[Pkg-javascript-devel] Assalamu Alaikum

Mrs Ahalam Abdul ahalam1 at btinternet.com
Sat May 15 07:52:59 UTC 2010

Assalamu Alaikum 

I am the Mrs Ahalam Abdul from Abidjan the capital of ivory coast. I am married to Late Mr Abdulhaq Ali of blessed memory who was a well known cocoa dealer in Abidjan for through out his life before he died in the year 2006. we where married for 11 years withoit a child. 

Before his surden death we where devoted muslims When my late husband was alive he packaged the sum of 1.Million dollars ( usd ) in a hard metal trunk box and deposited it with one of the Security Company here in my country . As a result of high rate of conflate going on in this country as of then, 

Presently this money is still with the Security Company in my country and i am very sick from cancer fibroid and tumor that i may not last till the next two months according to my doctor so i want to donate to a muslims organisation or individual who will use it to work for Allah and i have chose you after going through your profile. 

I want this money to be sheard amont the nsxt privillaged since i do not have a child to inherit it and my late husband relatives are all Non-belivers and i don't want my husbands heard earn money to be used by unbelivers. 

Hence the reason for taking this bold decision. I know that after death I will be with Allah the most holy and the most merciful. 

It is a very important confidential massage that i will like to tell you more about it so get intouch with me so that i can fully detail you what i choose you for and as well give you a little knowladge on how to achive it. 

Any delay in your respond will give me room to seek for another moslims organisation or individual for this same pupose. 

Until i hear from you my dreams lay suquestly on your shoulders 
i am waiting to read from you 
  Your Sister Mrs Ahalam
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