[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#748610: ITP: node-lodash -- node-lodash

Matthew Pideil matthew.pideil at teledetection.fr
Sun May 25 18:55:10 UTC 2014

Le 22/05/2014 09:14, Matthew Pideil a écrit :
> Le 21/05/2014 10:04, Jose Luis Rivas a écrit :
>> On 21/05/14, 08:04am, Matthew Pideil wrote:
>>> Le 21/05/2014 10:04, Jose Luis Rivas a écrit :
>>>> In that case I would suggest a rename to lodash instead of node-lodash.
>>>> Kind regards.
>>> Hello,
>>> Thanks =). For the package name you shoul see [0]
>>> [0] https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs/Manual
>> This is a JavaScript library, not a Node.js module per-se, so being
>> stricts with the policy should be lodash.js the source package and the
>> node-lodash is only for the binary providing the node.js module.
>> https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Policy
>> Kind regards.
> Hi team,
> What do you thing about this ?

Hi team,

Can you please review node-lodash ?




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