[Pkg-javascript-devel] Bug#890141: node-dashdash FTBFS with Node.js 8.9.3: test failure

Adrian Bunk bunk at debian.org
Sun Feb 11 14:43:37 UTC 2018

Source: node-dashdash
Version: 1.14.1-1
Severity: serious


   debian/rules override_dh_auto_test
make[1]: Entering directory '/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1'
nodeunit test/*.test.js

✔ exports
✔ createParser
✔ Parser
✔ parse
✔ old Parser.parse() API
✔ slice
✔ synopsisFromOpt
✔ case 0: node tool.js
✔ case 1: node tool.js a b c
✔ case 2: node tool.js a b
✔ case 3: node tool.js -- a
✔ case 4: node tool.js a -- b
✔ case 5: node tool.js a -- --help
✔ case 6: node tool.js --help
✔ case 7: node tool.js --help a b
✔ case 8: node tool.js a --help b
✔ case 9: node tool.js a --help b
✔ case 10: node tool.js a --help b
✔ case 11: node tool.js --help=foo
✔ case 12: node tool.js --file
✔ case 13: node tool.js
✔ case 14: node tool.js --file foo.txt
✔ case 15: node tool.js --file=foo.txt
✔ case 16: node tool.js -
✔ case 17: node tool.js -h
✔ case 18: node tool.js -f
✔ case 19: node tool.js -f foo.txt
✔ case 20: node tool.js -ffoo.txt
✔ case 21: node ls.js -l -a dir
✔ case 22: node ls.js -l dir -a
✔ case 23: node ls.js -l dir -a
✔ case 24: node ls.js -la dir
✔ case 25: node tool.js -af
✔ case 26: node tool.js -af foo.txt
✔ case 27: node tool.js -affoo.txt
✔ case 28: node tool.js -v -vvf
✔ case 29: node tool.js -v -vvf foo.txt
✔ case 30: node tool.js -v -vvffoo.txt
✔ case 31: node tool.js -a 5 -b4 -c -1 -d -3.14159 -e 1.0e42 foo
✔ case 32: node tool.js -t 5a
✔ case 33: node tool.js -vvv foo bar
✔ case 34: node tool.js foo bar
✔ case 35: node tool.js -w club --weapon mallet -w sword bang
✔ case 36: node tool.js --split 10 -s 5 -s 0.01 bang
✔ case 37: node tool.js --help
✔ case 38: node option-groups-tool.js --help
✔ case 39: node tool.js -t 0
✔ case 40: node tool.js -t 42
✔ case 41: node tool.js -t42
✔ case 42: node tool.js -t -5
✔ case 43: node tool.js -t-5
✔ case 44: node tool.js -t 1e2
✔ case 45: node tool.js -t 0x32
✔ case 46: node tool.js -t 3.1
✔ case 47: node tool.js -t 42.
✔ case 48: node tool.js -t 1e-2
✔ case 49: node tool.js
✔ case 50: node tool.js -t 42
✔ case 51: node tool.js -t 1 -t 2 -t -3
✔ case 52: node tool.js -t 1 -t 1e2
✔ case 53: node tool.js -t 0
✔ case 54: node tool.js -t 42
✔ case 55: node tool.js -t42
✔ case 56: node tool.js -t -5
✔ case 57: node tool.js -t42
✔ case 58: node tool.js -t 42 -t -5
✔ case 59: node foo.js -v
✔ case 60: FOO_VERBOSE=1 node foo.js -v
✔ case 61: FOO_VERBOSE=1 node foo.js
✔ case 62: FOO_VERBOSE=0 node foo.js
✔ case 63: FOO_VERBOSE= node foo.js
✔ case 64: node tool.js --help
✔ case 65: node foo.js -t 42
✔ case 66: FOO_TIMEOUT=32 node foo.js
✔ case 67: FOO_TIMEOUT=32 node foo.js -t 52
✔ case 68: FOO_TIMEOUT=wallawalla node foo.js -t 52
✔ case 69: FOO_TIMEOUT=wallawalla node foo.js
✔ case 70: FOO_VERBOSE=blah node foo.js
✔ case 71: FOO_VERBOSE=blah node foo.js -v
✔ case 72: FOO_VERBOSE=blah node foo.js -vv
✔ case 73: node foo.js --dry-run
✔ case 74: node foo.js --foo-bar-
✔ case 75: node foo.js
✔ case 76: FOO_FILE=env.file node foo.js
✔ case 77: FOO_FILE=env.file node foo.js -f argv.file
✔ case 78: node foo.js
✔ case 79: FOO_VERBOSE=1 node foo.js
✔ case 80: FOO_VERBOSE=0 node foo.js
✔ case 81: FOO_VERBOSE=0 node foo.js -v
✔ case 82: node tool.js a --help -b --cheese
✔ case 83: node tool.js a -bcd --cheese --help
✔ case 84: node foo.js -s
✔ case 85: node foo.js -s notadate
✔ case 86: node foo.js -s 0
✔ case 87: node foo.js -s 1
✔ case 88: node foo.js -s 1396065084
✔ case 89: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01
✔ case 90: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01T
✖ case 91: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01T12:01:02

AssertionError: { start: 2014-04-02T00:01:02.000Z, _args: [] } deepEqual { start: 2014-04-01T12:01:02.000Z, _args: [] }
    at Object.deepEqual (/usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/lib/types.js:83:39)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/basics.test.js:1177:15)
    at Object._ (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/tap4nodeunit.js:56:32)
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/lib/core.js:232:20
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:168:13
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:131:25
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:165:17
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:463:34
    at Object.<anonymous> (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/basics.test.js:72:5)
    at Object._setup (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/tap4nodeunit.js:35:39)

✔ case 92: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01T12:01:02Z
✖ case 93: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01T12:01:02.7

AssertionError: { start: 2014-04-02T00:01:02.700Z, _args: [] } deepEqual { start: 2014-04-01T12:01:02.700Z, _args: [] }
    at Object.deepEqual (/usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/lib/types.js:83:39)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/basics.test.js:1177:15)
    at Object._ (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/tap4nodeunit.js:56:32)
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/lib/core.js:232:20
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:168:13
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:131:25
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:165:17
    at /usr/lib/nodejs/nodeunit/deps/async.js:463:34
    at Object.<anonymous> (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/basics.test.js:72:5)
    at Object._setup (/build/1st/node-dashdash-1.14.1/test/tap4nodeunit.js:35:39)

✔ case 94: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01T12:01:02.456Z
✔ case 95: node foo.js -s 2014-04-01t12:01:02.456z
✔ case 96: node foo.js --times 1 -t 2 -t 2014-04-01
✔ case 97: node foo.js -a yes
✔ case 98: node foo.js -a no
✔ case 99: node helpWrapTool.js --help
✔ case 100: node helpWrapTool2.js --help
✔ case 101: node hidden-opts.js --help
✔ case 102: node foo.js
✔ case 103: node foo.js -p pear
✔ case 104: node foo.js -m a,b -m c,d,,

FAILURES: 2/156 assertions failed (2265ms)
debian/rules:13: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_test' failed
make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 1

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