[Pkg-javascript-devel] DM application of Emilien Klein

Emilien Klein emilien+debian at klein.st
Sun Sep 30 19:52:52 UTC 2012

Hi team,

2012/6/17 Emilien Klein <emilien+debian at klein.st>:
> This is my declaration of intent to become a Debian Maintainer

Just wanted to let you know that a few days ago my keys have been
added to the active DM keyring [0], so I am now a Debian Maintainer!

Looking forward to doing more in Debian!
P.S.: To prevent confusion that occurred with my first message: I'm
sending this message to the group as I'm a member of it and wanted to
let y'all know of my progress ;)

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/685018#21

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