[Pkg-javascript-devel] node-debug browser-ready script

Paolo Greppi paolo.greppi at libpf.com
Fri Nov 3 09:50:00 UTC 2017


I am currently looking at node-debug 3.1.0.

As a plus w.r.t. the current version, I would like to generate the browser-ready script.

browserify-lite --standalone debug . --outfile dist/debug.js
is supposed to convolutedly concatenate a few files.

The trouble is that it does not pick up the ms module which node-ms installs in /usr/lib/nodejs/ms/index.js

If I do a make install in the unpatched source dir (which pulls node_modules) browserify-lite runs fine, and the result seems to work:
- push the generated debug.js and a test file a.html (both attached) to a webserver
- load http://example.com/a.html in chromium
- refresh the page so that the localstorage setting is picked up
- click the button and see the log messages in the inspect console.
(incidentally, I finally grasped what this module is up to ...)

BTW this means that the package should also produce a libjs-debug binary ?
And where is dist/debug.js supposed to end up ? 


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