[Pkg-javascript-devel] where do I begin? I want to package many node module dependencies for an application

Andrew Kelley superjoe30 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 26 20:19:31 UTC 2014

Hello pkg-javascript-devel team,

I am andrewrk from the pkg-multimedia-maintainers team.

I started packaging Groove Basin <http://groovebasin.com/> - a music player
server built with Node.js - and now I need to package up all of its module
dependencies. These are:

    "archiver": "~0.10.1",
    "body-parser": "~1.4.3",
    "connect-static": "~1.1.1",
    "cookies": "~0.4.1",
    "express": "~4.4.3",
    "findit": "~1.1.1",
    "groove": "~2.2.1",
    "jsondiffpatch": "~0.1.7",
    "keese": "~1.0.0",
    "lastfm": "~0.9.0",
    "level": "~0.18.0",
    "mess": "~0.1.1",
    "mkdirp": "~0.3.5",
    "multiparty": "~3.2.9",
    "music-library-index": "~1.2.0",
    "mv": "~2.0.0",
    "osenv": "0.0.3",
    "pend": "~1.1.1",
    "requireindex": "~1.1.0",
    "semver": "~2.3.1",
    "serve-static": "~1.2.3",
    "superagent": "~0.18.0",
    "uuid": "~1.4.1",
    "ws": "~0.4.31",
    "ytdl": "^0.2.8",
    "zfill": "0.0.1"

I am ignorant of how this process works. Where do I begin? How can I go
about doing this? Is there documentation on how to create and submit
node.js packages to Debian?

Thank you for your time.
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