[Pkg-javascript-devel] backport nodejs to wheezy

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.com.au
Fri Oct 11 12:30:46 UTC 2013

On 11/10/13 13:30, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Daniel Pocock (2013-10-11 13:09:38)
>> On 11/10/13 11:22, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>> Quoting Daniel Pocock (2013-10-11 10:22:48)
>>>> On 11/10/13 10:20, Jérémy Lal wrote:
>>>>> On 11/10/2013 09:47, Daniel Pocock wrote:
>>>>>> I'm just wondering if anybody else thinks a wheezy-backports 
>>>>>> version of nodejs is feasible?
>>>>>> I've run it on wheezy and built my own packages (pegjs, jssip) on 
>>>>>> wheezy and all seems OK
>>>>> Do you backport libv8 too ?
>>>> Just looking at the system where I did this, I notice it is not 
>>>> pure wheezy
>>>> It has a version of libv8 depending on libc >= 2.14 - I simply 
>>>> pulled the packages selectively from testing some months ago
>>>> Has anybody tried a build of libv8 in a pure wheezy system?
>>> I suspect you mean libv8-3.14 - libv8 is same version in stable, 
>>> testing and unstable.
>>> I have not (yet) backported libv8-3.14 to stable, but I have 
>>> backported nodejs-0.6.19~dfsg1 to stable, and backported uglifyjs, 
>>> pegjs and jssip to stable infected by that nodejs backport:
>>>   deb http://debian.jones.dk/ wheezy javascript
>> Related to this, I prepared a fix for closure-compiler, one of the 
>> jssip build dependencies
>> This should clear FTBFS: jssip and allow simplification of
>> jssip:debian/rules and build-deps
>> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=705565#41
> I still (as I believe I pointed out in one of the bugreports I filed 
> that day when doing the backport) recommend using uglifyjs consistently.
> (upstream argued there was a big size gain using another minifier, but 
> in actual test the difference was minimal, and uglifyjs is (also) well 
> tested and means simpler dependencies, compared to Java-based tools.

For some reason (I haven't checked exactly why) upstream uses
closure-compiler for their Grammar file and uglify for the rest of their

While it wouldn't be hard, I'm not too keen to make further changes to
their build system unless it is essential - however, if you are curious
about this particular case, you could raise an issue in their github
project page and we can try to understand it

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