[Pkg-javascript-devel] Help needed for a backport

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at gwolf.org
Mon Oct 14 22:06:37 UTC 2013


I tried this same query on the IRC channel, but failed due to get a
reply... Maybe the timezone? Anyway:

I'm making a backport of Owncloud, and
am... Almost-almost-almost-almost there.  But I bit a problem... Worth
pleading for this group's help. Or at least, opinion.

Owncloud is a PHP application. I was too trigger-happy, and uploaded
it some ~10 days ago(?) to backports, as its installation was dead
easy on a system I have it running...  ...only to find it bundles (as
so many other PHP applications) a lot of libraries and stuff, which
have been very thoroughly plucked out by the pkg-owncloud team,
replacing them by the package in question. So, my package was
effectively uninstallable on arrival.

Now... I checked and packaged *most* of what was needed, but am
missing two packages, which depend on stuff too large for me to
attempt and package:

 • libjs-pdf (which build-depends on nodejs)
 • libjs-chosen (which depends on coffeescript)

...I don't want to package those large bodies of code I have never
touched or understood. Any advice? 

libjs-chosen *is* compiled to Javascript, so I have not much way to
solve it. But libjs-pdf is only in some way "mangled" (beyond what I
could understand, trying to redo by hand what "nodejs make generic"
would do) at build time.
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