[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#644163: libv8: FTBFS on armel: 12 tests failed
Timo Juhani Lindfors
timo.lindfors at iki.fi
Thu Oct 20 11:53:32 UTC 2011
I minimized the regress-1122 test failure to
$ shell -e 'function x1() { n = 16; return (n / 2); } print(x1()); print(x1());'
As suggested on #v8 I rebuilt using objectprint=on disassembler=on and
saved the generated code:
$ shell --print-code -e 'function x1() { n = 16; return (n / 2); } print(x1()); print(x1());' > print-code.txt
$ shell --print-code-stubs -e 'function x1() { n = 16; return (n / 2); } print(x1()); print(x1());' > print-code-stubs.txt
Both files are attached to this email.
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