[Pkg-javascript-devel] NEW queue

Paolo Greppi paolo.greppi at libpf.com
Sat May 12 16:20:10 BST 2018

Il 12/05/2018 10:57, Pirate Praveen ha scritto:
> Thanks for your work!

Continuation: I checked the versions for the 115 packages labeled NEW-alioth
against npm register, turns out that:

1. one (progressjs) has a different repo than the one in npm registry

2. two have a later version than the one in npm registry:
   - postcss-modules-extract-imports
   - opentip
   it is probably better to stick to the version in npm, see:

3. 35 are outdated.

I have creates issues in the respective repos for all of them.

For the record, I used commands similar to these to query the versions:
curl -s https://salsa.debian.org/js-team/node-alphanum-sort/raw/master/debian/changelog | head -n 1
echo alphanum-sort: "$(npm2deb view alphanum-sort | grep Version)"

>> Finally, I still haven't got a reply for the 3 packages for which we lost the
>> repo (node-insert-module-globals, node-mimelib and node-postcss-merge-idents).
>> If there's no reply for another couple of weeks, I think we can request
>> ftp-master to reject them.
> I have pushed repo for node-postcss-merge-idents. I don't think a git


> repo is mandatory as per policy and if required we can just import the
> dsc after the package is accepted. So I don't think we should request a
> rejection just because the repo is missing.

The uploaded dscs point to non-existing alioth repos, which I can't
create before they are accepted.
As it stands now ftp-master should not accept them because they are lying
on the vcs.

After the demise of alioth (> june) ftp-master will (and should)
reject anyway all packages in the NEW queue that point to an alioth repo.

So node-insert-module-globals and node-mimelib can not be accepted neither
now nor in june.
BTW node-mimelib is the oldest one in NEW and was mentioned here:


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