[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#802224: Going forward with node-source-map

Julien Puydt julien.puydt at laposte.net
Sun May 1 19:06:02 UTC 2016


I gave another try to fixing node-source-map this evening, and things 
look better -- at least running "require('source-map')" in nodejs 
actually works! There's still the lintian warning about that big 
bench/scalajs-runtime-sourcemap.js. As it's only used for the 
benchmarks, perhaps the whole bench/ directory should be pushed out of 
the a +dfsg tarball?

The case of the libjs-source-map package is more annoying : it basically 
ships the dist/ directory content, and those look like generated 
files... some using webpack, which we don't have (and I think needs a 
more recent source-map!)

I pushed my changes to the debian-js repository, so you can review it at 
your leisure.

What's your take on the matter?

Snark on #debian-js

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