[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#736332: Bug#736332: libv8-3.14: support for mips big endian

Aníbal Monsalve Salazar anibal at debian.org
Sat Apr 5 04:26:19 UTC 2014

On Tue, 2014-01-28 14:50:20 +0100, Luca BRUNO wrote:
> Jérémy Lal <kapouer at melix.org> wrote:
>> a similar question can be asked for v8-ppc port, too.  I need some
>> help for taking a decision here.
>> If those ports pass v8 test suites and are maintained, then we
>> should consider having them in debian. I'm a little worried about
>> security issues, though.
> The ideal world would be to only backport patches that have already
> been accepted upstream, but I realize this is infeasible in most of
> the cases.
> I'm a bit worried too about patching upstream for new features, but
> OTOH architecture porting shouldn't be too invasive. In this case, I
> believe that requiring some kind of upstream liveness check should be
> enough: as far as there's somebody updating the patches and reacting
> to requests/bugs, it's fine for me.

Hello Luca and Jérémy,

We (as I work for imgtec.com as well) will support this patch and it
will be submitted upstream.

I'll build libv8-3.14 again on mips and mipsel with Jurica's patch
posted at:



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