[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#801897: TypeError: Request path contains unescaped characters

Gerald Turner gturner at unzane.com
Fri Mar 25 20:27:16 UTC 2016

Control: reassign -1 node-tunnel-agent 0.3.1-1

On Fri, Mar 25 2016, Gerald Turner wrote:
> Sorry that I haven't found a solution, but I believe I'm onto
> something, an API incompatibility perhaps?

Looks like nodejs changed their internal API almost three years ago (see
attached diff) which was released as 0.11.4.

Looks like tunnel-agent fixed this API inconsistency two years ago (see
attached diff) which was eventually released in version 0.4.2 a few
months ago.

Gerald Turner <gturner at unzane.com>        Encrypted mail preferred!
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