[Pkg-javascript-devel] Help needed on rollup

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Sat Dec 17 20:57:14 UTC 2016


I have been trying to package rollup since weeks now, but haven't been 
able to make much headways.

It is a bundler for javascript (ES6) code, used by more and more 
packages. I need it to update node-es6-promise to the latest release and 
to make better packages (see acorn's #848507).

I have been able to get around using it for a few things (node-vlq, 
node-magic-string, acorn, ...) until now using 
node-es6-module-transpiler's compile-modules, but that has its limit : I 
don't really get bundles but only transpiled JS files -- useful, but not 
as good as what we should have.

The big problem is that rollup depends on itself and:
1. I haven't yet managed to bootstrap it using compile-modules ;
2. upstream doesn't even understand the question: 
https://github.com/rollup/rollup/issues/1050 !

My idea is to build rollup[stage1] with compile-modules, then compile 
rollup[stage2] with the rollup[stage1], then compile the packaged rollup 
with rollup[stage2], but I'm stuck trying to get stage1 -- and I have 
been stuck long enough that I think I should call for help on the matter 
; the compilation fails with:
compile-modules convert -f commonjs -Idist -Idist/utils -Ibin 
-I/usr/lib/nodejs -I/usr/lib/nodejs/sourcemap-codec/ 
-I/usr/lib/nodejs/acorn -I/usr/lib/nodejs/ast-types/lib 
-I/usr/lib/nodejs/graceful-fs -I/usr/lib/nodejs/magic-string 
-I/usr/lib/nodejs/ -I/usr/lib/nodejs/chalk -I/usr/lib/nodejs/minimist 
src/finalisers/shared/esModuleExport.js > 
     throw ex;

TypeError: Cannot read property 'start' of null
     at fixTemplateLiteral (/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/util.js:226:46)
     at Object.util.fixFaultyLocations 
     at TreeCopier.TCp.copy (/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/parser.js:108:10)
     at TreeCopier.TCp.copy (/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/parser.js:146:30)
     at Array.map (native) 
             at TreeCopier.TCp.copy 
(/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/parser.js:101:21)            at 
TreeCopier.TCp.copy (/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/parser.js:146:30) 
     at TreeCopier.TCp.copy 
(/usr/lib/nodejs/recast/lib/parser.js:146:30)            at Object.parse 
     at Module.<anonymous> 


Snark on #debian-js

PS: notice that the git repo created by Sruthi Chandran looks pretty 
incorrect : it uses npm to install things!
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