[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#826882: Bug#826882: create package from git

Thorsten Alteholz alteholz at debian.org
Fri Jun 10 18:46:42 UTC 2016

On Fri, 10 Jun 2016, Mike Gabriel wrote:
>> With this patch npm2deb is able to work with such repositoies.
>> If you do something like (the -b is new):
>> ./npm2deb.py  create -b hashish
>> it will create a different debian/watch file (just saying that you can not 
>> use uscan to get a new version), it will add a new target
> Is that a good idea?

Yes, it is. Of course npm2deb already creates a watch file similar to your 
suggestion. But it can only do this if the author of the npm-module does 
some kind of release management. My patch, which introduces the -b option 
(--build-from-git), is only for those modules where there is no release 
management. In this case there are no tags and DDPO won't get anything to 
track, so a watch file makes no sense

> This we may need to improve. E.g.:
> o pull latest tag, not HEAD from a Github repo

Depending on the contents of package.json, npm2deb already does this in 
"normal" operation mode, doesn't it?

> o pull HEAD from a non-default branch

I don't think this is a common use case. If you want to have such a 
behaviour, you might edit the get-orig-source-script ...


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