[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#742178: Bug#742178:

Jérémy Lal kapouer at melix.org
Wed Mar 26 18:02:23 UTC 2014

Le mercredi 26 mars 2014 à 18:32 +0100, Leo Iannacone a écrit :
> Hi Jérémy,
> I'm going to start working on this.
> Is there some workflow in javascript maintainers you prefer I would follow ?
> Or just pull my packages in the mentors sponsors queue ?
> All the best,
> Leo.

If i'm the one reviewing and importing your work, then yes, i'm used to
git-buildpackage with master/upstream/pristine-tar branches layout.

Most if not all the packages that need updates are in collab-maint or
pkg-javascript repositories (and i suppose you know how to find them).
I really need you to use those repositories.
It will be easier if you are member of the pkg-javascript-devel team.

You can reach me on #debian-js as well - tell me on which package you
are working, so we don't collide (though i won't touch debian packages
this week).


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