[Pkg-javascript-devel] New javascript packages for taliesin

Pirate Praveen praveen at onenetbeyond.org
Sun Nov 11 16:15:30 GMT 2018

On 2018, നവംബർ 11 7:13:47 PM IST, Nicolas Mora <nicolas at babelouest.org> wrote:
>I'm working on packaging Taliesin, an audio streaming server with a
>front-end written in react [1].

Welcome to javascript  team.

>To build the front-end, I need some new node packages. I've already
>starting packaging some of them, but I prefer asking the javascript
>about it first, to make sure I'm making it right.

That is a good approach. We have some very recent changes in policy which is yet to be documented clearly.

>Among the required new packages, there are
>i18next-browser-languagedetector and i18next-xhr-backend that require
>the packages serialize-javascript [2] and jest-worker.

If a module is simple (no build steps) then it should be embedded.

>I've already packaged those last 2 and uploaded them to mentors.d.n.
>then I saw that a package node-jest is already in preparation so I can
>offer my help to package node-jest instead.

Just have a look at the repo in salsa.

>I also made a new package for node-i18next. There's already a package
>libjs-i18next but the version is quite old (1.7.1) when the current
>version is 12.0.0.

We should try to update the existing package.

>Another package in mentors.d.n is react-audio-player [3], a wrapper for
>the html <audio> tag binded with react.
>Among the other packages I need, there are some that are easy, like
>react-i18next, but some others will probably be difficult to build,
>considering their dependencies. I'm thinking about react-bootstrap and
>redux especially. I've started to package them and their dependencies.

Embed the simple one.

>I'm also willing to help the javascript with other packages than the
>ones I need if you want.

Yes, that would be good. Getting jest and ava would be good.

>Thanks in advance for your help and advises.

Happy to help. You can come to our irc channel as well for real time help.

>[1] - https://salsa.debian.org/babelouest-guest/taliesin
>[2] - https://mentors.debian.net/package/node-serialize-javascript
>[3] - https://mentors.debian.net/package/node-react-audio-player
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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