[Pkg-javascript-commits] [rainloop] annotated tag debian/1.11.1-1 created (now 3cfffc7)

Praveen Arimbrathodiyil praveen at moszumanska.debian.org
Thu Apr 19 12:02:50 BST 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

praveen pushed a change to annotated tag debian/1.11.1-1
in repository rainloop.

        at  3cfffc7   (tag)
   tagging  6d623b0ff287e846080db6d52124dda9d94bf751 (commit)
 tagged by  Pirate Praveen
        on  Thu Apr 19 16:32:25 2018 +0530

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
rainloop Debian release 1.11.1-1


Daniel Ring (21):
      New upstream version 1.11.1
      Fixed line endings of patch files.
      Unbundled node-autolinker, node-classnames, node-normalize.css,
      Unbundled node-jquery.
      Unbundled libjs-jquery-backstretch and node-knockout.
      Unbundled node-lightgallery and node-opentip.
      Unbundled node-knockout-sortable and node-knockout-transformations.
      Unbundled node-progressjs and node-js-cookie.
      Completed unbundling of dependencies.
      Added missing copyright references in debian/copyright.
      Unbundled ckeditor.
      Fixed ckeditor skin.
      Fixed VCS links in debian/control.
      Fixed missing build-dependency on node-ifvisible.js in debian/control.
      Updated default config.
      Added documentation and sample webserver configuration files.
      Fixed extra newline at start of README.Debian.
      Removed package prefix from debian control files.
      Automatically copy webserver config files to sites-available during installation.
      Removed development changelog entries for release.
      Added missing dependencies on php-xml and ckeditor to debian/control.

Techwolf (36):
      Set up a proper Debian package build system.
      Removed version number from pathnames.
      Use Debian php-pclzip package instead of bundled copy.
      Use Debian php-guzzlehttp package instead of bundled copy.
      Use Debian php-seclib package instead of bundled copy.
      Use Debian libphp-predis package instead of bundled copy.
      Use Debian php-sabre-dav and php-sabre-vobject packages instead of bundled copies.
      Change target distribution from UNRELEASED to unstable.
      Depend on newer nodejs for npm package instead of npm itself. For details, see https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=857986
      Add Vcs-Git and Vcs-Browser links to debian/control.
      Updated changelog for new version.
      Removed postinst script in favor of dh_fixperms override.
      Bundled libraries missing from Debian. :(
      Bundled NPM modules required for build system. :(
      Fixed nodejs build-dependency.
      Removed minified versions of bundled libraries, since the build process minifies them anyway.
      Moved build clean step into Makefile to reduce dependencies.
      Switched from gulp build to Makefile to reduce bundled dependencies.
      Cleaned up Makefile.
      Removed unused bundled library for es6-promise-polyfill.
      Removed autoprefixer to reduce dependencies.
      Updated to new upstream version (v1.11.1).
      Switched to system installations of raw-loader and style-loader.
      Switched to system installation of babel-loader.
      Switched to system installations of babel-preset-stage-0 and babel-plugin-transform-runtime.
      Switched to system installations of babel-preset-env and babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy.
      Removed package.json changes from quilt patchset.
      Moved bundled library removal to post-build step to avoid modifying source directory.
      Removed unused bundled libraries for jquery-scrollstop and matchmedia-polyfill.
      Removed unused bundled library for json3.
      Added license and copyright details for upstream bundled PHP libraries.
      Added license and copyright information for upstream bundled JS libraries.
      Removed VCS control files of upstream bundled JS libraries from package.
      Added license and copyright information for bundled JS libraries.
      Removed debhelper generated files from repository.
      Removed unnecessary dependency on node-babel-runtime.


No new revisions were added by this update.

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/rainloop.git

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