[Pkg-javascript-devel] node-chalk on debian - possible mistake?

Lucas Castro lucas at gnuabordo.com.br
Thu Nov 3 03:14:12 UTC 2016

I was looking at node-chalk that's already is in Debian.

But it's not all its build dependences  in debian.

chalk homepage on debian package:


npm2deb returned dependences and build-dependences:

npm2deb depends -r chalk
NPM                                               Debian
chalk (1.1.3)                                     node-chalk (1.1.3-1)
├─ ansi-styles (^2.2.1)                           node-ansi-styles (2.2.1-1)
├─ escape-string-regexp (^1.0.2)                 
node-escape-string-regexp (1.0.5-1)
├─ has-ansi (^2.0.0)                              node-has-ansi (2.0.0-1)
├─ strip-ansi (^3.0.0)                            node-strip-ansi (3.0.1-1)
└─ supports-color (^2.0.0)                        node-supports-color

Build dependencies:
NPM                                               Debian
coveralls (^2.11.2)                               None
matcha (^0.6.0)                                   None
mocha (*)                                         node-mocha (1.20.1-2)
nyc (^3.0.0)                                      None
require-uncached (^1.0.2)                         None
resolve-from (^1.0.0)                             None
semver (^4.3.3)                                   node-semver (2.1.0-2)
xo (*)                                            None

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