[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bootstrap(CSS/JS) during package build

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Wed Nov 20 17:48:44 UTC 2013

On 19/11/2013 14:14, Thorsten Glaser wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve got a FusionForge derivate properly packaged as Debian
> source package, and would like to keep that. (It’s used inhouse
> but publicly available.) Now, we are “restyling” it using the
> “Bootstrap” CSS/JS stuff, whose version 3.1 will use the MIT
> licence (instead of Apache v2) and thus be licence-compatible,
> but I need to have this usable for packaging somehow.
> My idea is to have the bootstrap source code somewhere (I can
> bundle that in my package) and then generate the .css and .js
> during debian/rules build time. (Especially as we will likely
> have to customise it.) For that, I’ll need the appropriate
> build-dependencies (Recess, less.js, etc.) in Debian proper.
> I see that less.js is already packaged, but Recess isn’t, and
> there may be other dependencies (it’s not easy to figure out
> what exactly is needed since bootstrap upstream seems to be
> into the “just use our precompiled stuff from CDN” and “just
> install it from the internet with bower” mantra ☹ whereas I’m
> into proper Debian packaging for the stuff at work.

You can figure out easily what exactly is needed to "compile"
bootstrap in the devDependencies field of:

Apparently, the only dependency at runtime is jquery >= 1.9,
as described in the bower.json file.
> Is there any interest in getting this packaged, and/or any
> advice you can already give me?

The hardest part is packaging grunt:

You can also quickly find out information from the package.json
file of a node module in that list like this:
https://npmjs.org/package/<module name>
but this doesn't work for bootstrap obviously.


are you on this list ?

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