[Pkg-javascript-devel] New release of jquery-goodies

Marcelo Jorge Vieira metal at debian.org
Tue Jan 15 19:20:04 UTC 2013

Hi Agustin,

On Tue, 2013-01-15 at 08:01 -0300, Agustin Henze wrote:
> On 14/01/13 15:42, Marcelo Jorge Vieira wrote:
> > I uploaded the new version of jquery-goodies to unstable with some
> > changes in repository: I added you as co-maintainer and I fixed the
> > package version number to 8-1.
> Hi Marcelo,
>            Great! Ok, so when a new source is added we increase the
> mayor version? If just a bug is fixed, then the minor version is
> changed? This would be the criteria are you using to version?

We are the jquery-goodies upstream and we should release a new version
each time we add or update the source. The orig.tar.gz only will be updated
if upstream version was changed. So, when a new source is added we need
increase the mayor version because it is the "upstream version".

Please, read this:


Marcelo Jorge Vieira
xmpp:metal at jabber-br.org

Marcelo Jorge Vieira
xmpp:metal at jabber-br.org
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