[Pkg-javascript-devel] components without major risks

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Tue Nov 27 13:01:00 GMT 2018

Le 27/11/2018 à 13:47, Xavier a écrit :
> Le 27/11/2018 à 11:55, Jonas Smedegaard a écrit :
>> Hi Xavier and Paolo,
>> Please allow me to highlight this security-related detail:
>> Quoting Xavier (2018-11-26 16:29:32)
>>> Embedding components without following them may be a lack of security. 
>>> I think we should have a policy for embedding:
>>>  - components without major risks   => not used in version
>>>  - components that must be followed => declared as "group" in
>>>    debian/watch
>>>  - components that must be followed and used in many other packages
>>>    => packaged separately
>> Quoting Paolo Greppi (2018-11-27 10:52:37)
>>> With yesterday's news about the event-stream node module being pwned: 
>>> https://github.com/dominictarr/event-stream/issues/116
>>> the importance of these matters should be clear to anyone.
>>> Probably there is no component "without major risks", and even if it 
>>> existed, it would be unfair to lay upon the busy maintainer the task 
>>> of deciding if it is risky or not.
>> Thanks to _both_ of you (and others in the thread) for all your work 
>> tackling these issues.
>> My point here is *not* to point fingers, but to emphasize an important 
>> aspect of our task as (re)distributors of code: Ensure code integrity 
>> towards our users.
>>  - Jonas
> Thanks, so I propose this policy update - please review this:
>  - components used only during build => not used in version
>    (except if they inject some code)
>  - if upstream version isn't locked on dependencies (see Jérémy remark)
>    [or if upstream isn't serious?]:
>    * very little component => not used in version
>    * components that must be followed and maybe used in many other
>      packages              => packaged separately
>    * other components      => declared as "group" in debian/watch
> Sharing policy (components published via debian/control "Provides:") -
> please review this:
>  - components used only during build => no
>  - components locked in an too oldest version => no [needs to patch code
>    to replace "require('x')" by "require('main_mod/x/index.js')" and to
>    install this component in /usr.../main_mod/x]. Maybe a better way?
>  - components installed in main node_modules => published
> Example with node-mongodb:
>  - mongodb-core => group + published
>  - bson => group + not published (locked to 1.1.0 while upstream
>                                   published a 4.0.0, NB: same author so
>                                   less security risk)
>  - require_optional => not grouped + not published (simple package that
>                                                     avoid failure on
>                                                     "require" to an
>                                                     optional module:
>                                                     try/catch)
> Maybe a "debian/README.source" might be required for the DD to explain
> his choices (lintian error if missing).
> I think also that dak should redirect an upload to NEW queue when a new
> component is added, at least in version (like every time a new binary
> package is added)
> Regards,
> Xavier

Another problem to keep in mind, imagine node-mongodb published
"require_optional" or "bson" in /usr/lib/nodejs or
,/usr/lib/node_modules. Then every module who wants to use
require_optional will depends on node-mongodb driver! We must evaluate
this point before publishing a component and so lock
/usr/lib/nodejs/<name> directory, to decide if there is not too many
unwanted package installed.

(NB: I will upload a new version of node-mongodb, consistent with the
policy when it will be stable)

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