[Pkg-javascript-commits] [uglifyjs] branch upstream-experimental updated (d488b45 -> 7d393c3)

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Wed Feb 14 19:52:13 UTC 2018

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

js pushed a change to branch upstream-experimental
in repository uglifyjs.

      from  d488b45   Merge branch 'upstream' into upstream-experimental
      adds  e2e09d5   Allow colons in the pairs passed to AST_Toplevel.wrap_enclose
      adds  14f290f   Merge pull request #454 from Arnavion/allow-colons-in-wrap_enclose
      adds  6fcabbd   Fix sourceMapIncludeSources exception in Node API
      adds  ef772b0   add sourceMappingUrl to output in node module
      adds  1a34a13   Merge pull request #470 from ebednarz/master
      adds  8fbe200   Always quote property names that contain non-ASCII characters.
      adds  37693d2   Update tests.
      adds  514936b   Handle TryStatements trees from acorn >=0.2.0
      adds  7165269   Merge pull request #445 from ConradIrwin/try-statement
      adds  8669ca2   Merge branch 'master' of github.com:mishoo/UglifyJS2
      adds  8258edd   Fix parens in +(+x).  Close #475
      adds  025f3e9   Better fix for #475
      adds  7bf59b5   Actually, even better.  #475
      adds  e3342a3   v2.4.14
      adds  8463b48   Do not run a test for Node v0.4
      adds  91bc3f1   Merge pull request #499 from shinnn/master
      adds  8511e80   Evaluate "foo".length ==> 3
      adds  ac2caf1   Check for the case an AST_For's init is an EmptyStatement
      adds  9798d96   Lock source-map to 0.1.34
      adds  83e0939   v2.4.15
      adds  62bda71   Fix parens for AST_Undefined
      adds  0e3ff1f   Improved UglifyJS<->SpiderMonkey AST conversions.
      adds  87b7236   Fixes and improvements for UglifyJS->SM AST conversion.
      adds  05ba26c   Small fixes for AST conversion.
      adds  5e314bf   SpiderMonkey `Identifier` nodes should contain mangled names.
      adds  ec3e74d   Added license
      adds  f2d48e9   Merge branch 'patch-1' of https://github.com/gdw2/UglifyJS2
      adds  b467a3c   Added generative testing for AST conversions.
      adds  f8ee5a0   Install newest NPM on oldest Node.js.
      adds  18ddf2f   Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/RReverser/UglifyJS2
      adds  e391367   Added example for usage with SpiderMonkey AST.
      adds  e3066f9   Merge pull request #529 from RReverser/master
      adds  548beeb   Prevent error for Function("").  Close #538
      adds  4c64554   Turn foo.new into foo["new"] when not --screw-ie8.  Fix #534
      adds  885835a   Compress conditional assignments where all possible outcomes are equivalant and condition has no side effects
      adds  7971ed3   Added a test for else if
      adds  fb0ec72   Compress conditions that have side effects using sequences
      adds  57dab1e   Merge pull request #541 from TalAter/conditional-improvements
      adds  7be680d   Don't warn for an unreferenced exception symbol in a catch block.
      adds  f0c1a01   Merge pull request #549 from Arnavion/unreferenced-catch-symbol
      adds  01d19b4   Referencing a global is assumed to have side effects.
      adds  a64bdda   Document `keep_fargs`.  Close #557
      adds  f36a1ea   Add option to allow return outside of functions.
      adds  21b3c89   Use uglify source map token names if missing
      adds  f101d64   Merge pull request #546 from jacobk/patch-1
      adds  5538ec7   v2.4.16
      adds  c75f5a1   Fix #597
      adds  73cc050   Merge pull request #599 from rvanvelzen/fix-597
      adds  6d1c3e1   Use yargs instead of optimist.
      adds  f7447ef   Merge pull request #600 from KenPowers/master
      adds  39d8880   Fix max_line_len not working for JSON files
      adds  66e6f0c   Merge pull request #592 from micschro/patch-1
      adds  fe06fc8   fix base54
      adds  120948f   Merge pull request #584 from clyfish/fix-base54
      adds  f4d36a5   Fix #569
      adds  37c17d5   Merge pull request #570 from rvanvelzen/fix-569
      adds  24bc09b   Fix #556
      adds  5bff65c   Use svg instead of png to get better image quality
      adds  aa5dd15   Update README.md
      adds  718e475   Fix backslashes in source-map paths on Windows
      adds  4613644   passes in references to process and Buffer to silence ReferenceErrors
      adds  0f80b10   Resolve the relative path to lib files last
      adds  ad18689   using the original sourcemap as the base
      adds  e37b67d   Add an option to prevent function names from being mangled
      adds  e1f0747   Support keep_fnames in compressor, and --keep-fnames. #552
      adds  0d48af3   Add a "keep_fnames" option to the compressor to retain function expression names
      adds  fe55e0d   Merge branch 'keep-function-expression-names' of https://github.com/rvanvelzen/UglifyJS2
      adds  93a6e57   Declare boolean type for --keep-fnames
      adds  13219ce   Fix handling \r\n
      adds  7f9bc9e   Pass mangle options to `figure_out_scope` and `compute_char_frequence`
      adds  6b23cbc   AST_Do nodes: walk body before condition
      adds  ae5366a   Track ending lines/columns; fix end locations in Mozilla AST.
      adds  f16033a   Location fix for Mozilla AST start token.
      adds  d2d7164   aborts(AST_If) returns the `if` node
      adds  61c233a   Fix make_node_from_constant for Regexp-s
      adds  285bffd   Document `--` for usage in CLI class
      adds  0d232a1   Merge pull request #606 from rvanvelzen/document-double-dash
      adds  524a8a4   added @ngInject support for inline functions
      adds  6006dd9   added newline at the end of the file
      adds  a10f6a9   Merge pull request #482 from arty-name/inline-ng-inject
      adds  42ecd42   Replace the correct node when replacing in `void` sequences
      adds  189dbf0   Merge pull request #612 from rvanvelzen/issue-611
      adds  a1a4c2a   Optimize conditionals where the consequent and alternative are both booleans and not equivalent
      adds  9a3a848   Update unicode letter
      adds  74cda80   Add unicode digit parsing support
      adds  f1b2134   Add test
      adds  d36067c   Merge pull request #615 from avdg/unicode
      adds  5c02d65   fixes issue #621 SourceMap toString JSON format
      adds  d78ae20   Make empty source map values more reasonable in .minify()
      adds  099992e   Keep single line comments after nlb, after nlb
      adds  fbbaa42   Add option to preserve/enforce string quote style
      adds  605362f   Drop all `console` statements properly
      adds  7b71344   Parse regexes properly
      adds  992b6b9   Fix invalid removal of left side in && and || compression
      adds  61e850c   Clean up unit test breakage
      adds  0e41a3f   Add .npmignore
      adds  ae07714   Add filename to the JS_Parse_Error exception.
      adds  9de7199   v2.4.17
      adds  d36faff   Fix parsing for U+2028 / U+2029
      adds  ecfd881   Keep unused function arguments by default
      adds  36c28e0   Add start/end nodes for NaN/Infinity transformations
      adds  f0ab1b0   Avoid sequencesize for more than 2000 statements.
      adds  5801fa3   [sequencesize] Actually even better:
      adds  276b9a3   Fix compressing `![foo()];` as a statement
      adds  ea34301   Add property name mangler
      adds  375c882   Fix --reserved-file
      adds  0c80d21   Fix prop mangling
      adds  aa45f65   rename --prop-cache to --name-cache
      adds  80cfd06   Export readNameCache / writeNameCache
      adds  f5eeed7   Add tool to list DOM properties/methods
      adds  7c8c9b9   tools/props.html: use try/catch in a few more places
      adds  80d1c82   Fix parsing for U+2028 / U+2029
      adds  540c197   Bump yargs version (for .array arguments)
      adds  3ef0923   Support multiple --reserved-file args
      adds  03b6121   Add --reserve-domprops along with a default exclusion list in tools/domprops.json
      adds  bb010c2   tools/props.html: output complete JSON
      adds  81b7335   Don't use Object.create
      adds  e1c3861   Export readDefaultReservedFile
      adds  6b82069   Merge in more DOM properties.
      adds  43991f8   Add tool to extract property names
      adds  a79ff06   Merge branch 'propmangle'
      adds  3ec11c7   Update README
      adds  73ca767   v2.4.18
      adds  0262b42   Disable testing with Node 0.8
      adds  db396da   Fix long options
      adds  2ada34b   Merge pull request #660 from ntkme/fix-long-options
      adds  94205c3   v2.4.19
      adds  2850dc6   Document passing source maps directly to minify() using inSourceMap
      adds  3c846e6   Merge pull request #669 from galvanix/documentation-inSourceMap
      adds  5d60484   More fixes for the breaking changes in yargs
      adds  e04ef56   Use the `before` visitor in mangle props
      adds  18c63ff   Fix compression of conditionals
      adds  0552dbd   v2.4.20
      adds  763bd36   Test on latest `node` and `io.js`
      adds  efea52a   Normalize package.json.
      adds  de58b02   Added expect_exact for testing the OutputStream
      adds  274e1b3   Drop NaN -> 0/0 transformation.
      adds  3b14582   Fix tests
      adds  7b22f20   If name_cache is specified, do rename cached properties
      adds  92e4340   Fix parsing strings with literal DOS newlines
      adds  c3a10c1   Avoid spurious brackets when dropping unused vars
      adds  d2dda34   Remove deprecated calls to utils.print/utils.error
      adds  4aed083   Fix blank lines in the output.
      adds  d558abb   v2.4.21
      adds  e637bda   Only drop the BOM when it's the first character.
      adds  e48db3a   Make reserved names take priority over the name cache
      adds  44fd669   fix again reserved props
      adds  a5b6021   Fix compressing conditionals
      adds  96ad94a   v2.4.22
      adds  bce4307   Treat \uFEFF as whitespace.
      adds  c6fa291   v2.4.23
      adds  0ac6918   Add --mangle-regex option
      adds  9aef34a   Show descriptive error when --mangle-regex is invalid
      adds  0b82e1c   Change --mangle-regex to accept a full regex
      adds  5bf617e   Merge pull request #733 from jcxplorer/add-mangle-regex-option
      adds  85a5fc0   Don't drop parens in a * (b * c).  Close #744
      adds  fedb619   optimizations for && and || where left side is constant expression
      adds  f47b2b5   operator && and || optimization: add "else" before "if" as intended
      adds  9d398d9   spacing
      adds  63fb2d5   Merge pull request #735 from kzc/master
      adds  905b601   Don't attempt to negate non-boolean AST_Binary
      adds  ba9936a   v2.4.24
      adds  252fc65   Advanced way to specify if a function call might have side effects. #400
      adds  d681405   Give a good error message if an invalid regular expression is found.
      adds  9854deb   Re-use the caught exception's error message in the parse error call.
      adds  881bda7   Make node.js 0.8 the minimum supported version.
      adds  f8684f4   Replace util.puts in run-tests with console.log
      adds  170e8b5   Fix semicolon printing when restricting max line length
      adds  3afad58   Revert "Fix semicolon printing when restricting max line length"
      adds  66761d7   Fix semicolon printing when restricting max line length
      adds  ab15d67   Merge pull request #757 from rvanvelzen/semicolon-fix
      adds  8108c7f   Support wrap and exportAll options.
      adds  958b6c2   Merge pull request #753 from Surgo/master
      adds  759b3f7   Fix mangling of property names which overwrite unmangleable properties
      adds  65ee5af   Add keep_fnames compressor option to README.md
      adds  d7a4a4a   Merge pull request #729 from DrewML/keep_fnames_docs
      adds  4fba3e0   fromString option, use index from argument array for filename instead of "?"
      adds  464a942   Merge pull request #736 from AlbertoGP/master
      adds  3ff0b9e   [Fix] --define replaces SymbolRefs in LHS of assignments
      adds  6c8db6e   Merge pull request #767 from vjeux/208
      adds  e3bd223   Don't change sequences that influence lexical binding in calls
      adds  fcde610   Fix bad parsing of `new new x()()` constructs
      adds  3a5f354   allow for anonymous map generation using string type check
      adds  ba939cc   Merge pull request #786 from istr/anonymous-source-map
      adds  5fd1245   Control keeping function arguments with a single option
      adds  20542a3   use a valid SPDX license identifier
      adds  3352800   Fix wrap_commonjs to include code first
      adds  99233c4   No longer use `vm` to load code.
      adds  6637c26   Fix mozilla-ast after module loading changes
      adds  233fb62   Disable node 0.8 in Travis
      adds  7ee1ec9   Add node 4.x in Travis
      adds  2a06c77   Merge pull request #808 from avdg/travis
      adds  c69294c   Implement shebang support
      adds  593677d   Add proper support for "use asm"; blocks. Disable -c optimization within "use asm"; sections and preserve floating point literals in their original form. Non-asm.js sections are optimized as before. Asm.js sections can still be mangled and minified of whitespace. No special command line flags are required.
      adds  0d952ae   add asm.js test
      adds  99945fc   Pin dependencies with npm shrinkwrap
      adds  4d2f7d8   Fix handling of "use asm" when no command line flags are passed to uglifyjs. SCOPE_IS_NEEDED is unconditionally true now. Refactored floating point literal parsing to be more in keeping with the AST class design.
      adds  6500f8c   get rid of SCOPE_IS_NEEDED as it was always true
      adds  e870c7d   have minify() call figure_out_scope() if needed to produce well formed "use asm" code
      adds  a8e67d1   v2.5.0
      adds  9f1f21b   Output `-- >` instead of `-->` in expressions. Escape `<!--` and `-->` within string literals.
      adds  17eef5a   Only encode <!-- and --> in strings when inline_script
      adds  1940fb6   Fix tests
      adds  dff54a6   Fix other operator output related to <!-- or -->
      adds  ce10072   Merge pull request #829 from kzc/html_comment_ops
      adds  eac67b2   upgrade yargs 3.5.4 -> 3.10.0
      adds  d5138f7   add `--pure-funcs` option
      adds  6b2861e   Make_string was missing \v and wasnt reversing vertical tabs even though read_escaped_char coverts them
      adds  b5623b1   Fix #836
      adds  a887cde   fixes #845: \v escaping should be restricted to "screw_ie8" mode
      adds  2a88d07   Stop building for io.js
      adds  335e349   Allow specification beautify options in tests
      adds  7491d07   optimize `return undefined` and `return void 0`
      adds  841a661   more tests for `return undefined` optimization
      adds  bd0ae65   `return undefined` optimization no longer uses `return_void_0` option
      adds  83db98a   Fixed RegExp literal in mozilla AST generation/output and added a --dump-spidermonkey-ast flag
      adds  37ee9de   rename To_Moz_Literal to To_Moz_RegExp
      adds  63d35f8   Prevent ReDoS by not using a regexp to verify floating point numbers
      adds  18d37ac   Fix parsing invalid input
      adds  94c4daa   Have mozilla AST RegExpLiteral parser use regex.pattern and regex.flags rather than non-standard `raw` property.
      adds  7dbe961   simplify mozilla AST RegExpLiteral token parse and handle corner cases of regex.pattern better
      adds  3c43467   Merge pull request #854 from kzc/moz-regexp-2
      adds  7691beb   Rework has_directive
      adds  619adb0   Replace util.error with console.log
      adds  c898a26   Build label def/refs info when figuring out scope
      adds  08623aa   Fix output for "use asm" code from SpiderMonkey AST
      adds  d895c09   v2.6.0
      adds  645626e   Fix docs for keep_fargs
      adds  08b8030   Merge pull request #864 from plievone/patch-1
      adds  b6968b6   Limit max iterations for tighten_body
      adds  7f48d5b   Fix endless loop
      adds  15b5f70   v2.6.1
      adds  e87c77e   Update README URLs based on HTTP redirects
      adds  9e2f9f7   Merge pull request #879 from ReadmeCritic/master
      adds  bd99b00   Semicolon after do...while statement is optional
      adds  5cd26c0   Add tests
      adds  0cabedc   Disable loop optimization for parse-only tests
      adds  ac810dc   Merge pull request #896 from avdg/do-while-semicolon
      adds  774bda1   #873 Fix `conditionals` optimizations with default compress options
      adds  60c4030   Merge pull request #874 from kzc/fix-conditionals
      adds  174404c   Do not allow newlines in string literals
      adds  fe4e9f9   Fix hoisting the var in ForIn
      adds  6f3e35b   Fix ch that could contain other newline characters
      adds  8c6af09   Add mocha tests
      adds  88b77dd   Add test case for line continuation
      adds  ac8db97   Merge pull request #905 from avdg/unit-tests
      adds  6605d15   Never mangle arguments and keep them in their scope
      adds  5c4e470   Add scope test for arguments
      adds  8439c8b   Make arguments test slightly more strict
      adds  57e0faf   Merge pull request #918 from avdg/fix-arguments-handling
      adds  70e5b6f   Add some tests for comment-filters through api
      adds  ebe118d   Add keywords to package.json
      adds  26641f3   Allow operator names as getters/setters
      adds  8b71c65   Mark vars with /** @const */ pragma as consts so they can be eliminated.
      adds  918c17b   Update README for /** @const */
      adds  f97da42   Use TreeWalker for more accurate @const results and update tests
      adds  4a7179f   Simplify by skipping extra tree walk.
      adds  1b70334   Tighten up @const regex.
      adds  b5a7197   Merge pull request #928 from STRML/constPragma
      adds  799509e   Added a mangle properties option
      adds  915f907   Add start/end in the `arguments` definition
      adds  f4c2ea3   Collapse single use var definitions
      adds  0a38a68   fix bug in collapse_vars for right side of "||" and "&&"
      adds  3eb9101   Add mangleProperties documentation to README
      adds  af2472d   collapse_vars: fix bug in repeated var defs of same name
      adds  929de2b   collapse_vars: fix if/else and ternary operator side effects
      adds  7c3fee9   collapse_vars: avoid replacement across AST_Case nodes to be on safe side even though no issues seen.
      adds  601780a   Merge pull request #949 from kzc/collapse_vars_conditions
      adds  a123e23   Fixes #951 missing export for SymbolDef
      adds  cdba43c   Create and map `bare-returns` into new `parse` property name
      adds  d5c651a   Allow cli options to be specified in separate definitions
      adds  7a4ed9d   Revert "using the original sourcemap as the base"
      adds  00c8d1d   collapse_vars: document option in README
      adds  12e6ad3   collapse_vars: small change to README
      adds  63b01fe   Merge pull request #948 from kzc/collapse_vars_doc
      adds  31a9b05   Preserve ThisBinding in conditionals & collapse_vars
      adds  9662228   Don't compress (0, eval)() to eval()
      adds  6547437   preserve ThisBinding for side_effects
      adds  bdd8e34   Allow --no-* options to disable their respective parameter
      adds  5486b68   Take operator || precendence into account for AST_If optimization.
      adds  11b0efd   boolean_expression ? true : false --> boolean_expression
      adds  294861b   v2.6.2
      adds  102d1b9   #877 Ignore mangle sort option
      adds  ee6c9fa   Fix: Uglified Number.prototype functions on big numbers
      adds  07bb726   Escape all ASCII control characters within strings when using ascii_only.
      adds  c3c7587   Merge pull request #1019 from kzc/escape-ascii-only
      adds  a9d4a62   Do not produce `let` as a variable name in mangle. Would previously occur in large generated functions with 21,000+ variables. Fixes #986.
      adds  21befe5   Attempt to increase timeout for mocha let test.
      adds  f68de86   Merge pull request #1011 from kzc/dont-produce-let-in-mangle
      adds  9bcf702   added documentation on conditional compilation using API
      adds  45ddb9c   Speedup `unused` compress option for already minified code
      adds  9843425   Optimize ternaries with boolean consequent or alternative.
      adds  9317237   Avoid using inherited hasOwnProperty
      adds  c70d176   Simplify member(name, array) implementation.
      adds  b434b75   Merge pull request #1032 from kzc/member
      adds  3907a5e   Fix warnings for referenced non-hoisted functions.
      adds  b5a7a23   Actually limit sequence length.
      adds  187a0ca   Add base54.reset() to compress tests
      adds  4b4528e   Prevent endless recursion when evaluating self-referencing consts
      adds  e4fa4b1   Parse comments without recursion to avoid RangeError.
      adds  c55dd5e   Add `passes` compress option. Fix duplicate compress warnings.
      adds  4fe6304   Hoist functions when reversing if (x) return; ... vs. if (!x) ...
      adds  4d9a085   Add test case for hoisting a single function
      adds  e9224ab   Add test cases for slightly more esoteric cases
      adds  65887d9   Merge pull request #1053 from rvanvelzen/hoist_if_return_funs
      adds  f39fd3d   Handle CR line endings in comments.
      adds  35bc716   Add node 6 to travis
      adds  d294574   Workaround for process.exit() tty output truncation.
      adds  6641dca   Fix regression causing tests to fail on windows
      adds  a0e03c9   Retain comments before AST_Constants during mangle.
      adds  bcc1318   Do not apply negate_iife optimization to `new` expression
      adds  5f464b4   Simplify iife `new` fix
      adds  27eedbc   Never produce -0 when evaluating expressions (like -"")
      adds  bc49dfd   Completely allow evaluating -0
      adds  1e39026   Optimize if_return for single if/return cases.
      adds  09d5707   collapse_vars: Do not consider RegExp literals to be constants
      adds  00ad57e   Do not allow newlines in regex
      adds  5cb5305   Export tokenizer function
      adds  8287ef6   Fix uglify attempting to rewrite invalid new expressions
      adds  31d5825   Catch errors when compression test fails to parse
      adds  4d7746b   Throw errors in strict mode for octal strings
      adds  ea31da2   Don't drop unused if scope uses with statement
      adds  f99b7b6   Escape null characters as \0 unless followed by 0-7.
      adds  9c53c7a   Fix octal string strict mode tests
      adds  6c8e001   Stop dropping args in new expressions
      adds  bb9c970   Don't allow with statements in strict mode
      adds  5c4cfaa   Re-add parens after new expression in beautify mode
      adds  d7971ba   Fix test262 failures related to <, <=, in and instanceof
      adds  2149bfb   Don't mix strings with directives in output
      adds  6c99816   Normalize error messages
      adds  e645ba8   Respect quote style in object literals
      adds  fc1abd1   Document the except option to mangle
      adds  55c592d   v2.6.3
      adds  aa82027   Don't assume DEBUG is defined when exporting --self
      adds  85fbf86   Keep master in sync with harmony
      adds  0c003c9   Don't replace undefined, NaN and Infinity within with scope
      adds  ace8aaa   Fix conditional expressions of form (x ? -1 : -1)
      adds  1840a0b   Merge pull request #1155 from kzc/issue_1154
      adds  9676167   v2.6.4
      adds  3a7d53f   Move OctalEscapeSequence to read_escape_char
      adds  335b72d   Fix spidermonkey AST (ESTree) export and import, Array holes
      adds  030611b   Add Node API documentation for mangling options
      adds  02c6382   Enable --screw-ie8 by default.
      adds  a97690f   Various LineTerminator changes
      adds  85924bb   Allow input files to be map (url->filename)
      adds  b7ef784   Allow sequences maximum length to be user configurable.
      adds  b40d5de   Change the default sequences limit to 200 to speed up compress.
      adds  5576e27   Document that the smallest sequences optimization length is 2
      adds  debc525   Introduce a test that tests the --self build
      adds  698705a   Don't convert all strings to directives from moz-ast
      adds  572b97b   v2.7.0
      adds  2650182   Backport mocha with test from harmony
      adds  2d8af89   Fix error style for regex errors
      adds  eb63fec   Fix mangle with option keep_fnames=true for Safari.
      adds  7eb52d2   Keep const in own scope while compressing
      adds  41a9329   lib/sourcemap.js: Copy sourceContent from old souce-map to the new source-map. Should fix #882
      adds  af37eca   Source map URL override from programmatic API
      adds  9edbe93   Fix the document of keep_fnames option
      adds  e8b23c7   Build with AppVeyor on windows
      adds  642273c   Legacy octal integer strict mode fixes
      adds  67cca43   Test reparsing test/compress/*.js output
      adds  fb049d3   Fix unneeded parens around unary args in new expression.
      adds  307b88d   Fixed sourceMapIncludeSources and inSourceMap = string combination of the UglifyJS.minify function.
      adds  85a09fc   Added test for #1236
      adds  38756b1   Moved test input files to test/input.
      adds  72306b9   Add simple file globbing to bin/uglifyjs for Windows
      adds  dcdcfe4   Add input file glob support to minify()
      adds  86859f6   Additional object literal property tests
      adds  de619ae   Fix --mangle-props and --mangle-props=unquoted
      adds  37f4395   Add missing `{` in README
      adds  781f26e   v2.7.1
      adds  d854523   Fix negate_iife regression #1254
      adds  614db97   v2.7.2
      adds  8430123   Fix negate_iife transform to return a correct tree for nested IIFEs
      adds  1a78bbc   v2.7.3
      adds  0bd8053   implement optimization: (x = 2 * x) ---> (x *= 2)
      adds  25fc027   Account for side effects in `string + expr` optimization
      adds  7d8dea3   Merge pull request #1277 from kzc/fix-string-plus-opt
      adds  0111497   Make all comment options in cli available in js api
      adds  4761d07   Optimize unmodified variables
      adds  fc9804b   Fix (typeof side_effect()) in boolean context
      adds  e05510f   Add an option to wrap IIFEs in parenthesis
      adds  6389e52   Remove console.log and add extra test case
      adds  e51c6ba   Add an option for writing inline source map
      adds  266ddd9   fix uses_arguments handling (broken since 6605d1578351)
      adds  8d74f34   Don't filter shebangs when using the 'some' comment filter
      adds  557b3e4   v2.7.4
      adds  057de57   Pass mangle options to figure_out_scope before mangling in tests
      adds  79b98a9   Do not overwrite options.comments + cleanup
      adds  2a9989d   Add --mangle-props-debug and fix --mangle-props=unquoted collision
      adds  0a35acb   feat: add option.outFileName for JS API, if absense, sourceMap.file field will deduced
      adds  a7b3b0d   docs: add doc for option.outFileName
      adds  98f3306   Generate source map data from normalized files
      adds  f637248   v2.7.5
      adds  5c7705f   remove npm-shrinkwrap.json to work around npm at 4.0.2 bug (#1384)
      adds  0913db8   Add note about name mangling when using --mangle-props=unquoted (#1314)
      adds  da17766   Add preventive test involving non-ascii function identifiers
      adds  ec2e5fa   Have minify() and tests use figure_out_scope() as uglifyjs CLI does
      adds  4828484   add missing LHS cases which global_defs should avoid
      adds  0d7d491   augment evaluate to extract within objects (#1425)
      adds  0610c02   optimise binary operands with evaluate() (#1427)
      adds  1eaa211   fix mangling collision with keep_fnames (#1431)
      adds  7f8d72d   update test (#1441)
      adds  81f1df1   in mangle_names there is a check that the variable name is legal and that it is not a reserved word. This should apply to propsmangle as well.
      adds  eb55d8a   Merge pull request #1481 from anatdagan/propsmangle_only_identifiers
      adds  dd31d12   Improve optimizing `function() { if(c){return foo} bar();}`
      adds  11676f9   fix crash in unsafe replacement of undefined remove extraneous call to AST_SymbolRef.reference()
      adds  686a496   remove unused AST_Scope.nesting & AST_SymbolRef.frame they are computed but never used
      adds  fa668a2   fix corner case in keep_fnames happens when inner function: - just below top level - not referenced - `unused` is disabled
      adds  e5badb9   enable typeof "undefined" for general use move out of unsafe, guard corner case with screw_id8 instead
      adds  d11dca3   fix stray else in compress with conditionals=false
      adds  148047f   drop unused: toplevel, assign-only - assign statement does not count towards variable usage by default - only works with assignments on the same scope level as declaration - can be disabled with `unused` set to "keep_assign" - `toplevel` to drop unused top-level variables and/or functions - `top_retain` to whitelist top-level exceptions
      adds  100307a   fixes & improvements to [].join()
      adds  ae4db00   tweak do-while loops - `do{...}while(false)` => `{...}` - clean up `AST_While` logic
      adds  f584ca8   `-c sequences=N` suboptimal at N expression cutoff
      adds  6b3c49e   improve string concatenation shuffle associative operations to minimise parentheses and aid other uglification efforts
      adds  f0ff618   clean up `negate_iife` - remove extra tree scanning phase for `negate_iife` - `negate_iife` now only deals with the narrowest form, i.e. IIFE sitting directly under `AST_SimpleStatement` - `booleans`, `conditionals` etc. will now take care the rest via more accurate accounting - `a(); void b();` => `a(); b();`
      adds  6ffbecb   smarter const replacement taking name length into account
      adds  c525a2b   fix duplicated test names
      adds  b8b133d   improve keep_fargs & keep_fnames - utilise in_use_ids instead of unreferenced() - drop_unused now up-to-date for subsequent passes
      adds  a0f4fd3   improve reduce_vars and fix a bug - update modified flag between compress() passes - support IIFE arguments - fix corner case with multiple definitions
      adds  974247c   evaluate AST_SymbolRef as parameter fix invalid boolean conversion now exposed in `make_node_from_constant()`
      adds  e275148   enhance `global_defs` - support arrays, objects & AST_Node - support `"a.b":1` on both cli & API - emit warning if variable is modified - override top-level variables
      adds  7e6331b   add benchmark & JetStream tests - `test/benchmark.js` measures performance - `test/jetstream.js` verifies correctness - configurable mangle/compress/output options
      adds  09f9ae2   improve `--beautify bracketize` reduce whitespaces from if-else statements
      adds  c06a50f   Add .gitattributes to checkout lf eol style
      adds  ac0b61e   remove extraneous spaces between ++/+/--/-
      adds  ec64acd   introduce `unsafe_proto` - `Array.prototype.slice` => `[].slice`
      adds  8898b8a   clean up `max_line_len` - never exceed specified limit - otherwise warning is shown - enabled only for final output
      adds  26fbeec   fix `pure_funcs` & improve `side_effects` - only drops side-effect-free arguments - drop side-effect-free parts with discarded value from `AST_Seq` & `AST_SimpleStatement`
      adds  d48a308   Fix: AST_Accessor missing start / end tokens
      adds  1e51586   Support marking a call as pure
      adds  4e49302   enable `collapse_vars` & `reduce_vars` by default - fix corner cases in `const` optimisation - deprecate `/*@const*/`
      adds  229e42c   Merge pull request #1485 from alexlamsl/merge-2.8.0
      adds  852f784   Avoid using exports when undefined (#1471)
      adds  cf0951f   allow --in-source-map inline (#1490)
      adds  834f9f3   update docs for `pure_funcs` & `drop_console` (#1503)
      adds  16cd5d5   consolidate `evaluate` & `reduce_vars` (#1505)
      adds  13be50a   faster tree transversal (#1462)
      adds  b1c593a   add harmony branch details in README (#1507)
      adds  872270b   improve error messages (#1506)
      adds  0b0296e   v2.8.0
      adds  858e6c7   warn & drop `#__PURE__` iff IIFE is dropped (#1511)
      adds  4365a51   temporarily disables `reduce_vars` (#1517)
      adds  320984c   v2.8.1
      adds  b34fa11   fix `evaluate` on object getter & setter (#1515)
      adds  f5cbe19   invert `reduce_vars` tracking flag (#1519)
      adds  fb2b6c7   v2.8.2
      adds  c2334ba   fix crash on missing `props` to `string_template()` (#1523)
      adds  bff7ad6   v2.8.3
      adds  7aa6911   fix corner cases in `reduce_vars` (#1524)
      adds  40ceddb   v2.8.4
      adds  fdc9b94   minor improvement to string optimisation (#1514)
      adds  9699ffb   trim unused invocation parameters (#1526)
      adds  ee3b39b   optimize trivial IIFEs returning constants (#1530)
      adds  b49e142   disable do{...}while(false) optimisation (#1534)
      adds  fe9227a   fix reference marking in for-in loops (#1535)
      adds  70d72ad   properly cover all cases of for-in loop variables (#1536)
      adds  4d63d4f   collapse_vars should not replace constant in for-in init section (#1538)
      adds  17b8135   fix chained assignment with `unused` (#1540)
      adds  e5cb927   v2.8.5
      adds  b5e0e8c   facilitate fix for #1531 (#1542)
      adds  18059cc   compress numerical expressions (#1513)
      adds  07accd2   process code with implicit return statement (#1522)
      adds  ce54c9c   disallow collapse_vars constant replacement in for-in statements (#1543)
      adds  ea9ab9f   resolve issue with outdated version of async (#1549)
      adds  78d1bb9   fix a corner case in #1530 (#1552)
      adds  eb98a7f   fix handling of shebang and preamble (#1545)
      adds  1f0333e   stay safe with constants in IE8- (#1547)
      adds  b33e7f8   improve `unsafe` on undefined (#1548)
      adds  b70591b   handle variable declaration within catch blocks (#1546)
      adds  35a849d   collapse assignment with adjacent subsequent usage (#1553)
      adds  33b5f31   v2.8.6
      adds  067e5a5   fixup for #1553 (#1555)
      adds  a5d62a3   v2.8.7
      adds  a9fc9dd   suppress semicolons after do/while (#1556)
      adds  3ac2421   collapse_vars: do not replace a constant in loop condition or init (#1562)
      adds  d787d70   avoid substitution of global variables (#1557)
      adds  8153b7b   transform function calls to IIFEs (#1560)
      adds  8a8a94a   fix deep cloning of labels (#1565)
      adds  65c848c   include benchmark.js in test suite (#1564)
      adds  144052c   v2.8.8
      adds  bd6dee5   fix return from recursive IIFE (#1570)
      adds  dedbeef   plan B for IE8 do-while semi-colon fix (#1572)
      adds  3ee5574   only run benchmark & jetstream on CI (#1571)
      adds  c7cdcf0   fix function name eliminiation (#1576)
      adds  344d11d   v2.8.9
      adds  711f88d   scan assignment value in drop_unused() (#1578)
      adds  80e8176   explain how to make a proper bug report (#1579)
      adds  aa80ee3   remove checkboxes from Issues template
      adds  7e465d4   scan RHS of dropped assignments (#1581)
      adds  e9920f7   v2.8.10
      adds  b633706   fix & improve function argument compression (#1584)
      adds  93cdb19   Correctly raise a parse exception with a missing loop body (#1585)
      adds  9e6b128   fix catch variable reference in IE8 (#1587)
      adds  8354758   v2.8.11
      adds  cf45e2f   fixup for #1585 (#1589)
      adds  be80f7e   support multi-line string in tests (#1590)
      adds  d9344f3   disallow parameter substitution for named IIFEs (#1596)
      adds  e3a3db7   temporary fix for boolean bug (#1597)
      adds  919d5e3   v2.8.12
      adds  381bd38   minor clean-ups (#1600)
      adds  8223b2e   fix `AST_Node.optimize()` (#1602)
      adds  cf4bf4c   fix stack issues with `AST_Node.evaluate()` (#1603)
      adds  a80b228   fix `hoist_vars` on `reduce_vars` (#1607)
      adds  5ae04b3   make `collapse_vars` consistent with `toplevel` (#1608)
      adds  3563d8c   extend `test/run-tests.js` to optionally execute uglified output (#1604)
      adds  ac40301   fix chained evaluation (#1610)
      adds  b2b8a0d   v2.8.13
      adds  b7c112e   Add `--in-source-map inline` documentation (#1611)
      adds  fb09283   fix top-level directives in compress tests (#1615)
      adds  0489d6d   handle runtime errors in `expect_stdout` (#1618)
      adds  274331d   transform String.charAt() to index access (#1620)
      adds  cd58635   fix AST_Binary.lift_sequences() (#1621)
      adds  96f8bef   fix commit 88fb83a (#1622)
      adds  a3cc3a9   make `expect_stdout` work on Node.js 0.12 (#1623)
      adds  30a7504   v2.8.14
      adds  4bceb85   throw parse error on invalid assignments (#1627)
      adds  ee95c1b   metadata cleanup (#1630)
      adds  a00040d   fix a bug in simple_glob (#1632)
      adds  c0f3fea   introduce compressor.info() (#1633)
      adds  48ffbef   account for cross-scope modifications in `collapse_vars` (#1634)
      adds  6b2f347   v2.8.15
      adds  e918748   improve collapsible value detection (#1638)
      adds  79334dd   fix regression: CLI options with hyphens like -b ascii-only (#1640)
      adds  7010356   fix expect_stdout (#1642)
      adds  2e0dc97   improve error marker placement (#1644)
      adds  f3a1694   fix assignment substitution in sequences (#1643)
      adds  0432a7a   fix assignment extraction from conditional (#1651)
      adds  ac51d4c   fix corner case in `AST_For.init` (#1652)
      adds  32283a0   fix cascade of `evaluate` optimisation (#1654)
      adds  b454ce6   Update ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
      adds  b1abe92   introduce ufuzz.js (#1655)
      adds  a30092e   fix invalid `AST_For.init` (#1657)
      adds  491f16c   v2.8.16
      adds  8ca2401   fix `dead_code` on `AST_Switch` (#1667)
      adds  6e86ee9   fix typeof side-effects (#1669)
      adds  0a65de8   fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Switch` (#1671)
      adds  b19aa58   fix `has_side_effects()` (#1675)
      adds  f83d370   improve switch optimisations (#1677)
      adds  adb0e88   Improve fuzzer. :) (#1665)
      adds  8a4f865   fix side-effects detection on switch statements (#1678)
      adds  94f8472   suppress switch branch de-duplication upon side effects (#1682)
      adds  5509e51   optimize conditional when condition symbol matches consequent (#1684)
      adds  3276740   fallthrough should not execute case expression (#1683)
      adds  e76fb35   fix `cascade` on `delete` operator (#1687)
      adds  00996af   ufuzz: workaround function name and toString() (#1688)
      adds  861a79a   fix `delete` related issues in `collapse_vars` and `reduce_vars` (#1689)
      adds  57ce5bd   handle overlapped variable definitions (#1691)
      adds  f001e4c   fix `cascade` on anonymous function reference (#1693)
      adds  f595293   preserve side effects in switch expression (#1694)
      adds  581630e   fix typeof side effects (#1696)
      adds  c526da5   `has_side_effects()` should take `AST_Switch.expression` into account (#1699)
      adds  aa3f647   ufuzz: workaround for Function.toString() v2 (#1700)
      adds  984a217   fix mangle for variable declared within catch block (#1706)
      adds  67d0237   fix tail trimming of switch blocks (#1707)
      adds  65da9ac   handle var within catch of the same name (#1711)
      adds  fb177a6   drop anonymous function name when overshadowed by other declarations (#1712)
      adds  f71f490   fix `is_number()` on `+=` (#1714)
      adds  c909ffb   fix `unused` on var of the same name within catch (#1716)
      adds  6ab3224   v2.8.17
      adds  eb48a03   fix corner case in `unused` (#1718)
      adds  ec7f37f   remove UGLIFY_DEBUG (#1720)
      adds  ae740b9   v2.8.18
      adds  fef0bf9   improve beautified output of switch blocks (#1721)
      adds  09f77c7   output optimal representations of NaN & Infinity (#1723)
      adds  2e41cd6   fix missing parentheses around NaN/Infinity shorthands (#1726)
      adds  f1a833a   speed up `equivalent_to()` and `AST_Switch` (#1727)
      adds  beb9659   speed up IIFE elimination (#1728)
      adds  0f910ee   improve tests from #1726 (#1729)
      adds  7bea38a   optimize try-catch-finally (#1731)
      adds  7cb1adf   remove paranthesis for `-(x*y)` (#1732)
      adds  c595b84   fix catch symbol mangling (#1734)
      adds  a84564d   v2.8.19
      adds  11e9bdc   fix missing preamble when shebang is absent (#1742)
      adds  f8a71b5   v2.8.20
      adds  a0c3836   sort options in alphabetical order (#1743)
      adds  e6b76a4   Massive extension of the fuzzer (#1697)
      adds  1ddc057   combine rules for binary boolean operations (#1744)
      adds  257ddc3   improve compression of undefined, NaN & Infinitiy (#1748)
      adds  c934fc8   implement `test/sandbox.js` (#1749)
      adds  87f6e1b   minor tweaks to fuzzer (#1751)
      adds  ee3fe0f   fix switch branch elimination (#1752)
      adds  9a31170   fuzz regexp literals, more constant numbers, typeof expression (#1755)
      adds  28ecea5   upgrade fuzzer (#1754)
      adds  4a55bb0   minor tweaks to `test/ufuzz.js` (#1756)
      adds  c076e7b   speed up fuzzer code generation (#1757)
      adds  f7ca4f2   fix corner cases in switch and undefined (#1762)
      adds  d575276   avoid confusion of `NaN` & `Infinity` with `catch` symbol of the same name (#1763)
      adds  9469c03   fix corner case in `switch` (#1765)
      adds  b7f6b73   v2.8.21
      adds  1f1fccc   extend `test/ufuzz.js` (#1769)
      adds  59a4e56   fix mangleProperties of `undefined` & `Infinity` (#1772)
      adds  a400741   workaround Node.js bugs (#1775)
      adds  48b3fe9   fix `mangleProperties` on identifiers (#1776)
      adds  951770f   exclude mangling of special property names (#1779)
      adds  4b90dc1   remove `--mangle-props` from fuzzing (#1777)
      adds  9b6bc67   optimise `do{...}while(false)` (#1785)
      adds  ff289b9   implement delayed resolution for `reduce_vars` (#1788)
      adds  06cdb74   improve `pure_getters` (#1786)
      adds  e869779   enable `inline_script` by default (#1793)
      adds  cc6aa3e   fix incorrect context in variable substitution (#1791)
      adds  281e882   fix `reduce_vars` on catch variable (#1794)
      adds  0f4cd73   introduce "strict" to `pure_getters` (#1795)
      adds  e3c9c22   fix corner cases with `delete` (#1796)
      adds  c2a1bce   fix `pure_getters` for chained property access (#1798)
      adds  a1532eb   extend ufuzz generator (#1783)
      adds  cf72fe5   fix `delete` corner cases (#1799)
      adds  0479ff0   fix a couple of bugs in `global_defs` (#1802)
      adds  9a97884   enhance `test/ufuzz.js` (#1803)
      adds  d6fbc36   fix LHS cases for NaN & friends (#1804)
      adds  04b8964   v2.8.22
      adds  2244743   convert `AST_Seq` from binary tree to array (#1460)
      adds  32deb36   drop `angular` (#1812)
      adds  ec443e4   unify CLI & API under `minify()` (#1811)
      adds  251ff1d   update README (#1813)
      adds  44dfa5a   fix variable substitution (#1816)
      adds  1a498db   enhance `reduce_vars` (#1814)
      adds  71a8d0d   fix `reduce_vars` within try-block (#1818)
      adds  4ffb6fc   compress duplicated variable definitions (#1817)
      adds  6d5f341   fix `reduce_vars` on boolean binary expressions (#1819)
      adds  d1aa09c   fix `reduce_vars` on conditionals (#1822)
      adds  5d9f1da   support safe reassignments in `reduce_vars` (#1823)
      adds  0f4f01b   clean up `collapse_vars` (#1826)
      adds  28cfb65   extend `cascade` into `a.b` (#1829)
      adds  b4b9305   fix parser bugs & CLI reporting (#1827)
      adds  4dcff03   improve `collapse_vars` on `AST_Var` (#1828)
      adds  88e7a54   fix `unused` on labeled for-loop (#1831)
      adds  f05d4f7   improve `unused` (#1832)
      adds  6f954aa   Fix API reference examples (#1834)
      adds  ca32a09   fix label-related bugs (#1835)
      adds  45ce369   fix `AST_For.init` patch-up in `drop_unused()` (#1839)
      adds  64d7443   update README for 3.x (#1840)
      adds  9bf72cf   improve parser under "use strict" (#1836)
      adds  9e62628   fix `unused` on for-in statements (#1843)
      adds  76d19b6   fix fuzzer on `this` (#1842)
      adds  bbb5f2a   Update ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (#1846)
      adds  2cb55b2   enforce `toplevel` on other compress options (#1855)
      adds  ea92897   improve literal return optimization (#1860)
      adds  69b5663   restore report of supported options (#1861)
      adds  bffdc8d   update `test/benchmark.js` resources (#1864)
      adds  5a25d24   rename variables for better readability (#1863)
      adds  dee5a27   enhance `collapse_vars` (#1862)
      adds  ecf3563   kill `opera` (#1869)
      adds  2c7ee95   fix `unsafe` on `evaluate` of `reduce_vars` (#1870)
      adds  7313465   v3.0.0
      adds  98cf95e   fix test for #1865 (#1873)
      adds  2d99d06   update documentation
      adds  e547483   support `minify()` output as AST (#1878)
      adds  4f8ca46   deprecate low level API (#1877)
      adds  da295de   support dumping AST (#1879)
      adds  a3b2eb7   return `Error` from `minify()` (#1880)
      adds  014f428   v3.0.1
      adds  3dd328d   [3.x] fix documentation for beautify options (#1882)
      adds  8c7c107   update `minify()` usage in `test/ufuzz.js` (#1888)
      adds  bc3fa78   mention `minify().error`
      adds  c14e280   print error stack in CLI (#1890)
      adds  5fd8244   v3.0.2
      adds  41996be   extend test timeout
      adds  a0f5f86   gracefully handle non-`Error` being thrown (#1893)
      adds  bad9d5c   Change `harmony` to `uglify-es` in master README (#1895)
      adds  04f2344   Remove unnecessary `git clone` instructions in README (#1897)
      adds  0459af2   Update issue template: change harmony to uglify-es (#1900)
      adds  aae7d49   v3.0.3
      adds  3bf1946   update documentation (#1909)
      adds  e51c354   fix typo (#1913)
      adds  2b44f4a   update README (#1918)
      adds  1d407e7   fix invalid transform on `const` (#1919)
      adds  daaefc1   v3.0.4
      adds  547f41b   add documentation for `side_effects` & `[#@]__PURE__` (#1925)
      adds  ac73c5d   avoid `arguments` and `eval` in `reduce_vars` (#1924)
      adds  c391576   remove support for `const` (#1910)
      adds  9e29b6d   clarify wording (#1931)
      adds  fd09512   document 3 max passes (#1928)
      adds  3ca9022   fix bugs with getter/setter (#1926)
      adds  504a436   Tweak README Notes (#1934)
      adds  e005099   fix & improve coverage of `estree` (#1935)
      adds  ff526be   v3.0.5
      adds  265008c   improve keyword-related parser errors (#1941)
      adds  3be06ad   reorg README for 3.x (#1942)
      adds  f18abd1   minor fixes to README.md
      adds  9464d3c   fix parsing of property access after new line (#1944)
      adds  f6c805a   print package name alongside version in CLI (#1946)
      adds  050474a   v3.0.6
      adds  cb45886   export `TreeTransformer` (#1950)
      adds  c881394   v3.0.7
      adds  0813c53   remove Travis CI badge
      adds  baef8bf   update output options in readme (#1958)
      adds  87c3a2c   remove `space_colon` (#1960)
      adds  569c21e   improve `RegExp` handling (#1959)
      adds  6ed9091   fix docs for side_effects flag to reflect current behavior (#1966)
      adds  efcf167   make `expect_stdout` node version specific (#1963)
      adds  43add94   v3.0.8
      adds  eae2675   introduce `unsafe_regexp` (#1970)
      adds  3408fc9   v3.0.9
      adds  1df9d06   document minify `warnings` and add an error example (#1973)
      adds  5bf8d7e   document 3.x minify() does not throw errors (#1975)
      adds  58fae7d   enhance `if_return` to handle `return void...` (#1977)
      adds  22aedef   document minify() option `toplevel` (#1979)
      adds  7e164ab   add "es5" to package.json keywords (#1980)
      adds  d3c4a8e   v3.0.10
      adds  a1dedeb   more refinement of minify() documentation (#1983)
      adds  efdb659   improve usability of `global_defs` in `minify()` (#1987)
      adds  69ac794   add another minify() options example (#1988)
      adds  e667f0a   fix source map offset (#1993)
      adds  e95052a   v3.0.11
      adds  7d3b941   reinstate `describe_ast()` on CLI (#1996)
      adds  a277fe1   ensure new line after `describe_ast()` (#1999)
      adds  793d614   report timing breakdown (#2000)
      adds  c70fb60   clean up `lib/scope.js` (#2003)
      adds  dc33fac   fix `dead_code` on block-scoped `function` under "use strict" (#2006)
      adds  695e182   fix and expand --mangle-props documentation (#2008)
      adds  78309a2   better document mangle properties options (#2009)
      adds  1ff8e9d   clarify what --mangle-props does (#2012)
      adds  95094b9   fix `if_return` on `AST_Defun` (#2010)
      adds  7b13159   fix `hoist_funs` on block-scoped `function` under "use strict" (#2013)
      adds  c3f14a1   v3.0.12
      adds  79131cd   extend `node_version` range on applicable tests (#2015)
      adds  fec1437   improve CLI usability (#2016)
      adds  c6c9f4f   implement `--help options` (#2017)
      adds  e62b879   display default values in `--help options` (#2018)
      adds  1aa3805   better fix for #512 & #2010 (#2019)
      adds  4e0a22e   v3.0.13
      adds  55b5f2a   widen CLI parse error code fragment displayed (#2032)
      adds  e9645e0   introduce `unsafe_Func` (#2033)
      adds  3e62faa   v3.0.14
      adds  f71e8fd   reformat mangle options section of README (#2036)
      adds  17e7312   enhance `unsafe` `evaluate` (#2037)
      adds  ec095ed   whitelist `unsafe` `evaluate` candidates (#2039)
      adds  bac14ba   fix non-identifier getter/setter name (#2041)
      adds  4377e93   v3.0.15
      adds  f330ab7   better document behavior of unsafe_Func (#2043)
      adds  1743621   clean up `lib/parse.js` (#2047)
      adds  84634da   add tests for `AST_SymbolAccessor` (#2049)
      adds  540220b   fix `AST_Function` scope invariance (#2052)
      adds  27c5284   workaround webkit parsing error (#2056)
      adds  3493a18   implement function inlining (#2053)
      adds  b0eab71   implement `test/jetstream.js --debug` (#2058)
      adds  b9ad53d   fix `inline` handling of `AST_Call.args` (#2059)
      adds  f2af093   fix CLI output corruption (#2061)
      adds  9db0695   fix `cascade` on multi-branch evaluations (#2067)
      adds  9c30640   fix iteration over object with inherited properties (#2068)
      adds  293c566   marshal `mangle[.properties].reserved` from non-Array values (#2072)
      adds  47c0713   report `test/ufuzz.js` failures in `process.stderr` (#2074)
      adds  9186859   fix non-string parameters (#2076)
      adds  4ad7b1d   fix portability of `sandbox.run_code()` on Node.js 0.1x (#2078)
      adds  5ef7cb3   suppress false positives for-in loops (#2080)
      adds  2bdc880   fix variable accounting in `inline` (#2085)
      adds  fed0096   allow `expect_stdout` to specify `Error` (#2087)
      adds  3dc9e14   add Node.js 8 to Travis CI (#2086)
      adds  82db918   fix CLI parsing of `--source-map content` (#2088)
      adds  41beae4   cache web assets between CI runs (#2089)
      adds  da2de35   add comment about quote_style and gzip (#2092)
      adds  4231f73   v3.0.16
      adds  0a1e523   fix parsing of `expect_stdout` (#2096)
      adds  3f961bb   compute `uses_arguments` correctly in `figure_out_scope()` (#2099)
      adds  4369795   avoid intermittent test time-out failures (#2100)
      adds  b85a358   suppress `inline` of `this` (#2103)
      adds  57dc4fb   v3.0.17
      adds  33405bb   enforce `inline` scope restriction (#2106)
      adds  11e63bc   correctly determine scope of `AST_This` (#2109)
      adds  00e4f7b   in-place `tigten_body()` (#2111)
      adds  931daa8   fix loss of context in `collapse_vars` & `cascade` (#2112)
      adds  0a0f4f5   make defensive copies when `inline` (#2116)
      adds  1c150c6   v3.0.18
      adds  343ea32   ensure mangling works if catch reuses a scope variable (#2123)
      adds  f67a6b0   v3.0.19
      adds  0692435   fix for-in loop parsing (#2144)
      adds  3d5bc08   fix `reduce_vars` on `this` (#2145)
      adds  b3a57ff   minimise `reduce_vars` cloning overhead (#2148)
      adds  d58b184   refactor `Compressor.toplevel` (#2149)
      adds  dc6bcaa   synchronise `mangle.properties` for `minify()` & `test/compress` (#2151)
      adds  94e5e00   refactor `compute_char_frequency()` (#2152)
      adds  9db4c42   fix `cascade` & `collapse` on property access of constants (#2158)
      adds  285401c   more tests for #2158 (#2160)
      adds  8b4dcd8   v3.0.20
      adds  1e4de2e   parse `@global_defs` as expressions (#2169)
      adds  f0a9912   improve `unsafe_Func` (#2171)
      adds  5e6f264   v3.0.21
      adds  bdeadff   improve usability of name cache under `minify()` (#2176)
      adds  7659ea1   v3.0.22
      adds  d40950b   improve `inline` efficiency (#2188)
      adds  8b69a3d   drop argument value after `collapse_vars` (#2190)
      adds  2dde416   v3.0.23
      adds  f3a487a   document fast mangle-only minify mode (#2194)
      adds  20e4f82   refactor `throw` usage within `compress` (#2193)
      adds  6b3aeff   clean up `TreeWalker.pop()` (#2195)
      adds  af0262b   improve parenthesis emission (#2196)
      adds  5f046c7   minor clean-ups to `evaluate` (#2197)
      adds  1ac25fc   improve `compress` granularity through `typeofs` (#2201)
      adds  9306da3   suppress `collapse_vars` of `this` as call argument (#2204)
      adds  4b6ca5e   inline property access of object literal (#2209)
      adds  4f70d2e   inlining of static methods & constants (#2211)
      adds  71ee91e   handle duplicate argument names in `collapse_vars` (#2215)
      adds  bd7be07   v3.0.24
      adds  145874e   docs: update benchmarks using node 8, add babili (#2218)
      adds  4956ad3   benchmark gzipped output (#2220)
      adds  10a938c   enhance source mapping on IIFEs (#2224)
      adds  c615a1e   fix gzip stream in `test/benchmark.js` (#2228)
      adds  458e3e1   enhance `passes` (#2229)
      adds  5229cb2   drop `unused` compound assignments (#2230)
      adds  9282e7b   fix `unsafe` `evaluate` of `Object` static methods (#2232)
      adds  a5ffe2c   drop `unused` builtin globals under `unsafe` (#2236)
      adds  9e1da92   ensure `ie8` works with mangled properties (#2238)
      adds  b35dfc2   reject malformed CLI parameters (#2239)
      adds  4e12a6f   v3.0.25
      adds  5444634   update dependencies (#2241)
      adds  6a5e74b   unescape surrogate pairs only (#2246)
      adds  bc61dee   v3.0.26
      adds  32ea2c5   issue template: describe acceptable JS input (#2255)
      adds  a845897   improve `mangle.properties` (#2261)
      adds  c4c2ef4   v3.0.27
      adds  e7c21e8   fix `ie8` mangling of top-level `AST_SymbolCatch` (#2263)
      adds  16d4091   don't escape null characters as \0 when followed by any digit (#2273)
      adds  f81ff10   v3.0.28
      adds  e5cf797   fix `unused` patching of `AST_For.init` blocks (#2289)
      adds  eb7adaa   Fix CLI source-maps examples (#2291)
      adds  71d52f1   Fix CLI example for mangle reserved list of names (#2294)
      adds  3f35586   correctly count declarations after `hoist_vars` (#2297)
      adds  395a17c   fix `collapse_vars` on default function argument (#2299)
      adds  8b89072   add `Date` and other known globals to `unsafe` compress option (#2302)
      adds  aacf3ed   extend `unsafe` on pure global functions (#2303)
      adds  8158b1b   Testing all leading comments against being PURE comments (#2305)
      adds  cd27f4e   v3.1.0
      adds  182a47b   improve source mapping (#2312)
      adds  4f0953f   handle LHS side-effects on `cascade` & `collapse_vars` (#2314)
      adds  aceb0af   v3.1.1
      adds  00f5094   suppress `collapse_vars` of `this` into "use strict" (#2326)
      adds  7e3e9da   fix "use asm" numeric output (#2328)
      adds  55387e8   v3.1.2
      adds  2dcc552   trap invalid use of reserved words (#2338)
      adds  dd71639   enhance `reduce_vars` for `AST_Accessor` (#2339)
      adds  6920e89   v3.1.3
      adds  1abe142   collapse `a.b` whenever safe (#2350)
      adds  b810e2f   perform `reduce_vars` on safe literals (#2351)
      adds  70d56c9   Update README.md - sourceMappingURL directive note (#2355)
      adds  99800d4   update README to include defaults (#2356)
      adds  eba0f93   more tests for #2351 (#2357)
      adds  ec598c3   fix-ups for #2356 (#2360)
      adds  a09c8ad   update dependency (#2362)
      adds  dfe4f6c   v3.1.4
      adds  fe647b0   account for side-effects from `AST_This` in `collapse_vars` (#2365)
      adds  f2b9c11   fix `AST_PropAccess` in `collapse_vars` (#2370)
      adds  0d2fe8e   fix `AST_PropAccess` in `collapse_vars` (take 2) (#2372)
      adds  c1346e0   clean up lazy operator detection (#2373)
      adds  7e5b5ca   fix `AST_PropAccess` in `collapse_vars` (take 3) (#2375)
      adds  0f2ef33   enhance `collapse_vars` around lazy operations (#2369)
      adds  9f4b98f   backport #2374 (#2376)
      adds  c927cea   `unsafe` fix-ups for #2351 (#2379)
      adds  96439ca   v3.1.5
      adds  0111232   fix `unsafe` escape analysis in `reduce_vars` (#2387)
      adds  4ae1fb3   fix `unsafe` evaluation of objects (#2388)
      adds  516eaef   fix `unsafe` evaluation of `AST_Sub` (#2389)
      adds  5fd723f   fix `unsafe` expansion of object literals (#2390)
      adds  24aa078   safer `properties` transform (#2391)
      adds  8a713e4   deduplicate declarations regardless of `toplevel` (#2393)
      adds  86ea38a   enhance `unsafe` `evaluate` of arrays & objects (#2394)
      adds  1968203   docs: Fix spelling and style (#2395)
      adds  74ae16f   fix `unsafe` `reduce_vars` on arrays & objects (#2397)
      adds  4178289   implement `hoist_props` (#2396)
      adds  ae67a49   document compress option `hoist_props` (#2399)
      adds  ee082ac   compress self comparisons (#2398)
      adds  9b0f86f   fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Array.length` (#2404)
      adds  31f8209   remove dead code (#2405)
      adds  8428326   enhance `properties` (#2412)
      adds  2fd927a   v3.1.6
      adds  a48f87a   compress `new` `function` containing `this` (#2417)
      adds  c8b6f47   reduce `this` within functions (#2421)
      adds  71e6115   improve variations on call arguments for `ufuzz` (#2424)
      adds  fe5a68f   maintain call argument order in `collapse_vars` (#2426)
      adds  a8aa28a   consolidate single-use `function` reduction (#2427)
      adds  5b4b07e   extend function inlining safety checks (#2430)
      adds  25a1888   tweak #2424 (#2432)
      adds  f46281e   v3.1.7
      adds  2c2fd89   inline single-use functions that are not constant expressions (#2434)
      adds  6c45101   consolidate & enhance `unused` (#2439)
      adds  2cfb5aa   account for `eval` & `with` in `reduce_vars` (#2441)
      adds  bbedbf4   handle circular `function` reference gracefully (#2446)
      adds  38bfb73   v3.1.8
      adds  4c0b017   preserve function identity in `reduce_vars` (#2451)
      adds  246d9d4   remove hack in `collapse_vars` (#2457)
      adds  1127a2c   fix multiple nested function substitutions (#2458)
      adds  94525d8   fix object literal tracing in `reduce_vars` (#2461)
      adds  3c74047   implement compress option `reduce_funcs` (#2466)
      adds  cda27b0   extend `reduce_funcs` to cover cross-scope substitutions (#2469)
      adds  346fa12   v3.1.9
      adds  c6cfa04   allow symbol replacement on multiple occurrences (#2472)
      adds  2ac5086   fix `top_retain` on `hoist_props` (#2474)
      adds  49fbe9c   fix replacement logic in `collapse_vars` (#2475)
      adds  557636f   update documentation for `reduce_funcs` (#2478)
      adds  fa7a7c5   Update ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md (#2481)
      adds  ebe761c   minor consolidations (#2484)
      adds  ae28a24   fix cross-scope inlining of `AST_Function`s (#2486)
      adds  6142117   document the `webkit` output option (#2490)
      adds  667fc4d   v3.1.10
      adds  b80062c   enable `hoist_props` by default (#2492)
      adds  f4e2fb9   expand symbol space to improve compression (#2460)
      adds  30cfea2   fix `rename` (#2501)
      adds  8987780   eliminate invalid state caching in `collapse_vars` (#2502)
      adds  aa9bdf4   make `AST_Lambda.contains_this()` less magical (#2505)
      adds  eb001dc   fix argument/atom collision by `collapse_vars` (#2507)
      adds  3b28b91   extend escape analysis on constant expression properties (#2509)
      adds  97c464d   fix wording and formatting (#2512)
      adds  c141ae6   fix argument/atom collision by `properties` (#2514)
      adds  b37a68c   v3.2.0
      adds  ecc9f6b   drop assignment in `AST_VarDef.value` (#2522)
      adds  32def5e   improve synergy between `collapse_vars` & `unused` (#2521)
      adds  206a54a   fix nested `hoist_props` substitution (#2523)
      adds  bc5047c   fix `inline` on nested substitutions (#2533)
      adds  18302bf   backport test from #2526 (#2534)
      adds  c58d393   fix corner case in call binding (#2541)
      adds  172079a   improve code reuse (#2542)
      adds  b762f2d   improve compression of loop conditions (#2543)
      adds  5a1e99d   improve compression of `if` conditions (#2544)
      adds  09b320e   convert to number under boolean context (#2545)
      adds  f6610ba   improve `AST_For.init` & `AST_Switch.expression` compression (#2546)
      adds  7ac6fdc   improve switch case compression (#2547)
      adds  9a6b11f   improve boolean compression (#2548)
      adds  8da3754   improve `evaluate` on `typeof` (#2550)
      adds  85c56ad   more tests for #2535 (#2551)
      adds  77332a0   fix `dead_code` on `for` (#2552)
      adds  b9f3ddf   v3.2.1
      adds  3dd495e   improve `if_return` (#2558)
      adds  d21cb84   eliminate noop calls more aggressively (#2559)
      adds  3e34f62   account for side-effects in conditional call inversion (#2562)
      adds  e20935c   fix escape analysis for `AST_Conditional` & `AST_Sequence` (#2563)
      adds  74a2f53   fix escape analysis for `AST_Throw` (#2564)
      adds  0aff037   improve `unused` on assign-only symbols (#2568)
      adds  2441827   v3.2.2
      adds  0e16d92   handle exceptional flow correctly in `collapse_vars` (#2574)
      adds  bf000be   rename tests (#2575)
      adds  93f3b2b   escape consecutive unpaired surrogates (#2576)
      adds  c43118b   remove unused code (#2579)
      adds  f2ad542   fix `collapse_vars` on `switch` (#2578)
      adds  ebfd5c5   fix `AST_VarDef.may_throw()` (#2580)
      adds  ddf96cf   avoid `Function.prototype` pollution by `test/sandbox.js` (#2581)
      adds  e008dc1   minor clean-up for IIFE (#2582)
      adds  04cc395   improve `collapse_vars` on side-effect-free replacements (#2583)
      adds  7f41897   recover lost opportunities from #2574 (#2584)
      adds  ef61833   fold `cascade` functionality into `collapse_vars` (#2586)
      adds  9a137e8   drop local assign-only variable in `return` (#2587)
      adds  8266993   fix `dead_code` on `return`/`throw` within `try` (#2588)
      adds  d18979b   improve `dead_code` tests (#2589)
      adds  738fd52   improve `collapse_vars` (#2591)
      adds  02a6ce0   improve `reduce_vars` (#2592)
      adds  3f18a61   fix `reduce_vars` on single `AST_Defun` reference across loop (#2593)
      adds  9031387   inline single-use `function` across loop (#2594)
      adds  8f681b1   handle `inline` of function arguments (#2590)
      adds  092d9af   fix `reduce_vars` on `do...while` (#2596)
      adds  7d6907c   fix `dead_code` on nested `try` (#2599)
      adds  db902af   fix escape analysis on `||` and `&&` (#2600)
      adds  6c686ce   fix nested `inline` (#2602)
      adds  21794c9   account for `catch` variable when `inline` (#2605)
      adds  7918a50   improve `reset_opt_flags()` (#2610)
      adds  5de369f   export `parse()` (#2608)
      adds  b29fc8b   improve transversal efficiency in `collapse_vars` (#2611)
      adds  0b0eac1   drop property assignment to constants (#2612)
      adds  8ddcbc3   compress `apply()` & `call()` of `function` (#2613)
      adds  4b334ed   handle global constant collision with local variable after `inline` (#2617)
      adds  032f096   add test for #2613 (#2618)
      adds  01057cf   Transform can be simplified when clone is not done. (#2621)
      adds  2273655   fix `inline` after single-use `reduce_vars` (#2623)
      adds  fac003c   avoid `inline` of function with special argument names (#2625)
      adds  86ae588   disable `hoist_funs` by default (#2626)
      adds  7ac7b08   remove AST hack from `inline` (#2627)
      adds  4113609   extend `test/ufuzz.js` to `inline` & `reduce_funcs` (#2620)
      adds  edb4e3b   make comments output more robust (#2633)
      adds  c07ea17   fix escape analysis on `AST_PropAccess` (#2636)
      adds  202f90e   fix corner cases with `collapse_vars`, `inline` & `reduce_vars` (#2637)
      adds  efffb81   fix comments output & improve `/*@__PURE__*/`
      adds  f1556cb   v3.3.0
      adds  cb6a928   fix infinite loop during `inline` (#2645)
      adds  1476c78   add `html-minifier` to benchmarks (#2646)
      adds  8701a99   v3.3.1
      adds  0fe259e   parse LF & comment correctly (#2653)
      adds  8660715   v3.3.2
      adds  05e7d34   improve `unused` over duplicate variable names (#2656)
      adds  7f342cb   suppress `inline` within substituted `AST_Scope` (#2658)
      adds  4832bc5   replace single-use recursive functions (#2659)
      adds  3ff625d   fix bugs on substituted `AST_Defun` (#2661)
      adds  5205dbc   retain recursive function names (#2667)
      adds  f30790b   fix `dead_code` on `return` assignments (#2668)
      adds  cb62bd9   fix function inlining within loops (#2675)
      adds  e40a0ee   improve assignment variations (#2671)
      adds  b95e333   fix `pure_getters` on `AST_Binary` (#2681)
      adds  8ca4915   v3.3.3
      adds  d819559   minor clean-ups (#2686)
      adds  ed7a0a4   fix `dead_code` on escaped `return` assignment (#2693)
      adds  e2ec270   v3.3.4
      adds  3337923   reduce hoisting declarations (#2687)
      adds  da82fa5   fix `inline` on duplicate argument names (#2698)
      adds  673b071   enhance `join_vars` & `sequences` (#2697)
      adds  2f3bddb   scan within IIFEs of assigned values (#2702)
      adds  d838b4b   reset argument value within loop after `inline` (#2699)
      adds  cc931b3   enhance `if_return` (#2703)
      adds  6dead95   enhance `collapse_vars` (#2704)
      adds  7d3cddf   inline functions with `AST_Var` (#2688)
      adds  446fb01   extend `__PURE__` to `AST_New` (#2706)
      adds  14778e0   fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Defun` (#2708)
      adds  cfe3a98   drop `unused` assignment based on `reduce_vars` (#2709)
      adds  c598a12   apply `collapse_vars` to loop conditions (#2712)
      adds  9b58b54   extend `inline` (#2714)
      adds  7a6d452   preserve constant modification under strict mode (#2717)
      adds  a6873a3   forbid block-scoped `AST_Defun` in strict mode (#2718)
      adds  6f3f212   reminify tests upon `expect_stdout` (#2716)
      adds  484e484   fix corner case in `inline` (#2720)
      adds  afbcebd   fix `mangle` name collision across files (#2722)
      adds  7f2a591   warn on deprecated features (#2726)
      adds  b82feb9   improve `if_return` (#2727)
      adds  9f23185   fix corner case with `arguments` as function name (#2729)
      adds  9b1bc6c   ufuzz: add strings "a", "b", "c" to VALUES (#2732)
      adds  3505a36   enhance `unsafe_proto` (#2733)
      adds  3564b4f   compress `RegExp()` in `unsafe` (#2735)
      adds  659c8a7   handle trailing line comments correctly (#2736)
      adds  8430c2f   enable AppVeyor CI (#2739)
      adds  1ee8be8   fix recursive function `inline` (#2738)
      adds  9809567   improve `process.exit()` workaround (#2741)
      adds  9336cc8   v3.3.5
      adds  ce27bcd   compress loops with immediate `break` (#2746)
      adds  2e22d38   improve `rename` reproducibility (#2754)
      adds  2972d58   patch variable declaractions extracted within `catch` (#2753)
      adds  bf832cd   improve synergy between `compress` and `rename` (#2755)
      adds  09269be   enhance `conditionals` (#2758)
      adds  6a0af85   skip only `var`s in `if_return` (#2759)
      adds  f1e1bb4   join object assignments (#2763)
      adds  23ec484   fix corner case in #2763 (#2766)
      adds  b757450   fix nested `unused` assignments (#2769)
      adds  1c9e13f   update dependencies (#2770)
      adds  6a696d0   fix output of imported AST (#2771)
      adds  d4d7d99   add SymbolDef IDs to --output ast (#2772)
      adds  e49416e   fix `reduce_vars` on `AST_Accessor` (#2776)
      adds  460218a   v3.3.6
      adds  2cab348   improve SymbolDef info in `--output ast` (#2778)
      adds  62a66df   fix & extend `join_vars` for object assigments (#2781)
      adds  7c0c929   v3.3.7
      adds  2b6657e   run `test/ufuzz.js` when Travis CI is idle (#2784)
      adds  f96929c   improve `test/travis-ufuzz.js` (#2786)
      adds  cbbe6fa   avoid double counting within single-use functions (#2785)
      adds  b483678   avoid suboptimal termination in `passes` (#2787)
      adds  10f961c   enhance `collapse_vars` (#2788)
      adds  7def684   improve `test/travis-ufuzz.js` (#2789)
      adds  ec7cd1d   handle VM failure gracefully (#2791)
      adds  424173d   fix typo in README (#2792)
      adds  b4aef75   general improvements around `AST_ForIn` (#2796)
      adds  7857354   improve `test/travis-ufuzz.js` (#2795)
      adds  224c14d   improve `mocha` tests (#2797)
      adds  79cfac7   extend `join_vars` & `sequences` (#2798)
      adds  cff3bf4   configure `rename` with CLI (#2802)
      adds  d3ce2bc   suppress `unsafe_proto` for LHS expressions (#2804)
      adds  07e4b64   fix `AST_Scope.clone()` (#2803)
      adds  cc07f3b   faster output of comments (#2806)
      adds  b335912   enhance `test/ufuzz.js` (#2808)
      adds  983e691   fix `join_vars` property assignment for negative array index (#2810)
      adds  082e004   compress `undefined` property names (#2811)
      adds  81b6454   fix time-out for respawned `test/ufuzz.js` (#2814)
      adds  ac9a168   fix & improve `test/ufuzz.js` (#2815)
      adds  e21bab7   avoid duplicate property names in object literals under "use strict" (#2818)
      adds  3e78732   improve `unused` on built-in functions (#2817)
      adds  069df27   enable `unsafe` for `test/ufuzz.js` (#2819)
      adds  e2dc9cf   fix `unsafe` `evaluate` of `AST_Array` (#2825)
      adds  06166df   v3.3.8
      adds  5e2cd07   handle duplicate function declarations correctly (#2837)
      adds  ec42025   drop assignments to constant expressions only (#2839)
      adds  95cfce6   backport of #2835 (#2841)
      adds  193612a   fix accounting after conversion to assignment (#2847)
      adds  4eb4cb6   v3.3.9
      adds  6fa3fbe   compress chained compound assignments (#2850)
      adds  541e601   improve symbol replacement heuristic (#2851)
      adds  2a4c68b   relax `collapse_vars` on `AST_Exit` (#2855)
      adds  102f994   account for declaration assignment in `collapse_vars` (#2859)
      adds  aa664de   avoid `evaluate` of compound assignment after `dead_code` transform (#2861)
      adds  fad6766   simplify comparisons with `undefined` & `null` (#2862)
      adds  c3a002f   account for side-effects in `comparisons` of `null` & `undefined` (#2863)
      adds  525a61f   better fix for #2858 (#2864)
      adds  3cc1527   always test for `rename` (#2865)
      adds  334b07a   Update License Copyright Year to 2018 (#2866)
      adds  b16380d   fix missing corner case in #2855 (#2868)
      adds  e773f03   fix assignment logic in `reduce_vars` (#2872)
      adds  e6a2e9e   allow `collapse_vars` across conditional branches (#2867)
      adds  7e13c0d   handle `break` & `continue` in `collapse_vars` (#2875)
      adds  78a44d5   maintain order between side-effects and externally observable assignments (#2879)
      adds  3026bd8   improve exceptional flow compression by `collapse_vars` (#2880)
      adds  9637f51   change `undefined == x` to `null == x` (#2882)
      adds  cb0257d   describe a few compiler assumptions (#2883)
      adds  c0b8f2a   add information on testing and code style (#2885)
      adds  d69d800   evaluate `to{Low,Upp}erCase()` under `unsafe` (#2886)
      adds  dea0cc0   mention file encoding (#2887)
      adds  905325d   update dependencies (#2889)
      adds  d66d86f   account for exceptions in `AST_Assign.left` (#2892)
      adds  0cfbd79   v3.3.10
      adds  7d393c3   New upstream version 3.3.10

No new revisions were added by this update.

Summary of changes:
 .travis.yml                                 |   14 +-
 CONTRIBUTING.md                             |   61 +
 LICENSE                                     |    2 +-
 README.md                                   | 1360 ++++--
 appveyor.yml                                |   20 +
 bin/uglifyjs                                |  765 ++--
 lib/ast.js                                  |  336 +-
 lib/compress.js                             | 6091 +++++++++++++++++++++------
 lib/minify.js                               |  226 +
 lib/mozilla-ast.js                          |  502 ++-
 lib/output.js                               |  928 ++--
 lib/parse.js                                |  640 ++-
 lib/propmangle.js                           |  244 ++
 lib/scope.js                                |  634 +--
 lib/sourcemap.js                            |   14 +-
 lib/transform.js                            |   14 +-
 lib/utils.js                                |  124 +-
 package.json                                |   65 +-
 test/benchmark.js                           |   85 +
 test/compress/arrays.js                     |  167 +
 test/compress/ascii.js                      |   35 +
 test/compress/asm.js                        |  167 +
 test/compress/assignment.js                 |  238 ++
 test/compress/collapse_vars.js              | 4519 ++++++++++++++++++++
 test/compress/comparing.js                  |  317 ++
 test/compress/concat-strings.js             |  201 +
 test/compress/conditionals.js               | 1059 ++++-
 test/compress/dead-code.js                  |  840 +++-
 test/compress/drop-console.js               |   24 +
 test/compress/drop-unused.js                | 1560 ++++++-
 test/compress/evaluate.js                   | 1431 +++++++
 test/compress/functions.js                  | 1991 +++++++++
 test/compress/global_defs.js                |  199 +
 test/compress/hoist_props.js                |  688 +++
 test/compress/hoist_vars.js                 |  111 +
 test/compress/html_comments.js              |   55 +
 test/compress/if_return.js                  |  398 ++
 test/compress/issue-1034.js                 |  256 ++
 test/compress/issue-1041.js                 |   30 +
 test/compress/issue-105.js                  |   25 -
 test/compress/issue-1052.js                 |  164 +
 test/compress/issue-1105.js                 |  303 ++
 test/compress/issue-12.js                   |   47 +
 test/compress/issue-1202.js                 |   51 +
 test/compress/issue-1261.js                 |  183 +
 test/compress/issue-1275.js                 |   49 +
 test/compress/issue-1321.js                 |   63 +
 test/compress/issue-1431.js                 |  151 +
 test/compress/issue-1443.js                 |   61 +
 test/compress/issue-1446.js                 |   75 +
 test/compress/issue-1447.js                 |   45 +
 test/compress/issue-1569.js                 |   19 +
 test/compress/issue-1588.js                 |   87 +
 test/compress/issue-1609.js                 |   54 +
 test/compress/issue-1639.js                 |   88 +
 test/compress/issue-1656.js                 |   45 +
 test/compress/issue-1673.js                 |  166 +
 test/compress/issue-1704.js                 |  347 ++
 test/compress/issue-1733.js                 |   97 +
 test/compress/issue-1750.js                 |   54 +
 test/compress/issue-1770.js                 |  245 ++
 test/compress/issue-1787.js                 |   17 +
 test/compress/issue-1833.js                 |  138 +
 test/compress/issue-1943.js                 |   31 +
 test/compress/issue-208.js                  |   70 +
 test/compress/issue-2652.js                 |   33 +
 test/compress/issue-269.js                  |   24 +
 test/compress/issue-2719.js                 |   32 +
 test/compress/issue-281.js                  |  498 +++
 test/compress/issue-2871.js                 |   37 +
 test/compress/issue-368.js                  |   55 +
 test/compress/issue-597.js                  |  157 +
 test/compress/issue-611.js                  |   21 +
 test/compress/issue-637.js                  |   22 +
 test/compress/issue-640.js                  |  320 ++
 test/compress/issue-747.js                  |   45 +
 test/compress/issue-751.js                  |   29 +
 test/compress/issue-782.js                  |   27 +
 test/compress/issue-892.js                  |   32 +
 test/compress/issue-913.js                  |   20 +
 test/compress/issue-973.js                  |   99 +
 test/compress/issue-976.js                  |   89 +
 test/compress/issue-979.js                  |   89 +
 test/compress/labels.js                     |    3 +
 test/compress/loops.js                      |  484 +++
 test/compress/max_line_len.js               |   39 +
 test/compress/negate-iife.js                |  362 +-
 test/compress/new.js                        |  100 +
 test/compress/node_version.js               |   38 +
 test/compress/numbers.js                    |  204 +
 test/compress/properties.js                 | 1552 ++++++-
 test/compress/pure_funcs.js                 |  537 +++
 test/compress/pure_getters.js               |  723 ++++
 test/compress/reduce_vars.js                | 5535 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 test/compress/rename.js                     |  536 +++
 test/compress/return_undefined.js           |  145 +
 test/compress/sandbox.js                    |   14 +
 test/compress/screw-ie8.js                  |  394 ++
 test/compress/sequences.js                  |  718 +++-
 test/compress/string-literal.js             |   19 +
 test/compress/switch.js                     |  630 ++-
 test/compress/transform.js                  |  131 +
 test/compress/typeof.js                     |  280 +-
 test/compress/unicode.js                    |   64 +
 test/compress/wrap_iife.js                  |   48 +
 test/exports.js                             |   14 +
 test/fetch.js                               |   31 +
 test/input/comments/filter.js               |    3 +
 test/input/global_defs/nested.js            |    1 +
 test/input/global_defs/simple.js            |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/assign_1.js              |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/assign_2.js              |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/assign_3.js              |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/assign_4.js              |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/delete.js                |   14 +
 test/input/invalid/dot_1.js                 |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/dot_2.js                 |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/dot_3.js                 |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/else.js                  |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/eof.js                   |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/for-in_1.js              |    4 +
 test/input/invalid/for-in_2.js              |    4 +
 test/input/invalid/function_1.js            |    6 +
 test/input/invalid/function_2.js            |    6 +
 test/input/invalid/function_3.js            |    6 +
 test/input/invalid/loop-no-body.js          |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/object.js                |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/return.js                |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/simple.js                |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/tab.js                   |    1 +
 test/input/invalid/try.js                   |    8 +
 test/input/invalid/var.js                   |    8 +
 test/input/issue-1236/simple.js             |    8 +
 test/input/issue-1236/simple.js.map         |    8 +
 test/input/issue-1242/bar.es5               |    4 +
 test/input/issue-1242/baz.es5               |    4 +
 test/input/issue-1242/foo.es5               |    5 +
 test/input/issue-1242/qux.js                |    4 +
 test/input/issue-1323/sample.js             |    7 +
 test/input/issue-1431/sample.js             |   14 +
 test/input/issue-1482/bracketize.js         |   73 +
 test/input/issue-1482/default.js            |   17 +
 test/input/issue-1482/input.js              |   12 +
 test/input/issue-1632/^{foo}[bar](baz)+$.js |    1 +
 test/input/issue-2082/sample.js             |    1 +
 test/input/issue-2082/sample.js.map         |    1 +
 test/input/issue-2310/input.js              |   10 +
 test/input/issue-505/input.js               |    5 +
 test/input/issue-505/output.js              |    5 +
 test/input/issue-520/input.js               |    3 +
 test/input/issue-520/output.js              |    2 +
 test/input/rename/input.js                  |    6 +
 test/jetstream.js                           |  103 +
 test/mocha.js                               |   24 +
 test/mocha/accessorTokens-1492.js           |   32 +
 test/mocha/arguments.js                     |   30 +
 test/mocha/cli.js                           |  685 +++
 test/mocha/comment-filter.js                |   89 +
 test/mocha/comment.js                       |  242 ++
 test/mocha/comment_before_constant.js       |   22 +
 test/mocha/directives.js                    |  381 ++
 test/mocha/getter-setter.js                 |   89 +
 test/mocha/glob.js                          |   80 +
 test/mocha/huge-number-of-comments.js       |   14 +
 test/mocha/input-sourcemaps.js              |   66 +
 test/mocha/let.js                           |   57 +
 test/mocha/line-endings.js                  |   59 +
 test/mocha/minify-file-map.js               |   46 +
 test/mocha/minify.js                        |  390 ++
 test/mocha/new.js                           |   86 +
 test/mocha/number-literal.js                |   24 +
 test/mocha/operator.js                      |  489 +++
 test/mocha/release.js                       |   50 +
 test/mocha/screw-ie8.js                     |   21 +
 test/mocha/spidermonkey.js                  |  115 +
 test/mocha/string-literal.js                |  118 +
 test/mocha/with.js                          |   23 +
 test/mozilla-ast.js                         |   73 +
 test/node.js                                |    6 +
 test/run-tests.js                           |  295 +-
 test/sandbox.js                             |   89 +
 test/sourcemaps.js                          |   40 +
 test/travis-ufuzz.js                        |   82 +
 test/ufuzz.js                               | 1123 +++++
 test/ufuzz.json                             |   33 +
 tools/domprops.json                         | 5601 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 tools/exit.js                               |   15 +
 tools/exports.js                            |    6 +
 tools/node.js                               |  174 +-
 tools/props.html                            |   61 +
 190 files changed, 50919 insertions(+), 3595 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 CONTRIBUTING.md
 create mode 100644 appveyor.yml
 create mode 100644 lib/minify.js
 create mode 100644 lib/propmangle.js
 create mode 100644 test/benchmark.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/ascii.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/asm.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/assignment.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/collapse_vars.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/comparing.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/drop-console.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/evaluate.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/functions.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/hoist_props.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/hoist_vars.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/html_comments.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/if_return.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1321.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1443.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1447.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1569.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1588.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1609.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-1833.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-892.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-976.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/issue-979.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/max_line_len.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/new.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/node_version.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/pure_funcs.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/pure_getters.js
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 create mode 100644 test/compress/rename.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/return_undefined.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/sandbox.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/screw-ie8.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/string-literal.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/transform.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/unicode.js
 create mode 100644 test/compress/wrap_iife.js
 create mode 100644 test/exports.js
 create mode 100644 test/fetch.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/global_defs/simple.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/invalid/assign_2.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-1431/sample.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-1482/input.js
 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-1632/^{foo}[bar](baz)+$.js
 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-2082/sample.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-2310/input.js
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 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-520/input.js
 create mode 100644 test/input/issue-520/output.js
 create mode 100644 test/input/rename/input.js
 create mode 100644 test/jetstream.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/accessorTokens-1492.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/arguments.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/cli.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/comment-filter.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/comment.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/comment_before_constant.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/directives.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/getter-setter.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/glob.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/huge-number-of-comments.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/input-sourcemaps.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/let.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/line-endings.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/minify-file-map.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/minify.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/new.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/number-literal.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/operator.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/release.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/screw-ie8.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/spidermonkey.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/string-literal.js
 create mode 100644 test/mocha/with.js
 create mode 100644 test/mozilla-ast.js
 create mode 100644 test/node.js
 create mode 100644 test/sandbox.js
 create mode 100644 test/sourcemaps.js
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 create mode 100644 test/ufuzz.json
 create mode 100644 tools/domprops.json
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 create mode 100644 tools/exports.js
 create mode 100644 tools/props.html

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/pkg-javascript/uglifyjs.git

More information about the Pkg-javascript-commits mailing list