[Pkg-javascript-devel] packaging WebRTC, and pkg-javascript git repos

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Sat Feb 23 21:59:05 UTC 2013


Thanks for adding me to the group

I'm planning to upload packages of the two main WebRTC clients, SIPml5
and JsSIP

I haven't done any JavaScript packaging before so any feedback is welcome

I'm also working on the server-side infrastructure for WebRTC to come
into Debian:

Also, I notice that git SCM wasn't enabled in alioth, so I enabled it.
Now it displays a link to


and doesn't easily let people browse all the repos

Furthermore, when I was added to the group, I notice alioth didn't
automatically add me to the UNIX group scm_pkg-javascript - maybe this
is because the SCM tool wasn't enabled at the time I was added.  Anyhow,
I've raised a ticket for the alioth support group to check my permissions.



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