[Pkg-javascript-devel] libjs packages from Node packages?

Daniel Pocock daniel at pocock.pro
Sun Aug 16 09:17:04 UTC 2015

In the Node policy[1], point 5, it says

"*should* generate a *libjs-foo* binary package if the script is usable
also for web-broser (see Javascript/Policy
<https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Policy> for more info) "

Many Node packages specify something like a "browser" variation of their
script in package.json.  E.g. node-debug has this browser.js file:

Should that file go as-is into a libjs-foo package (e.g. libjs-debug)?

Or should it first be passed through browserify(-lite)?

Or is the libjs-foo concept only for things which are completely
standalone, e.g. not containing any require() directives?

1. https://wiki.debian.org/Javascript/Nodejs/Manual

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