[Pkg-javascript-devel] Testsuite proposal

Xavier yadd at debian.org
Thu Jan 24 14:16:32 GMT 2019

Hi all,

I try to write a package that could be called by autodep8 to have a
"Testsuite: pkg-js" instead of writing debian/tests/* files

Skeleton is pushed in node-combined-stream branch "pkg-js"

What maintainer has to do:
 * in debian/control, insert "Testsuite: pkg-js"
 * in debian/rules, insert a "include /path/to/test.mk", no need to
   write override_dh_auto_test
 * write upstream test in debian/tests/pkg-js/test (will be launched by
 * if some other files than "test*" and installed files are needed,
   write a "debian/tests/pkg-js/files" with all needed files
 * that's all, other debian/tests files will be written on-the-fly by
   autodep8 during autopkgtest

How it will run:
 - dh_auto_test will launch debian/tests/pkg-js/test if exists, else
   just a "require('.')"
 - autopkgtest will launch 2 tests:
   - a `node -e "require('name')`
   - the test defined in debian/tests/pkg-js/test in a temporary dir (it
     links installed files)

You can test it in node-combined-stream branch "pkg-js"
(pkg-js-autopkgtest files are included in it)

If this proposal is accepted, I will package pkg-js-autopkgtest project
and then propose a MR to autodep8.


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