[Pkg-javascript-devel] gulp 4 transition: help needed

Xavier x.guimard at free.fr
Sat Jun 1 08:06:14 BST 2019

Le 31/05/2019 à 17:19, Pirate Praveen a écrit :
> Hi,
> I just uploaded gulp 4 to experimental. I had to embed about 50+ node
> modules in it (plus many more in node-vinyl-fs). I have left one lintian
> error about source missing since there is no easy way to exclude it (see
> #929805).
> Please help test it (though there is no urgency as we are in freeze).
> Also we need to port all reverse build dependencies.
> Thanks
> Praveen


seems good to me. Some things:
 * node-vinylfs
   - build is not reproductible using
     node-vinyl-fs_3.0.3.orig-is-utf8.tar.gz added to experimental. Here
     is the diff:
     --- a/is-utf8/utf8.txt
     +++ b/is-utf8/utf8.txt
     @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
     -传李晨张馨予因压力大分手 侯佩岑晒夫妻出游照(图集)^M
     -图集:刘亦菲与干爹陈金飞私照 佟丽娅为金鹰节假唱致歉^M
     -章子怡默认与撒贝宁恋情:心里有数就行 刘恺威谈婚期态度反复^M
     -图集:日本巨乳童颜女星泳装写真 隋唐裹床单压轴走秀^M
     -图集:Hold住姐翘二郎腿 蔡琴默认与富商男友分手^M
     -图集:港三级片首映女星低胸亮相 李嘉欣自曝无意再造人^M
     +传李晨张馨予因压力大分手 侯佩岑晒夫妻出游照(图集)
     +图集:刘亦菲与干爹陈金飞私照 佟丽娅为金鹰节假唱致歉
     +章子怡默认与撒贝宁恋情:心里有数就行 刘恺威谈婚期态度反复
     +图集:日本巨乳童颜女星泳装写真 隋唐裹床单压轴走秀
     +图集:Hold住姐翘二郎腿 蔡琴默认与富商男友分手
     +图集:港三级片首映女星低胸亮相 李嘉欣自曝无意再造人
     --- a/lib/file-operations.js
     +++ b/lib/file-operations.js
     @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
      var fs = require('graceful-fs');
      var assign = require('object.assign');
      var date = require('value-or-function').date;
     -var Writable = require('stream').Writable;
     +var Writable = require('readable-stream').Writable;

      var constants = require('./constants');

 - node-gulp:
   * I added some lintian overrides. There is still a file without
     source (tmatch/coverage/lcov-report/prettify.js) but it seems not
     used during build. Perhaps could we remove it from download (Files-
     Excluded) or hide this error?

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