[Pkg-javascript-devel] Comments regarding libuv_0.10.8-0~exp1_amd64.changes

Jean-Michel Vourgère jmv_deb at nirgal.com
Mon Aug 26 14:56:32 UTC 2013

Ops, forget it:

On Monday 26 August 2013 14:36:19 Jérémy Lal wrote:
> On 26/08/2013 16:02, Jean-Michel Vourgère wrote:
> > On Saturday 24 August 2013 09:39:58 Jérémy Lal wrote:
> >> (...)
> >> please notify here when libuv is in a usable state and i'll make
> >> nodejs depend on it.
> > 
> > Hi.
> > 
> > I recently joined the js team. Sorry if this is a dumb question:
> > 
> > libv8-3.14 is arch "i386 kfreebsd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 armel armhf mipsel".
> > nodejs is arch
> "any"
> > So nodejs FTBFS on many arch. We can expect someone will fill a RC bug soon.

> Hmmm that would mean all arch "any" packages depending on libv8,
> even indirectly, must list a subset of the archs for which libv8 builds;
> i don't like that idea, but am willing to respect current practice in debian.
> (which is ?)
> For me, if libv8 doesn't build on powerpc, none of its reverse-dependencies
> that are arch:any can build at all, so it's not really FTBFS, is it ?
> And if someone manages to get libv8 to work on, say, hurd, all those reverse
> dependencies will need a new upload.

From IRC:
(16:51:30) Nirgal: Hello. Can you confirm that if package A is only arch "i386 kfreebsd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 armel armhf mipsel", and package B build-depend on package A, is it not acceptable to have package B arch "any", since it will not build on some arch, and that it should list only the same arch?
(16:52:27) adsb: no, it's fine. in fact, having it be "any" is better in some ways as it means it'll automatically get tried if A builds on more architectures in future
(16:52:59) adsb: (A probably shouldn't have a restricted arch list unless there's a good reason, anyway)

Sorry for the noise ^^

-- Nirgal
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