    |  167 +
 src/attributes.js                                  |   11 +
 src/attributes/attr.js                             |  142 +
 src/attributes/classes.js                          |  177 +
 src/attributes/prop.js                             |  125 +
 src/attributes/support.js                          |   36 +
 src/attributes/val.js                              |  177 +
 src/callbacks.js                                   |  232 +
 src/core.js                                        |  494 +
 src/core/access.js                                 |   65 +
 src/core/init.js                                   |  134 +
 src/core/parseHTML.js                              |   41 +
 src/core/ready.js                                  |  103 +
 src/core/var/rsingleTag.js                         |    5 +
 src/css.js                                         |  502 +
 src/css/addGetHookIf.js                            |   24 +
 src/css/adjustCSS.js                               |   65 +
 src/css/curCSS.js                                  |   60 +
 src/css/defaultDisplay.js                          |   72 +
 src/css/hiddenVisibleSelectors.js                  |   18 +
 src/css/showHide.js                                |   48 +
 src/css/support.js                                 |  121 +
 src/css/var/cssExpand.js                           |    3 +
 src/css/var/getStyles.js                           |   15 +
 src/css/var/isHidden.js                            |   16 +
 src/css/var/rmargin.js                             |    3 +
 src/css/var/rnumnonpx.js                           |    5 +
 src/css/var/swap.js                                |   24 +
 src/data.js                                        |  187 +
 src/data/Data.js                                   |  200 +
 src/data/var/acceptData.js                         |   18 +
 src/data/var/dataPriv.js                           |    5 +
 src/data/var/dataUser.js                           |    5 +
 src/deferred.js                                    |  158 +
 src/deprecated.js                                  |   32 +
 src/dimensions.js                                  |   54 +
 src/effects.js                                     |  629 ++
 src/effects/Tween.js                               |  121 +
 src/effects/animatedSelector.js                    |   13 +
 src/event.js                                       |  711 ++
 src/event/ajax.js                                  |   20 +
 src/event/alias.js                                 |   27 +
 src/event/focusin.js                               |   53 +
 src/event/support.js                               |    9 +
 src/event/trigger.js                               |  183 +
 src/exports/amd.js                                 |   24 +
 src/exports/global.js                              |   26 +
 src/intro.js                                       |   44 +
 src/jquery.js                                      |   37 +
 src/manipulation.js                                |  481 +
 src/manipulation/_evalUrl.js                       |   20 +
 src/manipulation/buildFragment.js                  |  102 +
 src/manipulation/getAll.js                         |   21 +
 src/manipulation/setGlobalEval.js                  |   20 +
 src/manipulation/support.js                        |   33 +
 src/manipulation/var/rcheckableType.js             |    3 +
 src/manipulation/var/rscriptType.js                |    3 +
 src/manipulation/var/rtagName.js                   |    3 +
 src/manipulation/wrapMap.js                        |   27 +
 src/offset.js                                      |  218 +
 src/outro.js                                       |    2 +
 src/queue.js                                       |  143 +
 src/queue/delay.js                                 |   22 +
 src/selector-native.js                             |  211 +
 src/selector-sizzle.js                             |   14 +
 src/selector.js                                    |    1 +
 src/serialize.js                                   |  125 +
 src/traversing.js                                  |  175 +
 src/traversing/findFilter.js                       |  100 +
 src/traversing/var/dir.js                          |   20 +
 src/traversing/var/rneedsContext.js                |    6 +
 src/traversing/var/siblings.js                     |   15 +
 src/var/arr.js                                     |    3 +
 src/var/class2type.js                              |    5 +
 src/var/concat.js                                  |    5 +
 src/var/document.js                                |    3 +
 src/var/documentElement.js                         |    5 +
 src/var/hasOwn.js                                  |    5 +
 src/var/indexOf.js                                 |    5 +
 src/var/pnum.js                                    |    3 +
 src/var/push.js                                    |    5 +
 src/var/rcssNum.js                                 |    7 +
 src/var/rnotwhite.js                               |    3 +
 src/var/slice.js                                   |    5 +
 src/var/support.js                                 |    5 +
 src/var/toString.js                                |    5 +
 src/wrap.js                                        |   79 +
 test/.jshintrc                                     |   56 +
 test/data/1x1.jpg                                  |  Bin 0 -> 693 bytes
 test/data/ajax/content-type.php                    |    5 +
 test/data/ajax/evalScript.php                      |    1 +
 test/data/ajax/method.php                          |    1 +
 test/data/ajax/onunload.html                       |   30 +
 test/data/ajax/unreleasedXHR.html                  |   25 +
 test/data/atom+xml.php                             |    4 +
 test/data/badcall.js                               |    1 +
 test/data/badjson.js                               |    1 +
 test/data/cleanScript.html                         |   10 +
 test/data/core/aliased.html                        |   24 +
 test/data/core/cc_on.html                          |   22 +
 test/data/core/dont_return.php                     |    3 +
 test/data/core/dynamic_ready.html                  |   35 +
 test/data/core/onready.html                        |   24 +
 test/data/css/cssWidthBeforeDocReady.html          |   22 +
 test/data/dashboard.xml                            |   11 +
 test/data/data/dataAttrs.html                      |   16 +
 test/data/dimensions/documentLarge.html            |   17 +
 test/data/echoData.php                             |    1 +
 test/data/echoQuery.php                            |    1 +
 test/data/errorWithJSON.php                        |    6 +
 test/data/errorWithText.php                        |    5 +
 test/data/etag.php                                 |   24 +
 test/data/event/focusElem.html                     |   16 +
 test/data/event/focusinCrossFrame.html             |   18 +
 test/data/event/interactiveReady.html              |   23 +
 test/data/event/longLoadScript.php                 |    4 +
 test/data/event/onbeforeunload.html                |   20 +
 test/data/event/promiseReady.html                  |   17 +
 test/data/event/syncReady.html                     |   23 +
 test/data/event/triggerunload.html                 |   18 +
 test/data/headers.php                              |   23 +
 test/data/if_modified_since.php                    |   20 +
 test/data/iframe.html                              |    8 +
 test/data/jquery-1.9.1.js                          | 9885 ++++++++++++++++++++
 test/data/json.php                                 |   13 +
 test/data/json_obj.js                              |    1 +
 test/data/jsonp.php                                |   14 +
 test/data/manipulation/iframe-denied.html          |   36 +
 test/data/name.html                                |    1 +
 test/data/name.php                                 |   24 +
 test/data/nocontent.php                            |    5 +
 test/data/offset/absolute.html                     |   41 +
 test/data/offset/body.html                         |   26 +
 test/data/offset/fixed.html                        |   34 +
 test/data/offset/relative.html                     |   32 +
 test/data/offset/scroll.html                       |   41 +
 test/data/offset/static.html                       |   31 +
 test/data/offset/table.html                        |   43 +
 test/data/params_html.php                          |   12 +
 test/data/readywaitasset.js                        |    1 +
 test/data/readywaitloader.js                       |   25 +
 test/data/script.php                               |   11 +
 test/data/selector/html5_selector.html             |  114 +
 test/data/selector/sizzle_cache.html               |   21 +
 test/data/statusText.php                           |    5 +
 test/data/support/bodyBackground.html              |   28 +
 test/data/support/csp-clean.php                    |    3 +
 test/data/support/csp-log.php                      |    3 +
 test/data/support/csp.js                           |    3 +
 test/data/support/csp.log                          |    0
 test/data/support/csp.php                          |   18 +
 test/data/support/getComputedSupport.js            |   14 +
 test/data/test.html                                |    7 +
 test/data/test.php                                 |    7 +
 test/data/test2.html                               |    5 +
 test/data/test3.html                               |    4 +
 test/data/testbar.php                              |    3 +
 test/data/testinit.js                              |  347 +
 test/data/testrunner.js                            |  203 +
 test/data/testsuite.css                            |  156 +
 test/data/text.php                                 |   12 +
 test/data/with_fries.xml                           |   25 +
 test/data/with_fries_over_jsonp.php                |    7 +
 test/delegatetest.html                             |  228 +
 test/hovertest.html                                |  158 +
 test/index.html                                    |  295 +
 .../integration/data/gh-1764-fullscreen-iframe.css |   18 +
 .../data/gh-1764-fullscreen-iframe.html            |   21 +
 test/integration/data/gh-1764-fullscreen.js        |   99 +
 test/integration/gh-1764-fullscreen.html           |   34 +
 test/integration/gh-2343-ie-radio-click.html       |   33 +
 test/jquery.js                                     |   55 +
 test/localfile.html                                |   75 +
 test/networkerror.html                             |   84 +
 test/node_smoke_tests/.jshintrc                    |   14 +
 test/node_smoke_tests/document_missing.js          |   11 +
 test/node_smoke_tests/document_passed.js           |   14 +
 .../document_present_originally.js                 |   17 +
 .../iterable_with_native_symbol.js                 |    8 +
 .../iterable_with_symbol_polyfill.js               |   13 +
 .../lib/ensure_global_not_created.js               |   15 +
 .../node_smoke_tests/lib/ensure_iterability_es6.js |   25 +
 test/node_smoke_tests/lib/ensure_jquery.js         |    9 +
 test/promises_aplus_adapter.js                     |   22 +
 test/readywait.html                                |   70 +
 test/unit/ajax.js                                  | 2431 +++++
 test/unit/attributes.js                            | 1623 ++++
 test/unit/basic.js                                 |  302 +
 test/unit/callbacks.js                             |  358 +
 test/unit/core.js                                  | 1716 ++++
 test/unit/css.js                                   | 1308 +++
 test/unit/data.js                                  |  889 ++
 test/unit/deferred.js                              |  447 +
 test/unit/deprecated.js                            |   47 +
 test/unit/dimensions.js                            |  506 +
 test/unit/effects.js                               | 2392 +++++
 test/unit/event.js                                 | 3106 ++++++
 test/unit/exports.js                               |    7 +
 test/unit/manipulation.js                          | 2661 ++++++
 test/unit/offset.js                                |  606 ++
 test/unit/queue.js                                 |  324 +
 test/unit/ready.js                                 |   83 +
 test/unit/selector.js                              |  536 ++
 test/unit/serialize.js                             |  150 +
 test/unit/support.js                               |  361 +
 test/unit/traversing.js                            |  885 ++
 test/unit/wrap.js                                  |  443 +
 test/xhtml.php                                     |    5 +
 262 files changed, 68317 insertions(+), 9081 deletions(-)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/collab-maint/node-jquery.git

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